The days passed slowly before finally, while players did as they wished in The World in the towns, dungeons or fields, the day had finally come. The day the finale of the Winter Triathlon event would be starting and later prizes handed out depending on how quickly or slowly a party could defeat the event monster. When the quest came and appeared, flashing on the players screens, they couldn’t wait and the female heavy blade was one of them.421Please respect copyright.PENANAZbfs43SlLv
After the image flashed, she quickly brought up and read the quest releasing a squeal. Her character followed suit, showing her over flowing excitement. Finally it was here. The day had come; they could take part in the Conclusion Ceremony and see what monster these three pieces would create. “There is no way we’re losing!421Please respect copyright.PENANAYBHz8Kryy1
“We’re going to be number one for beating the boss and we’ll also make the best display if that’s required!” her shouted words earned her odd and confused stares from some of the characters walking around the busy market streets of the town known as a Root Town.421Please respect copyright.PENANA8CIQUAx51a
She had struck a pose with one arm up, hand in a fist, and when she realized she was being stared at for speaking to herself aloud, her arm lowered down quickly. A nervous laugh escaped her and quickly she fled to the gateway sending a message to the drill lancer and assassin so they would know she was heading to the event location: Oceans heartsong Defending Maidens fiery kiss.421Please respect copyright.PENANAA488OoFlRs
When the golden rings vanished and her eyes opened there before her was a wide area with walls standing tall. She was astonished to see how the walls reminded her of the old buildings from Rome’s history in some ways yet the stone held metal woven in and out of it like a blanket. Within these rounded walls were buildings and a train system. The tunnel with the train held open window space, showing the people a speeding train going around on its tracks that seemed to follow the rounded shape of a city mixed with a futuristic yet past era feel.421Please respect copyright.PENANAGVf1SD7MwH
Other players were there as well and were equally as astonished as others were excited and grinning. Her two party members showed up and they formed their party. All three were looking forwards to the event to begin, especially the heavy blade. She wanted to know how this would work and get started. It was just too much waiting.421Please respect copyright.PENANAYigHtY12dN
What was this final beast going to look like? What would they all be required to do in order to get the best prize, besides coming in at the fastest time, for beating it? These questions, with others, filled the player’s mind as her fingers gripped her controller.421Please respect copyright.PENANAdLDbibzcZP
Soon, after some moments, an NPC in royal garb and taller in height had appeared. He cleared his throat just as the familiar sound filled the air signaling the event was beginning. Snapping his fingers a piece of parchment appeared from yellow data squares and, once more he cleared his throat into a white gloved hand. “Welcome all finalist! If you are here then it shows you successfully completed the three events and gained yourself three monster pieces.421Please respect copyright.PENANAVk9ZQysR57
“With those monster pieces you will each bring them to me one party at a time. When a party has approached and their pieces accepted, they will step inside the metal walls behind me to enter the arena where you’ll find the monster you’ll be facing. Each party will face the monster separately until it is defeated. Once the monster is defeated your time will be recorded. Only after all parties have taken their turn will the times be posted on a display board and prizes handed out. For those coming in first with the fastest times will get the top prize, those in second with the second fastest times will receive the next prize, and those in third place with the third fastest times will receive the last place prize.421Please respect copyright.PENANAG4nAIZ1ySF
“Lastly those coming in fourth will be given consolation prizes for participating. Each party can only partake in the battle once after winning. When the monster has been defeated, the party will have completed the quest event and may watch in the stands with others to see the other parties fight for a placement in the time slots. Any items can be used along with spells and weapons. This will be like any other monster fight so go all out.421Please respect copyright.PENANA3YEP9V5EyO
“If all party members are defeated then the party loses and may try again to fight the monster once all the members are healed and ready to go. There is no limit to how often a team can retry to defeat the monster. Just do your best and have fun. No one outside the party may help the currently fighting party. Any parties found trying to cheat are automatically disqualified and will be removed from being able to get any prize from any of the four brackets.421Please respect copyright.PENANA3tHH71nz3a
“Now then if all of this is clear, I wish you all the best of luck and to have fun! Now then, when I give the signal and the arena is raised, please come forward if you wish to be the first party to take part in the fight. The rest of you may hang around the arena walls to be next or you may register with me and go explore the city that will be gone once the Conclusion Event is finished. There are shops spread out and small activities for you all to take part in.421Please respect copyright.PENANAxdmAzMicCa
“If there are no questions, then, by my command and the Administrator’s orders, I deem this Conclusion Event...BEGIN!” The NPC held a strong tone and as he neared the end of his speech his hand had raised into the air, palm open, only to come down after his pause with the shouted word ‘begin’, his hand lowering quickly through the air like a sword cutting through a straw dummy. The ground shook at this moment causing the characters faces to twist in confusion and, as they looked up, behind the NPC, rose a wall like a Roman Coliseum with stone and metal, lines of light tracing through it and around at angles on the outer walls of cold steel.421Please respect copyright.PENANAkZ23z4Ngam
It was amazing and equally as impressive with a bit of intimidation. The design made the heavy blade wielder mouth the word ‘wow’ with eyes glued to its shinning surface and beams of light coming and going as if weaving in and out like a worm in an apple trying to avoid a hungry bird. “Holy crap that looks so cool!” she exclaimed breathlessly, inhaling sharply.421Please respect copyright.PENANAgCUwtdFSVz
“Yes it does. Seems they made a more modern Coliseum. It is impressive. I’m glad to see they are finally learning to give more players attentions.” The drill lancer released a chuckle, pleasure in his tone, truly happy to see the ones at the head of the corporation were taking it seriously in a way yet also making it fun at the same time. “You should have seen the first version and second version of The World. They were still figuring it out and it was quite the bumpy and rocky road but they seem to have figured out the flow of The World and it appears to be continuing fairly smooth.”421Please respect copyright.PENANA7gqGigVf11
