Part 4 - Scene 4389Please respect copyright.PENANAF5O94cc8j6
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“I’ve told you. Till we are sure you are ready and can control yourself while focusing, with the wilder and abundant Elements outside, you are to focus and learn to call the Elements to use within these walls so we are able to help you not hurt yourself or others. It takes one wrong thought of foul intent, one wrong move to push too far and you could harm yourself, harm others, or worse, cause death. With your ability to control and use all four Elements is astounding but due to that much power we can’t rush this.389Please respect copyright.PENANA3iSvLVT6Lt
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“It sucks to need to wait and be stuck training within stone and metal walls but it is as it is. Once we see you are able to draw upon the Elements in a controlled environment then we will move to seeing how your control is outside with the wilder Magic that makes up this world.” Hearing these words brought sadness to Jordon and his heart to sink after once feeling hope to be allowed to train outside in the open instead of inside the walls of the temple.389Please respect copyright.PENANAg6dUPQpjqh
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“…I am ready. I’m sure. I can already control the Magic you four release and use so why can’t you trust me to be able to focus and use Magic out in the open in a controlled way?”389Please respect copyright.PENANABatcb8Jow2
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“Do you think you could? The Elements flowing through every plant, every rock, every grain of dirt and cloud in the sky; every pond or body of water and every flame of a torch carries magic flowing through it. It is not tame. It is not controlled unless held in control by another force. Do you think you, able to use fire; earth, water, and air would be ready to handle all four at the exact same time without their energy being focused as it is when we spar with you?”389Please respect copyright.PENANAK4wOqiQWkJ
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With those words the Mage lifted a hand causing the air around the water pit to start swirling growing quicker and starting to come to view as the water swirled up into the spinning air vacuum. “Unlike I or any other who are able to control only one Element, you would be controlling four Elements at one time. It is hard enough to keep track of just one Element’s energy. Imagine, for one moment, controlling all four. Imagine the heat and temperatures of the fire Element flowing through your body, filling every pore and fiber of your flesh.389Please respect copyright.PENANAhqbfQQAWuv
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“Combine the thought of the heat that made you sweat with the chilling cold of the water filling your veins flowing onwards to find an exit. Next add on the chilling yet hot gusts shooting through your muscles, making the fire burn hotter and the water run colder. Lastly add in the heavy weight of the earth flowing over and through your heart, lungs, mind, and bones. Imagine all that at one time for me and tell me what you feel, Jordon. Explain to me what you feel in your body when you imagine what I just described to you.”389Please respect copyright.PENANAnwkwMNf0Ri
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While Areon had been speaking in a strict firm tone he had lifted his second hand and formed another swirling of air this one combined with fire and a third formed with a nod of his head swirling with the greenery of leaves. He kept his focus swirling three medium sized whirlwinds of air with the elements of fire, water, and earth. Eventually he created a fourth just of swirling air moving at a faster speed so its pale color became visible. Each whirlwind held a different temperature air and a unique smell to help add to Jordon’s ability in visualizing what would be surging through his body.389Please respect copyright.PENANAcuTTzDJqN6
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Jordon stood still feeling the kisses soft on the back of his neck from the air then more air to touch his back like the gentle brushing of a female’s hand. Turning his head he looked back to see the swirling air as his mind focused on what Areon had described. His body slowly felt like it was entering a cold sweat with a heat that wouldn’t leave. His breathing even began to feel as though his heart was heavy and small beads of sweat started to form once more on his brow. It wasn’t feeling good with his eyes locked on the four swirling winds, his nostrils taking in their scents as his body took in the heat and coldness blowing off all four.389Please respect copyright.PENANAVDR7G0ODXw
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“I…I feel…like I’m smothering…it feels harder to breathe. I-I-I can’t…it feels hard to focus…my body feels like it’s burning but freezing. It-It feels…heavy…consuming…” Jordon managed to say his breathing starting to become more like a pant or struggle as he spoke with softened voice, a small tremble.389Please respect copyright.PENANAGmS7VJOFHd
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Hearing those words was all Areon needed before he gently nodded his head and eased down the wind, returning the water, fire and leaves to their rightful pits and the air to its own pit as well he had drawn upon while lowering his hands. “That is similar to what you’d feel if you were to try and focus on one or more of the wilder energies of the Elements outside of these walls. When one person can control one Element they will feel and find only that Element’s energy. Even with just that sole Element to draw upon and control some can become overcome by the power and how strong it really is.389Please respect copyright.PENANAq53qHNTpRf