Jon's POV
I feel someone brush their fingers through my hair then rubbing their hand up and down my arm to wake me up. I must have dozed off even though I did not want to. I rub my fingers against my heavy eye lids as I let out a yawn.
When I finally open my eyes, I see the Winter Fox but she has no mask on. She has long jet black hair hanging past her shoulder with stunning blue eyes that would make any man hardly have the power of tongue before her. She is the definition of Northern beauty in a woman of her facial features. She is far more beautiful than Ygritte. If she and Daenerys were standing side by side, there would be no one to compare to either of them. Her blue eyes are intense, focused as if they could see right through me.
I blink my eyes when suddenly her full headed mask is on. I must have been seeing things because she never took her helmet off. I lightly shake my head to get my mind together when she asks me, "You alright?"
"Aye, I thought I saw something but I know I am mistaken. Where are we?" I begin to see my surroundings when the Winter Fox points ahead of her.
I see a glimpse of the survivors from Winterfell. I exhale in relief to know that some made it out alive. I hope that many made it out before Winterfell was overturned by the white walkers. We ride on to meet them.
Sansa's POV
We all keep on walking through the snow. Thank goodness we are walking on a single line to make a clear way due to the snow being nearly up to my waist. I did not want to look back at Winterfell in its crumbled ruin now. I am upset that those damned Foxes blew it up just to delay the white walkers. Winterfell is destroyed and it cannot be repaired.
I exhale deeply while I see my breathe come out into the freezing air. I keep on walking until I notice a man behind me. He appears to be one of the men of the Night's Watch. He is tall, with dark brown hair and eyes; admittedly handsome than the others of the watch. He is a man of the north by his features alone and fit figure. He has a neatly trimmed beard and lifts his chin a little when he sees my eyes on him. His long black cloak barely drags on the snow ground as he walks closer to me.
"You have no need to worry. It can always be repaired, my lady." His voice is a little sharp, yet calm and soothing. I never heard a man's voice like his that has me hooked on every word spoken.
I nearly fall, not seeing where I step but he catches me. His strong arm wrapped around my waist. I stare at this man like he is a good sweet dream before me. He notices my hands are freezing cold so he keeps his around mine for warmth, walking every step with me.
"Who are you?" I softly ask him.
"Brandon Snow." He tells me and notices I resist in smiling in the common name he has.
"Yes, a predictable name." He says with a sweet smile.
"How did you join the Night's Watch?" I wonder how this man could be a bastard with how he carries himself. It is almost like he wears who he is like battle armor just like Jon does.
"I am bastard but still the second born son. My father forced himself on my mother to ensure another son since his wife could not have any more children due to a difficult pregnancy with my half brother. And if anything happened to his first true born son, I was here to make sure his line would remain. However I snubbed him through the Night's Watch. No man who forced himself on my mother will decide my fate." He says with a hint of sorrow for his mother.
I cannot even deny his boldness in speaking of something so personal. And the fact he chose his own life over his father's vicious intentions is definitely something worth doing. Brandon and I continue walking until he stops for a moment to look at me. He stares at me the way no man ever has looked at me, a look of admiration with possible lust for me.
"I heard all of the rumors about the dragon queen but I see you as the better choice to be the next queen. You have a good name, title and you are your father's daughter. You're rightful heir of Winterfell and the heart of Winterfell. I would crown you; keep you safe at my side while ruling over the remaining people of the North."
I am surprised in how he speaks of me like I am of a royal line. And what he speaks is true; House Stark has always been the heart of the North just like King's landing is the heart of the south. I am not sure what to say to his words so I barely walk past him about to take my hands away from his but he does not let go.
I look at him in his brown eyes again. Suddenly the man is no longer there before me when I blink once. I look around to find him but now it is the Night King standing face to face with me! I step back in shock however he grabs my hands. He will not let go and his grip is getting tighter. I am about to scream until Arya and Gendry say my name. I glance back in terror although they do not seem scared that the Night King is here. My eyes go back to the Night King but he is no longer there.
My eyes scan the whole area; there is no sign of him as if he was never here. I see that there are no tracks in the snow of where he was standing in front of me. I'm starting to go mad in seeing him when he is not truly there. Why am I seeing the Night King?
"Are you alright, Sansa?" Arya asks me.
