Hey everybody! This chapter is quite long but hopefully not boring. Some of the pictures at the end of the chapter rightfully belong to the website - ArtStation and much love of the amazing photos and one who designed them. I wanted to show off their amazing work of the photos. Enjoy the chapter and let me know your thoughts in the comment section. I hope everyone is well. Have a good one. :-) ❤️ - Author's Note XOXO Faith Hammett
Jaime's POV
We all stop when we see enough through the snow storm that there is smoke coming from the distance. The Desert Fox orders for the entire formation to stop. He asks me and Bronn to ride along with him to see what is ahead. We go with him even as we are freezing in the howling winds and snow falling. We ride up to see the view of Winterfell burning but there is no sign of living or the dead around.
I am surprised in myself in the shock I feel at the sight of Winterfell in complete ruin, practically destroyed. This castle has been the direct heart, the pump of the entire north. And it has fallen. Did we travel all the way here for nothing but to see death and destruction?
"Winterfell is burning. It has fallen. Are we too late?" I ask taking in what looks like an explosion of some kind that made Winterfell look like this. It was not from wildfire otherwise all of Winterfell would be gone just as the fleet of Stannis Baratheon was destroyed from what Tyrion told me about the battle on Blackwater Bay. I feel my worry grow stronger at the thought of my brother being here with the Targaryen Queen. Is he still alive?
"Winterfell has fallen but the people still live. That is why we are here to help aid the survivors. And if the White walkers are to attack, these mighty War elephants will do the trick against them." The Desert Fox says while taking in the view of Winterfell.
"How do you know there are any survivors? Because this all looks like they got fucked over, every last one of them killed or burnt to a crisp that there is nothing left." Bronn says while he shakes in how freezing he is in this cold winter.
"Because my leader and Queen the Winter Fox ensured that there would be before even traveling to Winterfell. We Foxes have back up of backup plans in case anything does go wrong. Everyone else travel a few more miles and you will know where to stop when you do. I will go ahead along with a few surprises." He says before turning his horse back around to the others.
I look at Bronn like the Desert Fox is a madman however Bronn likes that about this masked warrior since we have rode with him the entire way North. We turn our horses around to regroup with the others. I shudder in the cold although I'm wearing a few more layers than before. The Desert Fox is right alongside a massive transport carriage that is fifteen feet long and nine feet tall. I cannot see what is in the transport but whatever it is sounds like a beast with the large, monstrous breathing coming from it.
I see just enough that whatever the beast is, it has long fur coat that is reddish-brown that allows it to endure these harsh cold snow storms. I manage to see what looks like armor of some kind on the beast. Even though I have only seen a glimpse of this beast, I have never seen anything like this. I can imagine this beast will do quite a bit of damage if it was released onto a battlefield.
The Desert Fox extends his hand into the transport and he is petting the beast. The beast's loud breathing calms down by the touch of the Desert Fox. I am taken back in whatever this beast is; this masked man can calm it down just by petting it. He must have been with whatever that thing is since it was a newborn.
"What the seven hells is that thing?" Bronn asks.
"He is the thing that will give us an extra edge on the battlefield before the Golden Company elephants are sent in." He says when I notice a second separate transport carriage is behind the transport carriage. I hear a mix growling of a different kind of beast. This beast is not as large as the first transport carriage but sounds ferrous, hungry to kill anything that gets close.
"What is in that carriage?" I ask in terror.
Whatever it is when I see its eyes glaring right at me like I am its next prey. I see the animal's eyes are quite large with round pupils that are three times bigger than a human's. The eyes are almost a piercing amber color that makes anyone jump back at first sight of the eye alone. I see its sharp teeth are stained of fresh blood from whatever it was given to eat on the journey here.
"This one will grow on you once you see him fully on the battlefield. He may lack in size but everything else makes up for it. He will be quite an unexpected surprise against the Night King and his big pet in battle. In the first transport, this is Obelisk. He is one of the rare animals known as a Woolly Rhinoceros. He will tear through the field like a tormentor. Maybe even do damage to the white walker dragon, Dead Viserion while he is grounded."
"A dragon was killed?!" I blurt so loud that several men are also in shock to hear this news. I realize why Daenerys only had two dragons at the meeting in the ruin Dragonpit. Cersei was right that something happened to the third dragon. The white walkers actually killed one. I didn't think that was possible for a dragon to be killed except by another dragon or possibly from one of the War elephants here.
"The Night King took one right out of the sky then turned the mighty dragon into a slave. As soon as we Foxes got the report of it, we knew we had to join the fight."
"You seem like you have a shred of common sense. Why would you want to join the fight? A dragon so easily killed should be more than enough for all of us to turn back around."
The Desert Fox begins to circle his horse around ours while saying, "Somewhere in the North is the greatest killer that ever walked the earth, the Night King. I, the fourth greatest killer must help in killing him. And the Night King killing a dragon shows that if the Long Night takes over the world, no one will live. It will spread through every corner of the world."
"So let me get this straight. The Night King breaks down the Wall, showing Westeros he is more than just a legend and the only way you can express yourself is to kill this Dead King?" Bronn questions the Fox.
"Yes." The desert Fox says in joy.
