Daenerys’s POV
Drogon takes to flight while I remain on the ground. I deeply exhale in what I have done in leaving Winterfell. I glance into the distance to see Winterfell so far away that it almost looks like a painting of sorts. I look for a bit longer then turn around to find a rider approaching the camp.
My eyes see that it is the Winter Fox on the jet black horse. The rider jumps off and the horse follows behind. The Fox approaches me while clapping. I give a small smile when the Fox claps for me.
“You truly are the impossible, Daenerys Stormborn; I would have given anything to see the look on that bitch’s face when you spoke those words.” The Winter Fox stops clapping when face to face with me.
“It is you I should give thanks since it was your counseling words that made it happen.” I tell the dark Fox.
“Oh, stop it. You are not wrong.” The Fox chuckles in flirtation of my words.
The Fox and I walk together while the horse continues to follow behind. I see that I am here at the Foxes encampment. I am stunned to see how many masked foxes of men and women around. There is over hundreds, maybe even thousands of them here, I wonder where they have been the whole time through the world. I never heard of them until our introduction at Winterfell.
I walk into the Foxes war tent. I enter to see an entire map of Westeros on a stone built table. I am impressed with this map. It is quite beautiful to look at the craftsmanship of it. The Fox pours two glasses of wine then extends one to me. I grab the cup. I notice the cup is also made out of Valyrian steel.
I am curious to how they built all that they have. The Fox barely lifts up their mask to drink the entire wine in their cup. Another Fox came in to give reports on the White Walkers location. When they were finished, the Fox places their gloved hand on the words, Deepwood Motte.
“Since I am heading south, what do you Foxes plan to do?” I ask.
“We will remain here until we are absolutely needed to intervene. We may have a strong force but if we are ensured a solid victory, that is when we will charge in. The White Walkers are not far. We have been keeping an eye on them, their location. We noticed that they have hit the other Northern houses but not Winterfell yet. It appears that the Night King is saving Winterfell for last. It is believed to be for a personal reason. We are not sure why however it is being searched. Hopefully we will have an answer.”
“What knowledge do you have of the Night King?” I wonder what they know of him.
“We believe he was from the North, maybe even one of the first Starks around the time when the Children of the Forest and Men were at War. It is said that the Children of the Forest created the Night King to fight against mankind. Instead it turned for the worst. Then it led to the peace pact known as the Age of Heroes in 10,000 A.C in the Dawn Age. But we believe otherwise.”
“How do you plan to get the information you need to find out his purpose and his identity?”
“We record as much as we can over the years just as we collect vast items over the years we have been active in the world. We will have all of the information during the time of the War. Knowledge can be power when used properly; it can give be a sharp tool.”
I lightly shake my head yes in agreement with the words of the Fox. I stare upon the map where the Wall of the Night’s Watch is. I brush my fingers on the craved word, The Wall. That is where I lost my child, Viserys to the Night King. His body is now in the ice cold depths of the water. He died fighting against an enemy that needs to be defeated but I will not risk anyone else I care about for a Kingdom that will never accept me.
My attention goes back to the Fox. The Fox walks around the map to stand in front of me. “There is something you need to know about Cersei Lannister. There is a possible chance she may send a small force to attack those that remain standing after the Long Night. If that is true, then something needs to be done before she gives the order.”
I glare down upon the marked spot of King’s Landing. My anger toward Cersei grows even more. She is sitting upon my family throne and will destroy everyone to keep it. I cannot agree more that something needs to be done about her. I have quite a number of ideas although I want to see what the Fox has in mind.
“What do you have in mind, Winter Fox?”
The Winter Fox looks at me with their strange blue eyes, almost surprised that I am asking for more council. “It may be something your advisors won’t agree to however it will do the trick against Cersei. It will hold her at bay while the Army of the Dead is dealt with.”
“Tell me.”
The Fox leans close and whispers in my ear of what the trick is. When the Fox is finished telling me, I do not resist in giving a small smile. The Fox slightly leans their head to the right, watching me make a choice. And I know what I will do now.
“Thank you for your council again. If anyone asks me where I went, tell them I will be back in half a day.” I tell the Fox when I turn to exit the tent.
“Of course, Queen Daenerys. Be sure to give them Fire & Blood.” The Fox says in a trickster joyous tone.
I leave the tent and enter into a clearing big enough for Drogon to land. He does so while lowering his shoulder for me. I take a step up when Jorah approaches me.
“Let me come with you, Khalessi.”
