On the way, the road splits into two paths. Xansel told them to go to the left way and so they did. Arriving at the sea, everyone wonders if Aequor City located on the ocean floor. “So...is this the sea you talked about?” Amy scratched her head. “Why don’t you put your head in the sea and see it yourself?” Xansel asked. Tyrelia appears. “I shall do it first,” Tyrelia said. Tyrelia puts his head inside the sea instead of her. He sees a city deep down the water. “There’s a city down there,” Tyrelia burbled, a bunch of bubbles appears from his mouth in the sea. “Wait, we’re going to dive down there?” Amity said. Judging from her tone, Amy could tell that she couldn’t swim. “I will help you, princess. But how do we dive down there?” Amy asked. “Tyrelia will lead you there,” Icles said in smooth voice. Tyrelia puts his head out from the sea. “Right!” Tyrelia remembered what to do. Tyrelia counts everyone and cast transformation magic. “Transformation magic!” Tyrelia casted. Everyone become Diver and dive in. “Hold onto me,” Amy said, giving her right hand. Amity holds on Amy’s right hand with a scared face and dive down. “Tyrelia, was that a transformation spell?” Stary asked. “What, you can see Tyrelia?” Amy asked Stary while diving. “We shamans have the ability to see invisible being, like Guardians, like him,” Stary pointed at Tyrelia. “Awesome! You’re the third person who could see the Guardian Dragons,” Amy said. As they dived toward the city, Diver guards crossed their trident, preventing them from entering the city. The first Diver guard snarls with angry look on its face. “What did they say? Tyrelia, can you understand their language?” Amy asked. The second Diver guard snarls loudly in response. “I think he said that you must be outsider that you don’t understand their language,” Tyrelia said. “It’s not our fault but theirs isn’t it? Who teach them those languages anyway?” Husky asked with sarcasm. The second Diver guard growls impatiently toward him. “I think he want you to shut up and tell them what’s your business or leave from their city. They are getting impatient,” Tyrelia whispered to everyone. “We just want to prepare ourselves for our journey, that’s all,” Xansel replied them. Diver guards snarls in response. They put their spear away from them and make way for everyone. “They said that you better hurry prepare yourself and leave immediately before the Diver Elder arrive,” Tyrelia said. “Right!” Amy said. Everyone quickly swims into the city. The Aequor City has the appearance of underwater city. Most of them bear the shape of a water globe made of coral while a few of them had square shaped building. Everyone observes the city from afar in awe. “An underwater city, eh? Beautiful,” Amy complimented. “I didn’t believe that a city like this exist. I thought it was just in a story,” Amity said. “It’s your first time leaving Vallion City, eh?” Cheyenne asked. “She has never gone out from her kingdom before,” Amy said. “I have been here before. This way,” Husky guided everyone to an empty globe shaped building. “This is the place where outsiders used to stay. It’s strange. Aequor City used to have a lot of tourist from outside. I wonder what happened to this city,” Husky said. “Something’s not right with this city,” Cheyenne said. “Let’s make preparations here and leave quickly,” Xansel said. Everyone prepares everything immediately. After Amy finished preparing everything, she takes a seat and enjoy some of the food in the lunchbox. “Phew, I’m tired. Oh, I’m going to eat some food in the lunchbox. How long has it been since I return home? It’s been three days, I miss my mom,” Amy muttered. She was the only person eating in a lunchbox and give the rest to Syphoon. “Do you like it, Syphoon? That Narpha fish was my mother’s cooking,” Amy said. Syphoon screeches happily. “It’s good, isn’t it? I’m happy that you like my mother’s food, boy,” Amy grooms Syphoon’s brown back. Syphoon jumps on Amy’s shoulder and rubs his head on her neck. Amy was grooming Syphoon when a trembling sound interrupted them. “Whoa, what was that? An earthquake?” Amy said. Amy walks outside and gasp in disbelief. An enormous serpent with fins around its face stood above the city. “Oh no, it’s a giant serpent monster!” Amy said. She swims closer toward the serpent. “My name is Surge. I am the ruler of this sea. Now, bow before the god of the sea! Or I will wipe your city with my lightning breath!” Surge intimidated. “Hey you, ugly serpent!” Amy provoked. Surge look around. “Who dare says “ugly serpent”?” Surge said in high tone voice. “I’m the one who said that!” Amy shouted. “Then, what are you gonna do? Puny human,” Surge stares at Amy with underestimating look. “Me? I will do this! Thundire!” Amy called. Thundire emerges from her spear. “Hsss! Not the Guardian Dragons!!” Surge screamed as it sees Thundire. “Thundire, Lightning Roar!” Amy commanded. “Being naughty this time, eh? I shall teach you a lesson for your arrogance,” Thundire said. “Oh no, lightning barrier!” Len protected everyone in an element barrier. Thundire roars in a tone voice higher than what seas could resist. “Ah! It’s so loud! The sea couldn’t hamper Thundire’s voice!” Amy said while covering her ears. Surge growls and scream when a lightning struck him from the sky to the sea. “(Growl) I will be back. Mark my word!” Surge yelled. It dives away from the city with a scream. “That was scary...,” Len said. “Indeed it is,” Amy said. “Come on, we better hurry before that serpent comes back,” Tīfan said. “Right, right!” Amy said. Everyone emerges from the sea and the magic changes them back to their original form. Amity sneezes from the cold water while Amy shivers in cold a bit. “By the way...Shouldn’t we check out the Aven village? I remembered that a terror strike the villagers at night,” Husky said. “Really? We better save the villagers first,” Amy said. “Let’s go there first shall we?” Avale said. “If I’m not mistaken, we will follow the path to the right this time. Let’s return to the main path again,” Husky said. Everyone returns to the main path again and takes the right path this time.