At night, Fyre wakes Durabel up and brings him outside. “Let’s train while Amy and Cheyenne are sleeping soundly,” Fyre requested. “Very well, I accept your wish. Come, show me the power of Demon,” Durabel accepted the request. Having no weapon, Durabel relies on his terrifying thick claws much to Fyre’s inner fear. Fyre generates his flame sword and begins charging at Durabel. Durabel easily parries Fyre’s weapon and push him away with his right palm. “Ugh!” Fyre grunted as he stood firm. As soon as Fyre felt the pain, Amy suddenly jolted in her sleep as if she felt the same pain. “Is that...all you have? I thought that you could do more than that. My turn now!” Durabel said. Durabel did a side step to the back. “Darkness Claw!!” Durabel shouted as his claws engulfed in black smog. Durabel vanishes and stroke Fyre as soon as he appears. Fyre barely dodges the attack with a wide side step and Durabel’s claw pierced the ground on hit. Fyre manages to warp a distance from Durabel and throws his flame sword to the sky. Fyre controls the sword through right fingers using his mind and takes out his boomerang on his left. Durabel charges at Fyre and he swings the sword at Durabel along with the boomerang thrown from his left hand as soon as he jumped to the back. Durabel dodges the swing but got hit on the face by the boomerang from the right side when it returns to its owner. “Grah! Not a bad idea of surprise attack but not enough to call it fatal blow!!” Durabel shouted. Durabel recovers from the flinch effect of the boomerang and strikes upward on Fyre’s abdomen. “Aghh!!!” Fyre screamed. As soon as Fyre felt that, Amy jolts awake from the impact she received through Fyre. She feels the same pain as him and gives angry yet sleepy eyes. “Hrm...What is happening? I keep sensing that something is hitting me hard in the stomach. Damn, after I ignore it once, something hurt my stomach a lot. Where’s Fyre? He was here when all of us went to sleep earlier. Don’t tell me that he is training with someone?” Amy wondered. Amy gets out of the tent and search for Fyre outside. Meanwhile....Fyre bleeds from the abdomen to the area below his neck as he grits his teeth. Fyre hasn’t manage to deal fatal blow toward Durabel for once. “Ghhh...Such powerful devil. Unbelievable. So that’s why he was feared by the Faurythians here,” Fyre saw his bloodied hand from touching the wound. Fyre stands up slowly and uses Explosive Rage hitting enemies within wide area radius by his fierce harmful inner auras. Amy sees a bright explosion from afar. “It must be Fyre. What is going on there? It’s as if he is fighting against tough opponent judging from that explosion. I swear that I will ask for your explanation for waking me up,” Amy said. As soon as she arrived, Amy gasps for what she saw. Durabel looked like a strong fire singed him while Fyre kneeled on the grass with his hand holding the bleeding large wound on his stomach. Fyre notices her and had a shameful look on his face. “Amy, I...,” Fyre stammered. Amy gives off a fierce angry look on her face. “So this is what you’re doing...Sparring in the middle of the night with Durabel the devil feared by Fauryth. What the hell are you thinking?? Did you realize that you will hurt anyone around you from that Magic Burst?! Your sparring has gone too far. Look at yourself! You’re badly hurt and dripping lots of blood from that big wound on your stomach. And you too, Durabel! It’s bed time for you now. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Human or anything. Both of you didn’t think far ahead of what will happen if you keep this up. Come here, both of you! I’m dragging both of you back to Okanigba village,” Amy said, her voice sounds full of rage. Amy binds both of them with a string generated from magic and pulls them back to the village. “Ow! Don’t pull too hard! You are making my wound hurt even more. Take it easy on me,” Fyre muttered in pain. Inside the tent where everyone is still asleep, Amy’s anger gives enough strength to lift Durabel up much to his shock and slams him back inside his host, Platinum. “Back to the host for you, Durabel. And you, let’s heal