> This gets violent so don't read if you don't enjoy that type of violent activity such as blood being drained and dismemberment if I recall this piece right. You've been warned <
Song: Narnia Lullaby
Bloodsucker’s dance intro:
The nightly moon would rise into the sky shinning its moonlight down on an old castle of ancient times, upon a cliff overlooking the ocean. Inside bodies of both male and female would stand in royal gowns and black suits, of clothing from the 18th Century Britten. The two genders would face the other with deep blood red eyes thirsting for blood. Stepping near the other slowly, the two would gradually circle the other like a predator stalking its meal. The eyes of red a deadly color would glare, never parting from their partners eyes as they circled to the playing of a flute a fawn would play, of multiple reeds put together to create a lovely tune. Slowly they would raise one hand: females the right, males the left and allow their fingertips to touch then palms softly. Their eyes would never break as they would circle in their places with elegance and grace. This is their ritual dance.
The Bloodsuckers, known as the lowest of the three races of Vampire they were said to be the weakest and yet were the strongest, and most feared just by their ruthless ways. They rarely gave mercy to anyone and were always on the hunt unless enough humans were caught. Time would stand still as they had any device they desired to bring down a human, and enjoy their pain. Circling they would listen carefully and bare their fangs near the end, snapping apart without missing a beat of the music, perfectly in time with the rhythm and melody of the notes.
As they would part the two would stop and the men held back would move quickly with lightning fast and, fluid movements out of the castle doors to hunt. The ones that danced would stay and wait as they were of the higher and noble class. Their clothing was of the royal families, and the rest were of the common people that consisted of peasant clothing, and normal day to day human clothes that could be found in the human’s world. The royals would watch closely as their hunters move swiftly to find their prey and return with the meal to feed the clan, with both food and joy of the screams they would gain from their mortal prey.
Running the hunters would grin, knowing the night provided them perfect cover. The cobblestone streets were quiet, only a few foolish enough were walking out among the streetlamps of the town. Mostly it was couples, young lovers who knew little of the hunt that was now in play. Others slept in their beds peacefully, unknowing of the nearing danger that grinned with delight at the thoughts of: skinning, poisoning, burning, electrocuting, and driving insane their catch.
The town would be quiet and peaceful for a few minutes before it would come into view, and the five hunters would split up, taking different sides into the town. A couple would kiss, an ex-lover watches from the shadows in anger. Feeling a chill run down her spine, she felt the urge to turn around. Seeing the figure tall and dark, she backed away slowly in her long dress. “Who…who are you?” she would stutter out in fear, making her throat dry. The person wouldn’t answer only dart forwards and cut her screams for help short, making her body fall limp and thus beginning the gathering.
The rest would follow suit entering homes and taking any they saw fit: men, women, children, any they saw looking right for the taking. The town would fall, some trying to escape, screaming of the attack placing the town into an uproar of panic. This only made the Bloodsuckers want more, making them drool with wanting their flesh and blood. One would be cornered by a Bloodsucker after running to try and escape, coming to a dead end. Turning the young woman watched, trembling as the man neared. “Why run? You’ll only delay your fate on the menu.” His tone was smooth and luring to bring her guard down, as his beauty was beyond any a human could obtain.
“No! Leave me alone!” the young woman cried, tears running down her face as he was in front of her, his cold body pressed to hers, breathing on her neck to make her tremble more.
“But why? You’re ripe for the picking. Don’t worry. It won’t be too bad of an experience for you. It will be over before you know it.” He whispered in her ear, making a lump form in her throat and it hard to swallow. Fear was built up in her stomach, making her limbs feel like stone as her heart raced with her voice stuck in her throat.
