Outside of Siren’s Den, everyone sees the road splits into two paths. “Hmm...where do you think we should go?” Amy wondered. “Let me see,” Fyre said. He appears and touch the road using Vision. The left path leads directly to Calamite Mountain while the right path leads to the human encampment destroyed by the Faryth War. Fyre gasps and he fell on his back to the ground much to Amy’s wonder. “What is it, Fyre? You look like you have seen a ghost,” Amy said. “Do you remember the Faryth War?” Fyre asked. “Faryth War? Wasn’t it the day human and BeastMen fought in an endless war leading to human’s extinction? Wait, don’t tell me....!” Amy realized. “The right path leads to the human encampment where the BeastMen used to invade and eliminate the humans,” Fyre said. “Tauron....!” Amy muttered with angry look. “We should check that encampment, maybe it could lead us to your kind,” Sieg suggested. “Then let’s go to the right path first,” Zeke pointed. “Okay, we will go this way,” Amy agreed. Everyone goes to the right path and they were quite shock at what they saw. Nothing was left of the Faryth War aside of ashes and bones. Amy looks around and steps on something hard. “Ugh! I’m stepping on human bones! There’s nothing left here,” Amy said. “Broken tent, human skeletons, burned document or should I say...messages written on a paper by humans. This was a terrible genocide!” Husky shouted. “How horrible,” Len said. “The ground also reeks of blood despite many years passed,” Xansel added. “Now I see the reason why my father turned my genetic into BeastMan. He tried to protect me from the genocide that day,” Platinum admitted. “I was lucky that I lived in the middle of forest. No BeastMen dared to venture in a thick forest where me and Lila lived during the genocide,” Amy said. Amy showed her fist with angry look. “But....I lost my real mom because of them,” Amy angered. “Tauron is dead now. It’s better to leave that in the past. Besides, not all BeastMen savage,” Cheyenne put his hand on her shoulder. “Indeed. The BeastMen led by Tauron did this. I guess “I know that I may be a demon but this is horrible. Worse than the last time I saw what happened to this village. It was so horrible that I closed my eyes as I can’t stand to watch it from my realm. The last thing I saw was a woman carrying a basket containing a baby and let the basket washed over by the river. I avert my eyes before I could see more,” Fyre said. “A woman carrying a basket and the basket washed over by the river. That must be me and my real mother,” Amy said. “There should be a clue or diary that would help us know what happened to this destroyed village after the war,” Sieg gave a suggestion. Everyone looked around the village but found no clue of the destroyed village. “Anything?” Amy asked. “Nothing. There’s no clue in here about what happened to this village and your mother,” Len said. “We have looked everywhere but found nothing,” Zeke scratched his head. “We found none,” Sieg said. “Everyone, I found something!” Cheyenne shouted. “What is it?” Amy asked. Everyone runs to Cheyenne’s side. “I don’t know what this thing is, to be honest,” Cheyenne shrugged. “A floating light?” Sieg wondered. “What do you think?” Amy asked. Fyre, Devil, Durabel, and Undead look at the light closely. “What a strange light. I have never seen anything like it,” Devil said. “It’s a memory orb,” Undead said. “A memory orb? First time we heard it,” Sieg said. “I wonder if we can see what’s in it when we touch it,” Amy extended her hand on the orb. As soon as she touches it, she saw flashback memories of what happened. It was indeed horrible just like how Fyre describe it. The entire village burnt, villagers escaping from Tauron’s soldiers, children killed indiscriminately, several captured for interrogation and killed when they gave the wrong answer. “So it’s true. It is horrible, many died just for defending human kind. The villagers don’t want to sold their own kind and they were killed as consequence,” Amy explained what she saw. “But the question is....what’s the reason for the human genocide? There has to be a reason behind all these genocides. Otherwise, Tauron would be a tyrant for no reason,” Sieg said. Durabel appears in front of them. “Tauron...eliminating the humans for one reason...He...hates humans. It has something to do with his past,” Durabel explained with quiet voice. “He hates human? Did the humans