"Many centuries ago, my leader knew the Rogue Prince; he went into battle straight up alone and nearly died but the battle was won in the end. When it was done, she asked him why he went to the battlefield against the Crab feeder to die. The Rogue Prince said that he didn't; he went out there to live and prove himself to others that he was more than the King's younger brother. I live like that and if I die fighting the Night King then dying is the most alive I will ever feel before I leave this world."
Bronn chuckles to this madman saying, "I fucking love your spirit."
I can already see that Bronn would join him on any adventures this Desert Fox would go on. The Desert Fox and the large transport moves ahead from the others. The Desert Fox tells the second commander of the Golden Company where to stop when getting closer to Winterfell.
"How do we know when we attack?"
"You will know when. It won't be hard to miss; that I can promise you." The Desert Fox says before they ride off from the traveling company. I wonder what he means that we will know when to attack.
Bronn has a big ass grin on his face ready for what is to come. We proceed ahead in the hopes that there truly are survivors. If there is not any, we need to turn around to focus on every man, woman and children that cannot fight against this army of the Dead in the west, east and south.
Arya's POV
Jon rests his head on the Winter Fox's back side when I sense something ahead in the forest as do the Foxes. They stop their horses and hold up their hands. Everyone stops and remains silent. Jon looks at me with worry about to speak but I place my finger over my mouth for him to stay quiet. The Foxes mount off so easily from their horses while Jon, Marcellus and I remain on their horses. The Monsoon Fox does the same and placing his finger over his mouth so the survivors do not stay anything.
We use hand motions for everyone to get low. They do so without question. I notice the Foxes step forward on the snow, remaining silent with each time they take. I have a feeling whatever is out there is not a danger to us but I would rather be sure than make an ass of me to assume whoever it is.
The Foxes walk on then stop knowing that someone or something is near and hiding. The Winter Fox takes a step forward saying in a playful trickster way. "I know you are there. Come out come out wherever you hide..."
My eyes scan the snow covered forest and hear nothing but the howling wind of the storm. The Foxes draw their weapons without the song of the steel singing when drawn. I draw out the valyrian steel dagger in case. Gendry, Benjen, Beric, the Hound, Breinne, and Podrick all do the same with their weapons.
"I hear your breath and I feel your air. I can smell you. Come now. You have nothing to fear from us. Step into the Long Night." The Winter Fox continues speaking in a trickster like voice, looking around like she already knows whoever is out there. She slowly circles around a tree like she is playing hide and seek. She stops while her hand grips onto a tree as if she realizes exactly who it is.
"There is something about you, something around you that makes you different from everyone. Come on out, Children of the Forest. It is time to show yourselves to the world of men once more."
My mouth barely drops when the Winter Fox says the Children of the Forest. They are nothing more than a story to tell around a fire just like the stories of the White Walkers and the Targaryen dragons but yet here they are in the world and real. It all goes the same as the Children of the Forest.
Everyone lets out a small gasp at the sight of them coming from the trees just a little further back. They are nothing more than the height of children or barely my height. I am guessing it depends on their age. There are only seven of them. Their skin is not like ours, it is more mix of light green and brown skin to be a part of the forest, almost plant-like.
Many are whispering at the sight of them and learning with their own eyes that they are truly real. The Children of the Forest slowly approach still in fear of us, mankind. The Foxes kneel down to be at their level, putting their weapons away.
Suddenly the Foxes make noises to the Children of the Forest. I am going to guess they are speaking in their tongue when the Children of the Forest do not appear as fear to be in front of them. The Children of the Forest reply back making the same kind of noises. It is almost like they are making the sounds of the natural world like the wind blowing through leaves.
I have never heard anything like this until now. I wonder how they do this. The Foxes step up and turn to face everyone. I look back at Sansa to see the surprise look on her face. I remember she would ask some questions about the children of the forest when we were children hearing the old tales.
"What were you just speaking?" Sansa asks.
"The true tongue..." One of the children of the Forest spoke in the common tongue. Everyone is still whispering in being in the presence of the children of the Forest but more to the fact that they can speak the common tongue.
"It is their language just like the Targaryens speaks Valyrian. The true tongue is not easy to learn but once you do, it is astonishing. Almost like the howling wind of the snow storm around us. The Children of the Forest could make those exact same noises, speaking to one another and we would never know they were there, invisible to the eyes of man while their beautiful voices are as pure as the winter air."
I smile in amazement that they speak to each other by the noises of nature itself. I have an urge to want to learn. "Can anyone learn their language?"
"It is very troubling for Humans to learn, many unable to speak the True Tongue but an ancient ballad tells the tale of how Brandon the Builder was able to learn to understand the language while seeking the Children of the Forest's help to build the Wall. It took us several hundreds of fortnights to learn ourselves." The Monsoon Fox says when walking up to me.
"You came all the way from the Isle of Faces, didn't you? That is when you meet Meera along the way." Bran says to one of the children of the Forest. The Children of the Forest gaze at Bran in knowing that he is the Three Eyed Raven and shake their head yes to his question.
I notice he said the name, Meera. And before I could ask, a young girl about my age comes out of hiding from the forest. She has a long sword, a bow and quiver filled with arrows on her back side. She had long brown hair hanging past her shoulder, wearing animal skins and furs just like the Freefolk are wearing. Meera comes forward to Bran and Uncle Benjen. Uncle Benjen gives a smile to her. He must have met her before this.
