“Elder!” Someone called, he run toward them with his friend. “Is something the matter, Azel?” Elder asked them. Finley appears between them. “How long do we have to believe that Finley isn’t missing or dead? It’s been one year ever since he went missing!” Miriam said. “That’s right, Elder. It’s been a year since he went missing. How long are we gonna wait for his return?” Bork asked. “You must be worried about Finley,” Amy said. “Of course we are. Finley has gone missing for a year but hasn’t return,” Miriam said. “Miriam? Bork? Azel? Everyone....,” Finley said. “He’s not missing, my children. He was here, beside the Symilton,” Elder said. “What? Is it true?” Azel yelled in surprise, he walked toward Amy. “Er, well...Finley isn’t missing, he was captured by Dakurona. And now here he is, free and stood beside me--” before Amy could finish, a spirit in the form of elder woman appears behind them with a scream. “Banshee!!” Cheyenne screamed. Amy screams in shock while Fyre cast Banish spell through her hands. “What was that? How did a Banshee enter this village?” Len asked. “Where did that ghost come from?” Len panicked. “I don’t know!” Husky yelled on Len’s face. The banshee screamed and vanished away. “Pheww, that was close. Who did that?” Cheyenne asked. “How did a ghost enter the village? The Elder set up a barrier to prevent the ghosts from entering many years ago,” Miriam wondered. “Amy, did you do that?” Zeke asked. “That wasn’t me!” Amy shouted, raising both hands as high as her shoulders. “It’s Fyre,” Platinum replied shortly. Amy looked at Fyre behind her and he appears with a grin. “Fancy, isn’t it? I learned the exorcism lesson by myself in secret when the king didn’t notice me,” Fyre replied. Everyone gaped widely. “How can a demon like you exorcise your own kind? Unbelievable. You’re different than the others for a demon,” Devil said. “That banshee presence mean....,” Len said. “This place is located near the cursed forest. The haunted forest where no light reached the forest. People called that place the Nightmare Mist,” Husky said in horror tone in front of Amy’s face. Len went terrified and hid behind her. Oddly, Amy doesn’t feel any fear when she heard Husky’s word. “Why are you scared of that? It’s just a ghost anyway,” Amy said toward Len behind her. “Don’t worry, we can get past it,” Zeke said confidently. “We can do it, let’s go. Sorry about that, everyone,” Amy said toward Bork and Miriam. “Please be safe! Take care of Finley for us!” Miriam said. “I will,” Amy said. As they walk out of Miriam and Bork’s sight, Amy sighed. “Finley, you will feel Fyre’s wrath for insisting me to persuade them on your behalf, hunter!” Amy yelled crudely. Fyre appears and choke Finley, blazing flame aura appear from his body and burn Finley without mercy. Finley yelled in pain as the flame burn him. Amy looked away toward her friends. “Well, sometimes you gotta do that for their own good if they don’t want to know the truth,” Platinum said. “Hey, Platinum. You are getting talking now, aren’t you?” Amy said. “W-what?” Platinum stammered. Amy sees his cheek reddened. “You are speaking a lot now, I like it,” Amy said. “Yeah, I like it when you are you now,” Len said. Platinum felt happier than he used to be. Finley pushes away Fyre. Fyre groans in pain and folds his hands in anger. “Hey, where’s Syphoon? I haven’t seen him for a while,” Amy looks up. Amy wears her blue glove on her left hand. “There he is,” Amy called Syphoon as she ticks her finger. Syphoon flies down perch on her glove. Outside the village, Platinum turned at Amy. “Hey, shouldn’t you turn back to yourself?” Platinum suggested. Amy returns to herself. She lowers her wizard hat to her bangs hair. “Nice,” Xansel said. “Yeah right, that was nice,” Husky said.