I ride through the snowy entrance of this damn place, promising myself years ago that I would never come back to the North and yet here I am... If it was for anything else, I would rather kick my own ass than come back here. Sadly, it is the fight for the entire world against nothing other than the Night King and the Army of the Dead. I have no other choice than to be here at fucking Winterfell.
I pause at the sight of everything happening through the streets and fighting yards. This place is overflowing with people from around the world. I was not expecting everyone to actually fight together against one cause. They have proven me wrong for once.
I ride on into the courtyard then come to another stop. I take a big gulp of red wine in my pocket flask. I put the flask back onto my belt then dismount. I exhale in petting my horse for a moment. I gaze around in my full headed helmet armor. I ensure the leather chin strap is all good.
I walk around with my horse walking shortly behind me. I keep on looking for someone that is in charge here but it is not possible for any of these half asses to be in any sort of charge. I am looking for the only one that is worth being in charge of anything in this whole damn world, Daenerys Targaryen.
I keep on moving until I accidentally bump into someone. "Pardon me."
I freeze when I see that it is Daenerys Targaryen herself. "Forgive me. I did not see where I was looking."
"That is perfectly alright." I respond back to her.
She and I glare at one another for a moment before I notice something at our feet. I bend down to grab what I see. It is her Three Headed Dragon brooch. I use my gloved hands to wipe the mud and snow off of her brooch. I study the detail into each of the dragon heads. It is quite the brooch.
"May I?" I ask her.
She nods her head yes. I take a step closer to her, placing the brooch onto the right of her dress, just below her shoulder. I gaze upon the brooch for a few more moments then my eyes go to Daenerys. "Thank you." Daenerys tells me.
I lightly smile even though she cannot see my smile under this helmet. "It is no trouble and it's a pleasure to meet you, Daenerys. I am glad that you are still here to ensure that the family has not seen its end. My forces are more than willing to back your claim to the Iron Throne after this war against the Night King."
"You know about me however I do not know you. Not even your name." She says.
"I can change that." I extend my hand to her. She gently grabs my hand while we lightly shake hands. "Call me Winter Fox."
"That's quite a name." Daenerys says with a small smile.
"Well, that is my battle field name along with the others with me. We are here to help in the fight against the Night King." I tell her in full honesty.
"I thank you for your support, Winter Fox." She says to me in a confident tone.
"Of course. You are more than deserving of it, your grace. I better not take up anymore of your time." I slowly back away from her.
Daenerys glares at me before walking away. She stops for a moment, looking back at me. We glare at one another before she finally turns, walking away. I try to contain myself in seeing her for the first time. I knew her presence is something out of this world but nothing prepared me for that.
I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder. I turn to see it is another of the Winter Foxes. "Where shall we make camp?"
"Let's stick to the woods for now. If the Night King is going to strike from the North position, he will not be expecting our numbers if we remain hidden." I tell him.
"It will be done."
I exhale in him telling me this. He looks at me knowing that something's on my mind. "Are you alright?"
"Yes. I just saw someone that I always wanted to meet. Let's get back to the others then crash the war meeting. Did she take it?" I ask him when turning to face him. I wonder how the meeting went with Cersei Lannister.
"It is as we expected. The trap is being laid."
"Good. All that is needed is to offer what we can to Daenerys Targaryen or to the King in the North, Jon Snow. We will wait until we have a moment alone with them to make our offer. For now, let's get back to the others." We both mount up on our horses and ride out of Winterfell to the snowy woods.
Jon's POV
I glare at the snowy ground, feeling like I've been ripped into shreds. Everything I thought I ever knew about myself is all a lie. A man that was supposed to be the most honorable man I knew lied to me. He lied to me my whole life. He had me raised as his bastard, a bastard that was spat on, insulted, wished dead by many and Catelyn Stark herself.
