Arriving at the forest, Amy looked at Devil. “Okay. Now, how do we get to Hell where your brother awaits?” Amy asked Devil. “We need to go past the Siren Den, to the Calamite Mountain and that’s where Hell could be found,” Devil explained. “Siren Den? I thought sirens have gone extinct,” Xansel asked. “No, sirens still exist,” Len answered. “Then we have to find a way to get past those sirens,” Platinum said. “But how do we do that?” Husky asked. “Leave it to me,” she replied, showing a green lined paper with a finned claw mark between her fingers. “Siren knights talisman?” Sieg asked. She shows the talisman to them. “Talisman Summon! Come forth, siren knights!” Amy summoned. Three sirens dressed in armor with cyan scaly skin emerge from the talisman. “Hey, I’m Neil,” first knight introduced. “Greetings, I’m Silver,” second knight introduced. “Yo, I’m Alex,” third knight introduced. “It’s nice to meet you!” They exclaimed together. Everyone remain silent in amazement. “Wow, such teamwork! So, tell me how to tell the difference between you. You look like triplets for a siren,” Wolfe said with stary eyes. “Each of them has different personality if you pay attention to their manner of speaking,” Husky said with a perplexed look. “Let me tell you, each of us has different eyes color. Mine’s red, Neil’s green, and Silver’s brown,” Alex explained. “We may be triplets but we’re different,” Silver said. “Yeah, like what he said,” Alex said and he smirked, revealing one protruding upper tooth on the left edge of his mouth. Neil raises his finger and says, “One more thing, to tell the difference between us in appearance. We have our trademark. My trademark is more fins around my face, Alex’s trademark is his one protruding upper left tooth, and Silver’s trademark is his long claw”. “Hmm...That should do the trick,” Amy replied. “Now, what can we do for you?” Neil asked. “We need you to help us enter the Siren Den. Can you do that?” Amy asked. “I think we can do that,” Silver said. “Alright! So, how can we get there?” Sieg asked. “Hmm...I think we need to get through those wolves and serpents monster in that dense forest,” Alex said while deep in thought. “Did you say serpents?” Amy asked. “Wolves he said?” Wolfe asked. Alex nodded. “You know, when it comes to wolves, Will always know how to handle them,” Zeke said. Wolfe nodded. They continue their journey to the Heraldry forest. Amy readies her rapier as they enter the Heraldry forest. “Be mindful with the illusions within this forest,” Silver warned. As soon as Silver said that, a serpent suddenly leaps on them. “Yikes! Snakes!!!!” Len screamed. When Amy swings her rapier, the serpent turns out to be an illusion. “What the? That was an illusion?” Amy asked. “Seems like Silver was right. This forest had a lot of illusion,” Husky said. Wolfe hears something and shushes them. “Did you hear that?” Wolfe asked. “Serpents...,” Xansel replied. “This time they are real,” Len whispered. Everyone looks around and sees serpents approaching them from every side. “Not again,” Cheyenne said. “It would be troublesome if they ambush us with endless number,” Husky said. “If it’s true then I had an idea. It would be crazy but I will do it in case they keep coming,” Amy whispered. A serpent slithers on the ground and its head split in two upon standing up. “Twin Serpent,” Silver said. “Ugh, I hate snakes,” Alex said with sweat. “This isn’t good....,” Sieg said in low voice. After a silent stare for few minutes, one of the two-headed snakes opened its mouth and hissed loudly. One of its comrades responds it and leaps toward Amy. Amy threw her rapier with her Telepathy magic just as the serpent about to bite her face. After the rapier stabbed the Serpent’s neck, another serpent leaped toward the fairy named Len. Xansel protects Len from danger by taking the attack himself. Xansel turns his head to the serpents and commands his Spear of Spirit. “Spirits, you know what to do,” Xansel said. The Spear of Spirit pierces itself on the serpent’s neck, preventing it from biting Len’s right arm. Zeke strangles the leaping serpent to the death with his strong right hand. Sieg stabbed his horn toward the leaping serpent. Cheyenne cuts the serpent’s head with Wind Cutter. More serpents keep coming from every side. “They just keep coming!!” Cheyenne shouted. “I had an idea. Twins, come to my side,” Amy shouted. The twins jump to her side. “What do you plan to do to us, Amy?” Zeke asked. “Get ready. This will hurt a bit,” Amy said. Fyre puts his hands on twins and turn them into Soul Orb. “Done. Are you sure about this? Fusing them into one?” Fyre doubted. “Better than nothing,” Amy said. Alex shoots three arrows on three leaping serpents. “Hurry!” Alex exclaimed. “Hold on...Ah, Orb of Chemical generates!” Amy shouted. A transparent orb appears in front of her face. “What is that?” Sieg asked. “Chemical Orb for element and spirit fusion...Let’s do this. Fusion!” Amy brought both of the twin’s soul and tried to fuse them. “Aih...It’s harder than I though. Twins!” Amy shouted. She fuses them in the Chemical Orb and the Orb generates blinding light. “Ah!! Too bright!” Xansel closed his eyes. Everyone closes their eyes while the Serpents hissed painfully. The Orb grows bigger and form into a horse shaped monster. Amy gasps in disbelief at what she saw. A bluish black horse with lightning shaped stripes appears from the Orb much to Amy’s amazement. The horse has two curved horns on both of its heads, white manes and white horsetail. Both of its head have eerie black eyes. “What the hell did I just create?” Amy shocked by what she saw. “It’s a horse...Wait, that’s not a normal