~Chapter 1~
~Age 988 B~426Please respect copyright.PENANAApzayJ1WmU
Five youths traveled through the lush plains of the Lands of Ralosia. While Aero, Jirro, Ruben and Nout walked along the ground, the red-haired girl Corri flew over head, untethered to the earth. She rode along Rojo, her sizable red sparrow.
The 11-year old girl shifted her weight from atop the sparrow, lightly pulling on it's reins to make the bird veer to the left. They became a red blur in the sky as they rocketed through the air, her hair flying back as they went. Corri had become a fairly proficient sky-rider.
She circled above the boys. They were strong, but they couldn't possibly match the speed of her bird. Each of them had packs of supplies slung over their backs as they traveled south.
Corri saw a small rural town nearby, with only a few buildings and windmill lazily spinning. She saw a few hyena riders in the plains heading towards the town. Any one from these parts knew that the hyena riders around these parts were most likely bandits. Corri and the others had dealt with them before.
Corri glided down near the boys and shouted, "I saw some hyena riders heading towards that town. I think they're part of Ekor's crew. We should do something."
Corri's big brother Aero smirked. With his rough black hair, they bore little resemblance to each other, "We'll take care of them." He said confidently.
Without another word, he sprinted in the direction of the town, stirring up dust with his speed. Jirro was quick to follow, with the others close behind.
They arrived at the town ready for a fight... only to find that the hyena riders were already fleeing. Were they too late?
Corri and Rojo glided to the top of the windmill. She dismounted from her bird's saddle before scaling down the side of the structure. The boys hurried into the town soon after.
A crowd had built up around the town square, some of it's residents were holding brooms and hammers. The blonde haired Jirro approached the group, "Are you all okay? We saw those hyena riders charging in here."
The group nodded, and one of the men puffed out their chest, "Those guy? We scared em off! They're no trouble."
"Scared them off?"
A woman spoke up, "Didn't you hear? Those hyena riders got beat up by some kids, they're nothing to be afraid of."
Corri and the others smiled. It was them that fought of Ekor's crew a few months back. They figured word had spread, people weren't as scared of them anymore. After a brief break in town, the kids continued on southward.
Corri continued to glide through the skies atop Rojo while the others traveled by foot through the grassy plains. She glided near the ground, perching near the boys. She wanted to provide Rojo with rest before they continued on.
"You all sure look tiny from up there." Corri said with a cheeky grin.
"Show off," Jirro muttered.
Nout curled his trunk around him like a scarf and looked up at the sparrow, "Do you think we could go for a ride sometime?"
"Yeah, I'm sure I can give all of you a ride." Corri said, then she looked on Ruben and his rocky form, "Ehh, Maybe not Ruben though. Your body will probably be too heavy for Rojo to carry."
Ruben shrugged its rocky shoulders, "That's fine. I'd rather stay on the ground anyways." As a Densius, it's body was composed entirely of rocks and earth.
Aero's eyes widened, "I got a better idea! How about we race? See if we can keep up with your bird."
Corri chuckled, "There’s no way you're as fast as Rojo."
Jirro said, "I'm still down for a race." He scanned the horizon and found a tree in the distance, "Let's see who can make it there first!"
Without hesitation, Aero and Jirro buckled down to race. Nout reluctantly lined up alongside them. Ruben stood next to them and tucked its rocky head and arms around its boulder like body, preparing to roll along the ground.
"Tell us when, Corri," Jirro shouted.
Corri rushed to mount Rojo, "Ready... Set...Go!" She shouted as she took off into the air above the boys.
Aero and Jirro sprinted forward, and a powerful gust of wind stemmed from them as they took off. With each step they left an imprint on the ground, a trail of dirt blazing behind them. Nout was close behind. Ruben began at a steady pace before tucking its legs and rolling into a ball. It accelerated and began to close the distance between the others.
Aero and Jirro were shoulder to shoulder, briefly edging in front of the other. In seconds Nout came up from behind them and nearly matched their speed. Corri watched from above as the three moved at a great velocity.
Ruben continued to accelerate and gather momentum until it's speed greatly surpassed the others, zooming past the others and leaving them awestruck. The red-eyed Densius rushed past the tree which served as the end point of their race... and kept going.
