~Chapter 1- Three kids~
~Age 987 B~
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Two men waited at each side of a wooden bridge. They'd been there all day. After they foiled a few too many robberies, their boss had assigned them here where they wouldn't cause too much trouble. Ekor instructed them to mug anyone who passed by.
Despite that, it was a beautiful day. A pleasant breeze skirted across the river waters and the lush green plains around them.
Jordis leaned leisurely against a tree as he looked for any travelers, idly sharpening his blade. The other man, a lanky individual named Skim, rehearsed what intimidating things he would say to travelers. Maybe he'd lift his war hammer over his head and threaten to smash them with it. They'd be so scared they'd have to turn over all their valuables. That would certainly get them back in good graces with Ekor.
Jordis snapped to attention when he saw a wagon heading in their direction. He whistled so Skim could ready himself. Jordis expected a boar or goat to be pulling the wagon, but was surprised to see two young boys.
A blacked-haired boy gripped the left tongue of the wagon, while a blonde-haired boy gripped the right. A little red-haired girl sat on the wagon. Each of them wore rather rough, loose fitting clothing. Perhaps they were farm kids? They looked to be ten or so years old.
Jordis hid behind a tree as the wagon passed. He spotted various animal pelts in the back of the carriage. The little girl laughed at something one of the boys said. Jordis waited until they were at the center of the bridge, and then whistled.
Skim puffed out his chest and stepped in front of them, looking as mean as he could, struggling to pull along his war hammer as he went. Jordis drew his blade forward and blocked their way from behind.
"Why don't you kids step away and leave that wagon to us?" Skim asked menacingly, gripping his war hammer firmly.
The kids stared at Skim blankly, unafraid of the bandit.
"Why?" The black-haired boy asked innocently.
"We're robbing you kid! Leave the wagon, now!" Jordis belted out, intending the scare the kids. They were unafraid. The little red-haired girl simply tilted her head at Jordis, seeming more confused than anything.
Then, the black-haired boy began to smirk. It turned into a quiet chuckle.
"What's so funny kid?" Skim asked lowly.
The boy pointed at Skim's war hammer, "Can you even lift that thing? It's way too heavy for you!"
Feeling emasculated, Skim overcompensated and puffed out his chest, "Want to bet!?" Skim used every bit of strength he had to lift the war hammer from the ground. Perhaps he was wrong to pick the largest weapon he could find. But he wouldn't be embarrassed by some brat. He flexed hard and lifted the war hammer vertically over his head.
But just as soon as Skim lifted the hammer, he began to feel its weight overwhelm him. The war hammer began to fall forward toward the boy until...
BAM! It struck the black-haired boy over the head. The boy fell hard to the ground.
"Skim!" Jordis yelled out, "We weren't supposed to hurt anyone! Just scare them!"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was an accident!" Skim frantically yelled, terrified at what he had done. Despite this, the other two children were still completely calm.
"OWWW!" A yell echoed out in pain. It was from the black-haired boy. He stood from the ground and began grabbing his head as if he had simply been bonked there. The boy turned angrily to Skim,"Why did you do that!?"
Skim froze up. How was he alive?
"Should've kept your guard up, Aero," The blonde boy chastised.
The black-haired boy, Aero, stood to his feet with anger in his eyes, "Want to try swinging that thing again?" He stepped forward with his fists raised.
Skim began to back away, "Look kid, I don't want to hurt you."
Aero charged at the man, and in panic Skim swung the war hammer horizontally at him. The boy braced himself and caught the metal of the war hammer in his palm. Skim thought that should've at least broken the boy's hands, but he seemed perfectly fine.
Skim tried to pull the hammer back, but the kid's grip kept it firmly in place. With a single jerk, Aero pulled the war hammer into his own hands, and Skim fell back.
Aero gripped it in one hand and lifted it over his head with ease, flexing what little muscle he had. Skim's heart quickened as Aero readied a swing, and he covered his eyes for the oncoming blow.
But it didn't come. Instead, the boy launched the war hammer from the bridge into the river. "Don't do that again!" Aero said sternly, looking down on Skim. He rubbed his head where the hammer had struck him; he looked to be in mild pain from it.
Jordis rushed onto the wagon behind the red-haired girl, drawing his blade up to her neck, "That's enough kids! This wagon is ours. It's time for you boys to leave, or else!" Jordis threatened. Aero scowled at him, but the blonde boy looked amused.
The little red-haired girl let out an exasperated sigh and gripped Jordis's sword. With a simple twist of her wrist, the blade snapped apart. Before Jordis could react, the little girl drove her elbow into his gut and knocked the wind out of him.
Jordis gripped his stomach in terrible pain. It was as if he had been struck by a powerful beast, not a little girl. She pushed him off the wagon, leaving him to writhe on the bridge.
"Can we go now?" The little girl questioned, bored of the mild inconvenience Jordis and Skim presented.
Aero returned to the wagon and helped the blonde boy pull the wagon along. Skim allowed them to pass unabated, not wanting to incur the wrath of the children.
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