I rub my fingers against my eyelids knowing I must be seeing things due to the small amount of sleep I barely have gotten. "I am alright. I need to get some proper rest or I shall start to see things that are not there."
Arya and Gendry agree then walk on. I stare back and still see nothing of that man before the Night King showed up. I wonder if I can ask another man of the Night's Watch about this Brandon Snow. Maybe he was truly here and my mind is playing tricks with me.
We all walk on until Nymeria and the pack gives out short howls. Many begin to panic until we hear horses approaching. Some begin to cheer to see the sight of more survivors. I am disappointed to see it is the Monsoon Fox and Winter Fox on their horses. But I smile at the sight of Jon with them and his wilding friend. They made it out alive.
Gendry carries Arya over to Jon as does Uncle Benjen with Bran. Jon struggles to get off the horse until the Winter Fox helps him down. Jon takes off a thick cloak covered in fox furs, handing it back to the Winter Fox. He thanks her before walking to us. I see Jon is injured when he lets out a small groan in hugging each of us. Jon notices Arya not able to walk without help from Gendry when he gently places her on her good leg.
"Is this all that made it?" The Winter Fox asks while the Monsoon Fox is taking a head count of the survivors.
"Yes and it is no thanks to you two." I directly say to the Winter Fox and the Monsoon Fox because they are to blame for all of this.
"I beg your pardon?" The Monsoon Fox says like the words I spoke is the worst he ever heard.
"I am sure you do, Trickster."
"Might I remind you that if none of you got out of there when you did, you would be right in line with the White Walkers. Not standing here alive." The Monsoon Fox says when approaching me on horse.
"You may but I will remind you that I am Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell and I decide for the people of-"
"I don't give a damn about what fucking titles you have and you do not decide for the people! They can decide for themselves! I do not want or need a reminder of your place. You sound just like Cersei Lannister when you do. So I will remind you to be grateful with your bitch mouth shut that you are alive and breathing thanks to my Queen, the Winter Fox." The Monsoon Fox raises their voice then directly gets in my face by leaning close from atop his horse.
Everyone looks this way when he calls the Winter Fox his queen. The Winter Fox sighs in how he acknowledged her as his queen. The Winter Fox lightly shakes her head no, placing her hand on her forehead like he was never suppose to call her that. I scoff in disbelief that she is any kind of queen or leader for that matter. "She may be your leader but she is certainly no Queen."
"You are one to talk. You act like you are a queen and you most certainly never shall." The Monsoon Fox growls the words.
Suddenly he grabs me by the neck and bringing me close to his masked helmet face starting to choke me. I struggle to get proper air to breathe. My eyes go to the others but no one is stopping her from putting her hands on me. I grip my hands around his, willing to do anything to have him let go. He does not, instead tightens his grip.
"If you insult my Queen again, I snap your neck like the bitch you are. And we are not to blame. It is you and those self serving lords and ladies in driving away the last hope of the North, Daenerys Targaryen. All of you bitches and bastards are to blame, not us! If it wasn't for us and past Foxes building those hidden pathways in the crypt, none of you would be standing here now. Instead of playing the blame game, you should be thanking us, empty honored bitch."
"You are still the same little girl blaming everyone else for what happened in King's Landing to you when you are the one to blame. Start taking responsibility in what you did..." He gets face to face with me that I cannot look away from his dark brown eyes that can almost pass for black eyes.
"Let Lady Sansa go or you will lose your hands. You have already put your hands on her enough. You will meet your death." Lady Brienne draws her sword ready to fight the Monsoon Fox for me. The Monsoon Fox does not even react to Brienne's threat while my mouth gaps open trying to breathe properly.
"Even if you tried, it would do no good. Death is an old friend to all of us Foxes." The Winter Fox says in a way like Death truly is an old friend of hers.
"Please let her go, Winter Fox. Sansa thinks she is smarter than everyone else and forgets her place." Jon says in desperation for the release of me.
"Monsoon Fox, release her." The Winter Fox orders.
The Monsoon Fox does so at her command. I gasp for air in the feeling of being choked out. I place my hands on my throat and lean downward in coughing. Brienne of Tarth, Podrick, Arya, Benjen and Samwell Tarly make sure I am alright.
"Please do not lay a hand on her anymore." Jon tells the Foxes.
"Only because you said so; if it was anyone else, we would tell them to fuck off." She says to Jon while Brienne still has her weapon pointing at the Monsoon Fox.