Watching her wide fear filled blue eyes he would softly touch the side of her face, making her breath get stuck in her throat as well, her jaw trembling. “Be careful of how you move. You may make me slip up.” He smiled, showing his fangs to her. Trying to yell her eyes widened then slowly closed with her body falling limp into his arms. “Sleep tight, dear princess.” He would say with a smug smile then would throw her into a bag with other human bodies in it. Moving he would run out of the town, being the last to catch up to the rest that had finished their hunt, and was returning back to the castle. They had a good haul of about twenty or more humans. The bags were handed to dark skinned demons. They were well muscled with large shoulders and hairy bodies causing them to look like a human, except the inhuman skin color and inhuman face that looked warped.
When she would wake it would be in heavy chains inside of a cell. On the walls and floor would be blood, looking too had not been cleaned up and the doors holding rusted bars. Slowly she would start to sit up, her legs to her side and bent back at the knees where her ankles were locked together by shackles, connected to the wall by a heavy thick chain. Looking around she would see others chained up as well except some would have collars on around their necks that were connected to the wall, shackles on each wrist connected to the right and left stone wall, and chains wrapped tightly around their legs.
Mothers were holding their children close as they cried in fear. They knew what would happen to them. They knew they were going to die but didn’t know how and tired not to think about it. The young woman looked at those she could see and moved back into her cell to the back wall, moving her hands to her side on the stone ground. Her hand jerked up as she looked down, seeing blood red water seeping along the cracks in the stone, making her swallow hard and move slowly away from it as far as she could before the chains stopped her.
Gruesome cries echoed out from all around, first a man then woman. The young woman swallowed hard, trembling as she feared that fate to come to her as she tried to remember how she got there. The memory eluded her, leaving her with no memory of the vampire man that had captured her. “How did I get here?” she wondered softly, looking at the ground then up at the ceiling.
“No! Please! Don’t take me! Please spare me!” a man pleaded trying to save his life as his cell door was opened and, he was dragged out by the collar of his shirt across the floor. “Please! I beg you! Spare me!” he cried out at the huge man that drug him across the floor and out of the holding area. The young woman swallowed stiffly as the heavy door slammed shut on rusted hinges that squealed out in protest of being moved, yet moved like there was no rust at all.
The man struggled, panicking as he tried to get free and escape yet failed. The human like demon beast waked over, lifting him up like nothing only to drop him hard into a metal chair. The beast removed the chains and shackles from his wrists, ankles, and neck while staying in front of him, easily holding him down to close and lock him to the chair.
The man struggled more in a panic than before as his wrists were cuffed down tightly to the arms, his ankles cuffed tightly to the front of the chair with his feet flat on the floor, his neck held in place by a cuff that was firm to make it a little hard to swallow, and another cuff around his head, holding it in place as well. The beast left the man sitting alone in the cold metal chair in the quiet dark room. The air was heavy with a scent of death. In the room was not much, just an empty metal cart like what is used in hospitals. The room was dimly lit seeming dark as his eyes shifted around quickly fear and panic making his heart race.
The sound of shoes finally came to his ears faintly from outside the metal door that blended in with rust, dirt, and age with the stone walls. The floor was a silver smooth stone color with a drain covered with bloodstains. The door slowly opened after the sound of high heeled shoes and cart wheels stopped. As it opened a woman walked in, looking human enough in a white outfit a nurse would wear. The man looked shocked and hopeful, his fear fading as he hoped she would free him. “Please! Release me! I don’t want to die!”
“Oh silly.” She said with a giggle, covering her lips with her hand. He looked at her confused, his hope slowly fading. “I can’t release you. I’d get in trouble.” She giggled again from behind her hand as she pushed the cart up beside his chair.
“You have to help me.” He pleaded and started to speak again but was shhhed by her finger to his lips.
“No need to speak. You’ll have time for that while I do my job.” She smiled sweetly, making fear hit his stomach again as he didn’t speak against her finger still pressed to his lips. “Now hold still and this won’t hurt at all.” She giggled like a school girl a little and moved to turn to her cart, which held knives and needles. The woman in the white outfit ran her fingers of her free hand over the knives handles. “Now…which to use? Which to use? Maybe…this one?” she picked up a blade with an odd handle to it and a blade looking sharper than steel.
