~Chapter 3~
After Borjo heard that Aero and the other kids protected Oopa, he insisted they join the tribe for a meal. They traveled across the bridge down a path that led to Lupine Lake. Around the periphery of the lake were men with spears trying to catch fish. Trees surrounded the area the tribe's settlement.
Oopa's lakeside tribe had several tents woven together with animal pelts. All of their clothing was stitched together with animal pelts as well. A skinned squirrel was being roasted on a fire for the tribe to eat.
Seeing this many dead animals made Nout nauseous. Phantines were herbivores, and seeing cooked meat was... unappetizing to him. Aero and the others weren't bothered by it whatsoever.
At the center of the tribe was a tiny floating green gem stone. Aero thought the gem looked familiar. He saw a similar yellow gem in the caverns of Platt Mountain, the same one that one masked kid disappeared with. He couldn't help but wonder where that kid took off too.
"What is that thing?" Corri asked.
Borjo stood next to the floating gem, "This gem provides our people with luck and good fortune." He declared.
The men sat together and waited while the women of the tribe prepared food for everyone. Oopa asked Corri, "Would you like to help us prepare the food?"
Corri raised her eyebrow when she was singled out to help. She pointedly answered, "I'd rather not."
Oopa looked surprised, but didn't pay it much mind. When Oopa walked away Corri whispered to Ruben, "I'm not sure I like her anymore."
One by one the women served the men. When Ocaha brought Nout a platter of squirrel meat, Nout waved his hand, "I'm sorry, I don't eat meat."
Ocaha looked at Nout peculiarly, but smiled and took the platter away. Moments later she returned with an assortment of berries instead.
Some of the tribe's people eyed the boulder child Ruben. As a Densius, it didn't need to eat, drink, or even sleep, so it simply sat while everyone else ate. Ruben didn't wear any clothes, there was no need. The tribe found it peculiar.
One member of the tribe approached Ruben with a question in mind, "We'd like to ask you something. Are you a male or female Densius?"
Ruben smiled, "Densius actually don't have gender."
The tribespeople didn't seem to comprehend the concept, "Yes, but your mother gave birth to you, didn't she?" They questioned.
"Actually, Densius are created during a Heartstone ritual. So we don't really have parents like you Ralosians do."
The tribes people gave Ruben blank stares. They must've thought the red-eyed Densius was messing with them.
After eating, Borjo showed Aero and Jirro his giant bow, and his log sized arrows. "My daughter says you're strong. Give my bow a try."
Aero took the bow in hand, his arms were barely long enough to grip the it properly. He struggled at first, but Borjo was surprised to see Aero had the strength to pull back the draw string and launch the oversized arrow at a tree acting as a target.
Jirro tried using the bow as well, and much more quickly adjusted to it. Aero told himself it was only because he got to watch him first.
Borjo placed a hand on Aero's shoulder and looked at the boys, "You two are very strong! Would you like to join us in our hunt tomorrow?"
Before Aero could volunteer them again Jirro hastily said, "I'm sorry we'll probably be leaving in the morning. We need to get to Titus Forest soon."
Aero frowned, "We're not in a huge rush."
Jirro said, "I want to start training there as soon as possible. That's why we started this trip in the first place."
Aero frowned, recognizing he had a point.
"Well, you helped my daughter, you're always welcome to come back." Borjo said with a pat on both of their backs.
At dusk, Aero and Oopa walked together around the periphery of Lupine Lake, lit orange by the setting sun. As night neared, some of the wolves’ howls echoed through the area.
"Your parents are really nice. Your dad seemed to like me," Aero told Oopa.
"I'm glad. What're your parents like?" Oopa asked.
"Oh, my dad is amazing!" Aero said excitedly, "I don't think there's anyone stronger than him."
"What about your mother?"
"Oh, I don't really know anything about that."
"She's..." Aero paused, "Gone."
Oopa hesitantly asked, "What do you mean by that? Is she... dead?"
"No. Well, maybe. I don't know. I don't ever remember her being around, and my dad never told us anything about her." Aero laughed lightly, " Corri got really mad at him for being so tight lipped about it one time."
"Don't you want to know about her?" Oopa questioned.
Aero thought for a moment, "I know it bothers Corri, but I don't think I really care much either way. The family I have is amazing, and that's enough."
Oopa smiled. She paused for a moment before saying, "I really like you."
Aero smiled right back, "I really like you too."
"Will you stay with us long?" Oopa asked.
"...I wish I could. But everyone wants to get to Titus Forest soon." Aero said bitterly.
Oopa looked glumly, "That must be fun, traveling around like that."
Aero stopped by the lake side, "Do you want to come with us?"
"I-I... I don't think my parents would be okay with that."
"Why, because it's too dangerous? Your dad has seen how strong we are; we can handle whatever comes at us. Even Ekor and his bandits. You'd be safe."
Oopa gripped her arm and darted her eyes away, "Maybe... I'll have to ask him."
Aero and Oopa continued walking around the lake as the sun fell below the horizon.