"You Foxes built those hidden tunnels?" Lyanna Mormont inquires them. The Foxes see Lyanna Mormont approach. The Winter Fox bows her head to Lyanna in respect for some reason.
"Yes. We Foxes of the Sunset Sea operate in a way no one else ever has. We always have a way in and out of every castle across every land of the world. It is one of our many secrets. I knew I could share it in order to save anyone that remained. Any person that is not here is now in the army of the dead. I suggest everyone that lost a loved one, mourn, say your prayers and share your sorrows but make it short. The White Walkers will begin to advance their way south once they are done ravaging through Winterfell."
The Winter Fox has her horse walk forward but freezes when she notices something on Arya. "Arya, you got my whip."
"That was you?" Arya says in shock.
"I was not sure if you were going to get it but thank Death you did." The Winter Fox softly says while placing her hand on her shoulder.
"You saved my life by doing so. Thank you." Arya says in handing the whip back.
Winter Fox places it on her belt. I notice the Winter Fox glares at something else on Arya. The Winter Fox hops off her horse and stands face to face with Arya. She moves the clothing away from Arya's neck to reveal what looks like frost bite hand prints on her neck.
"Oh shit..." The Monsoon Fox responds in seeing the frost hand prints on her neck.
"What is it?" I ask wondering why they are reacting this way.
"They marked her..." The Winter Fox barely lets out with her eyes wide at the sight of the frost hand prints.
"What does that mean?" Jon asks taking a look at Arya's neck too.
"It means one thing. Arya has been chosen to become a part of the Night King's guards. And that mark means the Night King knows where she is even though she killed the one who marked her. The same goes for me." Bran says and moves his arm up to reveal a frost bite finger prints mark.
"And you are telling us this now?! You are the Three Eyed Raven for fucks sake! You have a power unlike any other in the world just like the power of a dragon! Where is your power?! I sure do not see it!" The Winter Fox shouts in anger.
She takes a few steps to her horse but she stops in her tracks. Her eyes immediately go to Jon. She starts shaking her head no over and over again before she walks over to Jon slowly like she is dreading what she is about to ask Jon.
"Jon, lift up your shirt. Let me see." The Winter Fox asks as if she already knows what the answer is going to be.
Jon does not hesitate to lift up his shirt. I see a wrap around his entire stomach area. He must have gotten hurt during their dragon battle in the sky. The Winter Fox's hands are trembling while she takes off the wrap. She shudders when removing the last bit of the wraps to reveal Jon's wound.
His wound is still covered in some blood but not frost bitten like Arya and Bran's marks are. The Winter Fox lets out a chuckle in complete relief that Jon does not have the mark. She begins to wrap up his wound again. When she is done, Jon puts his shirt back on. I see how relieved the Winter Fox almost like she cares for Jon far more than she should be.
"Why would he choose them? He has more than enough in his dead army. He has spent thousands of years to make what he has today." Benjen wonders.
"Exactly, I have done the same. And of the centuries he put into his army, nearly over twenty of his guards have been killed, he will not lose anymore. So he will start choosing others to take their places. I have done the same when I lost one or many of my Foxes. And the Night King picked her with good reason." The Winter Fox tells Benjen.
"Why would he pick Arya?" I ask in worry for my sister.
"She is Arya Stark, a true wolf of the North; who better to pick than her? She is a good fighter. I would choose her as well. As for Bran, the Three Eyed Raven, he is the living memory of the world of men. If the Night King kills the Three Eyed Raven, there is no way for the world of men to recover without his memories. The Night King and Long Night will be infinite."
"Is there a way to get rid or block the markers on Arya and Bran?" I question.
The Foxes look at me like they are shocked in what I asked. "That is the first literal smart damn thing you have said in many fortnights." I snare at them because I am smarter than they give me credit for.
"There is a possible way. It may not work but if it does, it is going to hurt like hell."
"Fire..." Jon says dreading the word.
"Yes, fire. If we use fire, cauterize the markers, it could hold off the Night King in finding them or make the markers go away all together. But this forest is far too freezing to make a fire. There are only two things that can do so."
"The dragon, where is it?" I ask Jon.
"Rhaegal was badly injured, nearly killed. Rhaegal is not an option." Jon tells me with a tone that I know I cannot question him any further about the dragon beast.
"What is the second option?"
