After a while, they arrive in front of Terran City. Amy and Platinum put unconscious Cheyenne on the ground. “Guys, we need to disguise ourselves before we enter the town,” Amy said. Everyone put on their disguise and their hood. “Shifting Form. Finley!” Amy changed into Finley’s physical form yet retain her hat. “Husky, do you have any disguise?” Amy asked, taking her hat off from her head, shrinks it and put it on Syphoon’s head. “Don’t worry about me. I rarely show up in a fight so yeah....They won’t recognize me,” Husky said. “Well, you never join the fight so you don’t have to worry of getting caught,” Len said, she seems jealous of how Husky never got involved in a fight. Cheyenne wakes up as they disguising themselves. Platinum takes off his claw gloves and turn into a terrifying form. His ears vanished, black devil marks resembles fiber root appear around his face and neck, a pair of black feathery wings grew from his back, his eyes became pupil-less white and his claws hardened and extend into Durabel’s claw, his hair turn darker and dirtier. “Goodness...Look at Platinum,” Cheyenne said, stands up quickly. He fearfully walks a few steps away from him. Everyone look at Platinum’s form and they stands in fear as they stare at his emotionless frightening eyes. “Durabel’s form, right? I can tell from his emotionless face and smiles,” Amy looks at Platinum’s blank expression. Platinum gave a silent friendly expression. “Are you ready, Platinum?” Amy asked. Platinum gave a nod and black fiber root blindfolded his closed eyes. “That will make him looks different. But...Are you sure that you can see clearly through there?” Amy asked. Platinum nodded and he walks to the town. Amy and Husky look at each other and follow him. “You know, his devil form resembles demon of darkness,” Amy said. “Right, and is that the reason why he had his eyes blindfolded?” Cheyenne asked. “It’s not,” Xansel said. “Then what?” Amy asked. “Durabel was known as the demon of darkness from the beginning which would explain of his appearance through Platinum now. Durabel is a demon feared by entire Faurythians due to his tremendous strength and his emotionless intimidating eyes. Just like what he did to you,” Xansel said. “Yeah right, back at the school when he crushed me past 10 walls at once and I endured it using barrier magic. Well, I'm glad I'm still alive. I swear that I could have fully died if it wasn’t because of the Guardian Dragon’s protection and my barrier magic,” Amy said confidently but also with a scoff. As they walk, they heard someone yelled toward them, “You there!” Everyone freezes when they heard shouting sounds behind them. There’s a Tauron patrol guard behind them. “What are you kids doing here? You kids shouldn’t stray from home too far. Your parents will worry at you,” he said. “Err...” Amy stammered. “What’s your business out here, huh?” he said. “Well...” Husky said in panic. “We are taking fresh air. Don’t worry, we can take care of ourselves,” Platinum and Durabel's voices mixed as they speak. “A demon!” the patrol said, he fearfully lifted his whip in the air on Platinum. Platinum slash the patrol guard with his large demon claws under Durabel’s influence. He knocked him out in one hit. “Platinum...,” Len said. “Obey Durabel’s command loyally,” Amy said. “And Platinum allows Durabel to influence him” Fyre said behind her. The patrol fell to the ground and Platinum stood up. “Hmph, pathetic creature!” Durabel said darkly. “Fyre, what do you think?” Amy whispered. “I don’t know what I should say but let’s not make ourselves look suspicious,” Fyre said. “Right,” Amy said. “Hey guys, we should go to the lab first. To search your missing parents, Platinum,” Cheyenne said. “Good thinking, let’s go,” Husky said. Syphoon screeches aloud.
