Explained Jordon’s Insanity: Demon possession
> The demon that possesses Jordon is a high level Fire Demon called a Sun Demon due to fire being white and feeling as hot as the sun. This demon is also the reason behind the Archway’s construction.
> The Sun Demon, to get out of bad weather, dashed into a cave and in moving in deeper he came across a skylight and in its center stood a mighty tree. Rain came in pooling below it in a small pond. When he got closer he saw on the trunk an inscription reading “Could anyone to read this, engrave the word ‘yes’ into the trunk?”
> Not knowing who put the inscription, the demon thought it over while listening to the rain before drawing his knife from his shoulder sheath. He began to carve the word ‘yes’ into the trunk under the question.
> New words came forming on the trunks “What is your level of power?” the question was blunt and to the point. It seemed odd and out of place but the Sun Demon’s curiosity got the better of him. He carved into the trunk “One of the strongest you’d ever meet. Who’s asking?”
> When the reply came “Just an old friend of a friend who resides in your area. I’d like to see my friend again but I’m in need of help getting there.” The Sun Demon thought this over while watching the tree trunk before carving “How do you need help? Travel is not that difficult unless you’re human.”
> A response came “I am no human, I assure you, but I am limited in what I can do. If you would like, I can educate you on new magic that would raise your power and bring a new power into that world. You would barely need to lift a finger and you’d become much stronger. What is your answer? Will you help this lonely soul?”
> He paused longer as the offer felt tempting and he was curious to who this creature was. A new magic also perked his interest. There was nothing wrong with having more power. The stronger a demon was, the more he was seen as the alpha and feared. He then carved his answer “Alright, we have a deal. What do I need to do?”
> The response came. “Delightful! You will need to find someone with a power that holds the smell of a glass soul. You will need that magic to utilize in the construction of a gateway for me. When you’ve found the glass soul and are able to, use this incantation to enchant the structure. When it nears the right time, return to tell me when you plan to activate it. The magic from the glass soul will need to be strong and infused with yours. I will tell you a second incantation to activate the gateway then.”
> The Sun Demon smirked, reading this intrigued him as the first inscription formed on the trunk alongside a rough diagram of the gateway.
> When it, the engraving, stopped he took to memory of the diagram and the incantation for the enchantment. This interested him further and he took his leave when the weather had cleared while putting his knife away.
> It took some time and searching before, during a rest on a cloud that he had used his fire magic to forge wheels for flight to reach, he found it. While he rested his ears caught the sound of movement and his nose caught a new smell. It was human but there was something else he couldn’t pinpoint. Looking over he narrowed his eyes and used his flames to move the cloud closer. He saw Jordon walking around the forest gathering herbs, leaves, and other plants.
> He couldn’t deny there was something odd about his smell and by the energy he felt from the human. The Sun Demon remembered the words ‘glass soul’ so, being curious, used a demon technique around Jordon. This technique any demon could do with enough power. It was a spell that caused whatever the demon said to echo as a faint whisper in wherever direction the demon had cast the spell.
> He used this and gained Jordon’s interest, leading him into a clearing. Once there he began to slowly add in another spell, attempting to pry into Jordon’s mind without much success. So he used his continuing whispers to lure Jordon further into the clearing and over to the pond.
> Using another spell to enter the human’s mind also failed but there was his own, special way to enter a person’s mind and allow him to have control. When Jordon had come over to the pond and looked at his own reflection, the Sun Demon on his cloud was out of the way using the sunlight reflecting off the liquid surface to reflect his second technique into Jordon’s eyes.
> This worked and, as he felt a small phantom part of himself enter Jordon’s mind, the Sun Demon grinned and began to pry quick and hard, causing Jordon pain as his fire magic started to trail out from the phantom’s fingertips. With his hold on Jordon, the Sun Demon searched. When he found the energy and scent he was excited, finding inside near Jordon’s soul was a floating orb that was reflecting the phantom’s image.
> The Sun Demon went right to work attacking it with his fire magic and released several more white fire strings out to circle it while others shot through it, cracking it. Using another incantation he had, he poured out more power to control and activate the dormant resting power, causing Jordon to scream. The sounds of the human screaming the Sun Demon hated, so he created a physical strip of white flames to silence Jordon’s cries of pain.