"The only source of fire that remain is either these torches but it won't be enough. Winterfell has fallen, everyone dead but parts of it still burn. That will be more than enough fire there." The Monsoon Fox says while pointing to the torches that survivors have.
"Can we still try the torches?" Gendry wonders because the idea of going back to Winterfell would be a chosen murder to those that go.
"You are a blacksmith, a good one. Do you think those torches will be enough?" Beric asks.
Gendry takes a good look at them but shakes his head no. I press my lips together wondering what can be done before returning to Winterfell is the only option. Beric draws out his sword for some reason. I wonder what his sword can do to be able to help.
"Will this be enough?" Ser Beric asks bringing his sword forward to them.
"How can a sword help?" Uncle Benjen asks looking at Beric.
Beric gives a small smile when the entire blade of the sword lights up. The entire blade flaming like it is a torch itself. He gives the flaming blade to the Winter Fox. "Your sword may be exactly what is needed, Beric. Let's give it a try. If it doesn't work, we press on."
"The Lord of Light's flame is always needed."
"Your Lord of Light commands his followers to burn children alive, he is evil and he can fuck off. Speak about the Lord of Light again and I will enjoy the Hound killing you as he said he would." The Winter Fox says in hatred to Beric and his Lord of Light.
"I like her." The Hound says in reaction to her words about the Lord of Light.
The Monsoon Fox and the Winter Fox draw their valyrian steel daggers then place the tip of their daggers in the flames of the sword. I see them turn over the daggers slowly as the blades of the dagger are becoming red hot. I do hope this works because if this does not, the Night King will keep coming for them.
The Monsoon Fox barely lets up his helmet to spit on the red hot part of the dagger. The spit vanishes when they approach with the hot daggers, ready to do what needs to be done to Arya and Bran. Arya and Bran do not phase in what is about to happen.
Gendry grabs Arya's hand as the Monsoon Fox is standing before Arya. Jon grabs the wrist of the Monsoon Fox before he could do it. He looks at the Monsoon Fox. Jon wants to do this for Arya.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I am her brother." He says.
He hands the dagger in his hand. Jon kneels down before Arya to take a good look at Arya's frost markers on her neck. I dread that doing this will leave a scar on her. I shudder in how painful this will be for them but it needs to be done.
"It won't leave a scar. It will hurt like seven hells but it will possibly burn the markers away." The Winter Fox says while pushing up the sleeve to reveal Bran's marker on his arm.
I stare at Arya's marker on her neck in some relief that there will be no scar once this works. It has to work. Jon rests his left hand on Arya's shoulder and tells her, "Grab onto me as well. Stay still and I will do this as quickly as I can."
"Go ahead and do it, Fox." Bran tells her when the Winter Fox kneels down before Bran, ready to place the dagger on his marker.
"Bran, you are the Three Eyed Raven but pain is still a stranger to you."
"Do it." Bran tells her.
The Winter Fox immediately presses the hot dagger on his arm. Bran lets out a few groans until he can no longer keep the pain contained. Arya stares over at Bran when the Winter Fox when Bran lets out a scream when the red hot dagger is pressed up against his marker. I hear the sound of the ice marker burning on Bran's arm.
The Winter Fox keeps it on his arm until the hissing sound of the ice marker melting is gone. The Winter Fox takes the hot dagger away from his arm. Bran finally stops screaming but it did not work. The ice marker still remains. We all take a look and sigh in frustration to see the marker is here. They still want to try with Arya's marker.
However the snow storm all around picks up almost like the Night King knew what just happened. We all look to Arya knowing this has to be done now. Arya is ready as Jon brings the hot dagger closer to her. Gendry holds her hands when the Winter Fox comes over, placing her hands on Arya's shoulder to hold her down in case.
Jon gently places the dagger on the frost marker unlike how the Winter Fox did to Bran. Arya unleashes her screams as the marker starts to steam like water pouring over fire to put it out. Jon gives more pressure going around her neck while Arya continues to scream.
Jon tries to go quick as he can to get this over with for her. I go to Arya, having my hand grab onto hers while The Winter Fox rests her head on the top of Arya's head to help comfort her pain in any way she can.
"Almost there!" Jon tells her, finishing up the last of the marker.
Arya keeps on screaming in agony until the marker stops steaming just like Bran's did. I sigh in anger to see the frost markers did not go away. Arya and Gendry have disappointing looks on her face to see she is still marked. Some of them still question if there is another way and the Foxes say there is only two ways now to stop it.