"You are Meera Reed, the elder sister of Jojen Reed and the only daughter of Howland Reed. You and your brother believed Bran to be a crucial piece in the war against the White Walkers. I am sorry about your brother, Meera." The Winter Fox tells when walking over to offer an animal skin filled with water to her.
"Thank you. At least someone is." Meera takes it and has some water.
Bran asks her, "The rest of your family alive?"
"I wouldn't be here if they were." Meera responds a bit coldly to Bran.
"Anyone who isn't here including Deepwood Motte is with the dead." A child of the forest speaks out.
Sansa questions, "Are we close to where you are leading us?"
"We have another mile to go. You children of the forest are light as a feather so you can ride with us." The Monsoon Fox says when mounting back up on his horse.
The Children of the Forest refuses to ride on horses and begin walking. Meera walks along with them. I heard some stories of House Reed. They lived in swamps, not any castles like others. They lived the same as much as the First men did on floating islands and houses of thatch and woven reeds. They fish, hunt and told stories of their heroes. Their land protected their own and to an outsider, it would be nothing but endless quick sands, and green grass that look solid to the unwary eye but turned to water when someone dared to step foot in it.
And those drowned in their own steel but if they were not, they met the world of gliding monsters living underneath the waters. The monsters were serpents, black lizard lions and others with teeth like daggers hungry to eat. They made well placed darts that is good as a well made sword to House Reed. I would love to spend some time and learn their ways of living. Quite a number of people can learn great things from them.
Jon's POV
My eyes look around to see maybe over a dozen riders riding along side of the Foxes and wild dogs walking behind us. I see the red eyes of Ghost out of the corner of my eyes. I see Ghost and Nymeria are doing what they can do to stay with us. Nymeria and Ghost are side by side, staying close due to their injuries.
All of the people, horses and wolves push their way through the soft yet thick snow. We travel the remaining mile when we finally reach the safe haven. I see there are one hundred masked men and women waiting at the safe haven filled with over thirty large tents, each tent large enough to fit one hundred people in each, just enough to help to aid every living person here including the animals.
I hear the praise of the people to the Foxes in having a secured safe haven for the survivors. The other masked men and women help people inside to get warm. Several Foxes help tend to the wounded first. The Winter Fox goes into a large tent for the animals to be in to get food and warmth. I see there is food and water waiting for them.
Her horse begins to eat up the food when I struggle to get off the horse until the Winter Fox helps me down. Then she helps the little boy down and carries him in her arms over to a small bed in the middle of the tent where it is warmest around all of the horses in here, placing the little boy on the bed. She grabs a few blankets by the bed and bundles up the boy to get him warm. Then she tells me to sit down. I do so and she wraps two blankets around me. I shudder in not realizing how cold I was until having the blanket on me to warm me up.
Lyanna Mormont enters into the tent wanting to speak with the Winter Fox. The Winter Fox stands up and gives a blanket to Lyanna. Lyanna uses the blanket while Winter Fox glares at Sansa entering the tent. She does not take her eyes off the Winter Fox even though Sansa sees her staring her down like a predator does its prey.
"Stay here and get warm. I'll speak with Lady Mormont then ensure everything is going alright with everyone else. There is some food and water over there for everyone to have. Please remember that we only have enough food and water for everyone until we figure out the next movement."
I shake my head yes when she leaves the tent. I see Gendry right beside Arya helping her off the horse. Gendry cries her out of the tent to where she is being tended to with the others. Sansa is trying to get warm when suddenly Lyanna Mormont enters back into the tent. She does not look happy when she stands before Sansa like she is about to tear her apart with her sharp words.
"You told us the stories you heard of the brutality of Daenerys Targaryen. Do you know why she delivered such punishments to them?"
Sansa looks frozen in Lyanna Mormont confronting her right now of all places. Her eyes go to me but Lyanna snaps her fingers near Sansa's face. "Why are you looking at him? Don't look at King Stark. Look at me." Sansa looks at Lyanna Mormont when she speaks to her as if Sansa is a young girl again.
"You told all of us lords and ladies that Daenerys butchered, nailed good men to their deaths. And yet you failed to mention why she did it. What were their crimes?" Lyanna takes a step closer to her. I wonder why Lyanna is asking Sansa this. I stand to my feet in seeing Sansa still does not answer her. "Do you even know what their crimes were? You do know?"
"What does it matter what their crimes were? She was doing nothing but trying to conquer the world just because she is the daughter of the Mad King. She did the same when the Dothraki and Unsullied became hers. Daenerys Targaryen can save the North and fly back into the charred flames where she belongs." Sansa says before standing to her feet.
"You are wrong about her, Sansa. The Unsullied and Dothraki do not follow her because she is the daughter of some Queen they never knew. They choose her because of the things she did." Lyanna says in realizing that she made a mistake herself in judging Daenerys before getting to know her as well.
"How do you know?" Sansa asks her while it is still not getting through to Sansa that Daenerys is not mad like her father, my grandfather the Mad King.
"If I had known, if we all had known what her crimes were and why she did what she did, maybe House Glover would still be alive but instead they ran like you told them to do!"