Everyone walks into the Lab Tower. As they entered Amy says, “Let’s find Platinum’s parent before Tauron sees our plans”. “Roger that,” Cheyenne replied. Platinum’s mind somewhat hazy and he couldn’t see anything behind the blindfold but his determinations urge him to follow Amy and the other. Amy breaks through secret passage wall on the lower level of the tower. “This way,” Amy said. Everyone entered the hole and Amy closes it with the wall piece she broke. “Come on,” Amy said. “This should be the place,” she says, she entered the room. They discovered a lab in the lower level of the tower. “I can sense they are here. Behind the wall,” Durabel said. “Underground laboratory?” Amy said. She climbs on the middle of safety bar. “We barge in or we go through sneaky way?” Amy asked. “Sneaky way,” Husky answered. “Okay, let’s try that,” Amy said. They circle around the safety bars, go downstairs and they see two Tauron’s scientists as they sneak behind them. “So what do you think of these people behind this cage, Radion?” The first scientist asked. “These people are perfect for my experiment, Xed,” Radion said. “On my mark,” Amy whispered, she takes out her knife from her left boot and Platinum readied his claws. Amy counts silently by showing them three fingers as the count goes down. When her finger reaches zero, Amy stab her knife on Radion and Platinum stabs his three claws on Xed. They pull their weapon and Amy put the knife back in the sheath on her boot. Amy watches in fear as she sees Platinum’s claw. “Goodness, his claws stained in blood,” Thundire said behind her. “What kind of devil this Durabel is?” Frire said. “He’s so terrifying,” Stile said. “He’s somewhat more of a demoniac than I have seen,” Tyrelia said in low and quiet tone. Fyre embraces her smoothly. “Don’t worry, I will stop him if he tries to kill you,” Fyre whisper to her ear. Amy stays silent. Amy walk back toward a lever on the wall and she pull it down, revealing a room filled with captured humans. “I knew that humans are their main enemies. I never thought it could be this worse,” Husky said. Amy sees an eye scanner beside the bars. “We should use one of the scientists we killed to open the gate,” Amy said.
Fyre appear from nowhere. “Leave this to me,” Fyre said, he carries Radion and Fyre put his eye in front of the eye scanner. The scanner recognizes Radion’s eye and the gate opened without triggering the alarm. “Who are you people?” A young man asked them. Platinum’s mother comes out from the crowd and embraces her child in happiness. “Oh Platinum, it’s you,” Platinum’s mother said. “It’s me, mother,” Platinum said. A scientist came out from the crowd. “Well, well, if isn’t it my own son. So, how did you manage to free us?” The scientist asked. “Well I couldn’t have done it without their help,” Platinum said. “We’re just glad you are safe,” Wolfe said. “If we hadn’t save you, Tauron would have executed all of you,” Amy said, scratching her head. “So tell me, what happen to your eyes, son?” Platinum’s father asked again. “It’s the devil you want me to take care of, we have gotten ourselves mixed now,” Platinum said unclearly, touching his blindfold. “Durabel revealed his form through him, professor,” Amy said. “You are looking for me?” Durabel asked through Platinum. “Yes, it's you that I’m looking for. I see that Platinum take good care of you am I right?” Platinum’s father asked. “Hmm, as you see...He takes care of me well. Now then, ,” Durabel said, he vanishes away. “Devil of few words. I wonder about it,” Amy said. “Now then, how are you going to get out from this place?” Amy asked. “Don’t worry, we have our disguises,” Platinum’s father take out his scientific disguises. “Right then, we will look around this place before we leave,” Amy said. Everyone run through the secret passage safely. “Now then, why don’t we get out from here now?” Amy asked. “Sure thing,” Cheyenne said. As they walk through the secret passage, Sieg accidentally step on the laser and trigger the alarm. A sound of alarm rang around the room. “Sieg!” Amy yelled. “Sorry!” Sieg said. A reinforcement of soldiers comes out from the door. “Now we have to get rid of these guys,” Amy complained. “I will help you,” Wolfe said, readied his claws. Wolfe shifts into his wolf form and bites the troop’s face while Amy deflects bullets with her rapier. Xansel takes out his spear and throws it on the troop with his mind. Platinum slashes and stab one of the troop with his claws. Husky casts blue fireball from his hands and threw it toward a reinforcement of troops. Zeke’s eyes turn pale like a moon and he violently casts endless stinging needles, hitting nearby soldiers. “Needle rain,” Amy said. Meanwhile, Cheyenne throws the soldiers to the wall with his wind magic. “Let’s end this thing,” Fyre said. “Alright, let’s do this,” Amy said. Fyre merges with Amy and her right eye engulfed in blue flame. Amy’s left hand summons mythical creatures from the brand on her left hand and Fyre casts Fire Wall of Wrath, he smirked as his right eye blue flaming eye stare coldly at them. Mythical creatures attack several troops nearby. Frire the fire guardian dragon raises the strength of flame attack. “You will feel an endless penitence for causing my wrath! Take this, Demon Dragon’s Wrath!” Fyre and Amy yelled loudly and he releases flames from his flaming body. The entire troops vanish and some of them die on place.