Raydu in the end became divided during the First Great War in Aphelia's History. It began small with tiny disputes but as lies and fear began to take hold of Samuel's heart was when things began to fall apart.429Please respect copyright.PENANAxXHXMapFKw
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During the times where jealousy boiled slowly under the surface deep inside the younger brother's heart, envying his brother who sat on the throne gaining praise and worship. He, Samuel, too gained praise for protecting the people from any dangers but with such a peaceful land what or when there were any danger was the only time he gained any praise from the people. Disheartened he continued to keep his body honed and trained, ready to go and defend the people and trying to ignore the small bits of jealousy and envy stirring inside his heart. As the emotions he held inside grew so did the small grasp of darkness to be taken hold of and fed upon.429Please respect copyright.PENANAg11DBCSSid
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When his daughter at age ten became ill worry mixed with his growing distaste for his brother who continued, upon requests, to state there was nothing to be done for Samuel's daughter Elizabeth. A year passed by and her condition not ceasing or ending. Outside training one early fall was when things began to change. Days prior there had been reports of new strange beasts attacking the citizens of Raydu so Samuel had been working to train the guard harder than before. He wasn't prepared for the figure in black armor, four wings coming from his back, each one held its own soft glow of color around each feather. One deep blue, one blood red, one hazy brown, lastly one violet.429Please respect copyright.PENANASGr5IFdCWc
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During their first meeting Samuel prepared himself to fight this intruder only to hesitate when word of his little girl and son came upon the winds from the man's hidden mouth. Doubt left Samuel's lips dismissing the words of warning from the man till the man stated it would be a shame for something to befall the Guard Captain's little girl at a young age so early in life. Doubts of his loyalty towards his brother, doubts about if his loyalty was being repaid truly or being used against him lingered after his meeting with the man dressed in black.429Please respect copyright.PENANAoJOp6EoLCW
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Another year tickled by as Samuel's daughter Elizabeth entered the age of twelve but not any healthier. Her decline was slow due to the herbs his wife had found helped with slowing down the illness no doctor or healer or sage they asked could name. The man in black's words still echoed in the younger brother's mind and heart tempting him to seek him out and make an alliance if aid could be given to his little girl. As the third year slipped in silently the killings from the mysterious wild beasts hadn't ceased but slowly had begun increasing.429Please respect copyright.PENANAi6EnaCcgJD
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It was this third year of his daughter's illness was he given a bottle by the sage he knew to serve his brother loyally did things begin to turn. Instructed one drop a day in her drink would aid in subduing the illness in her blood. High words of hope to Samuel who anxiously tried it feeling a weight lifting with thought his brother finally listened and did his work to make his best look into some way of curing his little girl. Sadly after giving her a drop for four days her health began to fall quickly scaring Samuel into pure fear he had never felt. "Please warrior in black armor come help me!" he screamed at the top of his lungs that fall evening in his home holding his daughter close as his wife kept their son, four years younger than Elizabeth, away so he wouldn't witness the pain and decline of his sister.429Please respect copyright.PENANARcDIR1itQZ
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A knock came and when it opened on its own Samuel looked back behind him to see the man in black from two years ago. The man came closer and a smile showed on his wrapped face before reaching into his pockets and pulled out a vile with a violet mixture inside. "Open her mouth and with your alliance to mine your little girl is going to live a long time." Those simple words were enough to pull the fear and helplessness inside Samuel out and fully holdable for the man. He opened the vile and after her lips were parted poured half the liquid down her throat and waited. After some coughing her eyes closed then opened and her breathing evened with color returning to her skin.429Please respect copyright.PENANASTU204aqQ4
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Pledging his loyalty Samuel took arms with the warrior in black, agreeing to align himself with the man who saved his daughter's life from deaths grasp. Flowing onwards into the third year Samuel stormed the castle doors entering the throne room and pointed shouting at his brother with anger and raw hatred. He shouted his hate of his brother for trying to execute his daughter with lies of a cure.429Please respect copyright.PENANAnGyxy3GfYw
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Phillip stared baffled by his younger brother's accusations. He never knew of a cure to be made or sent to his younger brother. Asking what he was talking about the warrior in black came slipping up behind Samuel from the shadows, a demonic grin crossing his clothed face whispering words into Samuel's ear, his whispers keeping the pain and hatred inside the younger sibling burning fiercely. "Samuel! Do you not see?! He speaks lies to you if it is his tongue you listened to! I sent no cure to you!" Shouted Phillip but alas was upon deft ears.429Please respect copyright.PENANATmkVWYSS0t