The words echo in my head over and over again, hoping for a different result but it is not happening. I replay what Lord Glover said to me when I confronted him well before the White Walkers attacked House Glover. They must have died horrible deaths and it is all because Sansa told them to leave. And yes, they left all the same but the fact that Sansa told them to leave makes it so much worse.
"What are you talking about? Please tell me this is some twisted game. Please tell me that this is not true."
Lyanna looks up to me due to our height difference but I am still scared in how she stares at me then back to Sansa before telling me, "While you were gone joy flying, Sansa informed us about the horrendous torture she gave to some lords across the Narrow Sea. They were strung up and nailed to the post and hung until they died, off with the head of another and some even feed to her dragons. There are a few more to list. But she did not say why those punishments were carried out. What did those men do to deserve such punishment and death?"
Sansa remains silent and is about to walk out until the Winter Fox stops her right as she walks in the tent. She has Sansa sit back down and stands next to me. I can only imagine things getting worse in what is going to be spoken. "I already know what this is about but it will be better coming from you, Sansa. So cough it up before I make you cough it up."
Sansa looks at me knowing the Winter Fox will tell me all of the details. Sansa exhales for a moment, working herself up to say what she has to say.
"I felt that the Mad King's daughter needed to know how much the North will never support her claim to the Iron Throne. I asked House Glover to be the example. And they did so without question. I never thought Queen Daenerys would leave with all of her forces. I just wanted to give her a clear message. That is all."
My own sister or should I truly call her cousin went behind my ruling and now so many dead would be alive right now if Sansa never did this. I have no words to say to Sansa. I turn my back to her when I notice Lyanna Mormont gets down on one knee. My eyes turn to see Lyanna with a heavy look of guilt.
"King Stark, I confess that I felt that it was a fitting message as did the other lords and ladies but now because of that message we wanted to send, thousands are dead. I take full responsibility for my actions and will accept whatever punishment you see fit." Lyanna Mormont tells me awaiting her punishment from me in getting on one knee.
I want to deliver her a fitting punishment but this will have to wait and see if we can live the Long Night. I extend my hand to Lyanna. Lyanna seems afraid in what I will do but I take her hand in mine to help her stand back up. "If we live the Long Night, I will think of a punishment. For now, we survive this. Please leave the tent so I can speak to Lady Sansa."
Lyanna Mormont does not say another word and leaves as does anyone else in the tent. Each one of them goes into another tent except the young boy who is fast asleep. The Winter Fox tells me that she will be right outside if I am in need of her. I keep my back turned to Sansa when we are fully alone. Sansa does not say anything and I am trying to figure out what to say to her.
Although I want to tell her that we will talk after the Long Night but this is not something to worry about later. This needs to be dealt with now. "You told me that you trusted me and that I am your brother. But you went behind my back, ordering House Glover to leave to send Daenerys a message. Are proud of yourself? Are you?"
I slowly turn around to see she has a terrifying look on her face of what I may say or do. She still says nothing to me. I exhale in frustration, rubbing my fingers against my eyelids for a few moments. "Did you suspect I would be happy about this? Because of you, House Glover is dead. All five thousand of them are dead or all of them are white walkers because you wanted them to send a message to Daenerys who came here to help us."
"If I had known that would happen, I never would have-" Sansa finally speaks but I put my hand up for her to stop talking.
"I know I never should have taken off on the dragon when I did. I should have stayed when I did and I cannot take that back. And now you can't change what you have done, Sansa. Their blood is on your hands along with everyone else who was killed. If Daenerys and her forces were here, this would probably all be over and countless people still alive. A good bit is my fault in taking off to fly on Rhaegal but the rest is entirely your fault." I tell her so coldly that I know my words hurt her far more than the actual cold will.
Sansa barely has a few tears in her eyes when I take a step closer to her. I notice she is still wearing the gown that the Winter Fox dragged her around in the mud a few times and the bottom hem is torn up quite a bit or with chucks of snow on it from traveling. "The Winter Fox was right about you. I'm finally seeing you for what you are; someone who claims to love and trust me but you undermine me any chance you get. And in doing what you did, proves I am not any good to you and never will be just like your mother, Catelyn Stark did to me."
She has a few tears go down her face at the mention of her mother. "Jon, I do not-"
"No, Sansa. There is nothing you can say that will change what you have done. You cannot talk your way out of this now. You are still a part of my family and that is it. You will no longer be Wardeness of the North; all you are now is the Lady of Winterfell. Now go. Anywhere else beyond this tent please." I tell her and open the tent entrance so she can leave.
Sansa tries not to sob in what I have said and leaves the tent without saying anything else. I exhale in disappointment of Sansa. I stand among the horses and the sleeping little boy. I go over to the side of the little boy and cannot understand how Marcellus is able to sleep right now. Then again, he knows he must be sleeping so well because he knows he is safe with the Winter Fox. I believe love and safety helps anyone sleep as well just as I did for a short time when riding with the Winter Fox.
Sansa's POV
I walk out of the tent in how my own brother just spoke to me. If I had known that Daenerys was going to abandon us after giving her a message like that, I never would have done it. But now he will never trust me. I drove him into the arms of that Fox bitch. I try to compose myself back together until someone clears their throat. My eyes turn to see it is the Fox bitch.
"Leave me alone." I walk on until the bitch speaks to me again.
"Do you want to know why Daenerys punished those men in such a brutal way?"
