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"Would you be able to run a blood panel on Sebastian for me?" I asked Dr. Ellen as I twirled my hair into a bun and secured it on the top of my head.
Pulling her eyes off of the paper in front of her she gave me a smile. "Sure. What exactly are we looking for?"
I sighed in relief, knowing she would do anything I asked of her when it came to Sebastian.
"Toxins, plants, anything that would cause amnesia."
Getting up from behind her desk she walked over to me and put her arms around my shoulders. "I'll run everything I can think of. I'll send up Maria to go get him."
I smiled politely at her, but I had no idea who Maria was. There were so many new nurses running around the infirmary that it was hard to keep track of them all.
Ellen seemed to have noticed the puzzled look on my face before she let out a small laugh. "Maria is the little red-headed girl."
"Oh." I mouthed, I was fairly familiar with who she was, I had seen her around Michell quite a bit.
"Let me know as soon as you get the results?"
She nodded her head and moved back behind her desk to finish her paperwork. Ellen was truly a godsend to this pack, and to me.
Making my way out to the office, I wanted to see if I could find Erik to discuss anything else he might have found out. Erik was always good at digging for information.
Turning around the corner I slammed into what felt like a brick wall. Backing up, I peered up at Sebastian who was being led by Maria. His eyes were still dark, like something else was in his body, looking through his eyes.
"So you want to tell me who ordered blood work?" He asked pointedly, his eyes burning deep into mine.
I swallowed hard." I-I did."
"Then you will be the one to draw my blood. Not some nurse I've never seen before." He demanded.
I looked over to Maria who just stood there, hurt apparent on her face. Sebastian was not the kind person he once was. He was cold, bitter. I was ashamed for how he treated his pack.
"Sebastian, I don't know how to draw blood," I explained. "I'm not a doctor."
He smiled at me and grabbed my arm. "Today you are. So get moving."
I pulled my arm away, irritated by the way he kept grabbing my body. He never put his hands on me like this. He never treated me like this. He was acting like I was his possession, his puppet.
Pushing the door open he went and sat in an empty chair by the window. I had never been in this part of the hospital wing before, so I was unfamiliar with my surroundings.
"You'll find everything you need in those cabinets." He pointed up to a white wall lined with black cabinets and a small sink underneath.
Annoyed by his tone I stalked over to the sink and washed my hands. He was starting to get on my nerves. I wanted to go home, lay in my bed and binge watch CSI.
Looking around the room, everything was black and white. The same color scheme as everything else in this town.
"Are you just going to stand there?" He barked.
Frustrated, I opened the cabinets and grabbed the gauze and tape that laid spread out on the shelf. Rustling through containers, I finally found a syringe and vials. If I was going to take blood, I might as well draw enough to test more than once.
"This might hurt a little." I said while grabbing the chair next to his. I carefully took his arm and aligned it with the center of my body. I've watched plenty of people draw blood, it couldn't be that difficult. 482Please respect copyright.PENANAHsGbbNvWS4
Ripping open an alcohol swab I gently rubbed circles in the crevice of his arm. Tying the tourniquet around his massive bicep muscles, I could see his beautiful plumped veins starting to come to the top of his skin. "Perfect!" I said to myself.
Peeking up at him, I noticed he was intently watching every movement I made. Being under his watchful eyes made me uncomfortable, a feeling I've never had with him before.
With ease, the needle slipped right through his skin, catching the precious vein. As I slowly pulled the plunger back, blood started to fill the vial.
"See, you did just fine." He smiled. "Natural born phlebotomist."
I just shook my head and continued to fill more vials. I exhaled loudly, as I pulled the needle out and bandaged him up, thankful it was over.
Grabbing the vials to take them to Dr. Ellen I gently rolled them to circulate the blood. I had seen a few people do it, so I decided to give it a try. 482Please respect copyright.PENANAZ6APU7CbeR
I stood up from my chair and picked up the tray, ready to run off with it, but decided to let Sebastian know where I was going. "I'm going to take these over to Ellen and then I'm going to head home. I'd like to sleep in my own bed tonight, maybe enjoy some peace and quiet." I smiled.
He didn't seem amused by what I had said, instead he just got up and walked out of the room. I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or simply didn't care.
I exhaled loudly, thankful he didn't give me any lip. I was almost certain he was going to argue with me about leaving.
"What happened?" Erik asked, his sudden voice startling me, making me jump and let out with a squeal.
Raising my hand to my chest, I could feel my heart pounding, racing away under my hand. "Geez, couldn't you have at least walked a little heavier so I knew you were coming?"
Erik smiled, proud of himself for scaring me. "Sorry. I saw Sebastian leave so I wanted to squeeze in here and see what was going on." He admitted. "And Allen wants to talk to you."
"Of course he does." I mumbled under my breath. "We are running more tests on Sebastian to find out what's going on with him."
"Well, you might not need those results. Allen is indicating he knows what is going on with Sebastian."