> The ground began to react as the Sun Demon used the reflection element to tap into the earth magic around Jordon to start erecting the gateway. He improved on the rough design though, making it more like an archway. During its construction with the rounded stones to make the center for standing and the archway itself, the two points of channeling the magic, and the four pedestals for the four main elements, the Sun Demon used the incantation releasing more magic to enchant the archway and its pieces.
> He was careful to monitor how Jordon was as he sensed the earth magic was starting to drain Jordon’s energy too much, starting to draw off his life energy instead. The Sun Demon cut off the magic from drawing off Jordon’s life once the construction was finished, causing the young man to fall to his knees.
> The Sun Demon felt Jordon continue his resisting with his mind. This amused the Sun Demon that a human was so willing to try so hard to resist him. Once it was all done, he dialed back his magic and, when he did, Jordon opened his eyes to see the archway then collapsed to the ground exhausted and breathing hard. The demon could sense his own magic and in not wanting trouble from others who might, for some reason, see his forcing his way into a human’s mind and body to be wrong, he used his white fire to create birds that flew around the clearing. They began to heat up then gradually cool down the area to help speed up the fading process for his magic.
> Step one was done and he stayed on his cloud, raising up a bit more and watched to see Jordon wake later and he could feel the human's confusion. Grinning, the demon laid back and lifted his hands with fingers adjusted like a puppeteer would, he could feel the strings of white flame coming out of his flesh as they had with his phantom self that rested still inside Jordon close to his mind. When closing his eyes, he could see the cracked and damaged reflection element sparking and starting to try and repair itself. While it tried to fix itself it was spreading outwards slowly and this brought a winder grin, showing demon fangs, to his face.
> He laid low inside Jordon, only making slight alternations to the human, leaving small whispers in his ears mostly at night when he slept or when he was greatly focused on a task. Doing it this way he could feel that he was very slowly causing more confusion and causing tiny changes here and there, over the next some years, to the view Jordon had on those around him.
> The Sun Demon periodically when the reflection element would finish healing its damages and cease growing, he would break it again and make it spread further by force. These breaks were causing the glass surface to extend in weird angles. Some angles were bent around Jordon’s soul. These weird angles helped give Jordon a disjointed look on the world.
> Whispering phrases and words of lies to make Jordon start questioning things, the demon worked quietly, allowing, during the training, for the human’s reflection magic to grow stronger and to circle his soul further. As Jordon’s mind became more and more confused, this allowed the demon more room to use more force from time to time.
> During this Jordon at times was confused but passed it off to either too much studying, not enough activity, or to stress since he still struggled with calling the elements into use from the controlled pits on his own. This worked perfectly because once the reflection element had grown and was in a good number of disjointed bends and curved shapes that expanded out, Jordon’s soul was completely covered and trapped by the mirrored surface element.
> When Jordon finally snapped, the Sun Demon used a burst of power to speed it along, whispering more words louder into Jordon's mind and with his fire puppet strings, set it up for an argument with the Mages. Setting this into motion the demon returned to the cave, letting the person on the other side know he was about to bring forth the activation of the gateway. When he did, it didn’t take long for a reply to come giving him the activation incantation.
> The Sun Demon returned to his cloud and went back to his spot over the forest, an eye on the archway with incantation in mind. He closed one eye, grinning devilishly while letting loose a strong blast of fire through Jordon, making him lose it by telling him it came from the Mages, telling him how they wanted to kill him because they feared and hated him. With Jordon’s mind already confused and in a fog, added thanks to the warped surfaces of glass, he easily believed the voice in his head, thinking it was his own thoughts and instincts.
> Using Jordon’s reflection magic to absorb and copy the four elements, the demon blasted out of the Temple. He willed Jordon to try and injure the four Mages while making a run for the archway.
> Once Jordon did get to the archway and stood in the center of the stone circles, the demon released one of each of the elements on top of the pedestals. Then said the incantation himself while having it also exit Jordon’s own lips. When the archway began to glow, the magic kicked up wind, channeling into the two statues and into the archway itself, the demon then added his magic to fuel the spell.
> When the archway was active with a light filling the opening, he hadn’t thought the four Mages would risk killing their dear apprentice as they released their strongest attacks on Jordon and onto the channeling statues beside the archway. Areon had used his air to suffocate Jordon, returning air to him before his heart stopped. This was mixed with Kaisu’s water to wrap around and grow taunt, pinning Jordon’s arms at his side from his shoulders to his wrists.