“Oh? How was it bumpy or rocky before?” questioned the heavy blade, starting to walk forwards as she noticed the assassin moving to the NPC but paused when he started returning.421Please respect copyright.PENANALpsrgZk98B
“It was rocky because they were trying to figure out the right design, the right feel and style for The World that would be appealing to multiple types of people across the board as well as being original but not cheesy or too corny. It was a bit of an um…interesting time. They wanted to make sure it was something that would be unlike anything gamers had ever seen while maintaining a beauty they wouldn’t get somewhere else. After almost running into some lawsuits with possible copying others designs they eventually got it in the third and this, the fourth, versions of The World.”421Please respect copyright.PENANAtKf2UNFfjK
“Oh wow…I didn’t know it had that kind of history to it. So…have they ever made a city in the middle of a field before?” she questioned turning and tilting her head to look up at the lancer.421Please respect copyright.PENANAqwlJsh9Q7x
“Well they tried once but it ended up collapsing for some reason. Apparently at that time they were also trying to create AI’s in the system to try and make it more exciting for players but that turned out to be more difficult than they predicted; so their project was abandoned on the way for AI’s. There are rumors are the board that some in the corporation are waiting for the time to make AI’s but we aren’t sure if it’s true or not.”421Please respect copyright.PENANAZmXGWCgPOy
The heavy blade thought this over quietly. It was interesting to hear how The World was before she began playing it which was technically recent compared to other gamers time spent playing and when they joined. “If you two are finished chatting I have registered us. Our names will be flashed on the floating screen when our turn is up and we will need to report to the NPC within fifteen minutes or we will need to wait for our name to come back up.” The assassin explained to the pair after clearing his throat then started to take his leave. “I’m going to take a look at the shops. Perhaps they have some limited time items or weapons.”421Please respect copyright.PENANASWz1cjjLBs
“Oh! That sounds cool. Hey, hey you wait up!” cried out the heavy blade, reaching out and giving chase after the assassin who just walked on acting as though he didn’t hear his female comrade. The drill lancer chuckled, shaking his head and followed after the pair. Above in the air watched, floating and tail waving, the feline character eyes wide then narrowed as they located the heavy blade. The cat’s lips twisted into a smile as a purr softly left his throat.421Please respect copyright.PENANAAlj52rKxOk
“To the day and night the pet did purr finding the master is to the allure. Without the master the pet falls off. Just as without the other half the piece left goes mad. The clouds laugh and sky darkens in disgust; so let the waltz begin and the show to commence.” The cat spoke quietly to himself a chuckle escaping with eyes locked on the female heavy blade that moved about the shops, looking at their goods and wears, picking out a few things trying to manage her money so not to go broke in case she found something incredibly good.421Please respect copyright.PENANAzwP6XjoxiP
As each party was called and went, it took some a few tries to beat the mystery monster. Finally when the drill lancer looked up to the sky towards the arena he saw their party name flashing on the screen and turned towards his two comrades who were looking over a weapon merchant’s wears. “Hey we’re up!” He shouted and took his leave to head back as the clock on the board had begun to count down and this got the pair moving, the trio managing to make it back with five minutes to spare.421Please respect copyright.PENANAoi3DacLbn4
“We’re here and ready!” exclaimed the heavy blade just before her player began to look over her inventory to make sure she had a good weapon equipped. The other two made sure they also were ready for the battle. When done, they confirmed with the NPC they were ready for the fight. The trio handed over their monster pieces to the NPC and entered when the doors opened. It was like an ancient coliseum as shown on documentaries and in history books.421Please respect copyright.PENANA2lQeTbM0fF
The heavy blade was in awe and breathless as she saw all this. It was amazing how they had designed it to look like the olden time style yet have some parts look more futuristic or modern with gears in places showing and lines of light flowing. The stands were filled with characters and those who had previously been part of the event but had apparently won. She could do this. She just had to win with her party as fast as possible.421Please respect copyright.PENANApX43D8Fi8g
The NPC raised the hand with the three pieces and, as he did, the pieces glowed and shot up into the air as three beams of light, swirling and shot down slamming into the middle of the coliseum hard, blowing out dust with the strong wind. The ground shook as one then two front clawed paws like talons came into view of the party and as the dust was starting to settle with the wind dying down; there before them stood a proud beast as they started to make out the head of what appeared to be somewhat like an owl, feathers covering its head and neck, its face was somewhat flat and a beak on its mouth.421Please respect copyright.PENANArl5WvAeLhX
Its eyes were wide then narrowed. The feathers on the side of its head moved, flexing like what she’d seen an animal’s ears do while listening yet they looked hard as a bull’s horns. They seemed to be responding to the sounds of the crowds cheering and some characters heckling the trio; they wanted to see if they could make them mess up and fail in their quest of coming in first. Wings expanded out, showing thick feathers under a webbed outer appearance. The outside was like that of a bat but under it was like a normal bird’s wings.421Please respect copyright.PENANAm0YeFebNPq
Its lower body was similar to a panther by its paws but its tail had thicker fur having a resemblance to the traditional lion’s tail. Drawing her large blade, the heavy blade wielding female readied herself for the fight as did the assassin and the drill lancer. It gave a screeching roar, the air from its mighty and strong roar pushed the trio back as its wings expanded once more, exercising the muscles to prepare for flight. “It’s…a Gryphon?! Um…how strong are they normally?” The heavy blade wasn’t feeling so confident.421Please respect copyright.PENANAykG0Eh1bM0
There were many monsters, some in the form of regular animals or mythological creatures and others were a mix match of the designers own creations; others were a different take on some names of animals. She hadn’t in any dungeon seen a Gryphon and was hoping one of her two friends had fought one at some point in one of the other versions of The World. “Well judging by its size and body tone I would say it’s at least a Boss Level Rank. So it’s most likely fairly strong. Compare this to the last monster before the Treasure Room at the end of a dungeon when there are four floors or five floors.”421Please respect copyright.PENANAKD6YC6aqBJ
