~Chapter 4~
Aero and the others setup their tents around Lupine Lake for the night. Nout couldn't stand to sleep near something made from animal pelts, so he insisted they set up camp a good distance from the others.
Aero lied awake that night. He didn't want to leave in the morning. He didn't want to leave Oopa. As he lied awake, he noticed the faint green glow being emitted by the gem at the center of the settlement. At the corner of his eye, he could see the light brighten and dim in a rhythmic sequence.
But suddenly the light vanished. Aero left his tent and looked to the center of the camp. The gem was gone.
Aero saw that green light drifting through the air, held by the silhouette of a person. It was a hooded boy about the same age as Aero, wearing a featureless white mask which covered his entire face. They were levitating through the air towards the nearby woods.
It was the same masked boy Aero encountered at Platt Mountain. That time he took a yellow gem. He furrowed his brow and chased after him.
The masked boy levitated to the ground near a tree. He removed the yellow gem he found in the mountains had and placed it beside the green one he just found. They began to gravitate towards each other, as if there was magnetic pull between them. The flat faces of the gems joined together.
"That doesn't belong to you!" Aero's voice came from behind the masked boy, "Give it back!"
The masked boy chuckled as he slipped the conjoined gems into his pocket, "I'm sorry Aero, I need this more than they do."
Aero looked at him curiously, "How do you know my name? You knew who I was at Platt Mountain too."
The masked boy sighed aloud, "I'm more disappointed you have no idea who I am. I guess your dad didn't tell you anything about me."
"Why would he?"
"Ask him when you see him." The Masked boy spat, "Well I ought to get going."
"That gem isn't yours!"
The Masked One began to levitate upward through the air past the many trees dotting the area. Aero wasn't about to let him get away, he jumped from tree branch to tree branch after him. Once he caught up he landed a stern kick on the boy, causing him to fall. He stopped himself just before colliding with the ground.
"Give it back!" Aero shouted as he landed on the ground near him.
The masked boy aggressively pointed his finger at Aero. A purple beam of light burst from his finger. A Focus Beam.
The Focus Beam narrowly missed and struck a tree, cracking the bark of it. The masked boy fired several more beams of light, all of which Aero bobbed and weaved to avoid.
The last time they fought, Aero was caught off guard by these Focus Beams, but he was ready this time. He punched the air a red burst of light erupted from his fist towards the Masked Boy. A Focus Burst.
At a distance one could see red and purple light emanating from the woods. Aero's breathing was strained after using Focus, but the Masked Boy seemed perfectly fine even after using several Focus Beams.
The Masked One flew through the air towards Aero, grabbed him by the shirt, and ascended into the air. He kept a good grip on him until he flew to the top of the trees, then he dropped him.
Aero plummeted past the trees towards the ground. He kicked down and a red light burst from him. His velocity was slowed, and he hit the ground at a reduced speed. It still hurt, but not as badly. When Aero looked back up to the sky, the Masked Kid was gone.
When the tribe awoke, they were appalled that their gem had gone missing. How could someone have absconded with it so easily?
Aero did his best to explain to Borjo and the rest of the tribe, "A boy around my age wearing a white mask came around and stole it, I tried to stop him, but he flew away!"
Oopa's mother Ocaha furrowed her brow at this explanation, "A flying boy in a mask stole it?"
"Yeah," Aero nodded emphatically.
Borjo grimaced, "Did anyone besides Aero see this masked boy?"
There was silence from everyone in the tribe and Aero's friends. He started to realize how farfetched his story sounded.
Borjo frowned, "We need to take a look through you and your friends belongings."
Jirro scowled, "We didn't steal it!"
Borjo calmly responded, "Let us check anyways, just to be sure."
Aero, Jirro, and the others turned over the bags they carried with for the tribe to look through. Spare clothes, tournament money, a few pieces of food they bought from Dialtown. Nothing of importance.
"Sorry about that kids, I just had to make sure." Borjo apologized, his demeanor very dour.
"If I find that masked boy, I'll get your gem back!" Aero asserted.
Borjo gave a light nod, "We'll make do without it."
Jirro, Corri, Nout, and Ruben prepared to leave Lupine Lake for Titus Forest. While they did Aero found Oopa and took her aside, a hopeful expression on his face.
"Did you ask your dad?" Aero asked once they were alone.
Oopa frowned, "No."
"Why not?"
"I can't go with you."
"Wh-Why?" Aero asked, "You don't think we stole your gem, do you?"
"No, of course not. I know none of you would do that," Oopa replied, "As much fun as it would be, I know my parents need me here. Especially now that our gem is gone."
"...Oh," Aero paused, his normally positive demeanor became more gray, "I understand."
Oopa looked at him for a moment before jabbing him in the shoulder, "Don't make that face! Just promise me you'll be back soon!"
"Yeah, of course! I'll be back as soon as I can!"
Oopa smiled sweetly, looked at her surroundings to make sure no one else was around, and gave Aero a peck on the cheek. The boy's face turned a bright red.
Aero and the others said their goodbyes to the tribe of Lupine Lake before heading out on their way. Aero had a determined gait to his step, the sooner they reached Titus Forest, the sooner he'd be able to see Oopa again.