"And? How did it go with Denis?" I decided to listen to Fedya and not interfere in their relationship, so I asked her the same as I would for any other guy.
"Lovely. He showed me the city, and after you two didn't show up, we went to dinner. I didn't have so much fun in a long time." She glows with joy as she talks to me, and I just nod my head. It is very awkward to talk about my brother in this way.
"I'm so happy for you," I say, though I'm uncomfortable right now.
"And where did you two get lost?" She asks curiously, to which I shrugged.
"After visiting the stadium, we wandered around the city a bit, so we ended up on the beach. It wasn't impressive as for you two, but it was alright."
I lied. It was more than impressive to me, but he is still Denis's best friend. All this tension between us will have to vanish as soon as possible, 'cause neither of us wants my brother to discover everything that happened.
And just like they sensed we were talking about them, they appeared in the dining room.
"Good morning, girls." Smiling, Denis greets us while Fedya quietly walks behind him. He seems sleepless.
"Are you okay?" I asked him softly after he sat down next to me, while Katya laughed at something my brother had said.
"I guess I caught a cold," I feel guilty because he was soaking 'cause of me. I panic and place my palm on his forehead, cursing under my breath when I realize he has a fever.
"Forgive me. You don't know how sorry I am." Although he is obviously sick, he grins at me and says that it's not a big deal.
"I will remain at home today, and I will be like new tomorrow."Only now have I become aware that Barcelona was in the plans for today, so I feel even worse understanding that he will miss it 'cause of me.
I'm only causing trouble.
•Fedya's pov•
"Are we all ready?" Denis comes downstairs and looks at me confused seeing that I'm not.
"Why are you lying here?"
"I do not feel well. I believe it would be best for me to stay here," I clarified, although I am not at all satisfied to spend the entire day home alone.
"The sea called you, huh? You two are really clever." He instantly starts to whine because we came totally soaked last night, which is why I roll my eyes.
"You're not helping," I say briefly, letting him know that I don't want to listen to his lectures anymore. As if it's not enough for me that Irina and Mihail still act like I'm a minor, now he also would like to play my nanny.
Vika and Katya occur at the door at that moment, so Denis turned his attention from me to the two of them.
"Are you two ready, at least?" He questions, now tense, because not everything is going as he had planned.
"Of course," Katya excitedly replied as Vika threw herself on the couch.
"I'm not going," she surprised the three of us, and Denis immediately began questioning her. Sometimes he's really strenuous.
"Would you really leave Fedya alone? Somebody has to stay with him." I try to tell her that I have no problem staying alone, but they don't let me say anything.
"But Barcelona," Katya becomes unhappy, as soon as the possibility that they won't go occurs.
"You go, what else can I tell you. It's my fault that he's sick, and it's not fair that only he stays home all day. ", She takes the blame on herself again, so I repeat to her that it's not her fault, but she doesn't want to hear me.
"You sure you can remain by yourselves?" Denis asks us skeptically, so Vika somehow makes him go and leave us here.
"You didn't have to do this," I say when she returns to the living room after she kicked them out of the house.
"I had. I am very sorry that you got a fever because of me." She apologizes to me once again, and I sincerely smile.
"I'm gonna get a thermometer, and you don't move from there. I'll be right back," she instructed me and disappeared upstairs. One thought flashed through my head and my mood automatically improved.
She chose me.
•Vika's pov•
"When will I grow up? I've been causing trouble all my life, but so far, I've at least caused it only for myself."
So much about his "it's nothing horrible."
His high temperature doesn't want to drop, and I don't know what to do. This is my first time having to take care of someone. And out of spite, Katya and Denis announced that they would not return until tomorrow.
"Vika," I winced at his voice, and immediately found myself near him.
"Shall I get you some water? Or maybe tea? Or maybe you need another blanket?" At the speed of light, I started to list everything he could wish for, but his hand on mine stopped me.
"Victoria, calm down, please. I'm fine," he shushed me, and I just stared at him.
"You are not fine. You have a fever." I wanna change his compress, but he won't let me.
"I'm tired of that thing. And stop running around me. I feel good, and I want you to sit down and relax." As if he is weary of me taking care of him, he becomes serious. I don't know what to say to him because I feel slightly offended by his tone.
"Stop running? That's what I get for deciding to stay here and take care of you." I angrily move as far away from his bed as possible, but he grabs my hand.
"I didn't think so, Vika. I just didn't want to bother you."
I stand and stare at him blankly. Fuck me, but I can't see him like I used to.
"I seem to regret it," I say before rushing upstairs.
I do not regret sleeping with him, but I regret destroying the connection we had before.