I glance at him wondering what he will think of me with what I am about to do. Then my eyes go to the Winter Fox who is not too far. The Fox shakes their head yes for Jorah to come. I shake my head yes to Jorah. He climbs onto Drogon and sits behind me.
“Hang on tight, Jorah. You nearly fall off the last time you were on Drogon.” I tell him with a small smile.
Jorah gives a small smile back to me and wraps his arms around my stomach. I lean forward, grabbing a hold of two horns. Drogon does not hesitate when leaping into the air, his wings carrying us high into the sky. Drogon lets out a roar flying across the dark grey sky. I begin to head South, directly to King’s Landing.
Lord Glover's POV
I dismount off my horse and find myself more than happy to be home at Deep Wood Motte. I exhale in comfort. All of my men are settling the horses in and getting some fires started.
I stare upon my family banner, the silver armored fist on a scarlet red background. I recall my brother telling me to keep our house banner flying and doing whatever it takes to keep it alive. And I am doing so.
I stare upon the walls as we are cover in a sort of light fog from the snow storm happening all over the North. It certainly shows that winter is here. Lord Ned Stark always promised it would and it has. I'll admit to missing Ned Stark as Warden of the North. He was a good man.
He never should have gone south. It was almost like The Doom of Valyria for the North. The Lannisters are The Doom and the near death of the all of houses of the North is the destruction of Valyria.
I exhale in remembering my brother answering Robb Stark's call and it ended up with most of the North dead including my own house. I wonder what the North would be like if that Ramsey bastard boy was still here as the Warden then letting Ned Stark's bastard become the King in the North.
Ramsey was many things, a cunt, a rapid hunting mutt even a monster but he never would have went after Daenerys nor brought her to the North like Jon Snow did. Jon Snow is no different than his brother, Robb Stark.
Robb Stark fucked a foreign whore while Jon Snow brought the Mad King's daughter onto our own land of the North. That Dragon Queen is a savage bitch just like her armies, no matter what anyone says.
“My Lord.” My thoughts stop when one of my men gets my attention.
"What is it?"
He points to something behind me. I groan in frustration but stop when I turn to see what it is. I slightly freeze at the sight before me. It is Jon Snow and his white direwolf, Ghost.
They are surrounded by an amount of dense snowy fog that it would have hard to see them at first but the blood red eyes of his direwolf pierce right through the fog. Jon Snow and Ghost stand in silence at me. I cannot make it out entirely if it is in anger or understanding on his face.
I gulp when he begins to walk toward the entrance of House Glover. I notice all of the men watching him walk toward us; the sounds of his boots and the paws of the wolf walking in the snow become louder and louder with every step forward. The white direwolf walks right beside him as if waiting for a command to kill from Jon Snow himself.
We are all dead silent like a crypt as the bastard of Ned Stark fully emerges from the snowy fog. His dark cloak barely drags along the snow and mud of the ground. He comes into full view, holding his head up high like a complete different man compared to the one I saw in the time I have spent in his presence at Winterfell.
He stops face to face with me while his white wolf remains next to him. Jon Snow looks around at all of the men staring him down then glares directly at me.
"Lord Glover." He speaks but almost in an unsettling way.
"Jon Snow." I manage to say back.
"Just Jon Snow, Lord Glover? I recall you saying the words, 'House Glover will stand behind House Stark as we have for a thousand years. And I will stand behind Jon Snow, the King in the North.' Why has that changed now? You have a great many things to explain." Jon says in the same unsettling tone.
Ghost remains quiet but the hair of the hackles go up like a dog goes up when ready to strike its prey. Jon places his left hand on Ghost, petting him a little. The piercing red eyes see right through me that I can no longer look at his wolf.
"I believe I have no reason to explain any further than Daenerys Targaryen. That bitch is enough reason. She wants the North for herself just as her ancestors before her." I tell him.
"You heard her words in the great hall of Winterfell. The North remains an independent kingdom as long as we back her claim to the Iron Throne and take down Cersei Lannister. I do not see the problems with Daenerys Targaryen. I'm beginning to see the North with the problems."
"You should know why the North has problems. After all, your own brother put the North into those problems."
"That is where you are wrong. The problems truly started when Joffrey called for Ned Stark's head. It all begins with the Lannisters then Robb Stark added to those problems. However most of them are dead, probably bones into dust wherever they are buried or left to rot are gone. Just like the Mad King's bones. Only their names remain. Those problems died the moment the Stark Banner hanged over Winterfell at the Battle of the Bastards."
I stare this bastard boy in the words he speaks. He is speaking like a north man but he is not standing like one. It is almost as if something crawled into his skin possessing him.
