Chapter 6.
He knew he would not make a career of his new job but it will give him the opportunity to save as much and as fast as he can so that when the time arrives he has the money to invest in what he always, since a child wanted, a lodge.
He went to Arnold for some advise."Look David, if you want to succeed in this business you have to act as if you are successful. People want to see that they are dealing with a successful person. If you are going to arrive at a clients house in a little VW and he has a Jaguar standing in his garage, you will not do business with him." He was told to do two things. Buy a top of the range motor vehicle and employ a lady to help you.
He bought the best Mercedes Benz in the show room on lease. When he drove the car out he felt like a million dollars. He looked at the shining mahogany dashboard and all the gauges and felt the comfort of the leather seats and when he drove down Jan Smuts Avenue looked at the people who drove next to him and he could see that they were envious. He could not afford the car but while it lasted let me at least enjoy it he thought.
Then he interviewed some ladies. She came and saw him. She was a widow in her early forties, an ex maths teacher, nice looking and a pleasant disposition. She couldn't get a job anywhere and David wondered why. When he employed Carol the only thing that concerned him was whether he could work with a lady older than himself. He took her on a trial period of three months but after two weeks had already decided that she would work for him on a full time basis. He didn't want her to go some where else. She turned out to be an absolute gem.
After two years he was earning a five figure salary and had employed three more girls. They each had their own functions and as long as they brought in the business he would pay them and he paid them well, above the average salary they would earn on the open market. David had selected and trained them specifically for the jobs they were doing. Carol managed the office and anything to do with it and looked after David, Maureen marketed pensions, Shirley marketed short term insurance and Emily fitted in where ever she could.
After the offices in the city got too small and cramped, David decided he needed other premises and with the help of head office he was able to purchase a property in Rosebank.
It was a house that stood on Oxford Road. He had bought it from a deceased estate then renovated, decorated and furnished it to make him and his ladies as comfortable as possible. Since buying the property and doing the renovations it had doubled in value. He had been selling life assurance for three years and had no break other than those quick trips to put money overseas and the conference trips he had with the company. It didn't seem to worry him. He enjoyed the job so much that he felt he was on holiday all the time. But he felt now was the time to get away if only for a few weeks.
He arrived at the office on the Friday morning. He got out of his car and walked the few steps into the office. He was in a happy mood because he planned to go to Cape Town later in the day. "Hi Carol."He said when he saw her."Are all the ladies in?"He asked.
"Hi David." She said, "everyone, except Maureen. She let me know yesterday that she'll be in after eleven."
"Did she say why?"He asked while looking through the post if there was anything for him.
"Yes. She said she was going to 'Znet'. She needed one more signature to close the deal for their pension fund." Carol said.
David was hoping that Maureen would get that deal because it was a large IT company and the monthly commission would be huge and more importantly nobody would be able to beat him to number one position in the company that year. She had been working on that deal for nearly a year. It would mean that he employs another lady just to look after the account but if they have ZNet's pension fund they could work on getting a partnership and deferred compensation schemes as well. The opportunities were endless once you got your products in a company the size of them.
Maureen came into the office and Carol was there to meet her. "So. Did you get it." Carol asked.
"No." Maureen said. "Sam Jacobs had to go down to Cape Town. He'll be in the office on Monday morning. Don't look so sad David. I'll get it, but I have to wait till then." David then decided to postpone his holiday and leave on the Tuesday. He wanted to see Maureen come into the office with a signed deal.
On the Monday morning David was in the office early. He couldn't keep still. He was nervous and kept wondering between the girls offices making any excuse to talk to them. He was being a bit of a nuisance because they couldn't get on with their own work. Eventually Carol said to him."David why don't you go to your office. I'll bring you a cup of coffee and let you know when Maureen gets in."
She didn't have to let him know. When Maureen walked in she didn't say a word. Then she shouted at her loudest. "WE GOT IT, WE GOT IT." All the girls came out their offices and so did David. They were doing a Scottish dance in the middle of the reception. All their arms were linked and they were going around in circles. "Well done Maureen."
August 1982
He was at the airport waiting to board a plane for Italy when she walked in and joined some of the crowd. She was a petite, bespectacled lady in her 30's. Her red hair, swept back in a chic French twist framed her face. Dressed in a mini which showed off her long legs and tight fitting tee-shirt, he could see every inch of her beautiful figure. As she walked faces turned to look, then say something to whoever they were with. David saw some of the looks the wives gave the husbands who immediately returned to face the way they were before.
She had qualified with ninety other consultants who together with their wives and head office senior staff were to attend the annual overseas convention which so happens he had attended each years since joining the sales division. This year they would be staying in Grand Hotel Tremesso on the shores of Lake Como in Northern Italy.
When they arrived at Rome airport the following morning they still had a while before getting to their hotel because they had to take a connecting flight to Milans Malpensa airport and then take the bus to Lake Como. They arrived at the hotel at about three o'clock in the afternoon. A lot of the delegates went out to explore but David had an early night.