I stop walking and only turn to look at the Fox wondering what wonderful reasons she will give to why Daenerys Targaryen gave cruel punishment to those across the Narrow Sea.
"Before Daenerys ever sailed to Westeros, she was heading to Meeren when the entire convoy stopped at a mile marker. They stood before a dead body of a young girl nailed to a post with one hand pointing ahead on the trail to Meeren for any travelers to see. The body of the young girl had a collar around her neck to show she was a slave and a stone mile marker beside the post." The Winter Fox says while slowly walking to me in the snow.
"There was one on every mile marker between where they were and Meeren. They had one hundred and sixty three miles left to travel. Ser Jorah and the others with her wanted to ride ahead and give each one of the dead slaves a proper burial but she told them not to. She informed them that she will see each and every one of their faces. Then she asked her forces to remove their collars before burying them. Daenerys did that to remember why she was there in Meeren. The Unsullied, the Second Sons and Daenerys helped all of the slaves to revolt, taking back their freedom. I remember it so well because they were chanting her name while throwing their collars to the ground. She freed hundreds and hundreds of enslaved people. And in return for punishment on the Masters, she delivered the same sentence they did to the bodies of the slaves, the children they murdered. The Masters were nailed to post and left for dead. That is why she did that and many will call it madness. However she answered injustice with justice and that is what she did as any ruler would do in her shoes."
I shake my head no to her because not every ruler would do what Daenerys did. The Winter Fox chuckles in my response of saying no. "Not every ruler would do as she did."
"There have been a few rulers who answered injustice with mercy or felt mercy was a better quality in a ruler than fear. For example, Orys the 1st answered injustice with mercy, he was a just ruler. Everyone applauded his reforms; nobles and commoners alike. I remember him well. But I knew his day would come and it did. He was not just for long. Not even a year had pass when Orys the 1st was murdered in his own sleep by his own brother. That was not just of him in leaving his subjects to a great evil that he was too gullible and good to recognize. Just as you were too gullible to recognize Joffrey's madness when he wanted to gut your own sister while you just stood there to watch when traveling on the King's Road to King's landing with your father, Ned and King Robert."
I exhale when seeing my own breath in the cold and the fact she knew about that day. It was only me, Joffrey, Arya and the butcher's boy. How could she know that?
"There is more. Even Tywin Lannister himself said that a good ruler must be holy, just, strong, and wise. He was not wrong and that is why I respected Tywin Lannister to this day. But a good ruler needs to be those qualities along with fear. Without the fear of the ruler, any house will be more than bold enough to oppose the ruler that has not an ounce fear over the kingdoms and nations."
"It still does not give her the right to do that. A trial should have been given to those so called Masters. I would never do anything of the sort." I tell her even though some of the words she speaks are the truth about a ruler needing some fear in ruling over people.
"A trial? Did you give a trial to Ramsey Bolton?" She points her finger to me. I do not have the words to speak when I see her eyes become jet black again like she is a predator about to eat me like a prey.
"That's right. There was no trial. He was tied down to a chair and let his own starving hounds rip him apart while you watched it happen. How does what Daenerys did any different from what you did? Ramsey did injustice to you and so many others. You answered injustice with justice. I would never wish upon anyone what happened to you. That was cruel; no one should go through what he did to you. So tell me again that you would never do anything of that sort. Go on."
I am shock to what she said and the upsetting part is that she is right. I did that. Ramsey did injustice and with no trail of any kind, I answered with justice just like Daenerys Targaryen did with the masters across the Narrow Sea. The Winter Fox places her hand near her ear like she is waiting for me to deny it. But I cannot deny it however that was different.
"Yes, you are right to a certain degree but that was different. Ramsey Bolton was one man. Daenerys killed hundreds if not thousands." I tell her.
"Wow. To see your mind at work is both fascinating and repugnant. You keep telling yourself that you are different. Arya killed off all of House Frey with no trial and it was considered justice after the injustice of the Red Wedding. Jon hung the men who killed him, no trail. You watched as the hounds of Ramsey ate him alive, no trail. Your mother, Catelyn Stark arrested Tyrion Lannister in accusing him of sending an assassin to kill Bran in his sleep but she had false claims from Littlefinger, no trial for her to arrest Tyrion. Robb cut off the head of Rickard Karstark, no trail. Cersei Lannister was given a proper judgment from the Sparrow but with no trail from her, she blew up the entire Sept with wildfire. The guilty and innocent alike blown to ashes. You all did some messed up shit yet no one has titled any of you a mad man or woman. So stop judging for things Daenerys has done when the entire lot of you have answered injustice with justice no different from her."
I think of all she said to me and every detail she said is the truth. I walk away knowing there is nothing I can say or do. How can I judge anything Daenerys has done when it is not so different from some of the things I have done and want to do with any enemies of mine? Can I just let myself understand and put up with all of this and endure the North will remain an independent kingdom? Daenerys Targaryen can have the other six kingdoms and leave the North to be its own kingdom.
I enter into another tent where Brienne and Podrick are warming up. Brienne stands up, putting a spare blanket around me. She can tell something is wrong. "What is it, Lady Sansa?"