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"Your mage came and gave me a bottle and that bottle nearly killed my darling sweet girl in four days! Stop your lies tyrant!" shouted Samuel and thus the argument went. Samuel not listening to Phillips reasoning and when Phillip drew his blade apologizing and hoping forgiveness charged aiming to slice down the man in black yet this played to the man in black's desire. Whispering words of how Phillip always wanted Samuel to suffer and die a bloody painful death, words of how Phillip had planned for his family to be executed publicly sent the sibling's heart pounding frantic with emotions. Samuel drew his blade, deflecting his elder brother's sword shielding the man in black, trusting his every word as eyes full of hatred and distrust lay resting upon Phillip, a brother once so close to him now an enemy who tried to steal one of his children away from him for no valid reason.429Please respect copyright.PENANA3QBH0UJ99J
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The pair fought, guards ran in but did not step in to break up the fight, not sure why the pair were dueling but when it ended Samuel vowing to leave and swearing vengeance upon his brother for the attempted murdering of his daughter, attempted plotting of murder upon himself and his family, with a sworn curse in hopes his own, Phillip's own, family would fall apart piece by piece.429Please respect copyright.PENANAKXuEvxihdy
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Samuel took his leave, storm clouds began to move in that day and it was clear to Phillip, no matter the pain in his heart, it appeared his brother was lost to him, lost to madness and nothing he could say would change that as long as he held a devil whispering in his ear the sweet lies disguised as truths. Samuel moved his family and himself out of the home provided by his brother inside the castle grounds taking residence inside a castle provided by the warrior in black. His daughter was given her medicine and for through the third year her health seemed to return, the illness appearing to be gone and fled from her a happy joy flowed through Samuel to see her running around the castle and laughing playing with her brother.429Please respect copyright.PENANAD0afzaSId9
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The year passed and as the fourth year came and his daughter turned fourteen the unforeseen came and his world became a very dreary place. In the fourth year a noise woke him from his sleep. It was a clattering noise, one he hadn't heard in his and his family's new home. Looking he tried to wake his wife only for her not to respond in the darkness of night. Only after getting up and lighting a couple lamps and returning to his wife did he see a sight that brought his stomach to churn and twist with disgust and horror. Blood soaked the sheets and bed on her side body cold as ice and eyes wide with horror empty of life. Hearing the noise but in another room he ran with lantern in hand tracing the noise sounding once more to his children's room.429Please respect copyright.PENANANDNdBlxE77
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Entering he couldn't believe the sight. The room was damaged and entering he called to his children without an answer. He saw no sight of his son an troubling feeling formed and grew only to bring itself to feel like a blade had impaled him when he laid eyes on his little girl. Laying lifeless over her bed he ran and held her trying to wake her without any response. It was a miniscule detail with her eyes as he held her and cried not noticing the faint night rose pattern mixed in her eyes. The noise came once more breaking Samuel from his grieving focus towards the window. Laying his girl down he stood with his light and with its glow cast upon the form he recognized the face as one of his brother's personal bodyguards.429Please respect copyright.PENANAuxK5kkGvVH
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Heart falling with betrayal soon began to fill itself with rage unlimited rage and questions to why his brother was doing this to him. Shouting for the warrior in black the bodyguard ran fleeing out the window and vanished into the night. The order for full war was given on that night. He had lost everything and the man in black who had helped Samuel amass an army bowed on bended knee showing his loyalty to the human with a devious grin spreading within his soul.429Please respect copyright.PENANAKAsey6vc2i
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When Phillip heard word of an army heading for them Phillip knew no other option so amassed his army and they all headed out to meet his brother, on his side a warrior in white with four wings as well with one white, one red, one blue, one yellow aura surrounding the feathered wings. When the two forces met a mighty battle ensured, men dying on both sides, brother fighting brother. One trying to save as the other trying to kill. Above in the air the pair of warrior's also fought with special blades formed from their feathers, unleashing earth shattering thunder with their clashes.429Please respect copyright.PENANAIMy9td4Coz
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The battle was hard and strong, fierce beyond anyone's belief could had taken place. As rain fell from above soaking the ground into mud the battle did not end until a blast shot from the blacken stormy sky. The Great One had had enough of seeing the new realm created fall apart. The third warrior held with it a glow of white and black, both of equal standings on its body with gold in the armor plating its chest. Eyes burning like fire blasted though both warrior's and mortals souls. As a blade releasing feathers of black, white, and gold the large blade shot from the back mounted sheath, swinging down with great ease and swiftness as the pair met with the newly arrived guest joining in.429Please respect copyright.PENANAx3oc29IToi
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As the three weapons met an explosion erupted from the trio. An ear shattering explosion rang out, the ground shook and trembled cracking and breaking apart in places. Heat like white fire was felt upon some living creature's flesh as they fled to escape this bright, blinding explosion of Godly power. Both brothers were thrown back from the other in the blast, Phillip screaming for his brother and trying to reach out to him, hoping his brother's eyes were open to how senseless he had been but it was not to be fore he could not reach his brother's hand to grab it as they were thrown apart from the other.429Please respect copyright.PENANASehyTXlBqb