Turning to him she held a knife looking like a normal sized knife, nothing special. “Don’t move or you’ll make me mess up.” Smiling she spoke this to him and placed the cold steal to his arm, removing her finger from his lips. Moving it down his eyes widened then closed tightly as he screamed in pain. The woman smiled wider, laughing a little bit. “Isn’t this fun?” she asked as he tried to move but was unable to as she slowly sliced and skinned his lower arm, to where the muscle showed and the skin lay on the top of the cart on a rag. Her hand moved smoothly and precisely to not damage the muscle, and to have perfect strips of flesh, like peeling an apple.
Laying the knife down, she looked at her screaming patient, bringing a smile to her lips as blood dripped slowly from the open wound. “Now this won’t hurt. It will take all the pain away.” She giggled. “Keep screaming. It makes my mouth water.” She cooed seductively licking her lips. Moving to the wall she pushed in on a stone, making a machine lower from the ceiling close to him. The man watched in horror at seeing the odd device. Tubes came off it, leading to needles that all connected to the middle, looking like a large hanging lamp. Moving over she lowered the machine down more as it was hanging by a long see through tube of plastic, with bloodstains on the inside. “Now hold still.” She sang and turned the switch on the top at the lamp part into the on position. Flash! The light came on making him cry out in pain from the brightness and, in pain as the needles gabbed deep into his flesh. A motor began to run, sucking the blood out of his arm.
“Oh, it seems he forgot that one. Silly slave, he’ll need disposed of.” She said, reaching over and pulled up another cuff that went right at the top of where she and stopped cutting. He screamed when the steel pinched his skin to draw blood, trying to move but was unable to due to the metal rings’ holding him in place to the chair. The woman began to clean off the knife, looking at her reflection in it as he cried out for it to end. “Oh but my dear it has only begun. You’re not done yet.” Once the machine was done she removed it, turning it off as the needles came out dripping blood. The machine went back up, “your blood should make for a fine wine and sauce for dinner.” She grinned, showing her fangs as she ran her hand softly over the cooked muscle. His arm had been both drained of blood and burned, giving it a sickening smell and appearance.
He winced, trembling in pain as she touched it and she smiled wider. “Humans are so delicate. You can’t go to hard or they break and you can’t go too soft or they don’t turn out right.” Grinning she began to use the knife to cut away at the muscle till she saw the bone, leaving some muscle to cover the bone and moved to his hand. “Remember, if I mess up I’ll have to start at your throat. And I don’t like doing that.” She warned with a darker tone before laughing lightheartedly a little and repeated the process, making it more painful than she had with his lower arm.
This continued until his arms were finished, wraps of towels were rolled up to keep the skin and muscle moist that had been removed. She smiled, seeing sweat pour off him as he was out of breath. “Don’t worry. Things will be over soon.” She smiled, blowing him a kiss and pushed her cart out, leaving him alone in the room with the sound of blood dripping from the chair arms to the floor. His head hung, sweat dripping off as he now just wanted to die and not be alive for whatever hell they’d put him through, just for their enjoyment.
The door opened and in walked the man from before. He undid the cuffs lifting the man up he lowered him to his feet and pushed him, making him stumble and walk forwards. The man tried to turn and run, being stopped each time by the human looking demon beast of a man. He was taken into another room, pushed back onto a table and fastened down at the neck, chest and upper arms. He couldn’t use his lower arms or hands, no skin or much muscle left yet the pain was there, though starting to feel numb. The beast like man watched as a man in white clothing walked in, flipping a light on above to blind the human. “Seems we have a good human today. That’ll work nicely. We’ve been running low on good catches ripe for the harvesting.” He said, grinning under a mask that hid his pointed teeth.
Two women were with him dressed as nurses. He smiled, touching the man’s face, chest, arms of what was left, and the rest of him. “Perfect. Now, let us see what we can do with your limbs that won’t be used.” The beast like man grinned, touching the man’s eyes first as the human closed them. The human man tried to get free, moving his head and the other held out his hand. The demon beast removed his hand from the human’s eyes, grabbing an item off a hidden table. An odd item was being handed to the man in white, looking like a blade and pick in one. “Now, open up and let’s see what we can do about them.”