The answer from the drill lancer wasn’t helpful or comforting to the heavy blade. She wanted to hear it would be easier than a monster level she hadn’t really fought against. Whenever she would do dungeons, at least solo, they would be a single floor or, at maximum, three floors. She still had trouble with the monster, or monsters, before the Treasure Room holding a statue of one of The World’s Gods in it, watching over the treasure chest. Taking a breath she exhaled and narrowed her eyes on the beast. She had to focus and felt she had to prove she could do this.421Please respect copyright.PENANAbbsZK04l1L
She heard the leather on her blade’s hilt sound off under her character’s tightening grip. “Ready? Or you want to sit back and let the big boys handle it and you cheer for us like a maiden of the pink dancer’s veil?” the assassin asked almost with a smug tone in his voice to the female player.421Please respect copyright.PENANAvXEPRBEETj
“No way in heck am I going to be letting you guys have all the fun and steal the show. You can just go stand back and do a belly dance cause I’ll have this all wrapped up before you can even sneeze.” Her reply was more confident than she internally felt but her putting on this act seemed to please the assassin who had readied two daggers.421Please respect copyright.PENANAyG1MPZgpte
“Try not to die then. Since it can fly long range attacks will need to be used. I’ll go for the wings; lancer you go for the legs and heavy blade you go for the chest and, if your blade can reach, either wing to help clip its feathers.” The directions were clear and felt like a good plan by the assassin. Both players agreed and charged in, going for their assigned targets.421Please respect copyright.PENANAYp1Xe9Pdkg
The drill lancer male charged in, his lance’s blade whirling to life loudly as he gave it a mighty thrust forwards into one of the scaly front legs with the claw like talons. When the beast reacted rising up to strike him, his weapon retracted and swung around to the side before moving in front of his body to meet and stop the claws from striking. This brought many sparks from the spinning blade against one of his metal gauntlets and the bottom of the front paw.421Please respect copyright.PENANAT78a875Hzt
Shoving off hard with a grunt he turned, twisting his body around to block some of the damage from the other paw slamming into him, getting shoved back some causing dust to fly. As this took place with the Gryphon focused, for the time being, on the lancer, the assassin made his way closer to a better angle, throwing out his stars then kunai into one of the wings webbed surfaces adding to the monsters screech of pain. When it began to take flight it was stalled when a yell then strike of red from the heavy blade hit between its shoulder and wing joint.421Please respect copyright.PENANAHqklKXcOpB
The body of the large beast twisted around whipping its tail to swat at the two closes pests. The heavy blade was thrown back, landing hard on her butt, unable to regain her footing to catch herself. The assassin had a slight bit of damage from being struck but had moved back to minimize the injury taken. Starting to chant, at a safer distance, he began to use a curse. He watched as shadows came to the air and stabbed into the beast’s eyes like blades. Afterwards only to remain of the shadow blades were dark clouds, making sight difficult for the monster. He was glad there had been talismans at one of the shops. One had been for curses giving the option of blindness, confusion, or charm. In this case blindness was best. He began to chant another spell, assaulting the body of the Gryphon with stones stabbing upwards from the ground to give his other two party members time collect themselves and rejoin the fight.421Please respect copyright.PENANATwZDOZGhZw
Standing, the lancer and heavy blade checked their status and were both good on their Health Points but she didn’t want to take another strike like that again. It had actually knocked her down by nearly half of her Health. Lifting her weapon, she charged raising it above her head, her player selecting a water-based attack and the blade began to glow blue. Water sprayed out as the heavy weapon swung down and made contact with the side ribcage and leg of the monster.421Please respect copyright.PENANALgAw0xoC8v
The lancer had also moved to attack but as he released his skill the creature’s mighty wings began to flap giving it flight. It couldn’t see them clearly but it had a skill that would allow it a greater chance to hit the humans trying to kill it. As the wings flapped a few feathers began to prickle and lift, redirecting their hardening form as they appear to hold a thin outline of glowing light. “What’s it doing?” asked the heavy blade getting a sinking feeling deep in her stomach.421Please respect copyright.PENANAiWRtq7D2P9
When the feathers finally charged they flew down like throwing knives but, upon impact with the ground, they exploded like bombs. The explosions threw earth, dust, and stone everywhere, causing damage to the trio. The heavy blade managed to stab her weapon into the ground to slow down while the blasts sent them flying backwards. The explosions did as it wanted giving it more distance and range for another attack. “Oh crap that hurt.” Moaned the heavy blade; her blade stabbed into the ground, using it as a crutch to stand. Her shaking body was flashing red due to low health much like the assassin who was laid flat on his back before slowly getting to his feet.421Please respect copyright.PENANAoXK2fsi0UI
The lancer pulled out two bottles holding red liquid and tossed one to each of them upon which they opened and quickly downed the potions, the red flashing ceasing as their health replenished. Potions were good for a quick fix but were not recommended for frequent consumption less the person wished to fall ill and be unable to fight. The crippled person gets the status Potions Venom and cannot do much if anything until it wears off on its own or another character, more set with healing skills, cures the ailment.421Please respect copyright.PENANATEvGvg9KGY
On himself the lancer used a healing spell to recover his health. “Here they come again! Brace yourselves!” Ordered the lancer strictly, bracing himself with his weapon by stabbing it into the ground. The assassin pulled out three sheets of orange paper, throwing one at the lancer, one at the heavy blade, and one he held in front of his character. When more feathers flew down and exploded the talismans glowed and sparked violently, blocking the attack from hitting the trio.421Please respect copyright.PENANAvIFaeUpjoC
Quieting down, the papers stayed floating though they showed tears and burn marks. This clearly showed they were not a permanent thing and could be destroyed if they took many more hits. The strike hit once more damaging the barriers further. They couldn’t just stand there and take this but the heavy blade noticed it wasn’t re-growing its feathers. It had a limit to how many times it could do this attack but something seemed to be under the feathers. Looking closer, almost squinting, she couldn’t tell if she was seeing something appearing or not. Her squinting eyes opened wide in fear seeing a third wave starting to prickle out and charge up to strike.421Please respect copyright.PENANA4W1YdVzmXz