I feel my whole life, all of the little things that Ned Stark did whenever he was around me. It is all beginning to connect the more it floods through me. My entire world is being torn and being replaced with hatred for him. I think about the last time I ever spoke to him before heading to join the Night's Watch.
'Is my mother alive? Does she know about me? Where I am? Where I am going? Does she care?'
'The next time we see each other, we'll talk about your mother. Hmm. I promise.'
I recall the look on his face exactly like it was yesterday, the expression on his face said it all even then. But we both rode off in opposite directions then his head was cut off. That fucking bastard should have told me long ago, on my name day, when we went out hunting; he should have said something to me years ago!!
I begin to feel everything become distorted even though Sam's voice is trying to get through to me. I do not want to answer him. I want to walk away and be left alone, stay in my rage until the Army of the Dead arrives so I can kill all I can with this hatred building up inside me.
Then it is like my thoughts all went exactly into one person that it would affect as much as it is affecting me right now, Daenerys. I come to realize that she is my aunt by blood... She is the only living family I have on my father's side. She and I are the only two left in the world.
"Daenerys is my aunt..." I say out loud in the hopes of saying it out loud would make it easier to take in but it makes it even worse.
"Why does that matter right now, Jon?" Sam asks me.
I give him a certain look enough that within a few moments, he whispers to me, "Jon..." I remain with the same look on my face when he approaches me. "Jon. Jon." He says to me before learning what the look on my face means.
"You and her?! Oh!" He says in complete shock.
"Yes, Daenerys and I. Aye..." I manage to tell him.
Sam begins to look around like a mad man, making sure that no one is listening to what he is about to say. "The whole entire thing like from the earth to the stars?"
"All the way; the dragon has landed." I whisper while taking in the fact that I slept with my own aunt! It is for real; I slept with my own aunt in proving that I truly am a Targaryen. I slept with my aunt!
Sam runs his hand through his hair like he is trying to figure out what to do about all of this. Sam then gets an idea but I know that nothing will work with the way I am feeling about all of this. "You have to make a pact, ok? What happened between you and Daenerys will die with the both of you. Nobody can ever find out."
I start laughing uncontrollably as he says this. "Tyrion, Varys, Jorah and now both of you know! And with what Bran said about his powers, he actually saw it all! On the boat and her tent!" I begin to feel disgusted that my own little brother saw Daenerys and I having sex.
I have to get out of here! I begin to walk away, using all of my emotions to get away from people. I hear Sam shout my name but I do not respond back; I keep on walking. I do not stop for anyone. I walk right past Sansa and the Maester. I have to find a place that I can be left alone with no one to find me for a while. Then it hit me.
I know the one place where no one can disturb me. I make a few more turns before reaching the door down the stairway. I stop dead in my tracks of even coming down here again to the Crypts of Winterfell. I feel like I am going to be sick if I do.
Then I hear my name being called out by many. I cannot be around another person or I will lose my mind. I take a deep breath in going down the stairs before anyone sees me. I move down the rest of the steps while grabbing a torch hanging on the walls along the way.
I begin walking down the aisle of statues and reach to the statue of the very man who lied to me about my entire life and who I truly am. Ned Stark. I stare at his statue in anger. I place the torch on the ground next to me while the torch flame gives enough light on the face of his statue.
"You are the lying bastard, Ned Stark! You lied to me about everything! You lead me to believe that I was nothing more than your bastard child under the hatred of your bitch wife, Lady Catelyn Stark! I scream at his statue in the hopes that he can somehow hear my words to him. I hope my voice and words haunt him.
I ball my hands into a fist then begin punching his statue to the point I can no longer feel my fingers hitting him and that I cannot breathe. I try to catch whatever air I can but struggle in letting out a sob. I gasp for air until I see out of the corner of my eye, her statue...
I let out a few sobs in dragging my body over to her, my mother. I gaze at her statue as tears well up from deep inside and come out. I feel my own tears split over then down my face like a river escaping a dam. I feel my tangled mind become calm in the one thing that I always wanted to know from Ned Stark. Who is my mother? And now I know who she is.