that wound outside far from the village. Better not scare them with that bloody wound on your stomach,” Amy pulled Fyre out of the tent. Outside of the village, Amy examines the large bleeding wound on Fyre’s abdomen. “Hmm...This is worse than normal scratch of animal. Seriously, you went outside sparring with Durabel without my notice? Now look at what he had done to you. You can’t hope to beat him in raw strength. You can use tactics against him but you can never win against him cause any tactics are useless against his raw strength. Man, one big uppercut from his claw and you’re already dripping blood from large wound,” Amy said. “I’m sorry...Agh!” Fyre screamed when Amy put her hand on the wound. Fyre’s pain causes the disguise he used from his magic wear off and reveals his true appearance much to Amy’s disbelief. While Amy used Regeneration magic through her right hand added with Lord of Beast effect. His appearance is that of a light brown-skinned young man with long burning hair and blue eyes. “I didn’t expect that this is what you really look like. Good looking but seems like that’s the reason why Freta didn’t kill you. She loved you and that’s why she didn’t kill us with that thorns attack,” Amy said. “Haha...You figured it out. I’m impressed,” Fyre reluctantly admitted with a slight grin. Meanwhile...Husky wakes from his bed and go to the Elder’s tent. “Ah, you came, Husky...,” Elder said. Husky sits and listens closely. “Are you ready for this?” Elder asked. “Tell me everything about myself, Elder,” Husky asked. “Very well,” Elder said, she put her wrinkled hand on Husky’s arm. “You were once a servant of Hell, Husky. You were an assassin who slain, slaughter, and assassinate everyone on behalf of the king of Hell,” Elder said. “Are you talking about Satan?” Husky asked. “Yes, and you kept obeying his order until one day, you stopped obeying his order and begun living a new life. And that was the day you were born as an unique child among the ordinary child. A child of Forate born with a red eye. Everyone in the village was afraid of you, isn’t it, Husky?” Elder asked raucously. Husky gave a nod and looked down. “They were scared of me, as if I’m a dangerous boy and banish me even my brother but not my parent,” Husky said. “They were frightened, afraid of your presence and you had no memory of your past when you came here, Husky. You can’t blame yourself for that,” Elder said raucously. “I guess...,” Husky said. Husky notices Amy eavesdropping outside the tent. “Can’t sleep, Amy?” Husky asked. Amy reveals herself and folds her hands. Fyre appears beside her with his wounds fully healed. “Yeah, I couldn’t get some sleep so I eavesdrop on your conversation, Husky. Sorry for that,” Amy said. The Elder smiles and her hands pats on the floor. “Do not worry, dear. Come, join the conversation with us,” Elder invited her. “Really? Gladly,” Amy responded. Amy sits beside Husky and both of them listen to the Elder until morning.
The next morning, Amy stands up when she heard the sound of the rooster crowing on sunrise. “Hey, it’s morning already. Let’s continue our journey. Didn’t he said that we will leave early in the morning? Let’s go,” Amy said. Husky sees bright sunlight behind her and Amy pulls him up. “Wait, before you leave. You will need a weapon for him,” Elder stood up slowly. “A weapon? Sure. Some of us would need one,” Amy replied. Elder walks outside the tent and shows them a rack of weapons. “Well weren’t you the only one without weapon?” Zeke folded his hands. “Hmm.....I think I will use this,” Husky said, he picked a tomahawk. “This isn’t heavy for a normal sized axe,” Husky commented. The axe changes into a knife much to his shock. “Hey, it has the same ability as my rapier,” Amy said. Husky and Amy show both of their weapon and think of the same tomahawk from before. The knife on Husky’s hand and the rapier on Amy’s hand change shape into the same axe that leave them in awe. Husky throws the tomahawk and catches it again. “Awesome! A weapon with the same ability as my rapier. That weapon could be useful for you, Husky,” Amy exclaimed. Husky nodded in agreement with her.