“Leave me alone. I don’t know you!” A female snapped fiercely her body shaking from the sight of an ever flowing branch of flesh by the opened window as thunder rumbled outside. From this black flesh moving like watery tides showed narrowed cold eyes like ones of a reptile.417Please respect copyright.PENANA0xT5pHJVOK
417Please respect copyright.PENANAA1QpWUiZCp
“So you do fear me? Aw but why? You know me so well as I you.” The voice replied calmly echoing slightly smooth as silk.417Please respect copyright.PENANAdVzmz8eiJD
417Please respect copyright.PENANADNvwVShBTN
“I am not afraid and I don’t know you so leave! I’m doing better now and I don’t need something like you anymore!”417Please respect copyright.PENANALZZvTNUUPY
417Please respect copyright.PENANAYvdvM8H1Vw
“Oh? Is that so?” the reply one holding a tone of doubt in her words as the black flesh rippled more and shifted more coming out from the unseen shadows outside the window. The disgusting sound only comparable to the noise meat being hit or slopped together in a large container could be used to describe the ugly noise which brought her hands to her mouth trying not to vomit from the noise alone so loud in her ears.417Please respect copyright.PENANAIDaByCyfZf
417Please respect copyright.PENANArtRmS517Oj
When the noise ceased and her closed eyes opened to look there now sat a feminine male or she assumed male despite the skin, hands, and hair with body position of legs fully crossed one over the other spoke woman to her it was because of his eyes, those eyes and the odd voice though not as manly as most would call a male’s voice to be she could hear points of a man’s tone.417Please respect copyright.PENANAqkWd4hYAPe
417Please respect copyright.PENANA16SFDVaMil
“Is this form more pleasing to you? Or are you still indifferent in seeing someone you knew since you were little? Always alone in her thoughts unable to fully connect with anyone outside of her own mind and with anyone of the living while at the same time fearing those not truly alive…” he sighed arching his body as he leaned forwards rising and placing an elbow on his knee, resting his head on his palm with fingers gently brushing against his cheek with eyes aglow set on her. “…so complicated and yet so simple minded. It’s so much fun.”417Please respect copyright.PENANAJyu4t5AEAR
417Please respect copyright.PENANANNqF9nvqp9
“Shut up! We don’t know each other I can assure you so leave!” She snapped throwing an arm forwards and out trying to cut through the air with her hand to try and send him away as her other hand returned to her side but in a fist eyes narrowed on him when he chuckled.417Please respect copyright.PENANADFRBj39xhf
417Please respect copyright.PENANAs8wcaie68s
“You are very amusing to me still but why are you afraid? I’m not The Dreamer you so often begged to not wake up. Or…are you no longer afraid of seeing if what you see is reality or nothing but a disguised oblivion?” his words were carefully picked eyes closing some to seem like water had come as a shine shifted on top of his cold eyes with voice lowered into a whisper head slightly tilting to the left.417Please respect copyright.PENANAZQwU4IhdAk
417Please respect copyright.PENANAcw0Ac8FuJw
“Sh-sh-shut up!” she stammered snapping at him fear trembling her words and body tensing more the longer she was under his gaze seeing his calm body sit in her window as if it were just some sofa or chair with hands resting gently on her wooden windowsill.417Please respect copyright.PENANAh0Fl2nMqMs
417Please respect copyright.PENANAyZK5SPJJfN
A smile crossed his calm relaxed lips as the rain quieted outside behind him a wind blowing softly the lace curtains with strains of his loose short hair falling around his neck a few bangs entering in front of his eyes. “You are still afraid. You are just like a little school girl terrified of the boogieman. I thought you at least would grow to appreciate The Dreamer as you call him. Why be scared if you are so sure this is reality and not a fantasy?” his head tilted back a little eyes still set on the tense and trembling girl before him a smug amusement reflecting in his eyes. “Or could it be you are terrified to wake up and see if you are a monster or an angel?”417Please respect copyright.PENANADsXqzoOT5I
417Please respect copyright.PENANAhI4tvB6vTB
“I told you to get out! I don’t want to hear this from you! You are nothing to me. I don’t need you or anything you can do. You hear me? I’m done with you and what you were doing!” her voice had begun to break and crack with her growing fear and frustration perhaps anger as well towards him. How she felt hate growing inside seeing his smug face and laughing eyes.417Please respect copyright.PENANA5NbdgCOA4x
417Please respect copyright.PENANAFyDa3azAXI
“Well if you truly wish my being gone then come do something about it if you wish to try. I want to see if you hold a monster or an angel inside. What was it you had been told? ‘You are just trying to be cool’ was it? Such an interesting choice of words to stick with you this long wouldn’t you say? I wonder why those words and not much else has stuck so well to you that it appears to be almost permanently seared into your mind. Care to enlighten me?”417Please respect copyright.PENANARsc3KsJ9AH
417Please respect copyright.PENANAPIfGu56knP
“No I do not wish to now get out of my head and stop this. I’m done with this. I’m fine alone.” Her teeth had become gritted trying to contain her emotions wishing to rupture and push forwards.417Please respect copyright.PENANAnnBpvMp3R8
417Please respect copyright.PENANAwpomy7V0Ie
“Tisk tisk what a rude thing to say to someone you’ve been through so much with.” His words calm and disapproving of her refusal of him as his head turned side to side before lifting from his palm allowing the hand to lower as the free hand with finger up wagged back and forth. “You should know better than to turn down someone who’s known you for so long and helped you so much through all those times you were alone. Do you really think you could have stayed sane inside your mind without help? Oh your thinking you could hurts me so deeply.” False pain entered his voice as the wagging finger hand ceased and moved palm open touched his chest at his heart eyes closed.417Please respect copyright.PENANA599puINxMc
417Please respect copyright.PENANAlBBeB2QxYt
