Fyre switches back to Amy and the flame around her body extinguished. “That should do it, Fyre!” Amy said. “Yeah, that should take care of them all,” Fyre said. “Damn, Fyre! You are an amazing flaming demon spirit! Your flaming body burns the room around us!” Amy said excitedly. “We demons always have the aura that affects anything around us,” Fyre said. “Now is the time. Let’s escape from here,” Husky said. Everyone exits through secret passage. As everyone exits the secret passage, Amy cast Disguise toward the hole and became a normal wall. When reinforcement arrived, the flame and heat filled the room. “What the hell? That was close!” The first soldier speaks in surprise. “What’s just happened? This room feels like hell!” The second soldier complained. “It’s so hot in here! What the hell just happened to this room?” The third soldier asked. The whole soldiers check the room and a shadow with brown eyes and demonic wings watches them from the dark. The demon is the Undead that Zeke look after and he seems to have grown up into young man. The demon disappears from the room and the first soldier senses something watches them from the dark just now. When he looks at the watcher from afar, he sees nothing aside of an empty locked room. Meanwhile back at Amy’s group, her friends stopped at the front of the building. Platinum panted in fatigue after his appearance reverts to normal. “Man that was a difficult attempt to control demon’s form within you,” Platinum panted. “What do you mean about changing into Durabel’s form?” Amy asked. “Let me give you a confession, it’s more difficult to take care of multiple spirits at once. Me? I’m taking care of 13 spirits and one demon spirit at once within me,” Amy confesses. “What about you? You only take care of one devil within you, Platinum,” she asked. “Really?” Platinum asked. As Platinum asked, he gapes his mouth as he sees twelve EGDs including Fyre and Finley appeared behind her. “Well, long time no see, Platinum,” Avale said. “It’s been several weeks haven’t it?” Dragen asked. “Oh my...” Len said. “Whatever it is, we will do our best for all of you.....,” Tyrelia said and the guardian dragons vanished away. “That did it. So, it’s harder to do things like what I do, right?” Amy asked. Platinum gave a nod and Amy helped him stand on his feet. “Hmm? My, it’s noon already,” Amy says, looking at the dawn sky. “There they are!” Someone shouted. “We’ve been spotted!” Husky exclaimed. Amy sees a group of fins eared warrior and exclaims, “Sirens! Alright, enough with your tactics. Time to use our own tactics”. She takes out a talisman from her bag. “I’ll leave this to you, Rim. Go Dragon of Melody!” Amy threw the talisman to the floor and a light green dragon emerges from the talisman.
“Rima, go get them! Take this, Song of the Wind!” Amy commanded. Rima plays his flute. A pure soothing; whistling wind tune flows pass a group of warrior. “What was that?” Tauron asked as he heard a sleeping song and looked at the window. “Symilton! I knew she was involved!” Tauron exclaimed. “What is that sound? It sounds...soothing...and...,” Septor muttered and he fall to sleep. “Septor!” Tauron exclaimed, looking at laying Septor and he looked back at the window. He sees his entire warrior fall asleep due to mesmerizing song played by the dragon. “That’s enough, Rim. Return to us now!” Amy commanded. Rima obliges and return into the talisman. Amy picked it up and she sees something stood before them. “It’s Turrainge the demon guardian of Lightning!” Fyre exclaimed between them, he stood between Amy’s left shoulder and Xansel’s right shoulder. Range sends lightning toward them. “Watch out!” Husky yelled. Everyone jumps away as lightning struck upon them from above. Range sends them away from the town with a wind from his wings and set a barrier that prevent them from entering the town. "Barrier?” Amy hit the barrier. Everyone hit the barrier as Amy step back and hit the barrier harder with her fist. As she hit the barrier, it shocks her with thunderbolts and she fall to the ground headfirst. “Ow...” Amy muttered. Under the protection of the lightning guardian dragon, the lightning didn’t cause fatal effect on her. “Dammit! We can’t get through the barrier,” Zeke said, he slammed his horn toward the barrier. “Guys, guys! That’s not going to work,” Amy said, rubbed her head. “Dammit, what?” Fyre heard something. Something whispered on his ear and he listens to the voice closely. “What? You want us to go to the Forate Village? A dragon disguised as salamander attacking the village? Don’t tell me...!” Fyre replied to the voice he heard. “Amy, we need to get to the Forate as soon as possible. Something’s wrong,” Fyre warned. “I hear you, something is wrong. Okay, I will follow you this time because we got nowhere to go now. Wait, you want us to go to Forate Village?” Amy asked. “Wait!” Husky intervened. “I know that place. Follow me!” Husky said. Zeke and the other leave the barrier and follow Husky to the Forate. “So tell me, Husky. Why did you left your village?” Amy asked. “It’s a long story. I will tell you later on the way,” Husky said. “Okay, if you say so...,” Amy said.