~Chapter 5~
Temp and Corri headed towards the Pit with the keys in hand. Last they saw the three boys had started fighting Cook and all of the bandits across the island were in a scramble. They needed to move fast.
New bandits had taken guard around the pit. Temp engaged them, dodging the swipes of their clubs before delivering his elbow into one of their faces. Corri jumped over the bandits, kicking one in the back of the head. Between the two of them they easily fought their way into the pit, but more were coming.
Temp hurried to Cmar's cell with key in hand and unlocked the door. As Cmar stood out he continued down the halls and released the other prisoners.
More bandits rushed down into the pit, too many for Corri and Temp to handle alone. But the Phantine men who were being released were eager for payback and came to their aid.
Chief Cmar picked up one of the bandits with his long trunk and tossed them into the others. He swung his tusks about, bludgeoning a few of the bandits with them.
Temp saw that between Cmar, Corri and the other Phantine, they had things under control. Temp tossed the keys to Corri, "Let the rest of them out and get them to ship! I'm going to help the others with Cook and Chill!"
"They looked like they were doing fine when we left them," Corri pointed out.
"For now. I don't see that lasting and they'll need all the help they can get."
Jirro and Aero attacked in unison, making it nearly impossible for Cook to fight back. Jirro couldn't help but think that everyone spoke too highly of Cook. They managed to force him to edge of the island, where moonlight was being cast on the vast ocean ahead of them.
Nout caught up to the two cousins and joined in the fight. A green light surrounded Nout's hands and he sent a Focus Burst barreling into Cook, knocking him into the ocean water.
Jirro laughed, "He wasn't so tough."
The three boys looked into the water that Cook had disappeared into. From the waters bubbles began to emerge, slowly and few in number at first, but soon they increased in speed and number as if the water was boiling. Deep within the water they could see a bright orange figure.
The red hot Cook burst from the water, boiling water following him in his wake and splashing around the boys. Jirro felt the burning sensation and jumped out of the way,
Steam came off Cook as the water on him evaporated. As soon as Aero and Nout gathered their bearings they ran at Cook over the drenched landscape.
Unbeknownst to them, the water beneath them began to solidify and turn to ice and the boys slipped. Cook clenched his fist and heat rushed into it. As Nout slipped into him, he delivered a stern punch into his chest, knocking him to ground. The young Phantine shouted in pain, a terrible blister had formed on his chest.
Aero gathered his balance on the ice and attacked but another figure came up behind him and tossed him aside. It was the teal tinted Mecarne Chill, Cook's brother, the who had frozen thewater. Chill stood on the grounded Nout's head and pinned him there.
"Took you long enough bro," Cook said.
"I was taking a nap," Chill coolly answered, "These kids giving you trouble?
Chill dug his heel onto Nout's head and the boy screamed out in pain. He tried as hard as he could but he simply couldn't get up.
"Leave him alone!" Jirro shouted, bounding through the air at Chill. Without even looking Chill landed a back fist on him, knocking him down.
Aero helped his cousin to his feet and the two stood together ready to face them. Cook stared intensely at Aero, "That one hit me with a tree. Mind if I play with him? You can have the others."
"Knock yourself out bro," Chill replied with little care.
Cook smirked, raised his hand into the air, and flexed his arms. A great heat built up until a sphere of fire formed around his fingers. He tossed the fire balls specifically at Aero.
Cook chased after Aero with a flurry of small fireballs. Jirro wanted to go help his cousin, but Nout was in a much worse condition. Aero would have to take care of himself.
Chill flexed his leg and cold emanated from it on top of Nout, and the young Phantine boy screamed out in pain again.
"Get off him!" Jirro shouted.
Chill stared coldly. He raised his hand, flexed, and a swirling sphere of ice formed around his hand, "Come save him then."
Jirro ducked and jumped out of the way as Chill threw a flurry of ice spheres at him.
Aero ran between the many palm trees on the island to avoid the flurry of fireballs being thrown at him. Cook chased him southward on the island, nearer to the Pit.
Aero pivoted and punched the air towards Cook, and a burst of red light emerged from his hands, tearing through one of the oncoming fireballs. He could use Focus Bursts to counter the fireballs, but it drained his stamina too heavily to repeatedly use, while Cook seemed able to procure fireballs with ease.
Aero watched Cook's movements closely- whenever he tried to create fire or heat himself up, he had to slow down and flex. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage?
Cook sprinted between the trees with two fireballs in hand and tossed them at Aero, the boy barely managed to dodge, and Cook had caught up to him.
Cook threw a combination of close range punches which Aero managed to block. At least until Cook threw an uppercut into Aero's stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
Cook stepped back, flexed his arm and manifested an even larger ball of fire. Aero winced as he tossed it. He expected to feel its fiery fury bear down on him, but it didn't come.
Aero opened his eyes and saw Temp standing in front of him, bearing the brunt of the attack.
"Looked like you could use some help kid," Temp said lowly, "I can withstand those fire balls; they won't affect me at all."
Aero caught his breath and stood beside Temp, "Thanks! How about this, I take the offensive and you back me up whenever things get toasty."
Temp smirked, "Sounds good to me."
Cook procured another fire ball and tossed it at the two, Temp jumped in the way of the attack and blocked it. In that moment Aero circled around towards Cook. The red hot Mecarne flexed his entire body in preparation for another fire ball and Aero seized upon the moment, throwing his elbow into the cruel Mecarne's gut.
Jirro dodged Chill's flurry of ice spheres in the hope that it would eventually tire Chill out. It didn't. Nout continued to scream out in agony as the Chill bore down onto his head with his foot.
Jirro clenched his fist, punched the air, and a blue Focus Burst trailed from his hand and hit Chill. The teal Mecarne staggered back, off of Nout.
"You have some tricks hmm?" Chill chuckled, "Let's see if you can handle me when I'm serious."
Chill sprinted at Jirro with incredible speed, the blonde haired boy had barely taken a fighting stance by the time he had come upon him. He struck Jirro again and again, bludgeoning him, not allowing the boy to put up any sort of defense. Jirro's nose was bloodied by a punch that landed squarely in his face. He threw a punch to Chill's gut, but it didn't seem to affect him at all.
Chill gripped Jirro by the neck and lifted him into the air. He wriggled and kicked but couldn't get out his grip. The Mecarne flexed his arm and cold surrounded him. He looked on the boy with sadistic eyes.
Jirro felt himself losing air while his body was enwrapped in a terrible cold. His vision grew hazy. He looked to Nout and saw him lying on the ground barely conscious. Barely alive. Aero wasn't around, nor Corri or Temp. Or his dad. No one was there to save him. Jirro wondered if this was how he was going to die.
Jirro knew he was better than that. No one would kill him. Nothing in the world could kill him. Whether his friends were at his side or he was alone he would live on.
A radiant blue light surrounded Jirro's entire body. Chill was no longer able to grip his throat, a barrier had formed around him. The boy knew that a Focus Barrier was incredibly draining on one's stamina. But now was not the time to worry about that.
Jirro gripped Chill's arm and squeezed. Chill cried out in pain and released him. With his strength amplified by Focus, Jirro cracked the bones in Chill's arm.
Chill breathed harshly and gripped his arm in pain. He flexed his other arm and created an ice sphere promptly throwing it at Jirro. The ball of ice struck Jirro squarely but to no affect.387Please respect copyright.PENANAZFgUt8oC0H