The brand on Amy’s left hand shines and she lifts her left hand. “I call forth thee, spirit of the Lord of Beast!” Amy summoned. A three-headed lion with five horns on each of their head appears from the light. “My name is Stryder. I am the Beast that resides in the Lord of Beast brand. I am the ruler of all beasts. So, what do you need? Do you wish me to take you there?” Stryder asked through telepathy. “Yes, take us there,” Amy said through telepathy. Stryder lies on the ground beside Symilton. “Go on, ride on his back. Don’t worry, he’s not going to hurt us,” Amy said. Stryde roar aloud and everyone ride on his back. He fly as fast as the wind to the direction that Husky pointed. “Whoa, now this is what I call flying!” Stary said. Stryder flew faster and everyone scream excitedly. “Is this really safe?” Husky asked. “No but it’s fun!” Cheyenne yelled. Everyone keeps screaming while Stryder flies faster. “Oh no!” Husky said, he ducked his face to the dragon’s back. Amy and everyone yelled, ”Wooaah!”. “Look!” Husky pointed to the tower. Amy tells Stryder to land there. When they arrived, Amy asks if everyone is alright. When Amy sees frightened Husky, she laughed. “Shut up!” Husky yelled. “Alright, fine. I’m sorry for laughing at you but your fear of height makes me laugh. Ah well, forget about it. Just let’s go,” Amy said to everyone. The chimera vanished. Amy goes down and approaches a gigantic tower. “Isn’t this...the Tower of Ancient?” Amy asked. “That’s right. Long ago, this tower used to have 135 people inside this tower. It’s enough for the amount of our recruits,” Husky said as he approached her. “Hey Husky, I think we should put our entire recruits. We don’t have much time, we need to hurry,” Amy said. “You’re right. Okay, let’s put everything in here. This tower will be our secret base,” Husky said. Amy looks at the dawn sky. “It’s getting dark, let’s take a rest,” Amy suggested. “You are right (Yawn). I’m getting sleepy,” Husky said. Amy enters the tower and climb upstairs followed by Husky and the others. “An empty room,” Amy said, entering the room. “I will use this room, you guys use the other room,” Amy said. “Okay, good night,” Cheyenne said, he yawned loudly and left. Midnight, everything has been prepared and everyone has slept in their room except Amy. Amy couldn’t sleep so she looked at the window and sees Husky sitting on a big sturdy branch. Amy puts on her shoes and goes upstairs to the top of the tower. At the top, she walks on the branch and sits besides looking tired Husky. “What’s wrong, Husky?” Amy asked him and he turned at her. “Finley, I thought you were someone else,” Husky said. “Well I couldn't sleep,” Amy said. Husky looked down in sad face. “So, tell me the reason why you left your village,” Amy said, she sat beside Husky. "I didn’t left the village...They rejected me,” Husky said. “What? Why?” Amy asked. “Do you see anything strange from me?” Husky asked. “It’s about your eye...They’re different. Are you a Hellion? I asked my mother about what a Hellion looked like and she said, “Hellion has a grey fur and sharp fang like an ordinary dog but they have hidden horns on their head and red eyes. They were considered as nocturnal and that is the reason why they could stay awake all night”. You know...we should go to the government’s office in Terran City to stop Tauron’s genocide plan that will lead to war such as the Faryth. I’m getting worried about my mother if we let Tauron do as he pleases,” Amy said. “So, we are going to Tauron’s building located in Terran City? You sure?” Husky asked. Amy nods and Husky yawns aloud. “Well, I’m glad I could rest now that you have made me confident,” Husky said, he stood up and went downstairs. Amy stands up and goes back to her room.