The feathers came down fast and hard striking a third time and it was then the heavy blade was sure she had seen something, an eye, under the feathers on one then the other wing. “Hey! It’s got an eye under its feathers. We gotta stop it before it uncovers them. I got a bad feeling about those eyes.” She warned her team and they agreed. When a fourth blast struck, shattering the barriers, the two melee fighters charged as the assassin began bombarding the beast with more spells and adding in a speed curse to slow it down for a time.421Please respect copyright.PENANAh65kxL9hFF
This was feeling more hopeful to the trio but the monster still had some health left. This was not always a good thing. If it somehow got a second wind or could heal itself then it could be like them restarting from square one. She had encountered those monsters before and they were annoying, such a pain in the butt since once they got injured they would just heal their wounds and be at full health once again, making it feel almost never ending.421Please respect copyright.PENANAXpjyGhwiOt
The heavy blade and drill lancer each began charging a strong attack skill, attaching it to their weapons and struck, each going for one of its wings. She swung and he thrusting forwards the green and purple attacks went for the wings hoping to ground the Gryphon. The crowd was cheering and yelling, clearly entertained, as they had almost gotten defeated only to come back and was starting to make some damage on the monster. It cried out collapsing after several strikes on its wings, cuts and damage on display as it fell back to the ground.421Please respect copyright.PENANAd0pzqToi6u
The trio continued the onslaught using all they had even using potions to recharge their skills so they could continue till eventually, with a strike from four throwing stars and four kunai from the assassin, an attack with golden leaves from the lancer, and an attack of red fire with autumn colored leaves from the heavy blade, would be the final strike bringing the monster down finally. As it collapsed the crowd roared louder with some people jumping up and down clapping.421Please respect copyright.PENANAmgjYNqpXer
“We beat it?” asked the heavy blade breathlessly. “We…we really beat it? That was hard. I…I can’t believe we won and didn’t die. Yes! There is no way we came in any lower than first!” though her words were breathless she was hopeful. She knew they wouldn’t know for sure till the rest of the parties had gone and defeated the monster. So after they had finished, the trio made their way out of the Coliseum and up to sit in an empty part of the stands to relax and catch their breath.421Please respect copyright.PENANAKUUMLmM5cI
It was harder than she had thought. She never thought it would have been that hard. Her player looked at her weapon in the inventory and noticed cracking and fracture lines on the tinted steel. That was going to need repaired before she did anymore battles. Returning her attention below to see the next party entering the Coliseum to fight the Gryphon it was almost exciting. The three got into it, mainly the heavy blade and drill lancer. The assassin clapped and at times cheered but mostly stayed his quiet self, enjoying the show in silence.421Please respect copyright.PENANA6YqsK8H9eq
Glancing up his eyes caught movement through the sky but as quickly as he had noticed its presence it was gone. Closing his eyes some, his mind pondered what he just saw. Was it a glitch of data floating by or something else? Whatever it had been it seemed to be gone now and his attention refocused upon the party currently fighting. He took note of how each one stood and moved. The spell casters with stands like what band players use to hold their music, only these held grimoires on them open for the casters to use magic. Their physical fighter ran and attacked with a giant scythe that held moving teeth like a chainsaw, releasing steam from around its blade and its handle periodically.421Please respect copyright.PENANAtyrq5yEPsr
The use of steam weapons was a new addition to this version of The World, one the assassin found quite interesting. They had four basic classes and the rest was split by the weapons that could be chosen under each class. It was quite unique and different from what was commonly done in the past. Taking a breath then exhaling, the battle eventually ended and over time the next few remaining parties each took their turns, fighting the beast and eventually winning.421Please respect copyright.PENANAweh6IyISeE
Once all the parties had fought the monster and won the NPC stepped into the middle of the Coliseum and looked to all participates now in the stands. “Congratulations, everyone! You all have won and by this fact I now with great excitement show the results for each of the parties! Prepare to see where you rank and come down when called to be given your prize!” Shouted the NPC to raise their excitement over seeing where they ranked.421Please respect copyright.PENANA2Ktyk0SVbb
Above him a board began to digitize and, as it did, it showed to have four sides to it somehow the heavy blade wasn’t sure. On the board listed the places of first to fourth, fourth with everyone else that didn’t fall into the slots of first, second, or third. As the names of the parties came up with their times right beside them, her smiling, anxious face slowly fell as she scanned the board only to find their party in second place. They had come in sixth in the second place rankings. That couldn’t be right. They should have gotten a faster time than that, shouldn’t have they?421Please respect copyright.PENANAVqCct40620
“You must be kidding. I thought we beat the monster way faster than that. Didn’t we?” She asked quickly looking over to her party members who were also stunned but didn’t seem too bothered which slightly annoyed her inside at how they didn’t seem as shocked or agitated that they had come in the second place rankings instead of the first place rankings.421Please respect copyright.PENANAsLq4Oi0OdC
“Well if you think about it…we did have to pause when I used the shields so we could compose a plan and regain some breath to continue fighting. If you recall we almost did die during the first part and if not for my shields then we would have died and had to restart the battle. It was them which saved us from the exploding bomb feathers.” Explained the assassin in a quiet voice; eyeing the heavy blade female with her flustered and frustrated expression.421Please respect copyright.PENANAQpJyuU1a5o
“You…I…” she growled her cheeks puffing out with air from her frustration towards the calm spoken assassin.421Please respect copyright.PENANAm9srhFoJ6U
“He has a point if you think it over. Just take a breath and exhale. You need to remember, heavy blade, this is a game. You’ll get another chance at another event for first place. You don’t always have to come in first to have fun, do you? I mean isn’t taking part of any event just part of the real reason for any game? To have fun, right?” inquired the drill lancer to the heavy blade who shot a cold glare at him.421Please respect copyright.PENANAk2VtT2fXhq