"Go back to Winterfell, Jon Snow. There is nothing you can say or do to make me return to Winterfell with my men. They will not back the claim of the Mad King's Daughter. We will never trust a Targaryen with our lives, our families, our homes."
Suddenly Jon Snow gives a small smile like I am nothing but a fool. He even gives a small chuckle almost like he has gone mad. He turns his back to me and begins to circle the courtyard.
"You are wrong again. I am not here to convince you to return to Winterfell for the war to come. I just came here to tell you that when the Night King brings the storm and he will, they hit without warning. And when it is over, you will lie in the storm." He finished circling around to face me again.
I glare at him when he makes it sound like a threat. My eyes look down on this boy. "Do not threaten me, boy! I have my own men and people to protect! I will defend them from anyone! Including you..."
I take a step closer that I am barely an inch from this bastard's face. The bastard is not bothered in how close I am to him. He still has a small smile on his face to me.
"That's no threat at all. It is going to happen and it'll be on you when it does. I just came to see House Glover one more time before it is destroyed. If I make it out alive, I will ensure that another loyal house remaining shall have it. I will help in repairs."
"No one will have my house! We will survive the storm, boy! That is why we have a great many things to attend to! Now, leave!" I snap at him.
He does not move as I show him that I am not afraid of him. He is just as harmless as his brother, Bran in that wheelchair. I turn my back to him, taking a few steps up the stairs until I hear his direwolf snarling at me.
My eyes go to the direwolf with its ears pinned back, bare teeth, ready to attack me on Jon Snow's word. Jon places his hand on the white beast whispering, "Easy, Ghost... He's not worth it; he would be a bitter taste."
The beast manages to calm down when Jon speaks to him. Jon keeps petting his beast when he tells me, "There is one last thing you are wrong about, Glover."
"What is that, boy?"
"You said you would never trust a Targaryen."
"Yes. Did I fucking stutter when saying those words?"
"Of course not, however I do have one thing to ask and tell you before I go."
"Spit it out." I speak to him in anger.
"Did you ever trust me at any point?"
I stare at him wondering why he was asking me this but I answer, "Yes, I did until you brought that Targaryen bitch into Winterfell."
"But before I did bring Daenerys to Winterfell, did you trust me with your lives, your families, your houses?"
"Yes." I say with honest disappointment.
"And yet you said you would never trust a Targaryen but you did with me..." Jon Snow speaks with another small smile on his face.
"What the seven hells are you talking about?" I ask him in confusion. He truly does sound mad with what he is speaking of. The Mad King’s Daughter rubbed off on him.
"What if I told you that I was never Ned Stark's bastard? What if it was a lie? Robert's Rebellion and Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapping, raping Lyanna Stark is not the truth. What if I told you that Rhaegar and Lyanna fell in love, married in secret? Then when Rhaegar fell on the Trident, Lyanna had a son. Lyanna Stark knew that Robert Baratheon would have murdered the boy if he ever found out. So in her last moments as she bled to death on her birthing bed was give the boy to her brother, Ned Stark to rise as his bastard son."
I begin to feel absolute fear the more he speaks of this. I stare at him in horror as do every single man in the courtyard hearing this insanity.
"My real name is Aegon Targaryen..." He utters the words that make me want to plunge a knife right into his heart.
All of the men begin to mutter in his impossible words. That is all some sort of ruse to make me trust Daenerys Targaryen in a twisted manner. But it will not work. It is not the truth. It cannot be.
"That is impossible. You are no Targaryen. You are a bastard of the North, Lord Ned Stark's son."
"I wish it was but it is the truth, Glover. And it goes to show that you did trust a Targaryen. I just wanted you to know that before all of you die horrible deaths. I wish you all good deaths in the storm to come."
He turns his back toward us and walks away. His direwolf growls before taking a jump forward at me. I scream when he barks in my face. I close my eyes with my back to a stone wall. His entire mouth could shallow my head with ease.
The men aim their arrows at the wolf until I hear that boy call for his wolf, "Ghost, come on. Better meat for you elsewhere."
The red eyes of the wolf stare me down for a few more moments until he huffs, walking away. He catches up to walk alongside Jon Snow. They stop for some reason.
I tell my men to aim at him if he decides to take another step back in here. I dwell on his words. There is no chance that Ned Stark would lie about that boy being his son. He would never put his wife, Lady Cat or his other children through the idea of him laying with another woman when he went off to war in Robert's Rebellion.
