On their way to Aven village, a group of Tauron’s sentry bumped into them. “Ugh...Watch where you’re going!” the first Tauron’s sentry said. “Hey you...You, the one with the magician outfit,” the second Tauron’s sentry called. Amity hides behind Amy as Tauron’s soldier noticed her. “Kyaaa! Amy, they noticed us. Hurry gets rid of them before they arrest and kill me!” Amity said. "Just stay calm, Amity...We’ll get rid of them right away!” Amy said. “Hah! Trying to pick a fight on us? Don’t even think that you will come back home safely,” the third Tauron’s soldier taunt. “This is not good...” Len said. “Quiet, Len. I’m trying to aim them,” Amy said as she tried to aim with her bow. Platinum shrugged and slashes Tauron’s soldier in high speed. He is so fast that everyone could only see a slashing white light. In a minute, Tauron’s entire soldiers fall on the ground unconscious. “Wow...he knocked them out in a minute!” Amy said in awe. They walked pass through them. Meanwhile...at Tauron’s government building....Tauron was enraged when he heard that his soldiers were knocked out by a bunch of kids that he hit the table with his large hands. “What’s that? All of my soldiers guarding the road toward Aven village knocked out by a bunch of kids?” Tauron asked in a loud voice. “Y-yes, sir. As you see...they aren’t just ordinary kids, it seems that those kids were the one we got in the prophecy. Also, some of these kids have been chosen by several demons themselves,” Septor, one of Tauron’s trusted Wyvern assistant explained. “Hmm...” Tauron turned toward the window. “Septor...,” Tauron called. “Yes sir?” Septor replied. “Who is the leader of these brats?” Tauron asked. “It’s Amy Symilton sir, she has twelve Elemental Guardian Dragons and a fugitive demon named Fyre with her,” Septor said. “Twelve guardian dragons and a demon, eh? Impressive. What about her mother?” Tauron asked. “Her name is Lila, she is just an ordinary siren full of care and loving mother personality,” Septor said. “Perfect, then we are going to capture her siren mother. We will lure her into our trap,” Tauron laughed. “Septor, send some warriors to capture that siren immediately,” Tauron commanded. “Yes sir!” Septor run outside the Head of Government room. “With that brat’s mother captured, I’m sure that she will come to save her beloved mother. When she comes and brought here by my troops, I will destroy her myself,” Tauron snorted. Meanwhile on the way to Aven village...”So tell me. Finley, what is that Syphoon actually?” Zeke asked a stupid question. “Didn’t I tell you that he is a falcon?” Amy asked back. “I know but I want to know Syphoon’s real identity. Because from his fighting style...I don’t think that he is a falcon,” Zeke said. “That’s right, you haven’t told us anything about that falcon,” Amity said from behind. “(Sigh) Guess I can’t hide it, eh?” Amy said in low voice. Amy throws him from her hand and cast Eraser spell toward Syphoon. Syphoon return to his Griffin form when he hits the ground. “A Griffin?” Zeke asked. “That’s right, Syphoon is a Griffin. I transformed him with my spell so that nobody will hunt him down. You know that the prices for Griffin’s feather nowadays are extremely expensive. His feathers worth a high price. That’s why I transform him into falcon to keep Syphoon away from the hand of Merchant Hunters,” Amy explained. “Eh? Syphoon is a griffin? I never thought that he is a griffin,” Amity said. Syphoon ears are twitching and he screeches loudly all of a sudden. “What’s wrong, Syphoon?” Amy asked.