"How do we stop the markers?" I ask and demand to know from them.
"The Night King's death is the only way or if they die and we burn their bodies."
The hushing whisper in that being the only answers made everyone fear what the outcome will be if the Night King gets to them. We all become silent when the snow storm gets worse. The Night King knows what was just done and will probably head this way if he already hasn't.
"We have to get out of here now. Let's go." I stand to my feet.
"Before we do, we have maybe another twenty more miles to go, the wound need to be tended to before we move on. How many are wounded? Please get me a head count, Monsoon Fox. Jon, check Ghost on his injuries. Make sure the bleeding has stopped."
"Can you look at Nymeria?" Arya asks her.
The Winter Fox shakes her head yes and goes over to Nymeria. Nymeria gives a small growl to the Winter Fox. The Winter Fox holds her hands out to show she is not here to harm Nymeria. She kneels down to Nymeria and extends her hand out. Nymeria slowly extends her nose out to sniff her gloved hand. Nymeria takes a good whiff of the Winter Fox and give a big sigh like she gives approval for the Fox to approach her.
The Winter Fox slowly stands and walks around her. She sees a large piece of cloth wrapped around her rib cage. The Winter Fox gently unties it to reveal the wound. The Winter Fox gives a groan in seeing her injury. "Thank goodness you tied this around her to stop the bleeding. If you hadn't, she would have bleed out. And that is not the worst of it. She has a fractured rib cage. Was she kicked by one of the dead guards?" Arya shakes her head yes while petting Nymeria on her back side.
"Such a mighty direwolf in facing one of the Others." The Winter Fox says rubbing her hand on the front of Nymeria's chest. Nymeria seems to enjoy how the Winter Fox is rubbing the front of her chest.
"The Others?" Arya wonders.
"Think of them as the Night King's Guards like the Guard to the ruler in King's Landing." Winter Fox tells her before going around to Nymeria's right side.
The Winter Fox takes the large cloth and buries it into the snow. I wonder what she is doing as she rolls the cloth all over the snow until I see the blood dripping out of the clothe. The Winter Fox rings out as much of the blood she can then shakes it like a fabric cleaner does when cleaning shirts or gowns. The Winter Fox gets done of trying to get it dry then gently wraps around Nymeria's rib cage then ties it in a knot I have never seen done before.
"That will keep it on for a while. It is just enough to stop any further bleeding without hurting her rib cage. She only needs to fight for her life and no one else's if she is to live. I know walking is better than running for her ribs. Stay with her and make sure she does so. She is an alpha but even the alpha needs to know when to take a step back."
Arya shakes her head in agreement. The Monsoon Fox finishes counting the amount of wounded and says there is seventy three. She tells him to tend to as many as he can and she will join him shortly. Jon walks over to Ghost, making sure he is alright from his injuries. He sees that the bleeding has stopped by the look of the wraps not soaking through if he still was bleeding out.
Jon asks for Winter Fox to check on him. She comes over without a second to spare. She rubs her hands up and down Ghost's back, legs, neck and chest. She grabs something out of her pouch belt and gives it to Ghost like a treat. Ghost wags his tail back and forth in happiness.
"If he continues to lay low in fighting, he will make a speedy recovery. Same goes for you, Jon." She tells him while Jon shakes his head yes in agreement. Jon pets Ghost while the Winter Fox watches Jon. I walk over to get Jon away from her but everyone freezes when Ghost, Nymeria and the pack growl at something.
The Winter Fox and Monsoon Fox immediately draw their weapons and take a look around the surroundings while their horses are pawing at the snowy ground. I take a look around and the remaining people begin to cry in terror. The Winter Fox tells everyone to stay silent but they continue to make noise.
"What now?" Arya asks.
"I say we get the fuck on the move now." The Hound says.
Everyone keeps on looking around the forest wondering what is causing the wolves to growl. I look to see their eyes go toward the back of the survivors walking. I start to walk that way but Brienne and Podrick stop me. "The white walkers could already have caught up to us."
"No. This is something else." Ser Beric whispers in terror of what is to come.
Before another word is spoken, a massive loud scream comes from the back of the walking line. Everyone looks to see who let out the scream. The Foxes take off running as do Jon and the Hound. Brienne does the same while telling Podrick to stay with me. However I run after them.