I get closer to her statue, studying every detail of what she looked like, trying to picture her if she was actually here before me in flesh and bone. I extend my hand across the face of the statue. "All this time, you were here. You were here the whole time."
I begin sobbing after saying these words. I walk around her statue to see the tomb holding what remains of her body. I move my hands on top of the tomb wishing that I could join her now, be with her but I know that there is nothing after death. This is all I will get to have with my mother, just this...
I feel like I have no strength in me, almost numb in sliding down against the tomb, lying down next to her. I keep my right hand on the side of her tomb. I feel my entire face soaked when I huddle next to her tomb, wishing that I could be in her arms. I begin shaking and sobbing. My left hand covers my face but in between my fingers, I can see what looks like a feather of a bird on the floor near me.
I extend my hand out to the feather, picking it up. I see the feather covered in a mix of dirt and dust. I brush my fingers against the feather to get what I can off. I do wonder who left this feather here. I stare at this small feather, thinking about those who cared about my mother. Ned Stark did not show it much but I realize that there is one person who claimed to still love her long after her death, Robert Baratheon.
If she had married Robert instead of Rhaegar, I would possibly be his son. And the Rebellion never would have happened nor the death of Rhaegar, the exile of Daenerys and Viserys. Aegon and Rhaenys, my half siblings... The closest thing to a blood brother and sister I had died screaming and butchered. Their bodies wrapped in Lannister clothing. My birth mother and father caused the deaths of so many.
My emotions are drowning in sorrow like the day that the man I thought to be my father explained to me what the meaning of a Bastard meant. It was the worst thing I could have ever heard at such a young age. I was younger than Bran when he first tried to learn how to use a bow. I cried myself to sleep over those following nights.
I clench my fists as more tears stream down my face. Then I cover my face with my hands, and weep like I never have before. I actually cry a river of mother fucking tears; there is no stopping it as I continue to cry. I sob quietly next to my mother, making sure that no one can hear the sounds of my sorrow outside the Crypt.
But it seems like it did not work in the sound of footsteps approaching me. I turn to see that it is Ghost. Ghost lowers his head like he could feel my sadness. I let out a slight joyous sob knowing that Ghost is the only one that will never look at me differently, no matter who I am. I extend my arm out toward him.
"Come here, boy." I whisper softly to him.
He walks over to me. I lean myself up so Ghost can lay down between me and my mother's tomb. He places his head on my lap. I rest my head on top of his soft white fur. I pet him alongside his neck before hugging him. I sob into his fur, burying my face while clinching my right hand in his fur. Ghost does a soft whine. It is almost like he is telling me that everything is going to be alright. I want to stay down here next to my mother forever. My mother, Lyanna Stark.
The more I began to take in all I learned, it dawns on me. It is because of her love for Rhaegar and his love for her, it caused Robert Baratheon to lead a rebellion that lead to the thousands if not hundreds of thousands killed. My birth mother and father caused the deaths of so many and I am the end result of it.
I begin to feel disgusted and a monster knowing that I killed my mother when she brought me into the world. She died because of me. I let out a cry into Ghost's fur. His head goes to the back of my neck almost like he is hugging me back.
Daenerys's POV
Missandei and I see that the training rounds are going well. We do see a few people that are glaring at us. Missandei and I do not say anything; we keep our heads up just like the first walk we took together after managing to get her free from those evil masters.
"Tonight?" Missandei asks me.
I lightly blush in just the thought of Jon staying with me again tonight. Missandei knew that it is a yes about tonight. However Jon needs to make sure that he is not seen by anyone when night fall comes. We stop at the training yard where Greyworm is teaching a young girl.
Missandei and I both watch him teach. I can see how well he is teaching. He is trying to show her how to keep her feet quite planted but movable when fighting. When he finishes, they take a break. Missandei gives Greyworm a skin filled with water. He takes a drink from it then gives a light smile to Missandei.