The two women forced the man’s eyes open to have him watch and feel the pain of the item being worked into his socket. He screamed, his body moving to get free as the beast like man held him down. The one in white hooked it around the cord and snap. He cut through it, severing the humans left eyeball. The man cried out in agony as the man in white grinned. “Now then, why don’t we save the other one for afterwards? That way you can see what we do to you to prepare for the feast of our rulers.”
“Very good sir.” One woman said in a seductive voice as he moved to the man’s arms, feeling what was there and grinned.
“Good, she left enough this time.” He held out his hand, being handed a needle. He tore away at the man’s shirt that was in the way, jabbing the needle in he injected an odd colored liquid. The man on the table watched with his right eye, the only one left as blood was pouring from his left empty socket. The other woman was using an odd device, collecting it into bottles like he was nothing more than a meal and drink for them, and their people.
His arm felt weird as he didn’t know what was going on. Before he could try to speak another needle was pushed into his skin of his neck, as another odd liquid was injected into his throat. “Time you stopped sounding or we’ll eat you here then our heads would be served.” He said as the man could no longer speak and his arm felt weirder, more fully there as he could feel everything of the cold steel table.
The man in white nodded to a woman as she handed him a saw looking knife that also resembled a butcher’s knife yet the size was slightly smaller. Lifting it he slammed it down hard to circulate a loud clang with metal to metal. The human man tried to scream but nothing came as his voice had been taken by some weird liquid. The man in white grinned and laughed, sniffing the severed arm, like it was piece of meat on the grocery shelf. “A nice piece. Fresh and well done.” He put it back on a counter where one of the women was setting the bottles of the human’s blood, which would have otherwise ran down off the table.
The man in white grinned more as he moved over to the man’s other arm, feeling it and sighed, shaking his head. “I see she went a little too wild on this one. Oh well. The hell hounds will have a good chew.” He said starting to inject it with the liquid he had with the man’s other arm before severing it. The woman not collecting blood, stood at his head holding it and his eye open to force him to watch his arm get sliced off, with the same pain surging through his body. The man in white with the blade grinned at the man on the table who was armless, one eyeless, bleeding, and helpless. “You see? This isn’t so bad is it? It won’t be much longer. Just the rest of your limbs to do and then we will see how it all serves up.” He said as the demon beast removed the human’s lower clothing.
He moved the blade lower, running it down his right then left leg not making any wounds. The woman that had been at the man’s head now stood at the man in white’s side, handing him a thinner blade with a sharp needle like point. The man pricked his finger and smiled, nodding to her. “Now, this won’t hurt a bit.” He said lying as he pressed the point into the man’s leg, drawing blood and pulled it down. He sliced it open along the bone line to the ankle then twisted the blade inside the wound to cut down the left, then right side of the ankle. He then repeated this with the other leg, doing it slower to cause more pain just to see the man’s face twist in agony and pain, which was beyond anything he had ever felt.
The two women watched as the man in white sliced into the flesh, creating long strips of bloody flesh and meat. “Get a serving tray. We will have this taken to the kitchen as soon as possible and prepared for the meal.” Said the demon like man, as the woman nodded and left. When she returned she was carrying a silver tray and held onto it as the man in white cut, and sliced the man apart piece by piece, talking in a calm voice saying it wouldn’t hurt and would make it hurt to its maximum level.
The man in white dismissed the woman with the tray that now had strips of bloody muscle and flesh as he smiled, at the one eyed man bleeding badly and looking ready to pass out from the blood loss. “Oh, don’t pass out on me now. It’s just getting to my favorite part.” The man lay on the table, barely conscious and barely able to breathe as he watched the one in white circle him. The two women watched as the man in white ran his hand over the man’s chest and stomach. “You were such a good specimen but yet it has to end here. I’ll make sure you live to feel me remove your other eye, ears, lungs and organs. Don’t worry. Then you’ll be done and off to the kitchen to fill our people’s bellies.” He said grinning as the light above had been on the entire time, slowly making the man on the table feel like he was in an oven being slow cooked.
