The castle was dark. Everyone could barely see a thing. “It’s too dark. I can’t see...Wooaah! What is that?” Sieg screamed upon seeing two bright platinum eyes in the dark. Platinum’s eyes glow in the dark. “Platinum...You can brighten everything with your cat eyes? Awesome,” Amy said. Sieg walk toward them. “What do you mean by awesome? He nearly frightens me to death,” Sieg said in anger. Zeke stays silent. “Heh...Who knew that Zeke’s gentle older brother was afraid of everything in the dark? Look at Zeke, your younger brother...He was silent the whole time and you were the noisy one instead,” Cheyenne laughed. “Zeke...What’s wrong with you? It’s not like you to stay silent like this,” Sieg said. Zeke didn’t say anything aside of showing confuse expression. “Zeke...” Sieg said in low tone as if he was about to cry. “Cheyenne, it’s not like you to say something that rude. Whatever, now that we knew Platinum could brighten our surrounding...It’s easier to walk around the castle while keeping an eye for traps,” Amy said. Platinum walks in front of Amy and she follows Platinum. On the way, Amy accidently step on a hidden trap switch below the tile. Needles trap fall from above and everyone jumps away from them quickly. “Whoa! That was close! If I hadn’t notice those needles, I would have died from those needles trap,” Amy said. “Come on,” Platinum said. “Alright, alright, sheesh....How come you weren’t hit by that trap?” Amy asked. Husky walks to her side. “At least you are still alive,” Husky said. Amy sighs and continues her walk. “Amy, don’t you feel something strange from Cheyenne?” Fyre asked from the inside. “Well, something’s strange about Cheyenne...The pattern of his speech just now, that’s not like him. What about you, Fyre? What do you sense from him?” Amy asked from the inside. “I sense a mischievous aura from him...” Fyre said, he appear behind Amy and gripped on Amy’s right shoulder. He floats backward keeping up with Amy. “Mischievous?” Amy asked Fyre in whispering voice. “That’s right. It’s strong....I can see a glimpse of the aura’s physical form inside him...,” Fyre said. “Hold on...Don’t tell me...,” Amy said, she look back at Cheyenne. She sees the aura’s physical form like that Fyre sees. Amy look away and whispers,” It’s Devil...It’s him”. Fyre looks at Amy and both of them nod in agreement. On the seventh floor, someone stand before them. “Finley, is that...?” Xansel said. “Yeah, Fang...,” Amy answered, she halted her friend. She approaches Fang while the other stayed behind. “Fang, what are you doing here?” Amy asked. “Long times no see...Finley,” Fang said. “What, how do you know my form name?” Amy asked. “A dragon told me that you were cursed by him into that young man form. He said that the form you assume is that young man named Finley. Let me guess...That Finley must be living with you together with Fyre,” Fang appoint at her. Finley and Fyre gasp inside her as they heard Fang’s word. “What the...,” Finley said in shock. “How did he know that we lived inside Amy Symilton?” Fyre said, enraged. “A dragon you say...Don’t tell me...Him?” Amy asked. “Enough of the talk, I came here to fight you. I want to see how well you fight against me in that form,” Fang said, he drew out his Night dagger. “Here we go again. Come, you vampire brat!” Amy shouted. Amy draws her Forest rapier from her belt. Amy runs toward Fang quickly. She slashes him with the rapier but he dodges it. Her rapier only cut through his bangs hair. “Damn!” Amy said. Everyone sees how she fights Fang. Everyone can only see clashing blue and red lights while they were fighting. All of Amy’s attack missed against Fang. “Amy, we can’t hit him with this kind of speed. We need to attack faster. I will help you,” Fyre said. She dashes faster than Fang and slashes Fang’s face. Her rapier hits Fang’s left side cheek, leaving a wound. Fang touch his wound and says,” Hmm, pretty good. Your attack speed is exceptional...It’s just like yourself”. Amy seems confused when she sees Fang smirked at her. Fang dashes toward Amy and she defends his bite attack using her left arm. “Gah!” Amy screamed and knocks Fang away with her rapier. Amy looks at her bleeding hand and snarls at Fang. ““Can you withstand that kind of wound? No Human could withstand the vampirism virus produced from the vampire’s fangs. Even the Fauryth couldn’t withstand them”. Everyone runs to her. “No one could withstand the virus. Do you know what they are?” Fang asked. “I don’t want to know about that but I’m not going to ask that either,” someone spoke through Cheyenne. “Cheyenne...?” Sieg said. It was Devil. He dashes toward Fang and Platinum joined him. Both of them slashed Fang with their claws. Fang teleported before their claws hit him and appear behind them. “How's that?” Fang asked. Amy stands up and throws fireball on Fang. Fang dodges with shocked expression. “How come you weren’t...Argh, forget about it. I won't go easy next time,” Fang said, he flees through the massive hole in the wall. Zeke run toward the hole and looked down. “He disappears...” Zeke said. “Forget about him. We have to save Summoner fast. Ouch...,” Amy said, holding her bleeding arm.