The two drove back to apartment complexes where Alyara invited him over. Alyara couldn't believe herself; she invited a man she didn't know well. However, something in her heart felt she could trust him.
The two walked toward her apartment, and she unlocked the door; she was motioned to enter first, and Isaiah followed.
Isaiah felt triumphant, but more importantly, he felt happy that his mate chose to go out with him. "Woo hoo! Our mate is allowing us to be with her! Way to go, you dog!"
"And you said to do it your way." The Alpha knew it would take a while to mean Alyara's affection, but he was motivated to do anything to make her fall for him.
Isaiah was motioned to sit on the sofa while Alyara went to her room to put her bag away. Rafael was bugging him to make a move; Isaiah felt he would eventually get a headache. His thoughts were interrupted when Alyara returned and sat beside him with her drink. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course, anything."
The two were quiet for a bit, but Alyara spoke out. "I wanted to ask, why me?"
This confused the Alpha."Excuse me?"
"Why did you choose to ask me out? You're a successful businessman who could have the world under his feet. I imagine that you have many women at your disposal. Yet, you ask me out."
"Because you are mine," growled Rafael. Isaiah mentally rolled his eyes as he heard Rafael but immediately regained his composure for Alyara, who didn't notice.
"I-I want to know your true motives. If we are to go out, I want us to be upfront with one another. I want to let you know that I am not someone to be used to, and I will not give myself to just any man. I want a man to be patient and understand how I will be with you."
Isaiah couldn't help but smile; his heart swelled with pride. "I knew I was right about you. I sensed something from you when I first laid eyes on you. When we first spoke, I knew you had self-respect and good values. I admit I have experience with other women, but they never had self-respect. I want something serious in the future, and I am more than willing to be patient for you to accept me."
Alyara seemed surprised by his response. "You seem to have a way with words. I will see if you are a man of your word.
The Alpha smiled as he took another sip from his cup of coffee. "Oh, you will. You will eventually know more about me."
The young woman blushed, and Isaiah couldn't help but chuckle. "She looks so innocent," he thought to himself.
"Yeah. I am glad she is innocent. We can show her a couple of things." growled Rafael excitedly.
"Shut it, horn dog," said Isaiah.
Rafael scoffed. "You know you want it too. Don't lie to yourself."
"I have self-control, unlike you." Isaiah's thoughts were interrupted when Alyara called out to him.
"Are you okay? You were getting quite thoughtful."
Isaiah cleared his throat. "Sorry about that. I guess you can say I have stress from work; it's nothing too serious. So, I was wondering that-" He was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Hm, that's strange. I wasn't expecting anyone today. Alyara sood and opened the door. "Oh, Marco, I wasn't expecting you today!"
Isaiah's eyes widened as he saw Marco at the other end of the door. He almost dropped his cup of coffee. Rafael growled. "You got to be kidding me! Why is always the one person one hates always has to ruin the mood!?"
Marco noticed Isaiah in the apartment; the two men glared at one another. He was not happy.