She did listen to his advice though and took a breath, exhaling the air and as she did, closed her eyes. Thinking this over carefully she did agree that games were made for fun and enjoyment not to be in first place all the time, though it did feel really good when first place was acquired. She shouldn’t have expected to come in first with her first time doing this type of event. It was a pretty big event and did have a lot of players in it so it did add up to mean that there would be those who wouldn’t hit first because of someone else, or a lot of someone else’s, being better and faster than them due to speed alone or strength aiding their speed in defeating the monster.421Please respect copyright.PENANASGM6Ss93da
It was just a game and she couldn’t let herself get worked up over something like not coming in the first place brackets. “Fine…you made your point. I guess we could try again next time, right?” she asked and both nodded bringing a grin to pull at her lips. Then, looking down to the NPC, she watched as the party names were highlighted and called out. When they were, the party called left their seats by either walking around and down steps or some just went forwards and jumped down into the center not bothering with stairs or taking the right way out of the stands.421Please respect copyright.PENANAv6pQV2fE1m
It had been a fun event she admitted to herself, waiting on the NPC to get to their party. “There is no way this awesome day can go wrong…even though it’d be even more awesome had we come in the first place slot.” She muttered to herself watching and leaned back to wait for their turn to go down and claim their prize. It was about half way through, nearing the end just a few parties away for the first place bracket when a loud noise caused the party approaching to get their prize to pause. A shadow came over the Coliseum before spreading out and, as others with the trio looked, water shot down hard and fast at the event participants.421Please respect copyright.PENANAy6lnS88aWQ
“Hey! What’s going on? Is this part of the event?” one player asked looking at a sight not uncommon of a monster but in some ways it was different. Above, floating in the air was a decently large monster several feet tall, over six foot in height, came closer and shot another attack out of her hands where swirling bracelets of wind and water hovered. People screamed as they were blasted, some character’s bodies flashing red as others bodies flickered before being revived with a revival spell or an item from the phoenix.421Please respect copyright.PENANAMEEHKxRdDl
Coming down was a female monster, hair wild and flowing like it held the wind within its strains, pulled back with a metal clip of green crystal, her eyes were cold and set like they held no pupils only a solid dark color. The odd thing was there seemed to be an illumination from within them but it could have been the sun’s light causing this based on her position. She screeched out a sharp high pitched sound causing many characters to yell and crumple over, putting their hands over their ears to try and block out the noise. The NPC had begun to flicker being affected by the monsters powerful cry.421Please respect copyright.PENANAyTFO9DVezu
“What in the heck is that thing?!” asked a male player with a pair of daggers on his belt.421Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0o8SOcu77
“It’s a Water Banshee but I’ve never seen one with clothing like that before!” shouted another player with a pair of chain scythes on her back as the wind from the monster picked up making a horrible noise in the players headsets.421Please respect copyright.PENANAsBard5OcQg
“Come to ruin things huh? Well you’re going down like that Gryphon. This is just some sort of test brought on by the Admins.” The one who had the steam scythe said, firing up the weapon and charged with a battle cry, pulling the weapon back and struck hard, watching damage come to the dress of fast moving water only to see it flicker and repair itself. “What? But how did it do that? Gah!” she was struck hard, thrown back by one of the hands of the Banshee.421Please respect copyright.PENANAl0rAXzCYeB
Other players joined in attacking from the stands as magic users cast their spells on the monster to try and bring it down. The trio also charged in to help. The assassin stayed back to use curses and spells trying slowing its movement and bring it down. As they all attacked, even with the drill lancer and heavy blade striking and taking off its arm, it didn’t seem to die. When its arm fell off, crashing into the empty seats the body flickered and the arm regrew, vanishing from the stands and was, good as new.421Please respect copyright.PENANAm9qW6e0HP9
The player of the heavy blade went into a menu and locked onto the Water Banshee, using a scanning spell, she looked at the information on the monster and her face fell, mouth falling open. There was no way that was possible. Its health was infinite. There was no way to beat this. It couldn’t be killed. Its health was always replenishing without the need of a healing spell. “That…that isn’t possible…it can’t be possible.” She muttered quietly in shock, her eyes glued on this monster. She didn’t respond in time to dodge a gust of air till it struck and slammed her character back into the stands causing her controls to vibrate.421Please respect copyright.PENANAJa5Sp86Vh3
“Oh that hurt…” groaned the heavy blade, slowly standing as the assassin used a healing spell to replenish her fallen health. “Any plans of how we beat a monster with infinite health?” she asked the assassin, concerned for their safety and others. It was an online game but the game also had a history of affecting some players in the real world and she hadn’t experienced what was said to have happened with past versions but she didn’t want to find out or experience it firsthand.421Please respect copyright.PENANATHQtNBPgeS
“Not a clue. Only thing I can think of is to keep attacking it and try to wear it down. There has to be some way to break it and destroy it. If nothing else someone could try sending a message to an Admin to come and try to resolve it.” He answered but wasn’t too sure of his reply as he wasn’t sure how they could beat it. He hadn’t faced anything like this nor seen any armor in the shape of a pentagon before on any monster with a broken area on its surface.421Please respect copyright.PENANAGDT2wmRuKn
The monster screamed its high pitched cry making the characters fall halting their attacks before they stood and continued to try taking it down without success. The Banshee stood in a dress with a violet colored top, the waist seeming to be separate from the blue swirling water of the dresses bell. Behind it attached to a sash, which mixed fluidly with the violet top, were two flowing long tails. They were like something one would see at the end of a tailcoat worn by a man during a nice night out. Its head was strange as well. The face appeared to be broken; a line jagged and rough went down the middle of its face cutting it in half, almost like a mask. As another attack of water left its hands, the heavy blade noticed how the right side appeared to take on a more delicate appearance as the left side took on a more fierce and deadly appearance.421Please respect copyright.PENANA1Sxke2tLBp