"I made a terrible mistake and everyone is suffering for it. I feel like I cannot protect the ones I love the only way I know how to. Now I don't know what to do. I feel like I am failing to protect the ones I love." I tell her when she hands me a cup of water.
Brienne looks to Podrick then to me. She rests her hand on my shoulder to comfort me because she can see I want to cry. But she holds me back from doing so. "Sansa, do not lose your courage. You have the exact same courage your mother had. Your mother, Catelyn Stark did not have battle courage but a woman's courage unlike anything I had seen. I see that in you as well. I think that when the time comes, you will know how to properly aim that woman's courage just as your mother did when she freed Jaime Lannister in order to save you and your sister a long time ago."
I look at Brienne wondering why my own mother would release Jaime Lannister. "Why did she release Jaime Lannister for me and my sister?"
"Your mother made Jaime Lannister vow to bring you and your sister back safely when he got to King's Landing. She charged me to ensure his safe return to King's Landing to make it happen. However things flipped around when Jaime lost his hand to stop the men trying to force themselves on me and save me from a bear ready to kill me. And to top off this madness, Jaime armed, armored me then gave me this very sword, Oathkeeper." She draws her sword that has a handle with a gold lion on the edge of the pummel.
I can tell that Oathkeeper is made of valyrian steel. I wonder how another valyrian steel sword could be made since the forging secrets of Valyrian steel were lost in the Doom of Valyria. I see the shine and care that Brienne puts into the sword just like she does with her oath to me.
"Oathkeeper was one of the two swords that was forged from your father's sword, Ice. Tywin Lannister had it split for his family however Jaime give this sword to me all the same. And I know what you must think of Jaime Lannister. I completely understand since Jaime Lannister is Jaime fucking Lannister. But without him, you would not be alive. Because of your mother's woman courage, Jaime and I have been able to keep the vow to your mother because you are still alive. Arya would be the same however her return was all her doing because of her woman and battle courage. The same applies to you with your woman courage to your remaining family and people of the North."
I feel my face become warm while my eyes become cold and flowing like a river in tears in what my mother did in releasing Jaime Lannister. I never knew any of this at all. I wish I could see my mother one more time and do my hair like she often did. "I wish there was a way to let her know that I miss and love her every day, Brienne."
"She knows, Sansa. She knows." Brienne says to me.
I place my hand over my eyes not able to contain my emotions. I let out a few sobs when Brienne wraps her arms around me in the almost exact way my mother would hold me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I sniff in feeling my tears soak my whole face until I hear Arya ask us, "Mother did all of that?"
Brienne and I look to see Arya and Gendry entering the tent hearing all that Brienne said about our mother. Brienne shakes her head yes to Arya. Arya looks sad then tells me, "I was there that night of the Red Wedding..."
I stand to my feet in what she just spoke. "You were there?"
"Yes. I was so close to mother and Robb. But then all of the men of the north were being butchered. I managed to get close to the entrance until I saw Walder Frey's men kill Robb's direwolf, Grey Wind while they had him caged up, unable to fight against them. They shot him to death. I tried to go inside but the Hound told me that it was too late then rode out with the Frey's banner flag."
"And just before leaving, the men were chanting that the King in the North was coming among the endless screams of the men dying or burning. I thought I was going to see Robb but instead they brought his body out with Grey Wind's head attached to Robb's headless body. The brutality they showed and mocking Robb is something I will never ever forget. The only thing I am grateful about that night is not seeing what they did to our mother."
"I do know what they did to her and I delivered the same upon Walder Frey by cutting his throat to the bone. I smiled down at him while he died in the very same room mother and brother died in. Walder Frey bled out to death knowing that one wolf was left alive and the sheep, his family was not safe from me." Arya says to us.
I go over to Arya and hug her. I wish she had told me about this but knowing how she killed Walder Frey the exact same way mother was killed is something I am more than ok with. Brienne is right in Arya having both battle and woman courage. I do wish I had battle courage as well but I will be ok with the woman courage I was given. It helped me survive King's Landing for as long as I did.
My eyes go to Brienne to see she is smiling at the both of us hugging and being there for each other as sisters are supposed to do. I notice that other survivors in the tent with us have heard what was said by Arya about the Red Wedding and the death of Walder Frey. Quite a few of them bow their heads in respect to Arya.
Winter Fox's POV
I enter the tent knowing full well that my words were more than sharp enough to cut through the massive ego of Sansa Stark. I lightly smile to see Jon watching over Marcellus sleeping. I go to my horse and make sure she is warm enough while she is drinking some water. Jon walks over, begins to pet my horse. I notice that my horse is picky about new people but she has taken an instant liking to Jon.
"I am tired of fighting, Winter Fox. I am worn down in fighting and losing; you are right. I paid enough but I still feel like I have much to pay for. And I do not know why my cousin..." He stops for a moment when calling Sansa his cousin instead of his sister. "I do not know why Sansa did this to me. It just feels like she hates any decisions I have made and anyone who agrees with me about Daenerys such as yourself."
I place my hand on top of his when his dark brown eyes look at me in exhaustion. If he keeps on going like this, he will burn out and be killed in the Long Night. "No, Jon. You never should have to pay for anything. As for Sansa, it is not because of decisions you made about Daenerys. It is because Daenerys is devoted to you and because I am devoted to you." I tell him but freeze in what I just said about being devoted to him unintentionally.