> The binding of water was linked together to form an ever flowing loop, almost like a wrap as another similar one was also formed around Jordon’s legs from his ankles to up just past his knees. It was during that event that the Sun Demon released his hold on Jordon’s mind, almost being forced out by how hard they hit the human. He watched Pyrast and Silvius use their fire and earth to take down the channeling stones. They also badly damaged the active archway, the pedestals and channeling circle.
> This wasn’t all for naught as the Sun Demon saw a shadow start to come through just before the structure had become too damaged and started to collapse, deactivating and cutting the shadow in two. The part that did make it through scurried off into the shadows of the trees and the Sun Demon watched the four exhausted Mages carry the unconscious Jordon off.
> The Sun Demon later was walking around the forest, wanting to see what it was that got cut in two. Not finding it he started to figure it was pointless to keep looking so went to make his way back to the cave with the tree. He wanted to learn some new magic from whoever was on the other end. He did keep his part of the deal after all. During his trip back to the cave, taking his time as he was hoping to find that shadow colored thing, would be when he would stop upon seeing a figure human like step around the trees.
> Following this figure into a section of the forest he personally hadn’t seen before, he neared the figure with stars taking place in the sky. Sniffing the air he couldn’t pick up on any scent from the figure. This was alarming but his pride as a demon wouldn’t let him flee from something just because it had no scent. “You did wonderful. Marvelous work, demon.” The voice was almost warped, causing fear to shoot down the Sun Demon’s spine. That was a hard thing to do.
> He smirked, folding his arms in front of his chest. “If you are that person from the tree carvings then, since I kept my end of the deal, you keep yours. Show me this new magic that will give me more power.”
> ”Ah yes I did promise that didn’t I? Then come closer and I will show you a special magic that will make you stronger.”
> The Sun Demon stepped closer, lowering his arms to his sides as he neared only to pause and jump back, dodging a black shadow hand that had came from the ground. He charged bright white flames in both hands, putting them together and willed them into the shape of a large blade. “Sorry but you are going to keep your end even if you need to die for me to get what I want!”
> When the Sun Demon attacked and used his flames to light the area with the white fire, the shadow screamed and its body vanished when the white light filled the area while it seemed to had been struck by the sword. The flames started to die down as the demon looked around smirking. “See? You should had kept your word. Never double cross a demon as powerful as me.”
> Those confident words were short lived when a voice came from the shadows. “Don’t worry, I won’t double cross you. I can’t double cross someone who’s dead.” Before the demon could react, a black circle appeared under, above, and behind the Sun Demon with a purple aura radiating off it and its internal pattern of magic. Two smaller circles floated on either side and sparked, shocking the demon when he tried to use his magic.
> The shadow came into sight again, coming up from the ground. The body was so dark it looked like it held no face with its form like that of a shadow literally lifting and detaching itself from an owner. “I am keeping my word. You are going to learn of a new magic that would had made you stronger but with a slight twist. You will learn of it but it will never leave your knowledge and you will be giving me strength.” The shadow held a hand out and black strings show out from its fingers, connecting to the magic circles and activating them.
> When they sparked to life the Sun Demon screamed out with his eyes wide while trying to get free as it felt like he was getting drained from the inside out. The Shadow One drained the magic and demonic energy from the demon’s body and soul, taking pleasure in his pain. By the time The Shadow One was finished, the magic circles faded and let the demon’s weakened body drop to the ground with heavy breathing and sweating. It was exhausting for any demon to have what made them a demon forcefully taken from them.
> ”What the hell was that? Give it back!” The demon tried to order The Shadow One who just chuckled, loving the sight of the demon trying to rise from the ground. “I think not. I cannot have loose strings floating about that know of my arrival. I hope you can find the strength to rise, I hear animals that hunt at night are normally quite hungry.”
> The Shadow One vanished into the nightly shadows, leaving the Sun Demon alone in silence. The Sun Demon wasn’t able to get far before a pack of wild beasts came, surrounding him, and killed him for their nightly breakfast.
*Added Note* > The tree serves as an anchor point for both Realms to be connected so Aphelia can better help influence balance for the Human Realm, but as it can go one way it at times would travel the other in small spurts from time to time. Without the anchors linking the two Realms there would be no way for Aphelia to aid in balancing the Human Realm to try and keep it safe. <