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Minute to two later all the loud, deafening sounds of wind and thunder died down with the blinding light of the Heavens revealing now before the humans and other creatures a land barren of life, left in its place the bones of the dead and cracked, dry brown dirt almost like sand. Plants once bearing life now dead with only their bones to speak for their being any plants at all. As the sight became clear all those left alive could see those on the other side of this land of death. Standing some ran up towards the others only to be stopped by a clear barrier which rippled like water under their touch.429Please respect copyright.PENANALUPfXZD2y0
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Staring they couldn't get through and touch those on the other side. Those there on the side of the land which appeared to be shrouded with shadows also could not get through the invisible wall. A woman who had come to fight ran up to the wall slamming her fist into its rippling force tears falling as she cried for her husband who was stuck on the other side also trying to get through to her without success.429Please respect copyright.PENANAHKIrDsMBpW
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As Phillip stood he stared the wind blowing away the storm clouds as the sky began to clear, revealing the moon shinning brighter than he had ever seen before and in this moonlight droplets sparkled down to the earth. Feeling the coolness upon his flesh and mixing with tears for the losses they occurred with the foolish war he wished to turn and look to the barrier to see if he could find his brother but refused, denying his body to look back at the brother who had sought out to kill him and refused to listen and trust his own flesh and blood. Stepping away from the barrier the man now King of one side of the land spoke in a strong firm tone, hoping they could rebuild and repair their lives and continue onwards for those they lost.429Please respect copyright.PENANA0LyPaVO4XJ
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"Come, let us leave this section of the land. We should not taint the land of death longer with our sorrow. The souls will find rest if we can move on and honor their brave and strong sacrifice." Phillip's voice strongly rang out leading those left living back with him to the main castle of the once whole, now divided Raydu.429Please respect copyright.PENANAaOCL7OjnNL
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Within the day Phillip had spoken to the people and comforted the saddened by their loss of their husband or brother, asking of what name they should call their land. Many names came but were dismissed not fitting enough was the problem. One though spoke up as the rain fell sparkling in the bright moonlight suggesting the name Indu. Others agreed the name meaning Bright Drop felt right for their side of the land, the purity of water and the ease at which it flowed not wishing war or battle fit their beliefs nicely. Thus Indu was given its name. When asked of what to call the barren land dividing the two sides Phillip thought staring towards the way of the barrier of where the battle had taken place and ended then spoke. "We should call it....Adarusa or The Dead Land and proclaimed no one should go near the section of land unless given order and permission by his word alone, not wanting to risk losing innocent lives.429Please respect copyright.PENANA0xPOrRUwbQ
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Equally on the other side his brother having lost his little girl, his son, his wife, and his allied partner who had set this all into motion everything felt dead and worthless in the rainy night. Becoming drenched in the cold liquid from the sky it felt like a mockery, like the Gods were laughing at him. When approached by a female dragon walking on two legs and her form humanoid besides the scales and dragon features asked what they were now and what the land was to be called as Raydu did not sound right anymore with a wall dividing the two sides into two separate lands. Samuel was silent then spoke watching the dragon woman. "Nuray.....we will be called Nuray in honor of this Bright Moon that refuses to relinquish the brightness the sun gives. It shines brighter than the sun to show it has dominance and will not be outdone. It shows it will have its glory and honor as well and not bow to the brightness of the day."429Please respect copyright.PENANAmAxEDx0SY5
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"A fine name. I will be at your side forever, my league." The dragon woman told getting onto bended knee and bowed her head. Samuel stood and nodded shouting out loudly the name of their country and declaring anyone from the side of Light an enemy to the crown and to be executed after torture for information so they could regain all of the land and make it theirs, to cast the realm and others into darkness and show their might and strength as well as to show he would never forget the deaths of his family or the burning desire to see his brother dead resonating inside his heart.429Please respect copyright.PENANAYQaHDJl44O
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And thus on that day the two lands once united as Raydu became Indu to the East and Nuray to the West and in their center Adarusa, The Dead Lands. Later when those daring enough to venture out would find a pathway of green grass, almost like a vine finding it long and winding to find a large shinning oak tree at the end. What they saw there if they returned to tell the tale was said to be rumor and nothing more than something brought on by a drunk lost in the sea of alcohol and smelling of harmful plants or magic. Some had said a demon resides at the tree and when you wake it then your soul is lost to the Daenah or Tree of Souls.429Please respect copyright.PENANAWPrX963PmC