"Why would Sansa be bothered by that?" Jon says after a few moments of silence between the two of us.
"She never had that kind of devotion. She did briefly from Tyrion but that was cut short at the Purple Wedding. Then Littlefinger was there for her but it was not the healthy kind of devotion. The only healthy devotion she has had since then is from Brienne of Tarth but that is not enough. She will never fully recover or trust anyone the way you do after all of the things they have done to her. Granted it is not completely her fault; she did not ask for most of those things to happen to her. Sansa will never be the leader you want her to be in your stead. She has too much of her mother's stubbornness and the teachings from Cersei Lannister and Littlefinger."
Jon has a look of sadness on his face for Sansa. I understand that because Sansa may have been a brat, constantly saying Joffrey is her beloved, and wanting to be his queen. But she was innocent all the same. She did deserve better just as much as Jon, Arya, Bran and Daenerys.
"Right now, do not worry about that. There are other things to worry about than why Sansa is the way she is." I take my hand away from his and see what food is left over in the tent to pack up.
"Are you alright?" Jon asks me out of nowhere.
I stare at him wondering why he would ask me. But that is what makes him a good one unlike many others in the North. I continue packing up the food telling him, "Yes and no. I'm worried for your brother and sister due to the plans the Night King has for them. The markers remain and he will still come after them. I'm greatly relieved especially that you are not marked but he still has plans for you."
My mind begins to flood with the image of everyone at his command and possibly turning Jon, Arya, Bran and anyone he deems worthy as part of the army of the dead while he climbs the steps and seats the Iron Throne. Except Cersei Lannister, he would probably cut off her head the moment he was in swinging distance of her. Then finish all he wanted to do. They would be nothing but slaves to his will just like his entire army, Summer and Viserion if he gets to them all. I will do nearly anything to make sure that does not happen after witnessing what he did when fighting him off a dragon's back.
"What about you? You feel better after getting some shut eye? You needed it dreadfully since you haven't had any sleep for the past few days. I know it doesn't feel like days have passed due to the sky being dark, not changing but you need to be sharp and prepared for the fight to come. And having no sleep will not do any good." I tie up the pack filled with the food then set it at the entrance of the tent when the other foxes start packing up so we can be ready when we have to leave.
"I do feel better after that sleep. Thank you. It never occurred to me how many days have passed with this terrible winter." He softly tells me.
I have a feeling in my gut that I need to follow when I turn to face him, asking, "If you had an offer to get away all from all of this; the politics, the backstabbing, the idea of the Iron Throne, would you take the offer to go and live a life you want?"
"What kind of offer?"
Jon's POV
"It is the sort of offer to begin anew. You would be able to wake up when you want to wake up, go fishing, hunting, and make your own way in the world. To have a home while the rest of the world is your garden to visit, living everywhere and anywhere you choose. And to be with a woman who wants to spend the rest of days with you no matter your name, title or rank. Just to be you. Would you think about that kind of offer?"
I try to imagine that kind of life for me. Maybe when I was a young boy before joining the Night's Watch would have been able to imagine it. I can't now. How am I having such a hard time imaging such an offer or even that kind of life given all I have endured? I rest my head against her horse's neck side trying to imagine it. I never truly have given any thought to building a life and making my own. Duty has always driven me to where I am now. But if we make it out alive, what about after all of this is done? What will I do?
She places her hand on my shoulder and moves in a bit closer. "Jon, if you ever want to find out and make a life of your own, you are more than welcome to come with the Foxes of the Sunset Sea. You will have no worry of fighting over land, title or power. The only time you would ever have to fight, it would be to fight for your life and no one else. You can be a stablemen, a blacksmith, a tracker, navigator, or training others in combat. A historian to teach others about history or help grow crops, anything you want. Say the word and no Fox would ever deny you to join us."
I look down almost in joy that she is making this offer to me but a part of me does not feel like I deserve such an offer. The Winter Fox seems like she is reading my mind when whispering to me, "I know your heart better than you know it yourself. You believe you are not worthy for such a life especially after what you learned of yourself. But know this, you will soon learn that being a Stark and Targaryen makes you stronger than anyone could imagine, not weaker. And you're not just part Stark and part Targaryen. You are the best of both. Please think about the offer and let me know what your decision is when the time comes."
She walks away from me, grabbing the pack of food and leaves the tent to give me some time with my thoughts in the offer she made to me. I move back over to the young boy sleeping when Ghost enters the tent and sits next to me, waging his tail side to side. I smile to Ghost and begin to pet him in the comfort that he is still with me. I notice his lips almost appear to be like a smile to me the more I pet him.
Winter Fox's POV
I go to my fellow Foxes and help them pack up the safe haven then plan our next move once everything is safely packed away and the survivors ready to move. The Monsoon Fox is checking his wound. I go over to assist him. He notices something is also on my mind. "What is it?"
"I made an offer to Jon Stark to join us; an offer for a life of his own choosing." I softly tell him.
He does not react in shock but in a sense of joy that I did this. "Good. He is a good man and he deserves a life of his own beyond of all the fucking madness he has lived in." I shake my head in agreement when I finish tending to his wound.
I see most of the survivors are ready to get on the move again while most of the tents, food and water resources are packed. I see Jon and young Marcellus already on my horse when others begin to mount up feeling replenished after the time they had to get warmed up with some food in their bellies.