She leans close to him and he goes the rest of the way to kiss her. I look away as I try to contain my chuckling in how adorable they are together. I am so happy for them. I am happy even with all that is going on. I am especially looking forward to tonight. I am going to have a nice hot meal with some wine for Jon and I. Maybe even a wonderful bath.
I barely brush my fingers against my lips, thinking about how Jon kisses me, every time our bodies come together. Drogo was a good man and eventually we had something amazing as did Daario however neither of them compares to how Jon and I are when we are together. It almost feels like we are the only two in the world, nothing can come between us.
Suddenly, I begin to feel like something is wrong, not sure what it is but I feel it down in my bones. I look around to see if anything is going on beyond the training but nothing seems to be wrong here on the ground. The feeling becomes stronger that it is becoming a terrible pain.
I place my hands around my stomach feeling a wave of sorrow. Jorah sees me and comes running over. He pulls my hands into his in worry. "What is it, Daenerys? What is wrong?"
I feel like I am about to cry with this overwhelming sorrow. "I am not sure but I think something terrible has happened. I just feel this terrible pain, almost a suffering pain. I cannot explain it. It came at me like a wave. I do not know what is happening, Jorah."
"Maybe it is your children. You lost Viserion just as much as they did, Khalessi." He says in sadness when speaking about Viserion.
Before I could say anything, the entire ground shakes from something massive landing right outside the gates of Winterfell. I instantly turn around to see that it is Rhaegal and Drogon who shock the entire earth from their landing. Drogon and Rhaegal almost climb over the wall of Winterfell, resting their wings on it.
Rhaegal growls as he literally steps onto the wall of Winterfell, overlooking everyone throughout Winterfell. Many people are screaming in terror. Rhaegal is darting his eyes everywhere like he is looking for me. I immediately get within his eyesight to let him know that I am alright.
Rhaegal stares at me for a few moments however his eyes move away from mine, endlessly looking around for whatever he is looking for. Rhaegal lowers his head for a moment then lifts it up, letting out a roar like I never heard from him. His roar is deafeningly, crying out to whatever he is looking for.
All of the people cover their ears in how loud his roar is. He lowers his head back down, taking a closer look at the people within Winterfell. Rhaegal's getting more furious that he is not finding what he is looking for. He lets out another roar but this one is different. This roar is scary that he can be destructive at any moment.
"Rhaegal!" I shout to him, making sure that it's not me that he is truly trying to find but he does not respond to me saying his name.
I see that Drogon glares at me in sadness. I begin to realize that this flooding sorrow that I am feeling, they are feeling it as well. But where is the pain coming from?
Sansa comes running over, shouting at me, "Get your dragons under control now!"
"I am their mother but like any mother, I do not have full control over my children! Something is wrong. I can even feel it. I do not know where it is coming from." I raise my voice to Sansa.
Right as Sansa opens her mouth; Drogon within a second lowers his head right above Sansa, opening his jaws, roaring in anger at her for how she spoke to me. Sansa screams in horror and runs. Sansa falls to the ground, covered in mud. Drogon bends his neck closer to her as she gets to her feet, running but she is cornered. Drogon tilts his head at her and cannot reach her with the few columns blocking his reach.
Drogon unleashes another roar that Sansa cries out with his breath making her hair blow behind her shoulders. I am about to tell Drogon to stop however someone grabs my arm. I look to see that it is Jon's friend, Samwell.
"Where is Jon?!"
"I do not know! Why?" I wonder why he is asking where Jon is especially right now.
"Have you seen Ghost?!" He panics asking me.
"I have not seen him either!" I say.
Arya comes up saying, "I saw Jon go into the Crypt! Samwell, there is something much more going on than wondering where Jon is at the moment!"
I take my arm away from Sam. He runs directly for the Crypt. I move my attention to Sansa crying as Drogon is snarling at Sansa. I go in front of Sansa so he can see that it is me.