Suddenly, the sound of massive wings comes from above. I immediately look up when I see the dark shadow of a dragon in the snow storm above the entire castle. That Dragon bitch brought one of her dragons here to scare us even more.
"Archers, aim up! Be ready to fire on my command!" I shout to them.
Then the enormous shadow dives down, landing directly behind Jon Snow. Jon Snow is motionless when the dragon lands. I see with my own eyes that Jon Snow, the bastard boy pets the dragon on his long nose like he is a pet of some sort.
I look on the back of the dragon and search for the bitch queen Daenerys Targaryen but she is nowhere in sight on the dragon. She must be hiding until I watch the dragon lower its right shoulder to the ground. Jon and his white beast step onto the dragon.
I feel my stomach turn watching him climb onto the back of the dragon. His direwolf lays down behind him, ready. The boy stares at me as does the dragon with its demonic eyes.
"It cannot be. It is impossible. He cannot be a Targaryen." I whisper to myself.
The boy leans forward, getting a grip on the spikes of the dragon. The dragon lets out a roar that has most of the men running to hide. The dragon turns its back toward us, taking several erupting steps on the ground until the dragon uses its wings to lift them into the air.
I feel the wind of the wings knock many of us to the ground including myself as I fall flat on my ass. "Ahhh!" I scream out in the pain of falling.
My eyes go back to the sight of dragon when I watch it slowly disappear into the snow storm above us. That mad boy stares at us one last time until the storm covers their full view.
I manage to get to my feet in shock with all I just witnessed. One of my men runs straight at me questioning, "Is it true of what he spoke of? Is he really the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark?"
I shake my head no in disbelief. "No. He did it to mess with us. Ned Stark was the most honorable man the North has ever known. He would never lie and take in a Targaryen blooded boy to protect. He would never put his wife through the torture of sleeping with another woman and lying about all of it."
"Open your eyes! He mounted a dragon and took off like he has done it many times! We know the stories of the Targaryen and their dragons!" Another man shouts in terror.
"And what is that? Those remaining beasts will possibly pick anyone on their back since that bitch is the only Mad Targaryen left in the world." I will not believe a word he spoke.
"You know of the story of the Dance of the Dragons! Rhaenyra Targaryen's son attempted to mount her dragon, and in mid-flight, he fell to his death. He was not the rider of the dragon! If you are not the true rider of a dragon, death it is for whoever tries. He is a Dragon Seed!"
“Shut the fuck up!!! Get to work! We need to be prepared in case the White Walkers decide to come here before Winterfell!” I shout in his face.
He backs away from me while the men begin to start on the defenses. We all work for a long time. I tell them to take a small break. I am about to go inside when I see that damn direwolf at the entrance. I groan in anger that the bastard boy truly didn’t leave like we thought he did. I walk toward the entrance as the direwolf does not move.
“Take your fucking beast with you, bastard!!!” I shout.
However there is no sign of that boy. The direwolf remains still like a statue. Some of the men also stare at the beast. One of the men says something about the eyes of the wolf not being Red. These eyes are blue, like winter blue. This direwolf does not belong to that dragon seed. Which direwolf is this one?
Suddenly, any animals we have begin barking or neighing loudly as if a threat is coming. I glare around wondering what the seven hells is going on with them. A few of the horses break free from their stalls and take off around the courtyard.
We all turn away from the entrance when we see a thick icy mist emerge over the trees and castle. The mist pours down over the castle into the courtyard, closing in. I immediately scream, “Close the gate! Get your weapons!!”
Half of the men go for their spears, swords, bows and arrows. I draw my sword ready for a fight when the mist and snow surround my eyesight. The men close the gate as that blue eyed beast does not move when the doors close. They place a cross bar into slots, locking it in place. The only thing I can see is the glowing blue eyes of the beast through the gap at the bottom of the gate.
I start walking forward when the men draw their arrows at the blue eyed monster. I have my sword in hand, ready to swing if any monsters attempt to attack the gate. The swirling snow and mist begin to make it harder for me to see all around me. “Ready your arrows!”
I place my hand on the gate to barely see through as the blue eyed beast is right at my eye level. I feel cold chills going down my spine and a gut retching feeling in my stomach of what is happening. Then the blue eyes disappear as a disturbing sound of growling comes from above.
We all look up to hear the roof trembling like something is crawling on it. My mouth drops when white walkers pour in through the top of the roofs. They look like corpses dug out of the cold earth, some of them carrying axes. Quite a number of them are wearing ragged clothes with some hair on their head. Others were nothing but bone corpses falling down to the ground. They get to their feet, ready to kill anything in their path.
