After the training, Amy returned to the village and entered her house. While she is arranging her room, Husky barged in. “Hey, Finley. Could you come with me?” Husky asked. “What is it, Husky?” Amy asked back. Husky pulls her and point his finger into the forest. Amy looks at where he pointed. The trees shook with a loud cracking sound and everyone gasped. “Don’t tell me...!” Orissa said and readied her bow. From the forest, a purple deer comes out and charges toward them. “Ouw.....Curses!” Amy yelled. “It’s Vhanger! Run!” A boy shouted. Everyone runs as fast as they can except Orissa, Amy and her friends. Amy and the others dodge its charge. The deer stop its charge and turn toward Orissa. “Hah!” Orissa grabbed the deer’s horn. She holds the deer’s charges until it stop. The deer roars aloud angrily and Orissa revealed her reptilian face. “Shhhah!” Orissa hissed angrily. “Hey, Bloody Herbivore!” Amy called, releasing an arrow she holds on the bowstring. Amy releases the arrow and it hit the deer’s neck when it turned its head toward her. The deer roars and Orissa kicks the deer away immediately before it could retaliate. The deer flees but it fell to the ground before it could escape. “Lucky that I put deadly venom on the tip of the arrow,” Amy commented. “Thanks, Finley,” Orissa thanked her. The deer vanishes and reveal a small figure. “What?” Amy wondered as she saw the purple fog clearing from the figure. The deer was actually a demon child cursed into a deer. The little demon has a princely expression except for his demon fang, wings, tail, and claw. The demon jumps toward Amy’s palm hand. “Grrrr....,” the little demon snarled. Everyone looks the demon with a frightened face. “How cute...It’s a little demon,” Zeke said and rubbed the demon’s chin with his right index finger. The demon bites his right index finger all of a sudden. “Ouch!” Zeke replies, he pulls his finger in pain. The demon licks his lip. “How dangerous...” Amy says. The demon licks his lip. “Then you’re his father, now,” Amy says and throws the demon toward him. The demon crawls on his arm fast and bite his arm. Zeke yell in pain. Amy shrugged while closing her ears. When Zeke stop yell, Amy laughs. “You look funny, Zeke,” Amy laughed. Zeke growl and yells, “That’s not funny!” Zeke looked at the demon that bit his arm. “Anyway, shouldn’t you return to the Fauryth? You live in Fauryth, right?” Orissa asks. “Well we’d like to but, we couldn’t return unless we beat Stab,” Husky says. “Maybe...,” Len says. Stab hears their conversation and comes out from hiding. “Really...? You know that you can’t beat me in a fight,” Stab says. Amy turns toward Stab. “Stab!” Amy said. “How’s it going, Amy? Do you really like it, being transformed into Finley because of my master’s curse?” Stab asks. “Amy?” Sieg said in lowered tone and looks at Finley. “Well, are you ready?” Stab says. “I am ready!” Amy says. “Very well. You're lucky, I was in the mood to fight you all,” Stab says. Amy and her friends surprise. “So, we need to beat Stab together, huh?” Sieg says. “All right then, let’s do this!” Zeke says. “Be careful, she can teleport anywhere,” Husky says. Amy starts first; she casts a Transform spell toward the falcon. The falcon transforms into Griffin and screeches loudly. “Hmm...Interesting”, Stab says. “Quiet, Stab! Syphoon, get her!” Amy yells aloud. Syphoon flies away from Amy’s right shoulder toward Stab but she vanished, she appears behind Syphoon and hit him on the back. Syphoon screeches in pain and he fell on the grass. “Man, she’s everywhere. We can’t beat her if we can’t beat her magic”, Sieg says. “Hah, you can’t defeat me with an ordinary attack, after all”, Stab boasted. Amy’s Beast rune in her left hand shines brightly. “Why don’t you use that rune you got from the twelve dragons?” Stab says. “What! How did you know?” Amy says. “The dragon told me that”, Stab says. Amy growled. “Fine, if you want me to use it. Then here I go!” Amy says. She grips the rune tightly and rise on the sky. “Beast Lord! Show your power to that filthy girl! Go, Divine Beasts,” Amy said. The rune shines and Amy points her right hand to Stab. From the rune, Divine Beasts emerge and rush toward Stab in tremendous speed. “So fast”, Stab says. Amy's minions appear in front of her and strike together. “Kyaaa!” Stab screams. Stab flung and hit the ground. “Ha! How's that? You naked old bufflehead witch!” Amy says. Stab stands up. “How dare you say that to me!” Stab says. Stab turn back. “Oh well, a promise is a promise, I will teleport you back home. Maybe...After all, there’s a chance you will get teleported somewhere else,” Stab says. “If we are not teleported home, it will be fine. I’m happy to take another adventure,” Amy says. “And I’m coming with you,” Orissa said. “What?” Amy yelled in front of Orissa’s face. “I want to go with you on your journey. And you can’t force me to forget about it,” Orissa replied. “My goodness...You’re pretty stubborn for a Hunter,” Amy said, pounded her forehead. Amy shakes her head and says, “Listen...You can’t come with us, okay? Our journey would be more dangerous than you think. I don’t want to get you involved with us”. Orissa look at Amy with sad face. “Is everyone ready?” Stab says. “Yeah,” Amy says. “Hold on, everyone,” Stab says. Stab raises her wand. Amy waved shortly and said,” I’m sorry, Orissa.” A light appear shines from their body and they vanish in a blink. Orissa sees them gone, remembering her refuse and cries loudly as she stand.