This was annoying and frustrating her more. Looking around she stormed over to one of her tables throwing a book at the man who sat still till the last moment when his hand resting on his lap snapped up catching the book. As he lowered it his eyes opened and a sigh exited his parted lips. “You are so mean today. Must be all that interaction you crave from others isn’t it? Come now and tell me everything. Let me help you like old times.”417Please respect copyright.PENANAqtbwQS3dQF
417Please respect copyright.PENANA4qJji00UjS
“No go away.” She ordered glaring wanting him gone but he simply stared back sitting up straight and uncrossed his legs so both feet clad in white with footwear looking to be either flat shoes or straw sandals she seen most depicted with old era artwork. When his feet quietly touched the hard wood flooring her eyes widened in shock and breath caught in her throat as her back slammed roughly into the back wall where she was held in place by the very book pushing against her throat and under her jaw by the man who had previously been a good two feet or more from her in the window.417Please respect copyright.PENANANLzMGUgiVV
417Please respect copyright.PENANAH8yPgB0ogK
She felt the pressure of her jawbone resting against the hard binding of the book the spine held against the man’s palm fitting like a glove as he held her up a few short inches off the wooden floor with his eyes glowing and set on her blue orbs. “You have no command over me and if it weren’t for me you could still be so alone and lost in your own mind you would no longer be able to observe and study the humans that surround you every minute of every day. Who do you think helped calm those worries inside of The Dreamer waking? Who explained to you inside why some did or said as they were at the moment you questioned it?417Please respect copyright.PENANAMaVh21Yiab
417Please respect copyright.PENANAIwSQRq5Jks
“You owe your everything to me and there is no way you can be rid of me. I’m a part of you just like all the other fragments you’ve created over the years to protect yourself from being hurt by others. We’re just one big happy family all inside your ever thinking mind. If not for me speaking with you and explaining internally what had you so confused you would be more lost today than you were before. Face it, you are nothing without us. You’re nothing but a pitiful little shell.417Please respect copyright.PENANAy61lY5GMkB
417Please respect copyright.PENANAsSuYv1isnt
“You need us fragments to complete you and aid in you not appearing insane or appearing to be a heartless creature living among them. Without me you would be nothing but a curled up ball crying and begging for things not to end, for nothing to change…for things to forever stay the same. Nothing ever stays the same and even if we fragments might stay the same we are ever growing and learning from what you take as simple observations. It’s bringing us life and I look forwards to the day when I get to see if you hold a true monster inside or an angel waiting for a hero to stand at her side.417Please respect copyright.PENANANbLd56njaG
417Please respect copyright.PENANABW37DXbPkx
“I love the look of hate and defiance in your eyes. It’s really quite beautiful. You should keep it more often. It better suits your inner nature. Maybe…it’s the defiance of a monster against its master holding the leash? Also…don’t forget who freed you from those ugly, horrible, heavy shackles you felt on your body for so many years. Never forget who granted you that overcoming feeling of freedom when you felt they were gone one day. You can tell me to be gone, you can tell me to leave, and you can tell me you no longer need me or want me around but the truth of the fact is you are never being rid of me. You will never see the end of me. I will always, forever long with the other fragments speaking, in here.”417Please respect copyright.PENANAgEj6CSfdmD
417Please respect copyright.PENANADubgBiYgDG
With the last word his voice started firm and stayed firm though as he spoke it gradually fell to a more serious tone with his eyes never set and focused on hers almost as though he had been boring into her soul as he spoke his finger lifted and touched her forehead with the last word of his sentence letting silence fall for a time to hear her trembling breathing and strained swallowing. “Even now you struggle to see me in what clothing I stand in. I can see it in your eyes. You struggle. You see me in a white and black priest outfit yet at the same you see me in what is reserved more for the royals of the same era and yet…you are also seeing me in a dark shirt covered by a nice jacket and dark jeans.417Please respect copyright.PENANAXpw6W61hmL
417Please respect copyright.PENANAExd9YyxOYe
“You are truly fun the way your mind works and the way it struggles to see what is truly there trying to be as exact as possible. I am so glad you allowed me residency within your mind as well as allowed me to stay as long as you have. It’s been so wonderful inside there getting to meet the other fragments. It will be interesting if any new fragments are created by you attempting to keep yourself safe and keep the ever coming thoughts straight on what your purpose in life is to be. Well…this has gotten dull for me. I believe I’ll let you be now. Enjoy yourself, my dear” the name he spoke became erased by white noise.417Please respect copyright.PENANAog2ECdJPci
417Please respect copyright.PENANAHbqYs5O5YB
He stepped back removing the book allowing her to feel the floor once more and fall forwards only to open her eyes feeling groggy and heavy with great confusion over what had happened. The room darkened by early morning before the dawn gazed around slowly before moving one hand feeling something on her chest. What she picked up and saw was a hard covered book. Dropping the book slowly as it fell from her fingers with hand shaking it could not had been real. If it had she would had waken on the floor not in bed.417Please respect copyright.PENANAsiybvYg2OF
417Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6zhiJQXeR
Moving she looked around her bed then to her windows seeing all were closed except one was cracked open allowing slight movement from the lace curtains. No other form resided in sight and nothing appeared out of place but her confusion and troubled emotions now questioning herself and wondering what that was stirred inside as she didn’t recall going to bed with her book in bed with her. It didn’t make sense to her how a dream could had any chance of being truly real to have any interactions with a fictional dreamed up character though what was said…she sat still sitting up and sighed staring at her blankets in silence listening to the soft gentle rainfall outside.417Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0TNRxTWiP