Corri flew overhead and watched as Ruben's boulder like form stampeded through the grassy plains. Ruben was barreling towards a modest farm alongside a dirt road. The Densius tried to trying to stop but it had gathered too much momentum.
Ruben smashed through the wall of a large barn, and the entire building collapsed into itself. Corri and Rojo landed and ran to the farmhouse to make sure no one was hurt.
The surrounding pasture had several little horses and large goats roaming over it. A grey haired man with a round belly and his son in law were tending to the animals, both of them clearly farmhands. Their names were Wilvur and Joe.
There was a modest two story home near the farm and pastures. Wilvur's daughter Cecil was probably preparing a meal for them. His 8-year old grand daughter meg playing with a tiny bow that her father made for her outside near their guesthouse. She was firing harmless arrows at the apples on a tree. Her long red hair nearly touched the ground.
Life was peaceful for the four of them.
A booming came from their bright red farmhouse, and all the animal’s turned in it's direction. They watched as it collapsed in on itself, fortunately no person or animal was presently inside.
"What was that!?" Wilvur shouted. He and his son-in-law Joe charged towards farmhouse.
A red sparrow with a red-haired girl riding on top of it landed near the barn. When Wilvur saw the girl, he could've sworn it was his granddaughter Meg. The red haired girl pulled a Densius, a being composed entirely of stone, out from the destroyed building. She turned to the two of them.
"I am so sorry!" The girl said said frantically, "It was an accident!"
They stared at the little girl, she seemed eerily familiar to them. Wilvur stared at her face and couldn't help but think of Bonnie.
Three boys rushed towards the barn, two Ralosians and a Phantine.
The Densius stepped out of the damaged building, "I'm so sorry sir! My friends and I were racing and I lost control. I promise I'll help you in any way I can." The red-eyed Densius said with utmost sincerity.
Wilvur frowned. He looked upon his destroyed farmhouse, he helped his old pa build that barn long ago, "Well you ought to kid! That place held a lot of memories for me!" Wilvur said with a restrained shout.
A boy with rough black hair stepped forward, "The race was my idea so its my fault. I'll help too."
All of the kids were more than willing to help remedy what they destroyed.
Wilvur shook his head, "Alright... You kids are going to help me rebuild it!"
Wilvur wasted no time in directing the kids. He told Joe to finish up with the animals on the pasture while the kids picked apart the pieces of the farmhouse to see what was salvageable.
Wilvur quickly discovered the kids were incredibly strong, able to pick up entire chunks of the farmhouse like they were pieces of paper.
As they separated the pieces of the barn, it was obvious much of it was unsalvageable, "It doesn't look like I'll be able to re use much of this, "Wilvur grumbled, "I'll have to buy some supplies for a new barn."
A blonde haired boy took the bag from his back, "We can pay for the supplies." The black haired boy began rummaging through his bag as well.
Wilvur clicked his tongue, "I'm sorry kid, but you're not going to be able to afford-"
They took a large quantity of money from their bags, all in different denominations of Ivases, "How much do you think you'll need?"
An astounded Wilvur asked, "Where did you get all that money?"
"In a tournament," They answered.
Wilvur sighed. That somewhat explained why the kids were so tough, they were the tournament going types.
He told the kids to wait for a moment while he and Joe returned to the house. Cecil and Meg were waiting at the front, both mother and daughter had bright red hairs and wore modest dresses.
"What happened out there?" Cecil asked.
"Those kids wrecked the barn. Apparently they destroyed it in a race." Joe briefly explained.
"A race?" Cecil gave her husband a perplexed look and peeked out their window at the five children.
"The kids are strong." Wilvur said as he took a seat, "They already agreed to help repair it and pay for the supplies, I just need to head to town with them and see what we'll need. It'll probably take some time to rebuild."
Meg looked out the window of their home at Corri and the other kids, and they waved back in kind.
"They'll need a place to stay then," Cecil pointed out, "Maybe the guest house? We'll probably have to clear it out for them but that should do."
Wilvur grumbled in agreement. 426Please respect copyright.PENANAp43MpQelzx