I notice the Children of the Forest are looking at something in the distance of where we need to travel next. All of us Foxes draw our weapons when the horses begin neighing and stomping their hooves at whatever is coming our way. Ghost and Nymeria are sniffing the air in the wonder of the scent heading our way. It can only be one thing, my fellow foxes that were waiting at the ships to take us to Bear Island.
I see the one hundred Fox riders that were supposed to be guarding the ships while waiting for us to get there and hauling their asses over here. They are fully masked and armored just like the rest of us Foxes. And if they are here, it can only mean one thing when my fellow fox, Marcellus comes up next to me on his horse.
"The ships are gone. The Dead got there. However we did treat the dragon but he took off, almost getting swarmed by the Dead." Marcellus informs me.
"Where is Rhaegal now?" Jon asks in worry for his dragon.
"We know he took off but unsure where due to the snow storm. We all made it out but there is no chance to flee anywhere in this direction of the North." Marcellus responds to Jon then to me.
I glare around screaming, "FUCK!!!!"
I then notice there are a few riders with them that are not Foxes. "Who are they?"
"They are all that remains from the attack of Deepwood Motte. They said that Lord Glover himself said that Daenerys Targaryen is needed against the White Walkers." Fox Marcellus tells me. My eyes go back to Sansa and she does not look back at me when hearing that Daenerys Targaryen is needed against the Long Night. But now there is a massive problem.
Where can we go now? We could try to go to Deepwood Motte since the white walkers already hit there or still attempt Bear Island since they cannot swim. But hardly anyone of foot or horse would make it there. Everyone is screaming in terror while some others on foot take off to try to save themselves but they will be dead trying to run off on their own.
"Where can we go?" Jon asks me.
"Monsoon Fox, how many children remain in the survivors?" I ask him knowing what we have to do next.
The children need to get to safety first and the hidden tunnels are the best bet for them now. He tells me that there are a mix forty children and babies out here in the three thousand survivors. "To every mother, father or guardian with a baby, a child, if you want your child to make it safely to the tunnels first, hand them to my fellow Foxes before me. They will get them to safety. The children are the future and need to be protected." I extend my hand outward to the seventy riders that will get the children where they need to go safely and protect them the entire way there.
I half expected the parents to resist in leaving their children with my fellow Foxes who are strangers to them. But I am glad that every single father, mother or guardian of a child does not hesitant to go to my fellow foxes ready to protect their children with their lives. The parents telling their children how much they love them while some of the children refuse to leave their parents but the parents are not going to argue about this.
The parents know that they may not have the chance of seeing their babies, their children ever again but they value the lives of their children over their own. I can see the fear and sadness in their eyes that they believe they are going to die but they will not let their children die with them. So they are more than willing to send them away with the smallest chance of making it out alive.
Quite a few mothers and fathers are putting on a brave face, assuring their children that everything will be fine and they will see them soon. A young girl is crying to her mother and father when they give her their new born, wanting her to take the baby and watch over him if they do not make it. The little girl cries not wanting to go without them.
But the father picks up the daughter giving her to one of my Foxes. He puts her on the front of the saddle, wrapping a blanket around them before giving their goodbye hugs and kisses on their forehead while the baby is crying as if the baby knows something terrible is happening.
I go over to young Marcellus and bring the boy to my arms. I look at the boy who begins crying to me. "I don't want to go. I don't want to leave you."
"Everything will be alright. I want you to go with him. This is the man I was telling you about. Marcellus, meet Marcel. He will protect you. I will find you when all of this is over. I promise." I tell him before giving him a hug while he cries.
After the embraced hug, I put him on the horse with my fellow Fox, Marcellus. I barely lift up my helmet to kiss him on the forehead. I give the nod to Marcel to head on. He urges his horse to take off to get the boy to safety along with others riding off with the children crying out to their loved ones. Several of the mothers begin sobbing; falling to their knees not knowing if they live through this and see their children ever again. I feel the same in worry for young Marcellus before whispering, "Go child."
I recollect myself within seconds then mount up on my horse. I see the other remaining Fox Riders in formation, ready at my command. Jon remains on my horse with me when I begin to move my horse down the line of those wanting to give their last in fighting against the Dead.
"The only place we can go back to is Winterfell, the hidden tunnels! Everyone fall back to Winterfell! Lyanna Mormont, do you remember the way back to the hidden tunnels?"
"Yes and if I do not make it, my men can lead them the rest of the way." Lyanna Mormont tells me.
"Good. Get the survivors back to the hidden tunnels." I stare back in the direction of Winterfell. That is the only other place we can go back before moving south to stay ahead of the dead. The Dead will eventually make their way south but if we get to white harbor, sailing across the Narrow Sea may be the very last thing that can be done for those that remain to survive.
"Every willing rider, we have to get the white walkers away from the survivors! To any man or woman who wants to give their last, follow me to Winterfell!!!" I shout for all to hear.
"Everyone run! Move! Run to the hidden tunnels!" Lyanna Mormont screams to the survivors until she turns around, freezing at the sight of something behind me. My eyes look back to see the sudden sight of piercing ice cold blue eyes shine through the snow storm not even a mile away from us. The Dead are here once again...
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