As San keep revolting, Amy shows grim face and yelled from the inside,” That’s it! Icles! Help me calm San down, now!” Icles emerges from nowhere. “You can count on me, dear!” Icles said in smooth voice. Icles ran toward San and breaths smoke of ice toward San. San fell asleep slowly as the smoke covered him and Icles vanishes . “What is that just now?” Amy asked. “It’s called Sleeping Ice Powder. You may see it like a smoke but it was just an illusion I make. It's a sleeping powder made of ice,” Icles explained. “So you make that sleeping powder from your ice. Very clever, Icles,” Bright said. “Thank you,” Icles said. Zān tap his face. “San, San!” Zān called. While they talk, Amy heard San’s voice. “He’s awake...,” Platinum muttered. San slowly open his eyes. “Zān, what’s going on?” San asked, his mind felt hazy. Zān stays silent while San pull himself up. San looks at Zoe with a calm look. "Zoe, what’s happening just now?” San asked. Zoe looks at San with strange expression, he seems surprised seeing San doesn’t feel scared or anything. “You don’t look surprised when you see me. You are not scared of me now?” Zoe asked. “I guess so...I don’t remember much,” San said, his mind still feels a bit hazy. “Oh my...My sleeping powder erases some of his memory about that fear,” Icles said. “Good job, Icles!” Amy said. Fyre smells something fishy behind them. He turnd back and searches the smell behind him. His eyes look around the forest in front of him. He spotted something strange with the tree in front of him. The tree in front of him is missing its stalk in the middle of it. When he looks at it closer, he spotted a man in front of the trees. “Hmm...(Now I know why the tree looks odd. Someone’s keeping an eye on us from the shadow...)” Fyre thought. While Fyre is having a deep thought, he heard Amy tell her friends to go. “Hey Zān, don’t you have a job to do?” Amy asked. “Oh no, I forgot. The elder of my village sent a request on me to give the sword to the commander Zenon of the Vallion City,” Zān said," he pounds his head. “Let’s hurry!” Zān said. He drops his hand and run together with the other. As they leave, the shadow follows them from afar. When they arrive on Vallion City, Amy starts asking Zān where the commander is. “He’s there, in that castle,” Zān answered, his index finger pointed toward the castle. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Zeke said in excitement. While they walk, Amy looks around the town. “It’s crowded...What kind of city is this?” Amy asked. “It’s kind of warrior city but I prefer calling it the bravest warrior city I have ever seen in my first request. Don’t worry...Faurythian and Human coexist in here. Actually, this is the last place where we can live together in peace. This city has been having a rough day getting attack by Tauron’s army many times,” Zān explained. When they arrive at the capital, Zān gave the sword to the commander. “Sir! Your sword has arrived as you requested. Is there anything else I can do?” Zān asked. “I want you to take this sword instead,” commander Zenon said. “What? But sir, I have sent this sword to you and now you want us to take it? I was dying only for sending that sword in that cruel journey,” Zān said. What he meant of dying is about how they were attacked by Stab and rampaging deer on their journey. Amy puts her right hand on Zān’s right shoulder. “Don’t worry. I will give it to Cheyenne. He seems skilled with a Wind sword. He was son of the legendary flying god and Zephyr after all,” Amy said. “Finley...” Zān said in low tone. Zān gives her the sword and she throws it to Cheyenne. Cheyenne catches the sword with both hand. “Try swinging that sword,” she told Cheyenne. Cheyenne swings the sword around him lightly. He also cut a plant with the sword on his hand but nearly hit a passing by mandate. “What in the tarnation are you doing?” the mandate exclaimed. “Oh, mandate Rick. Forgive me, I was focusing on Cheyenne that I didn’t notice you were there, sir,” Commander Zenon said. “His name is Cheyenne? Well then excuse me, people (Clearing throat),” mandate Rick said, he walked pass them. “Now that’s serious, I should say,” Amy said. “You sure about that, Finley?” Zeke asked her. “Of course. Most people of higher noble these days are serious about their role,” Amy replied. “I’m done, sir!” Cheyenne yelled. Fyre appears beside Amy. “That was nice, Cheyenne,” Zān said. “Impressive,” Commander Zenon clapped his hand slowly. “Indeed, it is,” Fyre rolled his eye. Amy walks outside. “Where are you going, Finley?” Husky asked. “I’m going outside,” Amy replied. She opened both door with both of her hand and walked away. Fyre appear and asked,” So, what are you going to do now?”. “I’m going to the Stable,” Amy said. “Sure,” Fyre said. Fyre vanished.