The demon like man ran his nails along the semiconscious man’s stomach, slowly digging his nails into his flesh and down into the body. He gripped a fist, feeling the organs he had managed to grab squish between his fingers along with the muscle and blood. He pulled his arm up, ripping a hole in the man’s stomach forcing a dying, blood curdling scream from his mouth that had been silent for so long due to the injection. He tossed the organs and flesh he had grabbed aside to the floor, jabbing his hand back in to make the man gasp slowly being ripped apart by this Bloodsucker demon that took great joy and pride in his work.
He continued, slowly tearing at the skin deeply working his way to the man’s throat. He grinned. “Did you ever want to see your vocal cords?” he asked as the metal cuff like rings were removed so he could grip into the man’s throat easier. He placed his hand over the man’s throat easily covering it, and slowly began to dig his nails into the flesh, drawing blood as the man struggled to breathe. The Bloodsucker demon smiled, grinning. “I would just love to devour you right here and now but alas your head is not mine to feats upon. I’ve been promised another. Said to be more fun in needing to be prepared.” After he spoke he licked his lips, tearing out the human man’s vocal cords, showing him them before throwing them to the floor into the bloody mess.
Grinning he was handed his blade like pick, removing the right eye carefully to make sure it was cut cleanly then flipped the item over as on the other end was a blade for cutting or scraping. He put it against the man’s head slowly cutting down making sure each nerve was hit, to cause his dying body as much torture as he could. First the right was severed then the left as he placed it to the man’s lips, placing the bloody item inside the man’s mouth pushing down to open it. Moving the blade he cut deep into the side of the mouth on the left then right, dislodging the jaw the blade moved to the very back of the mouth. “Don’t move.” He said with a laugh, slicing off the man’s tongue before he began to slice open his chest, ripping out the man’s heart and crushed it in his hands.
“Would you like me to clean up sir?” one of the women asked that had been there.
“Yes, clean up and prepare for if we get another. I believe I am going to rest and eat.”
“Yes sir.” She bowed as he left leaving her to clean up the bloody mess. Walking over to the wall she pushed in an odd shaped stone. Slowly water began to seep into the room, covering the floor and drained down, taking the blood unless to them with it. Once the floor had been rinsed she grabbed a metal barrel, picking up and placing the organs in it that hadn’t gone down the drain.
The young woman was trembling in her cell, curled into a ball in the corner of her cell at hearing all the screams and cries for help and of death. “I want to go home. I want to go home. Please let me leave here alive.” She repeated to herself, hoping it would come true and she would go unnoticed, and be able to leave. The door opened and the sound of men’s boots tapping the floor sounded, making her shake more than before and hope it would pass her. She kept her face buried into her legs as the sound stopped and there stood, when she looked a man dressed like a general.
The door of the cell was opened and her restraints removed before she was dragged out of the cell, and pushed forwards. She walked forwards watching the ground as the general was in front leading them, two guards in front and two in back with her in the middle. They would stop in front of a door that had been down a couple dark halls. The door was opened wide for her, “Get in.” Ordered the general in a rough voice. She didn’t move, her legs feeling frozen. She moved after feeling a hand roughly strike her. She screamed as she was pushed into the room and to the floor, just to look back in time for the door to be shut and locked tight. Looking around she saw nothing but darkness which gave her a very uneasy feeling from her sitting place on the floor.
“Hello my dear.” A smooth, cold yet warm seductive voice spoke of a young man’s, as she felt a cool hand with slender fingers crease her check, under her chin and down her throat as she gulped. “It seems you are mine to prepare for the ceremony next time when they desire something a little more…feminine.” He smiled, whispering in her ear making her body freeze in place to where she couldn’t move and forgot at times to breath. Her reaction made him chuckle, inhaling to take in her scent and sighed against her flesh, causing panic to run rapid through her trembling body.