"Daor! Daor! Keliosy! Keliosy" I roar to him No and Cease in Valyrian. I repeat it several more times and he stops. His head backs away from us. I exhale in relief that he listened. I look back at Sansa who is crying in fear. I take my right hand to her chin so she can look at me.
"He stopped. You are safe. And they are not just dragons, Lady Sansa. They are my children and as I said, I'm their mother but like any mother, I do not have full control over my children. However remember this: the slightest raise in any voice to me; they will see it as a threat to me, their mother."
I let go of her and walk away. She cowers in the corner like the scared wolf pup that she is. I get over to Drogon; he is calm now. I place my hand on his right cheek, knowing that this has made things more uneasy with how the North is looking at me and my children now.
I stop to see that Rhaegal is still uneasy. I am beginning to worry if maybe what Jorah said about losing Viserion is affecting them. I don't know what else it could be if not the death of Viserion here in the North beyond the Wall.
Samwell's POV
I jerk Jon up to his feet. He pushes me off of him. I hold my hands up that I am not going to lay another hand on him. "Jon, I know that you were just told your name, your real name. All of it and I cannot imagine how that would feel if I was in your place. But right now, you need to get up there. And I do mean now!" I tell him in panic.
"Sam, I cannot go up there with how I am feeling. I do not want to be around anyone right now." He tells me when begins to walk further down the Crypt.
I know how much all of this must hurt Jon and how it will affect everything, everyone around him now. But all of this needs to be put aside, he needs to get up there. "Jon, I know that you are in terrible pain. It is enough that even your dragon can feel it."
Jon freezes when I say those two words. He slightly turns around in disbelief. Ghost walks over to him, giving a slight huff like he is agreeing with me. Jon looks at Ghost then to me. I slowly approach Jon, knowing he needs to get out there. I stop walking when I hear the dragons roar outside. The roars are enough to echo through the Crypt.
"Jon, I am unsure about your thoughts of everything however put that aside for now. Think about this. Daenerys is your family. So is Arya, Sansa and Bran. That has not changed. It never will. And now, you have more than you thought you had. Just as a Stark has a direwolf, a Targaryen has a dragon. You are a Stark and a Targaryen. The dragon named after your own birth father, Rhaegar needs you now and I believe you need him just as badly. Rhaegal, Drogon and Daenerys are feeling what you are feeling which is causing Drogon to attack Sansa. Rhaegal is in a panic state, looking for someone. And it is you he is looking for. Go to him now before it makes the North believe that it is Daenerys causing it."
Jon takes in what I just told him. His slightly wet face and red eyes change into the man I know from The Wall. Jon shakes his head yes for a moment then without hesitation runs right past me, heading out of the Crypt. I try to run right behind him because I do not want to miss what I believe will happen next.
Daenerys's POV
Rhaegal lets out another loud, bellowing roar and I do not know what I can do to help him right now. I feel helpless that I am not able to help my own child. Then I notice that Rhaegal stops growling, his breathing becomes slow, calm even with a few seconds.
I feel that terrible sorrow approaching toward us. My eyes go to where I am feeling it. I see Jon. My mind begins to wonder if it is Jon. I watch Jon walking by people that are running or ducking down anything that they can hide behind from my children.
As Jon walks closer, snow begins pouring all around us. I stare at Jon when he walks right past me. He walks toward Rhaegal slowly, very slowly. Rhaegal's eyes gaze at Jon. Rhaegal's panic and anger vanishes in just a few heartbeats. Right then, I knew that it was Jon that he was looking for this entire time. But I do not understand why Rhaegal was looking for him.
"Jon, do not get near that beast!" Sansa cries out.
Jon ignores her when stopping just below Rhaegal. Jon and Rhaegal gaze at one another. The snow continues falling that Jon's entire brown hair is covered in the whiteness of the snow as are his fur shoulders of his cloak. We are all getting covered in snow while watching this take place.