treat him badly in the past?” Husky asked. “It wasn’t just that simple matter. No matter how hard he tried to live together with humans, they will never accept him. To the humans, he was nothing more than a big slow half-bull. It’s ironic, isn’t it? Both Humans and BeastMen wanted coexistence yet the result turn for the worst. Humans trampled on weak BeastMen and vice versa. All of us are nothing more than animal despite having undergone civilization for million years,” Durabel said. “I kinda feel sad for him but he is gone now....there’s nothing we can do about it. If we had known about his past then we would have been able to free him from his past,” Amy said. “At least he is having a better life there, in the afterlife,” Cheyenne said. Visine appears in front of everyone. “Well, well...it seems that my help is needed. Allow me to show you what was inside the memory orb,” Visine said. “Visine! You were eavesdropping on us?” Frire drew his blade and pointed it on Visine’s face. Visine calmly lowers Frire’s blade down from his face. “Calm down...I came for no harm intention,” Visine said. Amy looks at the Guardian Dragons with wondering expression. “Why is he hating Visine so much?” she asked in a whisper about Frire to the other Guardian Dragons. Blight put his mouth on her ear. “It’s because Visine used to be one mischievous Elemental Guardian when he was chosen into a prophet guardian. He used his ability to harness the power of memories, dreams, and vision for mischief on Floating Paradise. He doesn’t do that now but....it caused Frire’s grudge on him so...whenever they meet each other, Frire would always draw his blade to intimidate him from causing mischief,” Blight whispered. “Ah...so that’s why they are always aggressive against each other,” Amy whispered back. Visine shows them a memory of the past. The history of the Symilton family, the battle of mankind against the undead, the Faryth War, and lastly, the history of the Fang family with the Symiltons. “That is all the orb had revealed. Is there something you wanted to ask?” Visine said in calm tone. “That last memory...” Amy said. “Indeed...It was none other than Fang’s family. The Symilton family had endless battle against Fang’s family for almost a century,” Visine said. “Still....that memory showed us what his family looked like. Holy...his parents always look down on everyone including BeastMen. So arrogant...That’s why Fang hates Amy Symilton. Her family killed every last of his family for their self-centered ego,” Zeke said. Len clenches her fist. “Grrr, I hate that look on Fang’s family. His family deserved that fate!” Len growled. “Don’t say that! It was because of her family, Fang kept attacking us several times on the way. Think about what he felt about his family,” Husky said. Several Energy Fangs thrown at them from afar while everyone were busy arguing. “Look out!” Fyre warned. Durabel and Undead appear and stop the Energy Fangs in time. “It’s Fang!” Cheyenne said. A boy with red eyes and fair skin approaches them from afar. “Fang!” Len gasped. “He must have heard our conversation,” Husky said. “He seems angry this time,” Amy noticed his angry snarl. Fang shows his sharp teeth with fierce look on his face and dashes toward them. “Incoming!!” Amy shouted. “Run sideway!” Husky hinted. Everyone evades his claw attack and runs as fast as they can. “This is bad. He is going to kill us this time,” Fyre said. “What should we do? Should I face him again just like last time?” Amy asked. “Maybe it is. Are you sure you are ready?” Fyre wondered. “I am ready. Let’s face him ourselves,” Amy suggested. She stops running away and search for Fang. Meanwhile, Xansel, Len, and Sieg ran as fast as they can from Fang's pursuit. "Why is Fang chasing us? Shouldn't he chase Amy instead?" Xansel asked. "It must be because you are from Twilight Magic. He must have thought that you are an enemy to him. He should know that not everyone in Twilight Magic aggressive. Yahh!!" Len screamed when an Energy Fang pass through. "We are trapped!" Sieg stopped at dead end. Fang approaches them with angry look on his face as he generate another projectile. "Xansel...!" Fang growled. Fang throws his Energy Fangs at them. "Defensive maneuver!" Sieg said. Len summons a wall of thick plant vines from the ground to block Fang's projectiles. The Energy Fangs pierce the wall and cause the wall to crumble. "He ruined my defensive