horse monster,” Cheyenne said. The serpents look silently and didn’t move. “They froze in fear,” Neil said. The horse suddenly releases screaming voice of the twins. “Ahhh!!!” The horse screamed with the mixed voice of the twins. The serpents leap at it with their fangs ready. “Look out! It’s going berserk,” Amy warned. Everyone cover their eyes except Xansel. The horse gives Deadly Gaze from its eyes and the serpents died after looking at its eyes. Xansel is unaffected by Deadly Gaze. Amy opens her eyes and gapes in disbelief. “They killed the serpents with one gaze!” Amy exclaimed. “It’s Deadly Gaze. It kills anyone or anything looking at its eyes,” Xansel stated. The horse prances around wild and lifts its heads high. Amy sees more of the serpents coming to them. “They’re coming!” Alex said. “Hex!!” The voices of the twins appear from it. The horse unleashes eerie smog around it. “It’s a Curse magic. Watch out!” Amy used Barrier. Wolfe is unaffected by Hex. The curse magic has no effect on Xansel. Alex and Neil stand behind Cheyenne’s barrier while Silver stand behind Len’s barrier. “I can’t use magic. Aghh!!” Husky shouted. He got hit by Hex magic and falls to the ground. “I can’t move! What kind of hex is this?” Husky wondered. He couldn’t move and weakened by the curse. The serpents fell lifeless upon touching the smog. Xansel looks at what happen with disbelief look on his face, it was the first time he showed such expression after the vacant face he has. Amy approaches Husky and notice that she couldn’t move him no matter how many times she tried. “Husky! The curse magic got him and I can’t move him. Guardians, lift the curse in him!” Amy called. The guardian dragons appear and use Dispel to lift the curse. “I manage to figure out the name of the horse monster,” Husky said. “What is it? I have seen it before but I knew that it wasn’t unicorn. What kind of unicorn is it?” Amy asked. “Not unicorn. Unicorn has one horn. It’s Bicorn!” Husky said. Amy’s eyes widened upon hearing the name. “Bicorn?? The cursed unicorn type with two horns?” Amy asked. “Dispel!” Blight lifted the curse with the help of other guardians. Husky feels light after the guardians lifted the curse and stands up. “Yes! That Bicorn!” Husky shouted. “Goodness...I have created the accursed Bicorn!” Amy put her hands on her head in disbelief. “Tell us how to stop it,” Amy shook Husky with both hands. “It’s my first time seeing a real one like this. I...don’t know how to stop it,” Husky admitted. Amy looks at the Bicorn prances around and ram any tree nearby with both of its horns on its two heads. “I think there is a way,” Amy said. “How? Flipping the Deadly Gaze effect back at it?” Cheyenne said. “Maybe that would work. To be honest, I don’t want to kill them but let’s see if it could stop them,” Amy said. The Bicorn keeps hitting both of its head on the trees with a shriek. “I hope it didn’t cause fatal effect on them,” Alex hoped. Fyre calls the Bicorn with a whistle. The Bicorn stares at them with angry look on both of its faces. “Come at us,” Amy and Fyre provoked. The Bicorn snorts and stands up with an angry neigh sound. “!” Amy could hear the voice of the twins screaming beneath Bicorn’s neigh. The Bicorn runs toward it and lift its head. “Don’t worry, Twins! I will save both of you. Everyone, cover your eyes! Silver!” Amy said. Amy’s rapier changes into a great sword and Silver slithers forward. “Allow me to demonstrate my swordsmanship,” Silver took the sword from her. “Deadly Gaze!” The Bicorn’s eyes glowed along with a mixed voice of the twins. Everyone cover their eyes and Silver flips the sword to the side in order to reflect the gaze like a mirror. The Deadly Gaze reflected back at the Bicorn and it neighs in panic. “Gyahh!!!” The screaming voice of the twins heard from the Bicorn. The Bicorn stands with a neigh and fall to the ground. “Zeke, Sieg!” Amy approached the Bicorn. Fyre motions Amy’s hand as if splitting them in two. The Bicorn glows in blue light and split into two individuals. Zeke and Sieg lied unconscious on the ground. “Twins, are you still alive?” Amy lifted Sieg. “Zeke, wake up,” Wolfe lifted Zeke. Amy listens to Sieg’s breathing sound with her ears and notice that he was just unconscious. Wolfe puts his ear on Zeke’s nose to hear his breathing sound. Both of them are breathing slowly. “He’s still breathing. How relief,” Amy sighed in relief. “Zeke is still alive too. I’m glad that’s he still breathing,” Wolfe said. “I’m sorry for turning both of you into that accursed monster. I won’t do that fusion again,” Amy apologized. Everyone lie down on the ground with tired look on their face. “It is over,” Len said. “Yes, it’s over. Huh?” Amy heard a sound. Amy feels something watching them and she look above her back. “Something’s coming. Stay here,” Amy said. Amy looks around and she was shocked when something touches her hair from behind. Amy looks to the front and her nose touches a big nose of a giant wolf. “It’s Colossal wolf, stay calm. Don’t move a step,” Alex said. The Colossal wolf stares Wolfe's eyes. Wolfe comes closer and whispers to it. It lifts its head high. “He said that he will lead us out from this forest,” Wolfe said. “Could you tell him if he doesn’t mind carrying the twins here?” Amy requested. Wolfe whispers to the wolf’s ears and sits down on its feet. “It seems glad to help us carry the twins,” Wolfe said. Amy and Wolfe put Zeke and Sieg on the wolf’s back. “That should do it,” Cheyenne said. The wolf stands and it turn its back on them. “It said that it will show us the way. Lead the way!” Wolfe said. Everyone walks along with the wolf to the forest exit.