The first day of the conference was spent listening to various motivational speakers who had made a name for themselves in their particular field of business.They came from all over the world and were from all walks of life. Some were very good and some were not so good. Most of them had made fortunes lost it and remade it again.
The next day the company executives had their turns. With their slides and magic wand they used the venue for company propaganda, of how well their departments had done, what they have achieved in the year and what they had planned for the following year. They also showed where and what they would be doing for the next years conference.
On the third evening David was sitting in the bar with a few senior consultants when she entered the room. She was new to the business but had already achieved a reputation of being the top female consultant but had out done almost all the males as well. Some one in the group knew her and asked if the rest minded if she joined them. Nobody objected and a chair was pulled up for her. Her name was Stephany. She listened quietly as the conversations continued and when the others left to join their wives she stayed behind with David. They discussed various aspects of the business, what her goals and interests were and what she planned to do for the rest of her time in Italy.
After a while David looked at his watch, made some excuse and stood up, not really wanting to leave her sitting on her own but he was a bit tired from all the activities and hype and wanted an early night. He excused himself and was in his room already having done his toiletries and just about to get into bed when there was a knock on the door. He opened, she was standing there with her one hand leaning on the door frame and the other holding a bottle of Presecco an Italian sparkling wine.
"I thought you might want some company?" She said.
He looked into the passage, then pulled her by her arm into his room. She put the bottle on his bedside table and then wrapped her arms around his neck. David wasted no time, his hand when under her skirt to touch her sex.
"Wait David. Not so fast, I want to enjoy this." She said."Go lie on your bed."
'Go lie on your bed.' he repeated in his mind. He wondered. What is she going to do.
She sat on the wing backed chair and looked at him. With music playing softly in the back-ground he watched as she unbuttoned her blouse and laid it on the floor. She left on her camisole and then stepped out of her skirt which she folded neatly and put it on top of her blouse. Then looking at him she rolled off her stockings. First the one on her right leg then the other on the left. She put one foot under her buttock then with her fingers started to touch her skin lightly.
David watched with fascination as she touched herself all over her body.Her eyes were closed as she tilted her head slightly. She brought out the one breast from under her camisole, cupped it with her one hand and pinched the nipple with the other then lightly with her fingers started touching the inside of her leg moving her hand down her legs until she reached her sex and with the other started to massage it lightly under her panties. David could see the cotton panties were getting wetter as sometimes she gave a little shiver of ecstasy.
He was so hard he started lightly rubbing his penis. She took off her her panties and opened her legs so he could get a full view of her vagina. Then she opened the lips to lightly tickle her clitoris, then entered herself with two fingers and started to masturbate. He watched as her head hung back, her mouth open, her eyes closed and and her hips moving in rhythm with her fingers.
"If you don't come over here now, I'm going to explode." He said holding back from masturbating.
"I'm ready for you now."She said.
He looked at her breasts as she walked towards him. They were firm and pointing upwards and the dark pink nipples standing on top like ripe strawberries wanting to be eaten.
She lay down next to him and with his penis entered her. She gave a small sigh as her back arched and he went in deeper. "How does that feel?" He asked.
"Much better than my fingers,"she replied.
He could hold back no longer. He pulled the blankets over them and they both came together.
"Shit why did you punish me so much?" He asked as they fell asleep in each others arms.
The next morning was a free day and after having breakfast they disappeared without without being noticed. They got a taxi to take them into the country and he dropped them in a tiny village where no tourist went and promised to return for them in a few hours. They came into a large square surrounded by shuttered windows and symmetrical facades of houses that they guessed were eighteenth or nineteenth century. There were rows of balconies surrounding the square each with neat iron railings. A low covered market building that reeked of rotten fruit and vegetables a raised octagonal band stand and a old church with a tall bell tower.
"That's a Benedictus monastery." David said. the monks are committed to spend their full and future life there and are encouraged to work in jobs in the monastery within their own competence which do not conflict with community life and prayer.
"How do you know this?" She asked looking at him as a wonder kid.
"I read it on this pamphlet." He said and showed it to her.
"Oh you sneak; and I thought you were a wonder kid."
They both laughed and then found a small restaurant where they had a cup of coffee and a cake while they watched the people sitting around in little groups taking in the sunshine. Old men wearing suits that they had bought maybe ten years ago and old ladies in black dresses and stocking some bent over and using walking sticks to support themselves. They looked like folk who had lived there all there life and had never left it and had no chance of leaving in the future. "I wonder if they know there is another world out there?"
"I doubt it." Stephany said. "It doesn't look like they lack anything. Some walk with bent backs which shows they have worked hard in their lives but other than that they all seem healthy."
"Yes it looks like that, doesn't it. But...we haven't seen the ones in the houses, that are lying ill in bed, too weak to come outside."
They paid for their coffee and then carried on around the little village. Walking through the narrow streets all the houses were very neat and well looked after. Painted white with different colored door and window frames, some with bougainvillea creepers growing up their walls.
