~Chapter 4~
Jirro walked through the caverns and noticed an opening on his left in the path. He peered through and saw Ruben and Corri. Their paths had intersected with each other.
"Any luck?" He asked. The two shook their heads.
The three continued down their shared path until they came out into an open area with stalactites and stalagmites joining together, providing the cavern support. A series of large rocks sat in the middle of the room while sunlight streamed in through cracks in the wall of the area.
Corri rushed over to the cracked wall and patted on it, trying to find some give in it. She gave it a hard kick, but the wall was sturdy. "Want to give it a try, Jirro?"
Jirro smirked and approached the wall. He rubbed his hands together and gave it a solid punch... but there was nothing. Jirro threw his shoulder into it, but it still didn't budge.
"Maybe, try hitting it with Focus?" Corri suggested.
Jirro frowned, "Dad said not to."
"I'm sure he'd be okay with you doing it now!" Corri insisted.
Corri was probably right. In a situation like this, surely Jirro's dad would be fine with it.
Jirro threw a punch through the air, and a faint blue light emanated from his fist and struck the wall, but it wasn't enough. He felt slight fatigue from using Focus and knew not to continue.
Corri frowned, "Maybe we should turn back and meet up with Aero? He might've found a way out. What do you think, Ruben?"
Corri and Jirro turned to Ruben, who was preoccupied with looking at a series of large rocks sitting at the center of the area. The series of stones looked unnaturally organized.
Ruben tapped on one of them and the series of rocks all began to rumble in unison. They rose together, forming a large humanoid shape. A giant Densius. The eyestones of the Densius were of an ebon stone, with small blue lights serving as its irises.
"Hello there!" Ruben greeted with a smile.
The giant Densius didn't speak, only looked down on the Ruben, who was a fraction of its hulking size. Its rock brows furrowed, it looked angry. Jirro thought there was a wildness in its eyes, one he didn't see in any of the other Densius.
The giant Densius roared. It smashed its rocky fist down, and Ruben barely jumped out of the way of the attack.
With reckless abandon, the giant swung its hulking arms, Ruben was barely fast enough to avoid the attacks, ducking behind a rock pillar for cover. The giant caught sight of Jirro and Corri and swung at the two. The two were more than fast enough to avoid it, jumping a few meters into the air away from it.
"What's wrong with it!?" Corri asked.
Ruben shouted to them, "It's gone feral!"
Before Ruben could explain, the Feral Densius attacked again.
Jirro looked over the Feral Densius; the torso was made of the largest rocks, and the arms were like hammers. But the legs were short, and didn't seem as solid as the rest of its body. When Jirro saw an opening, he kicked the Densius's legs, but they were sturdier than they looked. It did nothing.
The Feral Densius struck Jirro in retaliation, knocking him into the walls of the cavern. The wind was knocked out of the boy.
Ruben took a running start and launched itself into the air towards the Feral Densius like a cannonball, smashing into it. The giant fell over with a loud thud that reverberated through the caverns.
The stones forming the chest of the Giant Densius were cracked, and through them was a dim blue light, the sapphire resting at the center of its chest cavity. It's Heartstone. The source of a Densius's life.
Jirro stood and looked up at the stalactites, spanning the roof of the caverns. Dad said not to use Focus, but now seemed like a good time. He punched the air towards the stalactites and blue light emerged from his fists, striking the ceiling. The stalactites began to fall on top of the Feral Densius, covering it almost completely.
Aero came charging into the room, "Is everyone okay?"
The Feral Densius burst from the debris that had fallen on top of it and swung wildly at the four children. Aero quickly adjusted to the situation.
Jirro grimaced at the sight; it was too powerful for them to put down themselves... But perhaps it was strong enough to get them out of there.
Jirro ran to the side of the room with a cracked wall and shouted, "Hey big guy! Over here!"
The Feral Densius whipped around and charged towards him. Jirro jumped out of the way as the Giant's fists collided with the wall, and cracks rippled through it. It wouldn't take much more to shatter. Aero and Jirro both glanced at one another. Without a word between the two, they launched their own Focus Bursts at the wall, and it fell away.
Sunlight streamed in, and the Feral Densius clambered to cover its eyes. The children took advantage of the opening and rushed outside.447Please respect copyright.PENANA7K7yq5fOBG