wall!" Len said. "What kind of effect was that? A rotting effect?" Sieg guessed. Xansel looks up and sees another projectiles thrown at them as Fang got closer. "Look out!" Xansel protected them from the projectiles. The Energy Fangs hit Xansel's abdomen and head. "Xansel!" Sieg shouted. "Spear, help me out," Xansel released his weapon toward Fang. "How bothersome!" Fang blocked the Spear's endless assault. "Incredible. He blocked Xansel's Spear easily. Let's get out of here!" Sieg said. Len and Sieg pulled Xansel away and escaped. Fang notices them escaping along with the spear. "Oh no you don't!" Fang pursuit them. "Not on my watch, Fang!" A voice shouted from behind. Amy stood before him with her rapier readied. "Amy...!" Fang turned around. "I will eliminate you for killing my family. Tri-blade!" Fang summoned blade projectiles on her. "Whoa!" Amy knocked the blades away with the rapier. Fang dashed toward her and claws on her face. “Gah!! Back off!” Amy kicked him away quickly. “Gh....,” she touches her bleeding left face. “It won’t recover. Permanent wound I see...Very desperate move there, Fang,” Amy said. Fyre appears near her and starts a small hellfire from his pyrokinesis ability on Fang’s hands. “Grah! It burn!” Fang shouted and tried to put out the flame on his hand. “Binding Mercury!” Stile suddenly casted a binding made of dangerous chemical on Fang much to his shock. “Mercury?? Ahh!!” Fang screamed in fear of the chemical binding him. “Awesome!” Amy said. “Be careful now...this binding is made of mercury. Make sure to not make a contact with it cause being exposed to it is dangerous,” Stile warned. “Why you....! Your guardian dragon cheated to me!” Fang angered for having his weakness exposed. Amy’s rapier change shape into a pair of glove with three large claws on it. “So this is what you’re thinking,” Fyre said. “Stile told us to not touch it so I had an idea for attacking him,” Amy put on the claw gloves. Amy jumps and claws on air. “Begone and don’t come at me until you’re ready to face me this time. Sonic Claw!” Amy unleashed two waves of claw from clawing on air toward Fang. Fang gritted his teeth for unable to escape and the claw waves hit both of his arms much to his pain. “Yargh!!!” Fang screamed and the binding disappeared. Fang looks at his arm and deep bleeding claw wounds appear on both arms. “Ghh...I can’t recover from these wounds. I will be back to beat you one day!” Fang swore and he vanished. Amy falls on her back to the ground. “Pheww...I did it,” Amy said. “Now Fang won’t bother us for a long time,” Fyre said. “Now we just have to focus on going to Calamite Mountain,” Xansel approached them. “Xansel....you’re not going to pull off those Energy Fangs, are you?” Amy said. “Ah yes....don’t worry about these. These things aren’t fatal to me,” Xansel said, he pulled out the Energy Fangs from his head and stomach. Len was terrified seeing the blood coming out from his wounds and fainted again much to Sieg’s annoyance of having to hold her again. “Len fainted again...,” Sieg said. “She always faint over simple things like blood. Well, if only her mental is as hard as her temper...that will be nice,” Amy said while shaking her head. Sieg puts her down. “Hmm...what do you think we should do to wake her up?” Sieg asked. “How about a shock therapy?” A voice suggested. Everyone has returned. “Everyone is back! Platinum, did you say “shock therapy”?” Amy said. “Indeed. A shock therapy would be enough to wake her up since we don’t have a medicine that my father called “Ammonia’. We need it to wake her up but because we don’t have it, a little shock should wake her up,” Platinum explained. “Let’s try if it work,” Amy agreed. Everyone holds Len straight up while Platinum put on his claw glove to prevent himself from getting electrocuted and hold her butterfly wings. Amy gives everyone holding her an electric barrier and starts generating electricity on her fingers when rubbing her both of her hands. “Ready?” Amy asked. “Ready!” Cheyenne said. “Wake up, Len! Spark!” Amy put her electric induced fingers on Len’s wings. The electricity shock causes Len awake with a scream. “Yahh!! That shock me,” Len screamed and wide-awake. “Hurry, we have to get to the gateway of Hell quickly before worse thing happened because of that traitor,” Frire said. “Let’s go!” Amy shouted. Everyone quickly go back to the two-way road and take the left side