The feeling of dread finally lifted off of my shoulders the moment I heard her scream. Rising up, I scanned the field, searching for Veronica. Catching a glimpse of her legs kicking wildly underneath a mass of fur, I ran to her, knocking over whoever was in my path.
Driving my head into the side of the wolf, he went crashing to the ground, Veronica finally free to get up. She took a deep breath in, wheezing as the air barely squeezed through her mouth and into her lungs. Gazing upon her, her eyes were white, like all of the blue was drained from her irises, and a milky cloud blanketed her vision.
"What the hell?"
Coming back around, the rogues head connected with mine, making my legs wobbly, until I knocked us both down. Scrambling back onto my feet, I kicked the loose dirt up into the air and into the eyes of the beast. He pawed at his eyes, as I lunged forward biting at his still stable leg.
Our heads circled each other as we each tried to bite at the others neck. Stumbling on our feet, we continued to slap and jab, rolling together in the grass until he stood over me. I swiftly kicked my back legs, sending him backwards, but still he landed on his feet.
The force of its body landing on the ground made the earth shake, and the power of its growl sent waves through the air.
"Damn fool just doesn't give up." I snickered to myself, enjoying every moment of pain I inflicted onto his weak frame.
Standing on her own two feet, Veronica raised a gun she had taken out of her belt and shot into the back of the wolf. The silver bullet burrowing deep inside. He whimpered and slowed down, but didn't stop. Not until my fangs finally sunk into his throat, ripping its windpipe from its body.
"Awe, what an adoring couple." Miranda sang, still in her human form, sauntering her way over to us. "Both of you working together like a great Alpha and Luna."
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Veronica POV
Walking around Sebastian, I stood in front of her. She was untouched, like she hid when the fight broke out.
"What's the matter, afraid you'll have your throat ripped out if you turn into your wolf?" I snorted.
"Oh no, my child. See, I'm still in human form because I plan to fight you like a real woman. One on one. Hand to hand."
I didn't know if this woman was simply stupid, or if she had something up her sleeve. Looking at Sebastian he shook his head no, a clear indication he wanted me to decline her invitation. But instead I ignored his gesture and walked closer to her. Her face mere inches from my own.
"You're on bitch." I smiled, putting my hands up to fight.
"Veronica, don't be stupid. Just because she wants to fight you in human form doesn't mean she isn't still stronger and more powerful than you." Sebastian's words rang true in my head, but I wasn't going to go down without a fight, especially up against Miranda.
I knew her weakness, Cade. I knew her strength, she is a wolf. The only thing I didn't know was her fighting skills in human form, and I was just about to find out. Only this time she would have rules to follow, demands that must be met.
"You will solely use your human form to fight. No super strength, speed, anything that renders you more than a human. We want this fight to be fair, don't we?" I spat.
"You're on." She snickered, brushing her hand over the top of her hair, smoothing out the fly aways that curled along her face.
There were still wolves everywhere fighting to the death. It seemed as if the rogues outnumbered our pack members, making some of the attacks three on one.
Setting my attention back on Miranda, the skinny woman rushed me, punching me square in the face. My neck snapped back, as a pounding sensation developed along my nose. Widening my eyes to stop the water from leaking out of them, I ran the side of my thumb along the bottom of my nose. My skin now stained crimson.
Now she just pissed me off.
Her fist came flying toward me again. I ducked under her arm just in time to return the favor, extending a retched blow to her stomach.
I could no longer hear the thumping of my own heart. All the sound was blocked from my ears, as I fixated on my target, a vail of red blurring my vision.
I watched as her posture changed and she made the slightest movements in position. Her arrogance beaming. I welcomed it, as it ensured she would slip up and slow down at some point.
My forearm slammed against her arm, as she blocked the blow before it could make contact. Her elbow caved into my stomach, all air completely abandoning my lungs, leaving me gasping for air. Hunched over I saw the opportunity and rushed into her, sending our bodies flying and tumbling to the hard ground.
In a desperate attempt, I grabbed her hair, smashing her head back and into the ground.
Her nostrils flared as she breathed in, eyebrows furrowed. "Oops."
A right hook came crashing onto my cheek, as I let my guard down. Sweat dripped down my face, sliding down onto my chest and staining my clothes. Even her forehead was glistening, obvious she didn't think the fight would last this long.
