Part 4 - Scene 1423Please respect copyright.PENANAhl9EIHxMEu
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The images began to become muddled and faded into a hazy scene of smoky gray. Navia moved her body slowly, the sound of her clothing rustled in the quiet as she sat up, swinging her legs around to the side and released the souls from her hold. The orb began to glow and split into their original four souls floating back into the tree to rejoin in games and peaceful bliss.423Please respect copyright.PENANA93vrxP5oGQ
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“As is seen a power sleeps within the young man Jordan and such a power was quite the rare site. If you are asking to how it was rare then allow me to explain. I do hope any simpletons paying any attention will be able to follow. As I explained earlier there are four Elements of magic: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Do you think only these Elements exist as their own entity?423Please respect copyright.PENANAVVPeexxVGw
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“If you were to answer yes then you are sadly mistaken and quite the fool. Only one without knowledge or their eyes closed would ever think only four Elements exist on their own.” Her voice held a small bit of amusement, her body sliding off and landed quietly on the soft green ground at Daenah’s trunk to stand.423Please respect copyright.PENANAMrYWflR1Ez
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“Ever think of the Elements that are seen every single day in both Realms and are not given much, if any, thought at all in the daily lives of humans and other beasts? Those two that are seen every single day are Life and Death. Hmm? You think they aren’t Elements? Do try to keep up. What do you even think an Element is?” her eyes rolled with those words and a hand raised into the air before resting on the rough trunk of Daenah, her eyes resting upon the unique blue toned tree.423Please respect copyright.PENANAa4HF8ROoTe
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“Elements are the needed things that make life function in any Realm or world. Those Elements essentially are: Fire for heat and to cook, Water to wash and drink, Earth to grow and build, Air to breathe and cool one’s self, Life to live and take in the kiss from The Great One, Death to parish and flee from the living, Light to see and spread good, Dark to hide, deceive and sleep, Metal to build, protect and kill, Lightening to power and restore life in a beat less heart, Mind to function, understand and speak, Ice to preserve and kill for new life, and the rarest of them all…”423Please respect copyright.PENANAURHfUcu1xg
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She paused taking a slow breathe eyes closing and after some moments the words rolled off her tongue smooth as silk, “Reflection to show us the two sides of a soul, show the opposing side of what strikes it and keep those grounded who wish to abuse. It also can mimic and mirror what strikes it for a short period of time.” Her eyes opened and hand slid gently off of Daenah’s trunk and her body began to step gently around the mighty tree of souls.423Please respect copyright.PENANAc29HHpkDD3
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“As with any power the stronger the wielder the stronger the power. With the rare Elements I just listed can be both devastating and gloriously beautiful. With these Elements if the user has dark intent then their color and abilities will reflect this in how it’s used. No one can say any magic is evil or bad…well…I stand corrected. There are spells that were made for the sole intent to cause harm but unless it’s an Element they are a neutral force. They exist only to carry out balance and are at the mercy of the user.423Please respect copyright.PENANAUG9yZ4cdZZ
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“Now then…it wasn’t learned right away about the rare Elements. When the Mages learned more and more of Jordon’s power they knew it was something…different and continued to proceed with caution. Why rush and go in without a single thought of doubt? Doubt can either save a life or it can end a life. It’s so interesting how one minor detail or one minor word or motion of the body can alter a beings timeline.”423Please respect copyright.PENANANdorEImXv7
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She walked as she spoke and held a hand up beckoning a soul to her as she came around to where she began on the side of Daenah. One soul then two floated down flying around her before resting above her hands. Eyeing the two souls she slowly lifted and began to merge them together as she had the previous four. Her two different colored eyes appeared to glow as the souls fused forming one and inside it swirled violently before clearing some and showing an aging Jordon sitting then standing with Kaisu instructing and using his water.423Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5eUdxsrFl
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It displayed Jordon moving his hands up around his head to defend and the water stopping where it was in the air before it swirled and struck at Kaisu who quickly had re-routed the projectile and continued this. The soul then transitioned into showing Jordon older now with Areon sending objects at the young man and watching as the wind seemed to be held and controlled by the youth.423Please respect copyright.PENANALMqK9pWl17
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It also transitioned into showing Jordon’s work with Silvius and Pyrast with the same results the farther he aged and gained more control with his power. “Ever growing and ever more polished the surface becomes. When a surface becomes so well shined one can see one’s own face then does the surface remain pure or become tainted by the dirt ever surrounding the air? When mortals learn, they take what they learn to memory. Some can take the knowledge and digest it, process it, and use it for good as they learn more and more. Others, on the other hand, can also digest knowledge they gain but it goes into something a bit more…different.423Please respect copyright.PENANAOIG4RdWzSA