“Denver, Colorado, the newest Realm,” Storm told her master. “That’s where the Key was found. She just active her element just a few days ago. She doesn’t have any training. Though, she has a Guardian with her.”
The woman in the hood nodded. Storm couldn’t see her face, but she could guess what she was feeling. “Simon Moon in the Teacher, correct?”
“Yes ma’am,” Storm nodded.
They sat in the corner restaurant, just outside of the small little village of Clavis. It was a Mage territory, no welcome to outsiders. Usually the older Realms were like that, set in their old ways. A lot of Mages found safety though in that type of environment.
“When will her training start?” her master asked her.
“Well, Simon Moon had showed her the Capital at least.”
“So, it’ll be soon.”
The front door opened, but no one in the restaurant turned their head to the figure walking in. They were all used to people tottering in and out. The boy, hooded just like his master, came and sat with them.
“Did you find her?”
“Yes, she’s easy to track.”
“Follow her, for the next few weeks, and you know what to do what when the time comes.”
“Yes, ma’am.