Scrambling to my feet, my legs struggled to keep me upright. The scent of her sweat made my body react, as the harsh smell of wet dog slid into my nose. "That's gross." I thought, watching her circle me once more.
Her hands up, she pushed forward, my body jerking to the side to dodge her fist. I dropped my body down, sending all my weight to my legs, swiftly kicking at her ankles, welcoming the sight of her copper hair on the ground as she rolled in pain.
My foot met her chest, then slid to her throat, the force sending her hands to slap wildly, and claw at my foot.
Using her strength, she lifted her lower body and wrapped her legs around my waist. Before I could think, I hit the ground, a scream leaving my lips as bones cracked in my chest, sending a piercing sensation into my skin.
Looking up at the sky, realization finally hit. I could not win against her. My body was bruised and broken, my head pounding and bleeding. This would be my last attempt to subdue her before I accepted defeat, and come to terms with my pending death.
Rising from my knees, I groaned in pain, cupping my ribs. The smile creeping onto Miranda's face was nauseating, evil. With a quick pounce she slammed me against the ground. Her fingers grabbing at my face, as she scratched at my cheeks, slicing through them like butter.
Thrusting my knee up, I continued to bang on her back, each hit getting harder. Sitting up fully, she grabbed my leg with one hand and wrapped her sickly fingers around my neck. Throwing her head backwards she let out a maniacal laugh before sucking in as much air as she could.
"You bitch." She cried, looking down at the needle poking out of her chest.
Standing behind her and blocking out the sun stood Cade. His wolf growling, as his fangs dripped with delight.
"Shit," I thought. "He's going to kill me."
In one swift movement, his jaws were wrapped around his mother's head, shaking violently until he stopped.
Her head hanging from his mouth, blood was shooting up and out of her body, flowing down her clothes and onto mine. Vomit rose up from my stomach, begging to be mixed with the iron filled fluid that sunk deep into the grass. Closing my eyes, I pushed the feeling down, controlling my nerves until my sour stomach calmed.
Pushing her headless body off of mine, I stood up and met Cade's eyes. They were calm, but glossy, tears forming in them. Dropping her head onto the ground, I swiftly kicked it away as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, Cade." I whispered into his fur.
"You saved me." His voice cried into my mind. "Thank you."
Releasing my grip I ran my hands along his head and down his snout, blood still dripping from his fangs. Howls interrupted our moment, as Allen's auburn wolf stood over a defenseless brown wolf, Sebastian racing to ambush him from behind.
Cade motioned for us to move toward the fight, as he took off ahead of me to aid Sebastian. Looking at the brown wolf laying bloody and broken on the ground, my heart skipped a beat. His breathing shallow. His eyes barely staying open.
I perked up as I heard Mitchell's voice. He sounded shaky, off, not his usual self. Scanning the field for him, I started to panic. My ignorance for not learning the pack members and what their wolves looked like was coming back to haunt me. I should know my own brothers wolf, but I didn't.
"Where are you?" I pleaded, becoming manic as I frantically searched for him. 466Please respect copyright.PENANAWt878jjXBL
A low howl turned my attention to the brown wolf. He lifted his head, staring deep into my eyes before slumping back to the cold ground.
"No, no, no!" I screamed. "No!"
I started running toward him, the whole field seeming to disappear. All the wolves gone, all sound muffled. All I saw was Mitchell.
"You can't have him! You can't take him from me." I screamed into the universe, as I pushed my body to keep running. "Do you hear me, you can't take him." My tears were waterfalls, they wouldn't stop. The pain I felt made me want to lay down and die. The nausea enough to make me puke. The dizziness spinning my head, like I was in a spinning tunnel.
Stumbling on my feet, my knees hit the ground. "Please don't die." I screamed as I crawled the rest of the way and threw my body on top of his.
Allen growled loudly in disapproval, slapping his paw against my back, his claws digging deep, slicing through skin and muscle. But my body was numb, I felt no psychical pain. The only pain was my heart breaking as my brother lay dying in my arms.
Sliding my fingers along Mitchell's head, I buried my face into his fur and cried. "Don't leave me, please don't leave me."
"I-I'm s-sorry." He whispered, as his eyes slowly began to close.