Rhaegal lets out a small purr sound like he is glad that Jon is here. Rhaegal lowers his head down to be face to face with Jon just like Drogon did when first meeting Jon at Dragonstone. Rhaegal stares at Jon in a way that I only ever seen on Drogon's face when he is just with me.
Jon slowly reaches his hand to Rhaegal then rests his hand against the top of his nose. Rhaegal closes his eyes at the touch of Jon, breathing as if his entire world is alright now. I place my hand over my mouth in shock of what I am seeing with my own eyes. No one else has ever been able to get this close to my children; not even Jorah.
I take a few steps closer toward them. Jon places his other hand on Rhaegal, petting him. Jon gives a small smile to Rhaegal when he moves his arms onto Rhaegal almost like a hug in a sense. I smile in how Rhaegal looks at Jon the way Drogon looks at me. Rhaegal seems weirdly happy right now with Jon before him.
Then my smile disappears when Jon lets out a quiet sob that turns into a loud sob. Jon presses his forehead against Rhaegal and cries. Rhaegal rests his head on the snow covered ground just as Jon's cry becomes a sort of wailing sobbing like I have never heard before.
Rhaegal growls softly like he is comforting him. Rhaegal moves his wings downward that they are covering him as if to say to Jon, 'I am here for you and I will protect you as long as you need me to do so.'
I am in complete shock of Jon and Rhaegal like this. My eyes go to anyone in Winterfell watching this. Arya and Sansa are in shock of this happening. Jorah walks over to me in confusion. "Khalessi, what happened to Jon?"
"I'm not sure, Jorah." I respond with what little voice I had to speak.
I stare at Jon still crying in such sadness. I do not know how much times passes but eventually Jon steps away from Rhaegal, using his hand to wipe his face from the amount of tears he had pouring down his face. Rhaegal gives Jon a small nudge and it was enough to have Jon gives him a small smile.
Ghost comes running up to Rhaegal, not afraid of him or anything. Ghost and Rhaegal glare to one another then Ghost puts his front paws on his upper lip, swinging his tail back and forth, happy. Rhaegal barely opens his mouth, using his tongue to lick Ghost. Ghost is not bothered in what Rhaegal did. Ghost licks him right back like they are best friends already.
Jon pets Rhaegal with his left hand and Ghost with his right hand. Jon has the same small smile on his face petting both of them. Jon deeply exhales in taking a step back from Rhaegal. Rhaegal then steps down from the wall of Winterfell and remains watching over Jon.
"Jon. Jon." I softly say his name, wanting to know what happened to him.
He turns to look at me. Jon has a look on his face as if his entire world is like a fabric that has been torn. I walk closer toward Jon as Drogon and Rhaegal are right above both of us. We are all fiercely cold and covered in snow falling from above. Everyone is completely silent that the howling wind breaks the silence through Winterfell. Jon gazes at me in a way that he should not in front of everyone but I do not give a fuck. All I care about is what is going on with Jon.
Jon has some tears in his dark brown eyes staring at me. It is the last time he will ever get to look at me. Jon gives me a small smile then walks right up to me, wrapping his arms around me for a hug. I am caught off guard by his hug for a moment. He buries his face into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around the middle of his back and rest my head on top of his, comforting him.
We remain in each other's arms with the snow storm happening all around Winterfell. Jon and I both tighten our embraced hug for another few moments even though we are soaking wet from the snow. Then I stare at this despair filled man before me. Our hands are together when I ask him, "What is wrong, Jon?"
He clears this throat a few times, enough to gain his voice back to speak. "May I talk to you, please? Alone?"
I shake my head yes. "Of course; let's go to my tent or wherever you want to go, Jon."
Just as we are about to walk away, Sansa comes marching over in a fury. "He is not going anywhere with you! Your dragon nearly killed me and the other scared everyone here! You may want to earn our trust but after that, there is no trust to gain, Mad King's Daughter."