I continue running after them but stop when we all see a little boy running as fast as he can with a white walker behind him. I realize that the white walker is the little boy's own mother. Her eyes use to be brown but now they are ice cold blue. She somehow got turned into one of them. But how did she turn?
The white walker tackles the little boy to the ground. The little boy is crying with blood all over his face and dark brown hair. He is sobbing while trying to fight off his own white walker mother. The boy has a dagger in his hand but he does not want to use it on his own mother until she nearly bites him. He uses the dagger, slicing off the wrist of the walker. The white walker screeches when he does this.
He breaks free then jumps on the white walker, stabbing his own mother over, over and over again until her body stops moving, giving an icy rattling sound dying. My mouth drops in the little boy standing up almost like he is out of his own world, trying to realize what he just did to his own mother even though she was turned into a white walker. The boy barely looks nine years old as he aimlessly moves forward like a ghost covered in blood.
The Winter Fox gently grabs the little boy from behind and he begins to lose his mind screaming. "Get off of me! Get off! No! Get off!"
The Winter Fox turns the little boy around, kneeling before him when he is about to stab her but she stops his arm from doing so. "It's alright. Look. It's me, the Winter Fox. You were the boy who threw the rock at the dead direwolf. It's alright."
The Winter Fox holds the boy's bloody face. The boy mumbles something but I cannot understand what he is saying. I place my hands over my mouth in the horror that this poor little boy had to kill his own mother. His mother must have been injured and died from them before turning into a white walker.
The Winter Fox takes the little boy in for an embrace. The boy buries his blood covered face into the fox furs covering her shoulders. The Winter Fox closes her eyes holding the little boy tight. He starts crying when she whispers to him, "I got you. I got you."
The little boy does not stop crying in her arms while others who knew the woman cry in sorrow for her death. The Monsoon Fox stands over the woman's corpse and sees her face like he has seen a ghost of some kind. He turns his back from the woman's body and kneels down to the Winter Fox and the boy.
"I saw them during the slaughter in Winterfell. She was being chased by a white walker. I killed it before it could kill them. She was covered in blood while holding her son. She must have been injured and died from her wound." The Monsoon Fox says in disbelief that this mother made it out of Winterfell but this became her fate all the same. The Monsoon Fox places his hand on the boy's shoulder to comfort him.
I see Samwell Tarly, a man of the night's watch and Gilly walk over to Jon. They are start talking about something while they overlook the dead body of the boy's mother. I walk over to them wanting to know what they are talking about. "What happened to her? How did she turn?"
"The Night King must have... He must have used turned anyone dead into a white walker. His power reached this far to turn her. He turned them all. Every dead man, woman or child is now one of them. Bring a torch." Jon says while getting closer to the ground, taking a closer look at the body of the young boy's mother. Another man of the Night's watch walks over with a flamed torch.
"Burn it." Jon tells him.
"Hold on. There is something the little boy wants that remains of his mother." The Monsoon Fox walks over and kneels down. He uses a dagger to move the dead hair out of the way to reveal a small pendant necklace she is wearing. The Monsoon Fox grabs and pulls off the necklace from her rotting corpse. The small pendant is a small metal coin with what looks like a snow flake engraving on it.
The Monsoon Fox stares at the dead body then walks away. My eyes go to the Winter Fox and the boy apart from their embrace. The Winter Fox takes off her cloak, wrapping it around the boy so he can get warm. The Monsoon Fox hands the necklace to the Winter Fox. The Winter Fox sees the snow flake on the pendant before looking to the boy.
"What is your name?"
"Marcellus Snow."
"Marcellus. I know another man with that name. He is a man of war. He can jab, take a hit and keep on going. He is a mighty warrior. You may meet him soon. Would you like to meet him?" The Winter Fox asks Marcellus.
Marcellus shakes his head yes to her. She puts the necklace on the boy so he can have the only thing that remains of her now. The boy is about to cry again when the Winter Fox picks him up to hold him in her arms. She carries him over to her horse. The Monsoon Fox follows behind them.
My eyes go back to see the torch placed on the clothes of the woman's body. The body catches fire. I know burning the bodies will ensure that they will not come back again. Jon stays for a few moments then walks away. The others follow behind him knowing there is nothing to be said, no sorrows or prayers of any kind to ease the pain in what happened.