The sky started to darken as the wind picked up from the monster with each attack. She had to think. There had to be something. Her eyes caught the sight of the chest plate on the Banshee seeing the four straps, two going over the shoulders and two around the ribcage. They looked almost like branches bent and formed but not like anything she’d ever seen used for armor. It was strange even for monster armor. Then when the Banshee began to spin releasing a tornado at a couple parties teaming up to attack it looked like the chest plate had moved.421Please respect copyright.PENANApboKLui9ly
“There’s…that’s….what in the heck…” she was at a loss for words and started to make her way up higher in the stands keeping an eye on the battle, mainly watching the chest plate. She hadn’t forgotten the assassin mentioning about how it had damage on it. That wasn’t normal either, like a monster having infinite health and released among the players characters to see if they would survive.421Please respect copyright.PENANAX08WeoncvE
The piece missing from the chest plate was jagged and shaped like a fang. “Where have I seen…oh!” her eyes widened and quickly she withdrew the necklace the cat had given her from her bag on her side and stared at it before returning her eyes to take in the broken piece on the armor best she could with it moving. “That has to be where this goes. It didn’t work for the NPC and it actually reset him so…”421Please respect copyright.PENANA6VYYmZiVAA
“Twin heads and purple tails so come to me and claim the key to unlocking the finale.” The words of the cat echoed in her mind, the last part of his sentence. It didn’t make sense then but it was starting to make sense in some way now. “Twin heads…and purple tails…that thing has two faces and it looks like it has two purple tails. Could…maybe this could destroy it. But…that’s stupid. It doesn’t make sense how this could do that though if it could and I don’t try then…what if it affects everyone in the real world?421Please respect copyright.PENANA71HQsMc3Xm
“It’d be my fault if anything like Deaths Kiss happened again.” The heavy blade muttered quietly feeling nervous and conflicted. It was a stupid idea that something so small could stop a monster over six feet tall and was so strong. She didn’t want to try it and risk something else happening but, at the same time, if it would help she didn’t want to not try and end up something happening that could cause harm to the player’s real selves. She took a deep breath and exhaled while her eyes closed. It was worth a shot and she had to do it but how?421Please respect copyright.PENANAaQmS3yT3mQ
How was she going to get up to even reach it? It was obviously bigger than her and could fly for that matter. Then with its wind and water moving so fast like a typhoon she wouldn’t be able to just jump up and attack like she had tried before. The others were still trying physical moves to strike it and it was failing. No matter how much damage they dealt to it, it just recovered immediately and struck harder. A noise came to hear ears bringing her eyes to open and look over to the side. Her gaze shifting up higher than the coliseum was the train, still speeding away on its large circle track.421Please respect copyright.PENANA7y7YV99HNQ
That could work perhaps. The height for the train tracks was almost in line where the monster hovered currently at the least. Looking to the monster, she took one more deep breath hoping this wasn’t the stupidest thing she’d ever done, even if it was virtual reality. Drawing her heavy blade, after putting the necklace around her neck, she charged a magic spell on her weapon. The cracks began to grow and pieces started to chip out when the spell was launched, being a greenish hue. “Hey! Ugly! Come on for a real fight!” she shouted before taking off running down the stands and out, quickly racing into one of the archways and up the steps of metal and stone. She heard her spell explode as it hit the monster, bringing its shrill cry to fill the air, doing what she wanted, coming after her.421Please respect copyright.PENANAgo4gGx9Qq4
Stumbling, she made her way eventually to the landing area where the tracks were. Seeing the train speeding closer, she gulped bracing herself. She had to time it just right. If she failed to it would end badly. As it neared, she took her chance, jumping off the platform when it wasn’t slowing down and grabbed hold of a metal side bar, holding on tight. She wondered if anyone ever thought of having the train not moving at such a high rate of speed without any stopping at some point. Pulling her body along the train, she made her way up to the engine and, after a bit of pounding, managed to get the door open allowing her to fall into the cockpit as the train went into a turn.421Please respect copyright.PENANANUaOw7T79c
“Crap! Hasn’t any programmer’s ever heard of slowing down anything?!” her words were out with a sigh of relief she had made it and didn’t splat on the tracks. Her head hanging down lifted up and looked to a pair of males. She judged, by a simple fact she hadn’t seen any other players dressed in engineer garb, they were NPC’s or, if rumors were true, a form of AI. They could perhaps also someone from the corporation.421Please respect copyright.PENANAqaFaNr8lLF
“Hey move aside!” the heavy blade ordered, stepping up to the controls as she pushed the pair away from its steam engine front. How hard could it be to control a train? Looking out a side window she saw the monster was coming in her direction. Perfect! That’s exactly what she wanted but she hadn’t worked out exactly how to go about her plans of launching herself into the air in motion quite yet. “Hmm maybe if I speed us up more, then, we could jump the tracks that way…” she muttered softly and started to push a few buttons and pull a couple levers ignoring the protest of the pair.421Please respect copyright.PENANARgT1TIbNda
“Hey stop that right now! You can’t waltz into the engine cockpit and take over! You aren’t the engine master, woman!” the one snapped wearing a conductor’s hat. She turned her gaze on him, annoyed at being yelled at. Sighing softly she was going to speak calmly, that’s what she told herself, as she pulled on another lever to try and speed up the train.421Please respect copyright.PENANAql3fp7EucU
“Lookie here, I have no idea if you’re an NPC, an AI, or somehow someone from the people who made this game but I’m taking over. I need to jump this train into the air while being aimed at that Water Banshee, who’s kind of somehow corrupted, and if we don’t stop it who knows what might happen if the developers can’t stop it. Now then if you don’t mind…TELL ME WHERE THE STUPID THING IS THAT MAKES THIS MACHINE GO FASTER!” Her last words were a shout, not intended though was this, and she wasn’t quite sure where that frustration came from. Maybe it was the fact he called her woman and told her she couldn’t be touching anything, or it was how she took his words.421Please respect copyright.PENANA92wRKhT1tD
