Everyone drags the boat to the lake and hop on the boat. Sieg takes the oar and begin to paddle. Amy walks to the front and smells the air. “(Sniffing) here it comes! Look out!” Amy warns them. “Huh?” Husky looked to the front. A Hydra emerges from the lake, which cut their conversation. “What the hell?” Amy said in disbelief. “It’s a Hydra!” Everyone shout. The hydra roared. Amy takes her bow and a quiver of arrows. She pulls the arrow on the bow. When the hydra looks at her, she releases her arrow. Her arrow flew and hit the hydra’s scale but its solid scale unaffected by the arrow piercing effect. “Damn...The arrow can’t pierce through its scale,” Amy says. Amy growls in frustration and she takes out the knife from her bag. When the hydra drops its head closer, Amy jump on its head and she stab its mouth with her knife. The hydra roars in thundering sound and it raise its head highly. “Whoa!! Oh no!” Amy screamed, still holding on the knife. When the hydra raise its head highly, the knife Amy stabbed on its mouth drops lower caused by her weight which make a cut line on Hydra’s back. Hydra roars while the knife started to cut lower and deeper because of Amy’s weight. Her leg touches hydra’s spine. “Ouch!” Amy says, her leg wounded by the spine. Amy’s knife separate from hydra’s scale and she fell to the water. She sees the hydra cut in two and it fell on the water. Amy swims toward the boat. She sees hydra release an aura from its body. “Look! The hydra releases something from the inside,” San says, his finger pointed on hydra. “What is that smoke?” Len wondered. “That is an aura. But I wonder...was it someone’s aura?” Cheyenne wondered. The smoke approaches Cheyenne and surrounds him. “I heard something from this smoke...It tried to say something,” Cheyenne thought. Amy arrives and pulls her on the boat. When he sniff on the smoke, Cheyenne fell asleep as if he got hit by a sleeping gas. “Cheyenne!!!!” Everyone shouted. “It has a sleeping smoke effect. Quick, we have to prepare a tent to treat him,” Amy said. At dawn, everyone quickly build a tent for the night. Amy puts unconscious Cheyenne in her tent and set a campfire while San, Zān. Husky, Platinum and Kinnison hunt animal. Len picks fruits from trees for tonight. Meanwhile, Amy takes her job of setting a campfire by fiddling two stones at the same time. “(Fiddling stone sound)” Amy fiddles the stone on the firewood. Meanwhile Husky, Kinnison Hunter, and Platinum hunt animals in the forest. Husky and Kinnison sit on a big rock while they watches Platinum sneaks and crawls toward a male deer eating grasses from far away. He leaps and hides from grass to grass while approaching the deer with stealth. He catches the deer when the deer tried to escape and fell to the ground with the deer. Kinnison and Husky were impressed in Platinum’s hunting style. “Nice hunting style, Platinum,” Kinnison said. “Yeah, that was fast, and stealthy I guess...,” Husky said. Platinum walks toward them with the deer on his two hands. “This is what I call a big prey!” Platinum said. “Wait, you don’ think that.... we will have deer for dinner, right?” Husky asked nervously. “Yes, we will be eating this deer tonight,” Platinum said. Husky’s eyes widened upon hearing what Platinum said. “Seriously? We are eating a deer tonight? That’s not good...,” Husky complained. “Well, it’s better than nothing for the night,” Kinnison stretched his arm. Meanwhile...Amy keeps fiddling the stones but nothing happened. While she is busy with the campfire, the twins didn’t do a thing. The two only talk to each other. Amy sweats a lot for trying hard. “Pheww...I’m tired from doing this,” she wipes her sweat. Amy looks back toward the twin Peganic. “Hey, twins (Sieg and Zeke). Help me out with this, will ya?” Amy said to the twins. The twin Peganic looks at Amy and squat near her and spins the wood for her. Sieg takes the stones from Amy’s hand and fiddle the stone on his left hand toward the other stone until a flare appear on the firewood. After the flare appear, Sieg steps aside and the flare grows into a large fire. “There, the flame burns the firewood now,” Sieg says. “Wow...awesome! How did you do that?” Amy and Zeke ask one at a time. “Well, it’s the same like you do but you just didn’t spin it faster and stronger, that’s all” Sieg explained with a hand motion. A few minute later, Len returns with the fruits in a basket together with Kinnison, Platinum, and Husky. At night, everyone sits together near the campfire and enjoy their food they gathered. Amy ate some meats while Husky mutter with his mouth full. “It’s night but Cheyenne is still asleep,” Len said with a worried tone. “I wonder about it....Was the effect of the smoke that strong?” Amy wondered while chewing on her food. “We better get some rest. Anyone wants to stay at Cheyenne’s side?” Sieg asked. Amy swallows the food in her mouth. “I will do it. I’m worried about his condition. Who knows what will happen to him if we didn’t watch over him,” Amy said to everyone. “Take care of him, Amy,” Zeke said. “Leave it to me,” Amy assured everyone. As soon as they finished eating, they enter the tent and fell asleep. Amy enters Cheyenne’s tent and checks on him. “Hmm...I don’t see anything suspicious from the outside. Husky mentioned something about aura. Could it be...?” Amy whispered with wonder. “I will check on him again tomorrow. I’m going to sleep. I will stay with you tonight, Cheyenne. You better not disappoint me, my best friend,” Amy said. Amy sees everyone closes the tent for safety and she did the same. “I hope you will be fine tomorrow morning. Night, Cheyenne,” Amy said. She lies down on a bed near him with her hands folded on her eyes and sleep soundly.