Chapter 3
We arrived at Riverdale High at 3:10, school gets out in 15 minutes. Aviana parked near the front doors so Kenza and Puck could see us when they came out.
Alice and Star are sound asleep in the back while Aviana and I sit silently playing on our phones waiting on school to end.
At 3:25 the doors to Riverdale opened and students started to flood out the doors. After a minute or so of waiting, Kenza and Puck emerged walking towards the car together.
I slowly got out of the front seat to go lean against the hood of Aviana’s Grand Am. She followed suit and stood next to me waiting on the others to reach the car.
“What are you guys doing here? Kenza said the girls are sick…?” Puck says once he’s close enough to be heard. I glance into the car for a second while Aviana replied for us. “We just got done at the doctors. They’re both fine. Star just has a stomach ache and Alice has a cold. We thought we could come pick you guys up and go do something.”
“Good.” Kenza and Puck reply at the same time. “Well what do you guys want to do? We could go to the ice cream shop, go to one of our places, go to the movies, or something else?” I ask the group.
After a few moments of everyone thinking Kenza spoke up cheerfully. “We should go to your place Luke and watch some movies and have a sleepover tonight.”
Puck looked her over with a slightly confused expression. “You do realize we have school tomorrow, right?”
“Well duh! But tomorrow is Friday and most the teachers said they aren’t doing anything so we might as well just all skip tomorrow. I mean you two,” she’s now looking towards Aviana and me, “can just be sick again tomorrow.”
“Sounds good to me. You guys know I don’t like being here anyway. And wasn’t all after school activities canceled for tomorrow anyway?” I get a conformation nod from Puck and continued. “Then if the teachers aren’t doing anything and there’s nothing after school, there’s no point in us coming.”
The other three thought about this for a second before nodding in agreement. “Good. Now the only problem with that is convincing your parents of the same logic.” I say to them.
Aviana says something first. “Well that will be easy for me. It’s not like my parents care what I do. I’ll just tell them that Star is sick. If they even want to know where I’ll be.” She says this with a straight face letting her bright blonde hair fall over her face hiding it from the rest of us.
Kenza goes next saying, “I can just tell my parents I’m staying at your house to help you, Aviana.” She’s wearing one of her favorite hoodies with the hood up. When we get away from here she’ll take it off and show her true self but she won’t just yet.
“Puck, what about you?” I question him. He had a glazed look on his face but when he heard his name his attention snapped to me. “Oh, my parents went out of town. I can do whatever I want. You guys know how this works. They don’t care what I do as long as I don’t get in any trouble. Or get a girl pregnant.”
“Now that that’s all settled can we go now? I don’t want to be here any longer then I absolutely have to. By the way, I CALL SHOTGUN!” Kenza says, yelling the last part and running to the front door, sitting in my previous seat.
“I reluctantly walk to the back seat. Looking in through the window I could see Alice leaning against the door sleeping peacefully. I open the door slowly she wouldn’t wake up, unbuckle her, pick her up and then slid in. Setting her on my lap I strap the middle seatbelt around us so Puck could sit on my right with Star still asleep in her car seat on my left.
Aviana got in and started to drive towards my apartment. I’m the only one that lives alone, meaning we mostly hang out there or some place in town.
A few minutes into the ride Kenza started talking. “So this morning I woke up earlier than usual panicking but there was nothing wrong in my room or the house. I couldn’t help but feel something was wrong, but nothing was out of normal. I don’t know what it was but it’s been bothering me all day.”
This reminded me of how I woke up this morning feeling the same way. I had totally forgotten about it, I was too busy taking care of Alice all day.
“Kenza,” I say cautiously. “That’s exactly what happened to me…” How can something like this happen to both of us at the same time?
“Now that you mention it I think the same happened to me this morning.” Puck says slowly while thinking. “That’s what has been distracting me all day.”
Aviana stopped at a stop light and turned to look at us. “Guys this isn’t cool. I had felt the same thing this morning.”
“What the hell is happening?” Puck ask no one in particular. “This is so weird.” We all agreed with him.
After that the car ride was silent, with the occasional sound of Alice or Star in their sleeping state.
We arrived at my apartment complex within a few minutes. Everything from the car ride forgotten. Everyone got out of the car heading towards my place. I had a sleeping Alice in one arm and a sleeping Star in the other, walking behind the others.
I handed Puck my keys so he could open the door. Once inside I set the two kids on the couch and went off to find snacks for everyone. Puck followed me into the kitchen and set my keys on the counter. He jumped up and sat on the counter across from the cupboards and watched me find all the junk food we had.
“You think the girls are gunna make us watch another chick flick? Or you think they might let us choose this time, since it is our turn?” Puck asks chuckling while I continue looking.
“Hopefully we pick tonight. I already watched Cinderella today. I don’t need more girly stuff today.” I say with a laugh. Puck smiles at that and jumps off the counter to go back to the living room.
I look around one last time and decide I had enough food before following him.
Once back in the room I see Star and Alice had woken up. Star was giggling at something Kenza was doing with her while Alice was sitting on Puck’s lap talking to him. All while Aviana is looking through the stack of movies near the TV. I smile at the scene. My friends are so great. They are so good with the two girls and we all get along even though we are all so very different.
I set all the food down on the coffee table and went over to Aviana to help her pick a movie. “Please pick something not girly.” I plead with her. She laughs at my pleading while saying, “You’re lucky I’m in an action mood. What sounds better Transformers or Terminator?”
“You are really asking me that question?” I question her. She looks confused for split second before it dawned on her. “OH! Wow! Duh, Transformers. That was a dumb question.” I laugh loudly at this and she soon joins.
She goes to put the movie in and I go sit between Puck who still has Alice and Kenza who is playing with Star still. When the movie starts Aviana sits next to Kenza on the other end of the couch.
We all love Transformers including Alice and Star. We finished all the snacks sometime during the first movie. When the first one ended the second Transformers was put on.
Half way through the second one someone called for pizza to be delivered. It showed up towards the end of the second movie. The third transformers was put on next.
Everyone ended up falling asleep during the 3rd movie. Puck was on the couch reclined back, I was laying on his shoulder, Alice was stretched across our laps, and Kenza and Aviana were leaning on each other next to me with Star between the two of them. We are all that close of friends that it doesn’t bother any of us how we sleep.
The last thought before I fell asleep was that something was gunna be different when we all woke up.