She stared at him. It actually did sound interesting, something out of this world. “I would like to hear it.”
“Everything began with one spirit. His name was Terra, Spirit of Worlds. He was the spirit of realms, making the solid base for everything. Well, Terra started to become lonely. So, he creature three children: Spirit of water, Aqua, spirit of fire, Iguis, and spirit of wind, Ventus. These young spirits tend to get into fights, but nothing too serious, but can be noticed for sure.
“The children did get along at times. They all agreed they wanted something more than themselves. They were bored of each other. They didn’t know how to make anything else besides nature and items. They wanted to have creatures like themselves. So, they asked their father if they could make two more spirits. The father loved this idea.
“They creature two spirits called Vita and Mors. Vita, spirit of Life made living things, such as people and animals and many other things. In the very first realm that Terra had made, Vita roamed around and made so many creatures. Well, Terra knew that she couldn’t make too many of them, or she would overpopulated the realm, so he made Mors for a reason. The spirit of Death. When time came, or there was too make suffering for one being, he took the soul and disposed of it in a neatly fashion.
“Vita and Mors had a job to do. They had no idea of one another though. Till one day, while Mors was walking around the forest, he came across a very large tree; ‘The Tree of Life’. It was Vita’s home tree, where she would work and rest.
“Mors was overwhelmed with the beauty and laid next to it to, admiring the colors and light that came from. He heard Vita singing from afar. Afraid to go up to her, he hid and listened for a while. When he finally took a look at her, he could not look away. That was it.
“He was overcome with love. He approached her, and when Vita saw him, she stopped singing. For the first time, Mors touched her, and she did not die. It was the first time he could ever touch something without destroying it.
“To Terra, they were never supposed to meet. But Vita and Mors kept it secret, and married without anyone knowing.
“Soon, they had a child. As punishment, the spirits did not allow the child to have a name, and valued to kill it. The nameless child was kept in hidden. Vita did everything she could to protect this child. But the child grew up, and become mad at the other Spirits.
“The Spirits came together, and made a warrior from dust. He was a great leader, who made an army from starch. He went to war with the nameless child, trapped the nameless child in a thing called ‘The Red Box’, something that traps dangerous souls. The spirits debated about destroying the box, but Vita took the box, and kept it hidden. No one knows where it went. Some say that she had hid it in her own realm, but no one will ever know for sure. She is protecting her own child. Mothers will do anything to make sure their children are safe, even if that means leaving them in a safe place far from themselves.”
Mr. Moon took a few sips of his tea, refreshing his voice.
Jade’s mouth was hanging open, “That’s an amazing story. Where did you read it?”
He shrugged. “Everywhere, it’s a common story.”
“If it’s such a common story, than why have I never heard of it before?”
He laughed. “Maybe not some common in these parts.”
He was sure what he met, but didn’t ask. She didn’t want to ruin the story with facts. Jade just wanted to feel like it was a real story, something that really did happen. Why not? It was a beautiful story.
“I think I have to get going, Mr. Moon. But thank you for the tea and the story.”
He looked to her, and saw her cup. “You haven’t taken a sip of the tea.”
“I actually don’t like tea that much,” Jade shrugged her shoulders. “But, thank you though.”
“You don’t like tea?” he asked, almost hurt.
“I’m sorry,” she said, not really that sorry. She tried tea once, a long time ago. She still couldn’t get the taste of her mouth.
“Well, I’ll see if the cat wants any,” Mr. Moon mumbled as he took the remainder back to the kitchen.
“The cat?”
“Yes, little bon pot loves tea. Even when I tell him it’s not good for him. Oh goodness, now I just lost my cup. Jade have you seen my tea?”
As the question was asked, Jade saw faded glowing path to his teacup on the edge of the stairs. Her mouth dropped. The path faded as she grabbed his tea.
“It was . . . it was on the stairs?”
Mr. Moon turned around and grinned. “Thank you so much my dear. Where did you see it?”
“Um . . . It . . . stood out? I think?”
She couldn’t understand if the path was something made up in her head, or if it was real. She left the living room, and walked around to her apartment, deciding that it was something she made up in her head. That’s what it had to be.