“AHHHHHHHH!!!” Some of the men scream in horror as the others shoot their arrows.
A fist breaks through the gate; I immediately swing my sword, taking off the arm. The arm falls to the ground still moving. I feel something grab at my ankle. It is a white reaching from under the gate. I shove my sword through its skull when it gets halfway under the gate.
Other Whites climb over the gate. The gate is being broken by the large holes. I stick my sword through some of the holes, killing as many as I can. However nothing appears to be working when I remember that only Dragonglass, fire and valyrian steel can kill a white walker.
I see arrows flying everywhere to strike down the whites coming from above. I stomp my feet on several skulls, breaking to pieces. A white tackles one of the archers while the whites pour through when the gate falls apart. I back away, still fighting any walkers that dare to come near me.
The whites continue to slaughter more and more of my men, members of my family. Their dying screams fill my ears and my nose with the smell of rotting meat. I am using all of my strength to kill any white walkers I can. If I am going to die here, I will take as many as I can with me.
I slice a walker in half with my sword then ram my sword into a white’s back. In the mist of the carnage happening all around, I look out in the distance of the destroyed gate entrance to see something. The very thing that the bastard boy warned us about; through the raging blizzard, I spot over ten white walkers seated on dead horses, watching what is happening.
A walker swings at me and I dodge the attack. I roar my battle cry, driving my sword above it, cutting the walker down the middle. A white jumps onto my back. I fall to the ground when the white stabs me in the back.
“Ahhh!” I let out in pain of the blade piercing my backside, the warmth of my blood drenching my back.
Then the white screams when I hear the sound of a blade cut it down. The white falls to the ground, I turn over to see one of my men; he helps me to my feet. “We are going to die here! We need to get to Winterfell now!!”
I do not argue with him as I tell any living man, “Follow me! Run!!!”
We all go into the castle and lock the door behind us in time. I hear the dying screams of some of the men wanting to be let inside but it is too late when the whites get to them. The door is being banged on, shaken. I notice that there are barely twenty men with me as we make our way to the servant entrance. I manage to keep up even with my back wound.
We all manage to get there when we see at least seven horses still tied up, neighing in fear of what is happening. I tell the men “Get a horse! Get to Winterfell!”
“What about you?!”
“As long as I draw breath, I will defend my family home and take as many of those dead bastards with me! Go! Now! Tell that boy and Sansa Stark that the North does need the Dragon Queen!”
The men are shocked in my words of the Dragon Queen. They do not question me when some mount the horses and take off out of the service quarters. I watch at least seven riders total make their way out of here safe. The others remain with me by choice.
We all hold the last entrance when the whites make their way into the castle. The glowing blue eyes of the whites come charging at us. We all hold up our weapons, ready to fight to the death until the whites come to a halt, glaring at us. We wonder why they stopped.
I shudder at the sight of these ugly bastards. They truly did bring the storm, and death with them like we were told they would do. We hear the sound of steps getting closer and closer that the walkers break a part to form a line down the middle of them.
We see that it is the white walker direwolf and what appears to be something far different from the dead around. It is an armored walker with an ice spear. This one and the walker wolf stop to glare at us as well. It locks eyes with me. I knew that I was looking death right in the face.
I know this is going to be the end for me but at least I will go down fighting than screaming. The remaining men and I attack them. I swing my sword above my head, delivering a downward cut. But the armored walker avoids my sword. I swing my head again but he backs away when my sword hits the stone step.
I attempt to strike again but the ice spear slices through my sword, my own sword shatters like it was glass itself. I watch when the ice spear cuts right through my gut like I am cake. I feel the pain as I scream out falling on my backside. The ice spear is pulled out of me.
I try to stand but the armored walker places his foot on my chest. I yell out in pain of feeling his icy touch. My eyes go to see my remaining men being butchered as if they were pigs for dinner. Their bodies are torn apart as they scream to their bitter end.
I lock eyes with walker above me. The blue eyes look at me with no remorse or any human emotion of any kind. I will not scream while dying for these dead creatures. I won’t give them the satisfaction if they manage to feel anything in killing the living. It steps away when the dead direwolf stands above me. I close my eyes when the jaws of wolf go for my face, its jaws snapping together into my forehead.287Please respect copyright.PENANA9eardVRcvV
“AHHHHHH!” I scream in agony as the direwolf is tearing me apart while I am above. I feel my flesh being ripped apart. The last thing I see is the cold blue eyes of their storm surrounding me as I lie in the storm…
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