“Sorry but you are not destroying my train. It’s mine and if you want to go flying I’m sure there are some wonderful buildings you can launch yourself off of when you get the Banshee up close enough.” The engine master ordered strictly421Please respect copyright.PENANAUe8fovxEmj
“Oh really now? Is that right? Well then I guess this location is high enough to launch myself off of.” Cooed the heavy blade smirking devilishly as she looked over the controls and found a dial with what looked like a speedometer. Reaching up and yanking down on it, the speed of the train began to increase. “Yes!”421Please respect copyright.PENANA1JZlh5Rran
“What is wrong with her? Are you insane miss?!” the second man asked, first addressing his coworker then her.421Please respect copyright.PENANA2AAi8KUIVO
“Well I wouldn’t say that but I got something in mind I want to try and what I need to get even close to its chest plate is I need some air time.”421Please respect copyright.PENANAKU7PnpINzl
“If this gets broken you’re paying for it. Not me.” The second one said firmly looking out at the Banshee as the speed kept increasing. Soon a clanking noise began to happen louder with a rough jolting as the train was starting to become unstable during its turns. These jolts made her scream and fall trying to stay standing wasn’t working but she was getting what she wanted. Now she just hoped she could launch at the right time to actually come close to fly at the monster.421Please respect copyright.PENANAmquhCbY2Gs
When the Banshee was starting to lose interest in her, being hit by attacks from the others, the heavy blade quickly moved to the door. She held on tightly to a metal handle resting near the engine’s doorway and with her other hand, move her sword out quickly, causing part of the train’s doorway to break off, as she screamed sending out a strong spell from her blade at the monster. This caused an explosion and she watched as it returned its attention to her. Perfect it was coming at her again. All she had to do now was cross her fingers that luck was on her side as she raced back into the engine cockpit.421Please respect copyright.PENANAhC96W4HDRL
Unseen to her was the cat character that was nearby and looking down at the window shaped openings along the rounded section for the train. He smiled slyly, raising a hand then snapping his fingers, watching as the tracks gave a spark and began to glow a red color, showing lines and code off being broken data. The metal bent and shifted breaking in the way he wanted. He knew, based on data he had learned from elsewhere in cyberspace, about how trains worked when a track would break of how each train would respond depending on speed and angle of the break. This was to give some aid to the heavy blade and to add some more entertainment for his viewing.421Please respect copyright.PENANAjsoe3FohwJ
The Banshee was closer and readying up a water attack to hit the train speeding towards the broken rail, only to turn and release the attack at the other players that were trying to break through and get it to lose health somehow. The female heavy blade looked out, her face falling when seeing red and yellow data lines on the rail. That couldn’t be anything good and that fear in her stomach was confirmed as, with the continually adding speed, the train jumped and struck the broken spot. It started to roll before flying off into the air, shattering glass as it flew, aimed at the Banshee.421Please respect copyright.PENANAR2619r7IUL
There was a hesitation before she snapped out of it and quickly ran to the door once she got to her feet and made her way out of the train climbing onto the roof. She almost fell off but tried to keep her balance, her broken and fractured sword resting on her back with the necklace blowing hard, almost wild, around her neck from all the wind gusting. Seeing the monster, she felt her body tense. This was it. She wouldn’t get a second chance. “You’re going to get yourself killed!” shouted one of the guys but without looking down she wasn’t sure which and frankly didn’t quite care who it was yelling at her from outside one of the engine cockpits windows.421Please respect copyright.PENANApDjGeqsH9C
Just a little closer but as the train did near; it began to start losing altitude. This wasn’t helpful to her, even less so when a gust of wind and water struck the train. At that moment she took the necklace off quickly and jumped, making a leap for the chest plate stretching her arm out trying to reach. “Crap not enough. I can’t fall. I’ll die from here!” she had to think. Quickly, without knowing if it would even work, she hoped her blade held enough strength to hold up to one more use of a skill similar to magic.421Please respect copyright.PENANApzLTOVWAw9
She drew her blade out with one hand and turned, twisting around in the air as she fell. Yelling she released a powerful skill of green colored energy, her attack Gale Storm, from her blade into the air. Much to her hope, her body was propelled up and, as it was, she lost hold of her sword. Turning her around, free of her weapons weight; she reached as far as she could and managed to get the piece into the hole on the chest plate. A scream of fear exited her mouth when sparks began to fly and the hard surface seemed to start growing over the necklace piece while the sparks grew more violent.421Please respect copyright.PENANANWyZFaI4zq
The heavy blade losing her grip almost fell towards the ground but held on tightly, catching hold of the chain. She dangled there by one hand holding onto the chain of the necklace for dear, virtual, life. The rushing wind and sound of swirling water at high speeds was not nice on the ears. The height was dizzying to her since the monster was still in the air by some feet. After looking down she wished she hadn’t and closed her eyes tightly. “Someone help me!” she screamed loudly, hoping her party would come and save her somehow.421Please respect copyright.PENANAWWZQTljYvD
With the sparks flying, the monster had stopped in place and was screaming a loud screech like noise for a time before it became silent then alternating between being heard and going silent. “Hang on!” shouted the lancer making his way over quick as he could. The players still able to fight started to try and hurt the monster again since it was staying still, almost motionless, besides the moving water and air of its clothing. From the side of the heavy blade, the cat smirked and released a quiet chuckle. Its hand lifted with a finger pointing up drawing the female to look over nervously.421Please respect copyright.PENANA1JYvr5zTcJ
“Today is the day the pet is quite impressed but will the food be delivered or will the rats be all left for dead? To speed is to slow and slow is too fast. Will the master of the pet be seen in the stones or seen on the armors glowing sheen?” he asked with an odd humor in his tone. “But now for the show to show the watcher’s on looking eyes something unseen in the life thou has lived.” The finger stopped its tracing of the air and, when the assassin and drill lancer were close enough, two of the assassin’s kunai and the lancers drill lance began glowing gold. Rising into the air they flew out towards the cat before being routed to strike the Banshee.421Please respect copyright.PENANA3OTU67OiyE