The Winter Fox puts the young boy on her horse and hands him an animal skin filled with water then pulls out a fresh red apple for the little boy, Marcellus to have. He eats and drinks like he has not had anything for days. The Monsoon Fox has a spare cloth, placing a handful of snow in it. The snow melts in the cloth, handing it to the Winter Fox.
The Winter Fox starts to wipe away all of the blood off the boy's face when he is finished eating. The Winter Fox tells Marcellus he can pet her horse and she will be right back. She walks over to Jon and the others. I do the same wondering what the next move is.
"We still have a head start but the Night King wants them. They will come this way instead of South. We need to move." The Monsoon Fox says when mounting back up on his horse.
"Where are we supposed to go? You told us how to get out of Winterfell. You never said anything after that." Lyanna Mormont says.
"There is a safe camp we foxes have to refill our supplies, help any wounded. That is where Rhaegal is right now to have his wounds tended to. I just hope he let my fellow Foxes help him with his wounds. We just need to get there. When we do, we head to Bear Island. The White Walkers cannot swim. But now that there is a problem with Arya and Bran being a tracker directly to us, the Night King could have a large portion of his deadmen waiting when getting to the docks and it is a heavily used water source. But we can still head to the safe haven camp and replenish. So saddle up and move on. Let's get this movable bodies underway."
"Do you expect us to swim there to Bear Island? We have no ships." I tell them.
"Not using your head properly again, Sansa. We have ships ready in case this was to happen. Now do you want to question anything else further or get a move on to warmth, food and a way to survive this?"
My eyes go to all of the men, women and children freezing in this terrible cold and their eyes show they hardly have any hope left for their futures. Uncle Benjen was right; they are the children of the North kingdom. I will do whatever I can to ensure their futures are good and well compared to what it has been these past terrible years.
"Get a move on." I tell the Foxes.
"Good. Anyone with a horse, carry a second person with you! Please take a wounded, young or old on the horse so it makes the travel easier and quicker on all!" The Monsoon Fox shouts to everyone.
Any man with a horse helps another onto a horse. They help a wounded man, old woman or young kids onto the horse before they mount up themselves. The Winter Fox goes to her horse and mounts up with the boy, Marcellus in front of her. She rides to Jon extending her hand to him.
"Can your horse take the weight of three people?" Jon asks.
"She can, Jon." The Winter Fox says while the black horse shakes its head up and down as if to tell Jon that she can.
Jon grabs the Winter Fox's hand and sits behind the Winter Fox, allowing for Jon to ride with her while Gendry and Arya rides with the Monsoon Fox. The Wildling, Tormund gives up his horse so Uncle Benjen and Bran can ride instead of walking. A man of the Night's watch extends their hand to me. I take it and he helps me onto the horse's back.
When everyone is ready, we move on to the continued destination. I move my eyes around to see that Lyanna Mormont is also on a horse with a man from the Night's Watch. She is looking at me like she has a question to ask me but she will not ask it right now.
Ghost, Nymeria and the pack follows them as well. I look back at the remaining people following where we need to go to. I stare back at the hoof prints in the snow in the dread that Arya and Bran was chosen by the Night King to become a part of his army. Thankfully they no longer are. The dread of what he had in mind of them for his army, I can only imagine what he has chosen for me...
I make sure no one is looking when I barely lift up my sleeve to reveal the frost bite hand print on my arm when he grabbed my arm when the ice spiders attacked Winterfell. I shudder in feeling the prickling feeling followed by some numbness and inflamed with the discolored in my skin. I bring my sleeve back down knowing that that part of my skin will become harden the more time that passes.
I did not speak a word of this because the Winter Fox make it clear that the Night King's death is the only way to stop him from taking Arya, Bran and now me. I will not speak a word because the Foxes have already physically expressed their feelings about me. They would not help me to stay alive unlike Jon, Bran and Arya.
So I will ensure my own survival as I had to in my own way over the years. And if I die by the hand of the white walkers, I will make sure the Winter Fox is to blame for it. But the Night King will not have me and the others will never know about this.
I cover my arm when Brienne and Podric approach me on foot. "Are you alright, Lady Sansa?"
"I will be when all of this is over and thank you, Brienne for saying something against that fucking Fox." I tell her. Brienne bows her head to me while she and Podric walk alongside me on horseback. All of the survivors travel together into the unknown except the knowledge that we are all still alive.
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