Amy runs toward Ghastler while spinning her spear and stabs Ghastler with it. The Ghastler vanish as soon as her spear hit it. Amy’s spear switches back to rapier and Wolfe whimpers at her. “What’s wrong? Whoa!" Amy was shocked seeing the twins unconscious. “What happened?” she asked. Wolfe shifts back. “We fought a horde of gargoyles and Crawlers circling around us but we were outnumbered. Zeke and Sieg fainted from exhaustion,” Wolfe explained. “What? Goodness! Will, help me carry them to the way out,” Amy said. She carries Sieg on her arms while Wolfe carries Zeke on his arms and they both run to the exit. On the exit, they meet everyone at the exit. “Where’s the other trio? Cheyenne, Husky, and Platinum?” Amy asked. Everyone shrugged their shoulders. Meanwhile Husky, Cheyenne and Platinum look for a way out. “Careful...Watch out!” Husky said, dodges attacking banshees. “Keep going, guys,” Cheyenne said. They run around searching for a way out while avoiding monsters. “Look, I see something! There!” Platinum pointed at an exit. “Alright, let’s get out of here,” Husky run toward the exit. Cheyenne and Platinum scream while running away from chasing Ghastler. Amy looks around wildly at the exit. While she is looking around, she sees shadows of three boys coming. “Look, it’s them!” Amy yelled. Platinum, Cheyenne, and Husky arrive at the exit as Ghastler leaped from behind them. Finley appears and kicks the attacking Ghastler away from them. He puts an arrow on the bowstring and release it toward Ghastler enhanced with Bane spell. “That was close,” Amy said as she sees Ghastler vanish in the air. Finley put his bow on his back and vanished. Amy puts Sieg on the ground and Wolfe did the same thing. Amy taps on their cheeks while Wolfe hid his claw and slap on Zeke’s face. Zeke wakes up with a terrified expression. “No! We’re going to die! Wait, where are we?” Zeke looked around in confused. “We are out of the forest. Everything is over,” Wolfe said. Meanwhile Amy keeps tapping on Sieg’s face. “Sieg! Wake up, it’s over,” Amy said while tapping on Sieg’s cheek. Sieg wakes up with a confused face. “Where are we?” Sieg asked. “Great, you are awake now. I was ting worried that you wouldn’t open your eyes because you’re dead. We are already outside the forest. You and your brother fainted when both of you were attacked by a Wildern. Will kept you safe long until I arrived on time to save you. We brought you out of the forest safely,” Amy said. “What’s going on? I feel hazy...,” Sieg said, rub on the side of his forehead. Zeke pull himself up and Wolfe take Zeke’s hands and help him stood up. “That’s because the shock must have broken some of your memories before you blacked out,” Amy helped Sieg stand up and straighten his conscious by tapping him on both cheeks. “You saved us...Thanks, we wouldn’t have survived there if you hadn’t saved us,” Zeke said. “And that’s for Amy too,” Zeke said, looking at her. “It’s a bit embarrassing but thank you for saving us,” Sieg said.