"You know what I don't understand Stephany. There are no young people here. You would think that some of them would have stayed to look after the old folk. Strange."
"Yes it is. But there must be a reason why."
As they walked into a little ladies dress shop the lady greeted them.."Hello senorita, senor."
"We just want to look, Okay." Stephany said.
"That okay, senorita."
"Do you live here madam."David asked.
"Yes sir."
"Where are all the young people?" David asked."We never saw any on the market square."
"They work." Senor. "On the farms or in the city. Some come home weekend."The lady replied.
"Well that's our answer Steph." David said.
Stephany found a blouse and slacks." How does this look?" She asked David.
"Lovely, it suits you Steph."
She paid and then they left."It's three o'clock, I think we need to get back to where the taxi is picking us up." Davy said. "Nice looking lady. Don't you think she resembled Sophia Loren?"
"Yes, that's it. I was trying to think who she looked like," she said then walked on.
The taxi was waiting when they arrived at the village. He dropped them off at the hotel and they entered separately. Later after David had cleaned himself up he went into the dining room for dinner. He saw Stephany come in but avoided eye contact but that didn't stop the others at the table looking at her and making comments.
Somebody at the table said."God what a beauty. I would like a little of her."
"You can have the little, I'll take the lot." Said another.
"Yes, but you don't know what my little is." He replied and all those at the table laughed.
"Hey David... How come you don't say anything. You normally never hold back... I'm actually surprised that you haven't already been in her pants."
"Hey who says I haven't." David replied."I was in them last night." Then he laughed.
"You wish. You wouldn't be sitting with us if you had."
"Yes Dave. I agree."Another said.
Later in the bar the guys were sitting around like they did the previous night, then she came in even more sexier than the previous night. David stood up. "Stephany would you like to join us?"
"No thanks.If you don't mind."She replied.
"Hey David, if you had her last night, you surely didn't make an impression."
All the guys in the group looked at him and then laughed. Later David ordered a bottle of Presseco and when it arrived he got up."Excuse me guys I don't want to be rude but I just want a quiet night."
He was in his room for half an hour when she arrived. He let her in. "Aren't you sick of me yet."
"Not yet honey." She said."The fun has only just started."
"Do you want a glass."He asked referring to the Presecco.
"Let's leave that for next time." She said as she started unbuttoning her blouse. "Come on baby come to bed with me."
Once she was naked there was no stopping him. He undressed and jumped into bed with her. They made love like they had the previous night, full of passion and when all was done she slipped out of bed wrapped the sheet around her and headed to the bathroom. After ten minutes she returned, dropped the sheet on the floor and then she got dressed.
"What's happening? What are you doing?" David asked."Come back to bed, you can't leave me like this."
She didn't answer.
"Stephany. What's wrong? Have I done something wrong."
"No."She said.
"Well what's the problem."
"Good night David." She said and closed the door behind her.
"Shit.What is wrong with the damn women. What have I done?" He got out of bed poured himself a glass of Presseco and watched a bit of television before going back to bed. The next time he saw her was when he boarded the bus for Milan's Mapensa airport for the flight back to Rome where they would take a connecting flight to Johannesburg. he never spoke to her again.
After his trip to Italy he woke up refreshed on the Monday morning. He had missed being at his office with his girls as he called them. David eased his car into the reserved parking space of Paterson's Assurance Consultants. He sat in the car for a few minutes and took pleasure in the appearance of the building and it's surroundings.
He got out his car and walked the few steps into the building. As he walked inside Carol was coming out her office. She had some papers in her hands and was reading them as she was walked.
"Good morning gorgeous." David said.
Startled, she looked up and dropped what ever she was reading."David, don't do that! I almost had a heart attack."
He bent down and picked up the papers that had been dropped."How are you kiddo?" He asked. "You haven't got married since I've been away, have you?"
"I'm still waiting for you to ask me. Just seeing you makes my day a whole lot better." She said then kissed him on his cheek.
"Can you tell the girls that I'm back. Then bring me a cup of coffee and my post please."
"Sure thing Dave." She said and David watched as she rushed off. Every-thing was speed for Carol. She never did anything slowly. Not walk, not talk, or anything else.
'I wonder if she also rushes when she has sex?' He thought then walked into his office, placed his briefcase on his desk and then took his seat. Five minutes later she was back with a cup of coffee and the post.
"Ah thanks. Sit down lets have a chat before the girls come in. How are things here?" He asked as he looked at the writing on the envelopes before before deciding which to open first.
"Fine. We've been busy and had no problems. If you open your diary you'll see the clients you have an appointment with in the next two weeks. Those with the asterisk are the important ones. The one's that want to see you soonest." She said still looking down at notes she had made of things she needed to talk to him about.
"Hello Dave. How was the holiday." Maureen asked then smiled at him and Jane and Emily came in and did the same.
David frowned. "Lovely girls. I really needed that." Dave got up from behind his desk and walked towards the sofa and armchairs where they sat when they had a meeting. "Come ladies sit down please."