~Chapter 1~
Aero woke with a big yawn, stretching out his limbs, nearly bumping into his little sister sleeping in the tent near him. The 13-year old boy looked around. Corri was here, but not Jirro or Nout.
Aero peered out of their tent, and a subtle sea breeze passed through his rough black hair. Ruben was sitting outside. As a Densius it never slept, so it spent much of its nights idling by. Corri's red sparrow Rojo was perched in a nearby tree. It clamped its beak around a fruit on the tree and swallowed it in a single gulp.
"Do you know where Jirro and Nout are?" Aero asked, still half asleep.
"Those two got up early for... something. They said they'd by the beach." Ruben answered.
Aero looked out at the beach nearby, and could make out faint blue lights emerging from the area beach nearby. He knew exactly what his cousin was up to.
Once Corri was awake she mounted her bird and took to the skies while Aero and Ruben headed for the beach on foot.Aero found his cousin Jirro staring at the ocean, with Nout sitting behind him with a bag.
Jirro punched the air, a blue light manifested from his fist and passed over the waters, sending ripples through it. Jirro's neat blonde hair was pushed back by the light as well. The light dissipated and the waters calmed.
Jirro dropped to the sands, breathless, reaching his hand out to Nout. The young Phantine reached into the bag with his trunk and pulled out a bottle carrying a green liquid. Nout tossed the bottle to Jirro and he gulped it down all at once. He was suddenly fine; his stamina had returned. Those potions Koka gave them were handy.
"Practicing for the Fighting Academy's challenge?" Aero hollered as he approached.
Jirro turned and shook his head, "Nah. I'm just trying to see how good I can get with Focus. My dad showed me what he was capable of with it, and I haven't even gotten close yet. But I feel like my tolerance to it has gotten better."
"Didn't Emil tell us it's dangerous to over do it?" Corri said from atop Rojo. Emil, an expelled member of the Fighting Academy was the one who had originally taught them how to use the ability.
Jirro nodded, "Yeah, but as long as we have some of Koka's potions nearby, It'll be fine."
Aero smiled, "That's a good point!"
Aero walked out alongside Jirro and faced the ocean. He lunged his fist forward and a red light burst from it, one much larger than what Jirro had created. It rapidly flew across the waters before dissipating.
Aero collapsed immediately. Focus was a powerful ability, but the two could never forget how much of a strain it was on the body. Nout passed him a potion and in moments Aero was back to normal.
"Anyone else want to try?" Aero said, suggesting they test how powerful they can make their own Focus Bursts.
Corri shook her head, "I'm fine. I think I'll only use Focus if I'm in a pinch."
"Same here. I learned my lesson back in Titus Forest." Nout added.
Ruben's rocky brow was furrowed, "I feel like we should save those potions for emergencies, not training."
Jirro frowned, "We still have spare potions. But you're probably right."
Aero and the others prepared to head south, towards the town home to the Fighting Academy. A challenge was given to everyone in the land.
To any who can defeat us, I shall give the pink glowing gem I discovered in my travels. Come to Dama's Fighting Academy to challenge us!
- Tyro
The peculiar pink gem was surely worth something, but Aero didn't care about wealth. He only wanted to help Oopa's tribe who had lost a similar looking gem. Jirro and the others were simply looking a for a good challenge.
As they readied themselves to go, they spotted a lone Hyena rider stampeding through the plains. A member of the Ekor's bandit crew.
Jirro narrowed his eyes at the Hyena rider, "Should we take care of him?"
"I don't think so," Aero interjected, "He's all alone. I think after beating Ekor, their gang has probably broken up. They can't do much harm on their own."
Aero and the others went at a speed which many animals would struggle to match. For them, it was a modest jog. The Densius Ruben tucked its limbs around its rocky body and rolled along the ground beside the others. After a previous accident, Ruben learned to control his speed, staying in pace with them.
Aero's sister Corri flew atop her sparrow Rojo, a pleasant breeze blowing through her red hair as she glided a long. She could see a town in the distance. "We're almost there!