Sansa is about to pull Jon away from me until Rhaegal lowers his head, roaring right at Sansa. His mighty roar gives off a sort of wind to her face that Sansa goes as pale as if she has seen a ghost. Rhaegal stops roaring when Sansa backs away from Jon.
Sansa tries not to cry when she says, "Jon, please come with us now. You need to stay away from her."
"Enough!!!" Someone screams at the top of their lungs to Sansa. Sansa looks stunned that a random stranger would have the audacity to scream at her the way they just did. Rhaegal growls at Sansa, warning her not to come any closer to Jon.
I see that it is the person I meet earlier, The Winter Fox. I barely know this person and shouting at Sansa made me like this person even more than any other here Winterfell. The Winter Fox stands between Jon and Sansa but Jon walks right past the Winter Fox.
Jon gets right in her face saying, "Sansa, I have to talk to Queen Daenerys about something important. When I get back, I will need to talk to you and Arya as well. So until I get back, everyone please get inside and get warm, take a breather then back to training when I come back."
Sansa is speechless. Jon grabs my hand, walking away. Jon and I have in a sense cut the tongues out of everyone here in what has occurred. Drogon and Rhaegal stay resting over the walls of Winterfell the entire way out of Winterfell. I look back to see the Winter Fox yell out to everyone, "Disperse!!! It's over!! Do as your King commands! Get on inside!!!"
I see that some of the people are not listening but watching Jon and I walking together. The Winter Fox mounts up on a black horse with nothing but a silver looking rope around the horse's shoulders, no armor or bridle of any kind. They are just bareback riding, holding onto the rope. The horse is huffing in anger when the Winter Fox rides close to the people to get them to listen.
"Go!! Leave now!! Go on! Leave!" The Winter Fox commands to the people. They finally begin to listen, breaking off from the massive crowd they were in. The Winter Fox glares back at me. My eyes go to Jon and do not take them off him the entire way back to my camp site.
We stop for a moment to see Drogon and Rhaegal taking to flight among the snow storm, disappearing into the blizzard like they were never even seen. I tell my Dothraki Generals to not let any Norther enter the camp, no matter for what or why. Jon and I enter into the tent. Jon see the table set up for the two of us like I planned for later on this night.
Jon goes over to the table holding the wine. He pours two glasses then hands one to me. Jon sits down on the edge of the bed, drinking the entire first glass of wine rather quickly. I grab the bottle of wine and fill his cup for him. I place the bottle back on the table. He remains silent when I sit down next to him.
"Jon, what is going on? Did something happen with your brother? Is everything alright?" I ask him in concern.
Jon takes a sip from his glass then our eyes meet. "Yes and no. I learned something. It will change everything. Only a few people will be aware of this and you are one of them. I am scared of what will happen once I tell you though."
I place my hand on top of his. "What is all of this, Jon? Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know that I care about you and you can tell me anything."
Jon struggles to inhale when I say this. He pulls my hand to his lips, kissing the top of it in gratitude. He then drinks the rest of his wine glass. He sets the glass down at the edge of the bed. Our hands remain together until he kneels right in front of me, whispering in sadness to me, "You will see me differently after I tell you..."
"You don't know that, Jon. Tell me." I slightly beg to him, getting more worried in what happened when he spoke to his brother, Bran. I frame my hands around his face, brushing my fingers alongside some of the beard. I want to know that he can tell me anything and nothing will change between the two of us; nothing.
My eye remain locked with his dark brown eyes that I have grown to adore looking at so much now. Then he breaks eye contact with me, looking up at the top of the tent for a moment than back to me. "All of my life I have been raised based on a lie. A lie that I was nothing more than the bastard son of Ned Stark but that was not the truth, it never was. Jon Snow is not even my real name."
I freeze when he said this to me. He shudders for a few moments as if the words he is about to say are like stones in his heart. He whispers to me, "My name... My real name is Aegon Targaryen. I am the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen..."
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