Animals in the Lands of Ralosia have an inverse size to what they would have traditionally. Large animals become miniature. Small animals become massive. I will list some of the notable animals that have appeared within the stories so far.
One of the largest of the known canine species. Once full grown they stand over 3 meters tall. Long sknny legs, round heads and long snouts.
These canines have are known for their tempers, and are considered very dangerous. Due to their dangerous these animals are often hunted in their youth, before they can grow large enough to present an even greater threat.
One would likely have to raise a Chihuahua from birth to tame it, and even then, it's tempermental tendencies would still make it unruly. If one was able to tame it, several individuals could ride on it's back.
A canine species that is known for their viciousness. Spotted bodies and an incredible biting force. Large enough that a single individual could ride them. Its size is comparable to real life version of a donkey.
Bandits such as Ekor and Temp have tamed them and roam the land as a group of hyena riders. Once tamed, the creatures can actually be quite docile.
Proud canine beasts, roughly the size of a real world horse. Large enough to carry two individuals at a time, depending on their size. Many populate the plains around Lupine Lake, and further north in the Ichino region. Individuals living around the Lupine Lake have learned to co exist.
The birds of the Lands of Ralosia are fairly large, most of which rare significantly larger than any Ralosian or Mecarne, but are still fairly light in weight. Many have tamed these birds and become Sky riders, able to fly on the backs of the birds up to the skylands if they wish.
Birds tend to live in the skylands, but some breeds do live on the ground.
Sparrows, pelicans, taillows, are all birds about the twice the size of a typical Ralosian, and are able to carry at most two people at once.
A hummingbird is a massive bird, capable of carrying dozens of individuals at once, often used to transport large groups.
Crows are black winged birds which are considered especially unruly. Many live around a sky island known as the crow's nest. Large enough to comfortably carry two people at once. The infamous Sky Bandits used crows to swoop into towns, rob them of their belongings, before flying away into the sky. The mysterious being Lunahreim seems capable of commanding a large flock of crows.
Flying reptilian creates smaller than a real life bird. They are considered pests. Capable of shooting miniature spires of fire. While a single dragon can do little harm, an infestation of dragons could lead to small fires. They often latch onto a living thing, bite off as much as they can, before flying away. Their bites are comparable in pain to mosquito bite, and dragons can swat away just as easily. Many dragons populate the Weld Mountains.
Bearded Dragons
Large reptilian creatures, capable of belching fire. Dull teeth. Generally very slow and not very aggressive. When angered or scared, the scales under their chin turn dark, turning completely black if distressed enough. There are reports of bearded dragons swallowing a person whole. Carnivorous.
An insect. A large bulbous head with beady black eyes, antennae and pincers. 6 legs shoot from it's thorax, and a large abdomen hangs at the back. OVer the centuries it's body has adapted to heat to the point that it is able to submerge itself in lava. Massive, it's head alone dwarfs most individuals. Incredibly powerful.
Centuries ago most insects were hunted to extinction due to the incredible threat they presented. Insects such as this adapted and went into hiding to avoid this. As age of 988, insects are considered to be mythical creatures, similar to how dragons are viewed in fantasy stories.
A massive electrical being with several tendrils and amorphous blob of a body. Known the be a great to sailors. It is unknown if the jellyfish of this world are thinking beings, or are simply nervous systems reacting to their surroundings.
Comparable to krakens in classic fairy tales.
Small hard bodied carnivorous fish. About the size of a real life pirahna. Due to their size they aren't terribly dangerous on their own, but are in a pack.
A large, red colored fish, considered a delicacy.
Often used to carry cargo, similar to how a real life horse would be. Herbivorous.
Small animals often kept as pets. Too small to be ridden. Their size is comparable to a real life dog.
A massive snake, 30 meters long with 3-meter diameter bodies. Due to their incredible size and appetite, very few cobras exist. Venemous fangs. Most aren't able to take in enough food to sustain themselves. Very powerful, even the strongest of individuals know how dangerous these creatures can be. Though Chief Theo of Titus Forest has killed one singlehandedly in his youth. 433Please respect copyright.PENANA6py3FouzpH