"Wonderful, more lies to fill the holes of the unknown." I said blankly.
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****Allen's POV****
"And the pretty, pretty princess returns." I said enthusiastically, as I sat on the cold cement, still chained to the wall.
"I'm not here to play games. Speak your peace so I can leave." Veronica barked, acting like she was extremely peeved that she had to be down here in the cells.
Pushing away the small tray of food that sat by my side, I stood up and rolled my shoulders to get the kink out of my back. I had enough chain to move freely around the room, just not enough to approach the bars.
Smiling at her I spoke quietly. "Did your precious mate admit to his wrongdoings yet? I sure hope he did, I would love to get back to Arizona. I gotta say, I'm not a fan of the weather here."
If it was possible to see flames shooting from someone's eyes, I would be burnt from the rays that were being shot my way.
"Last opportunity to talk or I walk." She snapped.
I always loved to see her worked up. My favorite was when she would cry. The way her nose would scrunch up, how she closed her eyes when the tears were too much. She was a creature that was born for pain. It suited her nicely.
"Fine." I agreed, looking at her from head to toe.
I licked my lips and bit my lower lip as I enjoyed the view of her tight pink shirt and her breasts that were peeking out of the top of her bra. She knew how to tease a man, especially one that hasn't felt the touch of a woman in a long time.
Seeming to catch on to my wandering eyes, she pulled her shirt up by her shoulders and crossed her arms, obstructing my view.
I growled at her, letting her know she just pissed me off.
"Speak!" She yelled.
I exhaled loudly and walked as close as I could get to the bars. "What do you want to know?" I asked.
"You indicated to Beta Erik that you know why Sebastian woke the way he did, now tell me."
"Well, for starters, it's nothing we did. He should have died. Now I hear talk that you're a healer, huh. Word travels fast around here." I smiled. "See, that was something I was unaware of, but Miranda knew. That's why she was so persistent, so obsessed with killing Sebastian and taking you."
I heard her gasp in disbelief, but she didn't know the half of it, and I intended to keep it that way. I wanted to keep her coming back to me for answers. Keep her coming back with questions.
"Why did Sebastian lose his memory?" She croaked, swallowing hard after her question.
I rubbed my hands together attempting to take the chill off of my skin. "Amnesia is a funny thing you know. It's hard to distinguish between real and fake."
I could see the puzzled look on her face, so I continued. "Amnesia is believed to be the minds way of sheltering itself from a harmful truth. I would look within your pack, who wants the title as Alpha?" I smirked. "Or who wants you?"
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Running through the Pack house I swiped Erik's keys off the table and ran out the door. "I'm borrowing your car, I'll be right back." I yelled to Erik who was stomping down the stairs after me.
"Wait. Hold up." He yelled as I was opening the door and sliding onto the sticky leather seat.
"I'll be right back. An hour tops. I need to go talk to someone." I promised, placing the car in drive and sped down the gravel road, leaving him in a cloud of dust.
"Aunt Faye, Aunt Faye, where's your damn restaurant." I asked out loud, scanning the multiple buildings as I whipped pass them.
Finally! I could see her restaurant from the street up on the right-hand side. I quickly put my blinker on to turn into the parking lot, expecting to see it packed, but it was empty.
There was not a car in the lot, not a light on in the restaurant. "Damn it!" I yelled, smacking my hands against the steering wheel. What the hell was preventing me from getting information?
Placing the car in park I sat quietly for a few minutes. Reciting the words Allen said. "Who wants the title of Alpha or you?"
There was not one person I could put my finger on that wanted Sebastian out of the picture, and to my knowledge, not a wolf in the pack had any intentions of perusing me.
"Think, think." I told myself, but nothing was entering my mind. I was back to square one, no answers, no one to help me.
"Abigail." I called in my head. "Abigail?"
Where the hell did this woman run off too? I haven't seen her since Sebastian woke up and she won't answer my calls.
"Fine, I'll do it the hard way. Ace, I need you."
Without a second call, Ace appeared in the seat next to me, his smile reaching his eyes, making me giddy inside.
"Hello, my angel." He whispered.
I melted the slightest bit. His voice, his words, did something to me that I couldn't shake. Instead, I pushed the feelings away, determined to remain faithful, even if Sebastian was being a prick.
"Have you seen Abigail?" I asked.
Rubbing the back of his neck he shook his head the slightest bit. "Actually no. I haven't seen her in a day or so. I thought she was with you." He stammered.
"Where the hell could she be?"
"I'll do a search on my end, you continue down here. We will find her. She never wanders too far. She might have had work to do with another pack."
His words calmed my nerves, but I was still worried. She didn't strike me as the kind of person to just up and leave. Since finding out she was my grandmother I've taken it upon myself to look out for her.
"Oh, one other thing."
"Anything, my angel." He confessed, reaching over to brush a piece of hair out of my face.
"Did you heal Sebastian without my knowledge?"
He stared at me with wide eyes, his once smiling face turning blank. "I.."