~Chapter 10~
The sun set as Emer and Tyro stepped on stage. The crowd is in a frenzy to see these two incredible warriors battle. Aero and Jirro had joined their friends and parents in the bleachers to watch the finals.
Cho explains that the final bout would go on until one of the fighters scored five points rather than three. Tyro and Emer took their fighting stances and the battle began. They displayed, speed, skill, and power unseen in the tournament thus far, each of them scoring on each other systematically, every blow more devastating than the last.
Everyone in the crowd was ecstatic. But when Aero and Jirro looked to their fathers... they looked bored. Razan was struggling to stay awake. They were invested when their son's fought, but now that they had to watch individuals so far beneath them fight, it made them rather drowsy.
The score was 4 to 4 and neither fighter would allow the other to land a clean blow. Tyro struck one of Emer's rocky arms and it suddenly fell off. A final blow was delivered to to Emer's unguarded side.
"Point to Tyro! 5-4! Tyro takes the match!" Cho exclaimed over the roar of the crowd. Emer picked up it's arm and reattached it to it's body, it'd probably have to replace it when they returned to Platt Mountain.
Tyro was named Age 987's greatest fighter. All the while Razan and Lucar were barely entertained, either of them could have won the tournament with hardly any effort if they entered.
After the festivities of the tournament died down, Cho gathered all of the finalists to give them their prize money. As semi-finalists, both Aero and Jirro were awarded 20,000 Ivases respectively. Emer is given a whopping 50,000 Ivases, but planned to give most of it away, it had no foreseeable use for money.
Emer planned to donate it to the people of Dialtown, surely there were people there who needed it more. Jirro thought it was silly to do so, but Aero though it was a nice gesture.
Emil was handed 1,000 Ivases. Anger crossed his face and he stormed out with what money he had. Aero took a deep breath and followed after him.
"Hey! Emil! Wait up!" Aero shouted down the way.
Emil slowed his steps, "What do you want kid?" Emil tried to hide his cheek, there was a welt Kika had gifted him there.
"I heard you had a lot of trouble when you were younger."
Emil raised his eyebrow, "Who did you hear that from?"
"Kika," Aero responded, "She said you and your sister were orphans and poor when you were little, isn't that right?"
"What's your point?" Emil snapped back.
"Well, back when you kidnapped us, I thought you were all bad. But maybe you were just bad because you were struggling. I guess I'm wondering... how much would you need to make life easier for you?"
Emil's expression softened, "What?"
Aero took some of the money he won, "I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with all this. But if it can help you and keep you from doing bad stuff, I'd be fine with giving some of it to you. So how much?"
"You- You don't have to do that. I don't deserve that." Emil answered dolefully.
"Come on! I don't mind. Just tell me how much," Aero insisted.
Emil choked up a little and said, "5,000 would help a lot."
Aero began to pick around in his denominations of currency until he held 5,000 in one hand. "There you go; you just have to promise you won't do any more bad things. "
As Aero placed the money into Emil's hands, he had to wipe his eyes to keep himself from crying. It had been so long since anyone treated him so kindly, "Th-Thanks kid."
"Don't mention it! You did teach me how to use Focus, so think of it as payment for that." Aero turned away from him and waved to him, "I'll see ya later Emil!"
Aero rushed off to join his family and friends while Emil stood alone clutching the money he was gifted.
"See ya later kid." Emil muttered.
Razan and Lucar were in a rush to leave Challenger's isle, a few too many eyes began to linger on them. If they stayed much longer someone might actually recognize them. The group took the ferry across Challenger's Lake the next morning alongside the thousands of others who partook in the Festival.
Razan and Lucar looked out the waters in deep thought. They had already decided they'd have to leave their children, at least until things settled down. With how strong they had become as well as the prize money they'd earned, they would be fine. It'd be safest for everyone. But how would they do it? They certainly didn't want to explain why they had to separate. At least not the full truth.
Then Nout and Cmar approached them, both appearing anxious. "How're you all feeling?"
Aero was the first to speak, "Great! I'm looking forward to the next tournament."
"I believe that'll be 3 years from now." Cmar said.
Aero frowned, "Three years! I don't want to wait that long." Everyone chuckled lightly at the eager boy.
"Well, Nout and I were thinking." Cmar began, "Some of the strongest Phantine Warriors in the world are from the Titus Forest to the East. I liked the idea of having Nout train under them. But I can't afford to leave my tribe alone for that long, and I wouldn't feel comfortable sending Nout on his own. I was wondering... if you could escort him there."
"You want us to take him there?" Razan asked
Cmar chose his words carefully, "If you aren't in a rush to get back home, I'd appreciate it. I'm sure they'd train all of you as well."
From that, Razan was able to devise his own plan. "That sounds like a great idea!" Razan declared turning to the kids, "But I think it best that the children make this trip on their own."
Cmar tilted his head in surprise, "Why is that?"
"It'd be a good test of their abilities! Besides, my boy and Jirro made it all the way to the semi-finals in the tournament. There's nothing in the world those two can't handle together. With all the money they earned they should be fine. Nout would be safe with them too." Razan explained before turning to Aero and Jirro, "How about it boys? Do you think you're ready to head out on your own for awhile?"
Aero and Jirro both looked at each other. They'd never been away from their dad's for long, but the prospect of an adventure like that must've been too exciting for them to turn down, "I think so!"
"Are you fine with that, Chief Cmar?" Razan asked.
Cmar reluctantly nodded, "I trust your boys. They got farther in the tournament then even I did. As soon as you finish your training in Titus Forest, I want you to come back home though. Alright."
"Okay!" Nout replied.
Ruben tapped Emer, "It it okay if I go with them?"
Emer shrugged, "Yeah, that's fine. Just be safe."
The ferry docked at the edge of Challenger's Lake and the group prepared to split up. Cmar reminded his son to stay safe before he headed southwest towards the Bog Woods. He held Nout tightly before departing. Aero, Jirro, Corri, Nout and Ruben prepared to head eastward towards Titus Forest.
Razan, Lucar and Emer prepared to head west back to the Platt Mountains. At least it appeared that way. Razan and Lucar had no intention of going back, not with those bounty hunters lingering around there.
"We'll see you soon!" The children called out as they headed east. They adults watched as the kids disappeared from sight.
Emer, Razan, and Lucar walked along together. The three of them were silent.
"When the kids come back, you two aren't going to be on Platt Mountain? Are you?" Emer asked.
"No," Razan said quietly. Lucar felt terrible. But the two of them knew it was for the best that they separate. Once their notoriety had fallen, they'd get to see their kids again.