~Chapter 2~376Please respect copyright.PENANAtaIcEPqi6E
Temp strode through the country side on his Hyena Kelvin. The sun high in the sky beat on them, and Kelvin panted as they went. Temp stopped near a pond to let the hyena hydrate itself.
As a Mecarne, Temp was unaffected by heat or cold. As such he wore minimal clothing, leaving his chest and most of his legs exposed. His metal looking flesh had a purple tint to it and his eyes were sharp.
There was a nearby town that Temp strode into, people gave him wary looks. People had come to recognize Hyena riders as bandits, but Temp wanted to leave that life behind. It wasn't fortuitous enough. After that group of kids defeated the entire gang on their own, it was clear that it was over. But he needed to make a fortune somehow.
At one of the canteens Temp found a notice. A message from the winner of the last tournament known as Tyro.
To any who can defeat us, I shall give the pink glowing gem I discovered in my travels. Come to Dama's Fighting Academy to challenge us!
- Tyro
Surely the gem was worth a fortune. And how hard could this challenge be? Temp mounted Kelvin and rode towards the fighting academy.
The Fighting Academy sat in a town which was once modest, but had grown to expand ever since Dama came.
Decades ago a volcano amidst the Weld Mountains to the southeast erupted and some of the debris nearly struck the town. Dama and a Mecarne named Therma used their incredible strength and abilities to protect them.
Soon after Dama created the Fighting Academy, not with the intent of teaching her own fighting style, but of helping each of her students find techniques that best suited them.
The Fighting Academy was temple like, with a guard at each entrance. Only those Dama deemed worthy of her time were allowed into the academy.
Aero and the others approached the temple. Corri flew overhead on her red sparrow and landed near the entrance of the academy. They saw a hyena rider near the entrance, the same purple tinted Mecarne they came across before. He seemed to remember his name being Temp.
The hyena rider dismounted from his hyena and spotted the kids, "What're you kids doing here!?" Temp shouted.
Jirro raised an eyebrow at the Mecarne, "For the Fighting Academy's challenge. Are you looking to rob them?"
Temp sighed, "I'm done with that. I'm here for the challenge as well."
A skinny bald man stepped out of the Fighting Academy lumbering front door, wearing their signature white garbs. He appeared be some sort of attendant.
The attendant looked at the group, "Are you all here for the challenge?"
The six of them nodded. He gestured them inside, "Come with me."
Corri's bird Rojo perched outside of the Fighting Academy. Temp left his hyena Kelvin tied up to a post outside, leaving it with the bone of something they hunted together. Kelvin amused himself chewing on the bone while his master headed inside.
The building was made from fine wood, and the hallways were lines with several dojos where classed were being taught.
Aero glanced at Temp as they passed through the halls of the Fighting Academy, it felt odd seeing to see him without any of the other bandits around him. Temp kept his distance form the others as they went.
Aero drew close to Temp, "Did you leave Ekor's gang?"
"Yeah. His gang's done. I just need to score some money." Temp looked down at the young boy, flashing his sharp teeth.
The attendant brought the group through the Fighting Academy to the courtyard at its center. Above them were several glass ceilings where sunlight streamed in. There were several circular stone stages surrounded by water where bouts would take place. A small drum sat next to each stage.
At one of the stages was a very muscular man sparring with a younger one, both of them wearing the Fighting Academy's white garbs. Aero recognized the muscular man as Tyro, the winner of the last tournament at Challenger's Lake. He fought him there and couldn't score on him once. But a lot has changed since then.
A floating pink hem floating just outside of the ring. It looked just like the one from Oopa's tribe, aside from its color.
Tyro smiled when he saw the group, "I remember you kids. You were all from the tournament."
Aero stepped forward, "Yup. We're here to take your challenge!"
Tyro looked down at the group, folded his arms, and tapped his foot in deep thought, "How about the six of you take on me and some of my peers at the academy. If you're able to take down six of the academies fighters, then the gem is all yours! All of you are together aren't you?"
"Yeah we are!" Aero said quickly, before Temp had a chance to say otherwise.
Temp sneered at him, "No, we're not. I'll take you on alone."
Aero placed his hand on Temp's back, "If you take him on yourself, you're gonna lose. If you stick with us, you might have a chance."
"I'm not sharing that gem with any of you." Temp insisted.
"If you help us out, I'll pay you." Aero encouraged, knowing full well where Temp's motivations laid.
Temp thought for a moment, "How much are we talkin'?"
"I won a lot of money back at the tournament. I'm sure I'll make it worth your while." Aero said enthusiastically. He still had more than enough from his tournament savings to accommodate Temp. Temp reluctantly nodded.
Tyro said to the children, "So, are you all in for a six on six?"
Aero and the others nodded.
Tyro gave the group a slight smile before turning to his sparring partner, "Fitsu, do you mind helping out with this?"
Fitsu bowed slightly, "Sure!"
Tyro said, "Good. Mind grabbing Sunno... Kika... Khab and... Hita? I want them to help out too."
Fitsu gave Tyro a perplexed look, "You want little Hita to fight?"
Tyro gave an affirmative nod and Fitsu went about to academy to fetch the rest of Tyro's team.