The next morning, Amy opens the closed tent and comes out from it. The sky was bright, clear, birds chirping on the sky. Amy extent his arms and started to take a run. An hour later, Husky comes out from the tent with sleepy eyes. Amy came back from afar and stops in front of Husky with running feet. “You’re awake, Husky,” Amy said. “My, my, Finley...You’re awake already?” Husky said. “Of course. Get some morning fresh air. You should wake the others too, Husky,” Amy said. “Hmm...,” Husky grumbled. He enters the tent again and go back to sleep. “Hey! (Sigh, for a canine like him...He doesn’t look like an early bird. What a bear and bat)” Amy thought with a sigh. She enters the tent and sees everyone still asleep. The oil lamp hasn’t turned off yet and a sound of snoring filled the tent. “Hmrf...How come I’m the only one awake?” Amy wondered. “Something’s wrong...,” Amy suspected. “Hmm...You're right...,” Fyre said, he cross his arm. A weird sensation passes through Fyre. Fyre open his left eye sharply. “Huh? He’s coming...,” Fyre says. “Who?” Amy asked. “I don’t know,” Fyre says, he emerges from Amy’s body. Fyre looks around for a while turns his back to Amy. “But, he was someone I knew,” Fyre says. “Show me the way, Fyre!” Amy says. “Leave it to me! But...I won’t go meet him if I were you,” Fyre said. “It doesn't matter! Let’s hurry and wake everyone up from this,” Amy said. Fyre turns around and scans the area around him. “It's this way!” Fyre pointed his finger to the north. Amy follows Fyre to the north, west, west and to the east. Amy keeps running when Fyre stops her. “Stop!” Fyre said. Amy stops running by sliding her legs hard to the ground. She falls to the back due to the hard sliding. “There he is! Come out wherever you are now!” Fyre said. “Hmph! So your sense still sharp eh, Fyre?” a demon said. “Erishi!” Fyre said. “Erishi?” Amy said. Erishi comes out from his hiding place. “What do you want?” Fyre barked. “Nothing, I just came here to capture you! Hmm, hmm...,” Erishi smirked. Fyre gritted his teeth. He knew that Erishi would come to capture him. Erishi laughs as he transforms into Skeletal Dragon. “Argh! Skeletal Dragon!” Amy said. “Damn! He changes into a Skeletal Dragon! It would be difficult to defeat Erishi at this rate!” Fyre says. Amy gapes in amazement. “(Groan) Seems I have no choice,” Fyre says. “What will you do, Fyre?” Erishi asked. Fyre stays silent while thinking what to do. “Fyre?” Amy wondered. “I’m sorry for this!” Fyre apologized to Amy for what he would do. He transforms into Demon Dragon along with her. Fyre roars in his Dragon form. “Hmph, as I though. First, you have betrayed us as demon. Second, you have become fond of her and third, you transform into your own form along with her!” Erishi said with roaring voice. Fyre roars loudly. “(Hah, I wouldn’t betray him if he wasn’t a cruel ruler. I care for her because she was kind enough to let me used her body at my own will and she was the only human I got!)” Fyre thought, he charges him with the three horns on his head. Erishi dodges his charging attack and release venomous breath. Fyre dodges and breaths flame from his mouth. Amy opens her eyes and sees nothing but darkness. “What’s going on? Where am I?” Amy asked. “You’re awake, Amy. Lend me your help! Let’s destroy Erishi together! There’s still many other than Erishi, though but we will fight them if that happens,” Fyre said. “Alright, I will help you, Fyre!” Amy agreed. Fyre roars. “Let’s go!” Fyre and Amy said. He charges toward Erishi. He became faster than he used to be. “What?!” Erishi said in disbelief. He dodges Fyre’s charging attack. “(He’s faster than I though. His human host agreed to help him. Humph, how foolish of her to join him)” Erishi though. “Hah, how’s that? Good enough for you?” Fyre said. Erishi roars angrily. “Now! Hellfire!!!” they say together. The flame from their mouth hit Erishi while Erishi pushes the flame with acid breath. “Push!!! Amy shouted. ”You won’t stop us!” Fyre said. The flame pushes back the acid and hit Erishi. “Agh! I will remember this, Fyre!” Erishi screamed. He vanishes to Hell. “All right, we won! Guffaw,” they laughed together. Meanwhile Zeke wake up from the effect of Erishi’s influence. ”Hmm...Huh? What?” Zeke stood up. “How long have I slept?” Zeke says in lowered tone. “You have slept about an hour,” Amy speaks beside Zeke. “Wha...! Finley, you startled me!” Zeke says. “Hehe...Sorry...,” Amy says, she scratches her head. Zeke sees that Amy has a bleed on her forehead. “ got a scratch on your right forehead,” Zeke says. “Oh I...uh...Nothing. It was nothing,” Amy assured Zeke. “Okay then,” Zeke said. Zeke walks outside the tent and look around. Amy stands up while looking at him. “I knew it. Erishi’s presence caused everyone’s slumber. Good thing that we beat him,” Fyre said in Amy’s mind. Zeke stretches his arms and yawn widely. When he open his eye, he sees a town. Zeke enters his tent and wakes his brother. “Brother, wake up!” Zeke says. Sieg turn his head around in a groan and sleep again. “(Groan) What is it Zeke, let me sleep for a few minutes again, okay?” Sieg says in sleepy tone. Zeke groan aloud. “Wake him up,” Amy said. Zeke looks at his twin brother face. Because he can’t wake him up, he put his right arm aloft and slap Sieg’s right cheek hard. Sieg screams when he woke up. “Ahhhh! ” Sieg screamed with eyes open wide. Sieg rubs his right cheek. He looks at them sharply. “Who slapped me just now?” Sieg asked. “Morning, brother,” Zeke said. “So you were the one,” Sieg said. Sieg stands up fast while he says,” How dare you do that to your brother!” Sieg fights his brother with angry look on his face. Meanwhile...Cheyenne wakes up with a dazed look. Cheyenne stretches his arm and yawn loudly. Meanwhile Amy stands in front of the twins and stop their fight. “Now, now, no fight between brothers,” Amy said. Sieg stop fighting with his brother and walks out of tent. “Sieg, wait! Don’t go without me!” Zeke said. “Did you smell something burning?” Sieg says while sniffing the air. Everyone comes out from their tent and look around. Amy sees Frire approaching her. “Frire, what happened?” Amy said. “I’m sorry, Amy. I was walking around the forest and sneeze,” Frire said. “Didn’t we tell you that you are a fire dragon? Your sneeze will burn the forest, fool!” Stile said angrily. “It’s Frire’s ,” Amy said to the others. “Who is Frire?” Sieg asked. “He is the Elemental Guardian Dragon of flame,” Amy replied. “A fire dragon is near us. Where is he now?” Zeke asked Amy. “He is right beside me,” Amy pointed her left. Everyone stares at him. “Frire!!!” Everyone yelled. “I’m so sorry,” Frire lowered his head. Fyre laughed hard. “Now that’s what I call accident,” Cheyenne said with a laugh.