In the middle of the forest, Amy stumbles upon pairs of horse feet all of a sudden. “(Stumble sound) Ah!” Amy yelped, her face hit the grounds. She pulls herself up and look back on what she stumbles upon, they were twin Peganic’s feet. Amy stands up and stomp her feet a bit to comfort her feet while holding her nose. “Ow...That hurt my nose. Lucky that I rarely get nosebleed from this,” Amy said while rubbing her nose. Amy walks the other way and examines the pairs of horse feet shaped like a horse. “Horse legs? What the...?” Amy said with surprised look on her face. The Peganic appear to be twin but there are differences between them. The first Peganic on the left have wings and brown fur covering his lower torso while the second Peganic on the right doesn’t have wings and his lower torso covered in black fur. “Are they twins? They don’t look twins to me. Both of them had one unicorn horn, horse tail, and mid-length pointed ears,” Amy examined while scratching the back of her head from itchy. The twins seem to sleep soundly followed by snore from the first. “Let’s leave them be... we better not wake them up,” Fyre told her. “Right...,” Amy ignored the twins. After a while, a scream heard from afar. “What was that?” Amy immediately turned her head toward the sound. The Peganics wake up. ”Someone is in danger. Let’s go!” the second Peganic said. “You bet!” the first Peganic said. The twins Peganic run toward the sound as fast as wind, and without noticed by them, their horse legs have kicked some dusts toward Amy. “(Cough) Man, Peganics sure run faster than Human. Their horse legs are what make them faster but some of them able to fly. It’s usual, though...but enough admiring now, I better help them,” Amy said and run toward the sound. A group of BeastMan bandits attacks a young man with lion tail and bird wings. The twin Peganic approach them and says together,” Hey you! Don’t hurt him, if you hurt him, we will beat you up!” Amy finally arrived despite a bit late. "My, my...What teamwork,” Amy said in awe. She searches around her gear. “Now where did I put the bow? I’m still not familiar being a different person, especially with a different outfit like this,” Amy frisked herself, looking for the bow. She found the bow hanging to the back. “There you are, the bow used for hunting,” she took the bow and hides in a leafy thick bush. “Ha! Give it up, kids! You can’t hurt my stone skins,” one of the Gargoyles said. Without hesitate, the twin Peganic shouts and run toward them. The first Peganic hits the Gargoyle but Gargoyle stone morphed himself first before the first Peganic could slash him. Amy pulls the arrow and imbues it with Eraser spell from her holding hand. She releases the arrow and pierce through Gargoyle’s stone skin, his stone skin return to normal. The Gargoyle perplexed seeing the stone scales on his skin fell like leaves. “What?” the Gargoyle said with confused look. “Hey, where did that thing come from?” The first Peganic wondered. The second Peganic looks around but he didn’t see anything. “Ah well, it doesn’t matter,” The first Peganic said. The first Peganic takes the chance and slashes him. “Begone!” The second Peganic stabbed the Saurian with his sword. “You are dead, kid!” Scizzor suddenly intervene and tried to cut Sieg with the scythe on his arms. “You won’t cut me that easily,” Sieg said. The leader of the bandit was the only one left. Amy comes out from her hiding place. “You must be Scizzor. The most feared bandit leader. Even Beast-Men are afraid of you,” Amy says as she put her bow on her back and pulled her knife from her boot. “That’s right,” the man with the scythe says. “Hey, where did he come from?” The first Peganic asked. Scizzor throws his scythe toward Amy and the twin Peganic. “Watch out!” The second Peganic warned. Everyone dodges the scythe and the scythe return to Scizzor’s arm similar with boomerang. “That was close. He is a Mantis. Watch out for his scythe, it acts like a boomerang!” Amy warned. “Got it!” the first Peganic said. The scythes went back to Scizzor’s arm and he slashes the twins. “Whoa!” the Twins jumped away at the same time. Amy stabs him with her knife and jumps away from him to prevent counterattack. “Pretty smart for kids like you,” Scizzor said. Scizzor falls on the ground lifeless and Amy inspect the body to check his life sign. “He’s finished. Sorry but we had no other choice to stop you from your crime as bandits,” Amy said. Amy puts her knife back in a knife holder beside her steel boots and walks toward the boy. Amy extends her arm to the boy and asks,” Need a help?” The boy takes Amy’s hand and stands up. Amy could see he is a Griffin since he has lion tail and bird wings. “Why thank you for the saving. I didn’t expect to get ambushed,” the boy thanked and cleaned himself. The twin Peganic run to Amy and stop. “What’s your name?” the first Peganic asked. “I’m Finley,” Amy replied. “Nice to meet ya, my name is Zeke Harodan and this is Sieg Harodan. He is gentler, than me, actually....” the first Peganic said while pointing at the older twin. “Shut up, Zeke. We are known as the Twin Peganic Brothers,” Sieg said with his arms crossed on the chest. “Well nice to meet you, my name is Zān,” the Griffin said.