As the Banshee was hit, it screeched bloody murder with the drill spinning to life and digging deeper towards its heart made of data as the kunai, with the other hand directing them, began to fly stabbing into and slicing through the monsters arms, throat, and stomach, just barely missing the heavy blade. The sight of someone controlling another person’s weapons was astonishing. It was unlike anything she’d ever seen done before in The World or even heard of being done. How was he doing that? Was it strictly because he was no ordinary player or because he was a NPC or something else? Was he an AI perhaps?421Please respect copyright.PENANA3eq8MDiz6w
When the monster began to flicker, and white noise filling the air, this drew her mind away from her questions and to the simple fact if the monster vanished she’d be dead. “This isn’t good. Hey! Stop! If it vanishes I’ll fall and die!”421Please respect copyright.PENANAY46B5z47mr
“Fall and die? Hmm I think a nice air tunnel is fun and so thrilling said the bird to the squawker. Time flies so fast. Perhaps you can catch it if you hurry and rush. Bye-bye said the squawker to the fly. May the pet meet the master in the time to come sooner or later, maybe tomorrow, if blessings come to count the times eyes.” Replied the cat with cheer but ending with a grin she could only describe as almost devious if not falling into malicious.421Please respect copyright.PENANAfzez0xTO4G
The Water Banshee vanished and, to her fear, her body began to fall through the air towards the ground. The Banshee was gone, so was the necklace chain she had once been holding onto. “Someone better catch me!” she screamed hoping to not die. Yes it wasn’t a real death and she would be reborn at the last Root Town she visited before coming to the event site but, still, it was no fun as she would lose experience and, at times, could lose items recently acquired or other things that were on her person.421Please respect copyright.PENANAXZThXElHpT
“Assassin hurry up!” shouted the drill lancer, trying to run faster to get under her but, due to his larger form and heavy armor, he wasn’t as fast as he’d like. The assassin pulled out a sheet of paper and it suddenly caught fire causing a glow around the drill lancer like an outline. The lancer’s steps sped up thanks to the speed charm used, giving him extra speed. He just hoped it was enough watching the scene unfold almost in slow motion with her hurdling towards the stone ground.421Please respect copyright.PENANAJUCllvbkPU
The heavy blade closed her eyes tightly, bracing her body to splat against the street and lose experience points with some items. When she felt a hard surface, she expected her body to start flickering but her body didn’t turn into data nor did the screen go black. Slowly she opened her eyes, her body shaking, to see the sky clearing. Confused, she turned her head and saw the relieved face of the drill lancer out of breath. “I…told you we could do it. And…you’re safe like you should be. I wouldn’t have been a good friend had I not been able to keep you from painting the ground with your digital body.”421Please respect copyright.PENANAGvMUJ4K2jC
The words from the drill lancer were odd but strangely comforting to the heavy blade that smiled and quickly hugged him tightly around the neck. “I’m so glad you guys were here! Thank you for catching me!” she was so happy and excited that he was able to save her.421Please respect copyright.PENANAAtFwSXZIX0
“It was no problem.” He replied, hugging her back the best he could before putting her down and the two walked over to the others and the assassin. It had been a much different event than anything they’d ever done. Turning to look where the cat had been there was no cat player now. Not a huge shock but at the same time she was concerned though tried not to think about it too much since the way it had spoken was annoying and a bit confusing.421Please respect copyright.PENANAPuiieK582N
The players returned to the coliseum and the NPC had, somehow, been reset and now had an Admin standing by it, helping with handing out the prizes. There were a couple other Admins or Moderators closer to the city where the train had crash landed, causing a large crater in the ground, with the machine totaled. Both of the guys were safe if not upset towards her for the destruction of the train just so she could jump off it to take out the Banshee on a whim.421Please respect copyright.PENANAaNna4kw4GT
After all the prizes were handed out, and things wound down, the heavy blade had gone to another area and sat on a grassy hill. She had returned to a Root Town, now gazing out over the green floating landscape looking like a split up meadow. Holding up the shinning red and purple blade she couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. It was a one of a kind, so to speak, weapon for the heavy blade classes and held an additional bonus when the player used certain skills with it they would get a twenty percent increase in the chance of serious damage. In this sense, second place hadn’t been all bad after all.421Please respect copyright.PENANAZgSCsoXlu3
“Hey, you going to be logging off soon? How are you feeling?” the drill lancer asked, walking up and sitting down beside her, watching as she put the blade down at her side.421Please respect copyright.PENANATdzqAVVJwA
“I think I will log off soon and I’m doing fine. I feel okay. Why? Does anyone know what that weird chest plate was on the Water Banshee?”421Please respect copyright.PENANAeym1m2n5vA
“From what is going around on the message boards the word is that thing was something called a Viral Loop. It apparently is something a hacker or hackers made that can infect while attaching itself onto monsters, perhaps even players, and makes them go mad till they are destroyed. The Admins don’t seem to know exactly how to block and destroy the Viral Loops upon creation or that’s what it appears to be. So for now I’m hoping we don’t see that again. If it was a Viral Loop, and it can make a monster gain infinite health, then I’d prefer we don’t encounter something like that again.”421Please respect copyright.PENANAmL5dHvyrfZ
She could only nod and agree. She didn’t have any strong desire to go and face something like that again. She also had no desire to jump off anymore trains for that matter either. It wasn’t something she enjoyed and never wanted to do again. “Hey um you think tomorrow we can go and explore the crystal fields I’ve read about? I heard some players say they are gorgeous at night as they sparkle like fireflies.”421Please respect copyright.PENANAfrtifmrDEm
“Hmm sure…we can do that tomorrow. I’ll see if our assassin friend want’s to join and we can all go and relax. It might be nice to relax after the Conclusion Ceremony.” With those words the lancer stood and patted the heavy blade on the shoulder bidding her goodnight and took his leave, vanishing with golden rings falling down around him. Eventually, as she stared out at the setting sun, she pulled out a small item and closed her eyes. Breathing out a sigh and pressing a button, her body was surrounded by falling rings, her body disappearing as she logged out of The World to get some rest after the wild time she just experienced, the memory of that still replaying in her mind.421Please respect copyright.PENANAPUofuBqS5q