~Chapter 6~
Jirro woke early the next morning and found his father watching the sunrise. Neither of them could sleep.
"Hey, dad," Jirro greeted pensively, sitting next to him.
"Hello, Jirro," Lucar said softly. Jirro had been nervous around him ever since he yelled at him. Ever since he saw him use Focus.
"Hey... I have to tell you something..." Jirro began.
"When we came across Seraphi and it attacked us in the caves... I had to use Focus again. It was how we got out of there. I know you told me not to, and I'm sorry."
Lucar frowned for a moment before exhaling deeply, "It's alright Jirro. Just... be careful."
Jirro sighed in relief. Good. He wasn't mad at him. "I heard that you used Focus against Modi. Aero told me."
Lucar tensed up slightly, "Yes. That's true."
The two were quiet for a moment. Jirro hesitantly asked, "Why don't you want me using Focus then?"
A tear nearly came to Lucar's eye at that moment. But he held back from showing such weakness in front of his son. He composed himself and calmly spoke, "I already lost one person to that ability... your mom."
Jirro could vaguely remember his mother. When he was four, she fell into a coma and never woke from it. The day that she passed was the one and only day he saw his father cry. Jirro never understood what happened to her. Until now.
"Mom tried to use Focus?"
"Yes. But she pushed herself too hard using it, and it became too much of a strain on her body," Lucar explained, "I want you using it as little as possible. If at all."
Jirro nodded, "I'll be careful."
Lucar turned and smiled at his son, "I will admit, it's good in a pinch. But I don't believe it's something to be relied on."
Jirro smiled back, "Can I see you use it?"
Lucar raised his eyebrows and looked at his son, seeming a bit astounded by the request. He smiled, "I suppose you can."
Lucar stood to his feet and looked at a cloud drifting through the early morning sky. He planted his feet and locked his eyes on it. With a roar, he punched the air towards the cloud, and a radiant blue light burst from his fist into the air. Jirro could feel powerful gales from the Focus Burst. In moments, the light reached the cloud, tearing a hole through it.
"That's amazing!" Jirro exclaimed.
Lucar laughed, "Only someone as strong as me or Aero's dad could manage that. Maybe, once you're my age, you'll be able to."
His father didn't know it, but he had just given Jirro a goal to aspire to. 497Please respect copyright.PENANA20vo8cY2Jw