Alyara and her parents were heading out to eat at Denny's. It was simple, but it was a diner she had always loved since Alyara was a child. She always lived on a reservation with her parents.
It wasn't easy living on a reservation since there was extreme poverty, minimal opportunities, limited healthy food, etc. Usually, there were higher suicide rates, domestic violence, missing women, and so forth. Alyara knew that her parents tried their very best to provide for her. She remembered the many jobs they worked to pay the bills. However, as Alyara grew older, she began working to help out while attending school.
The young woman was determined to make something out of herself. Once she gets her teaching credential, she wants to make a school for infants through preschool. She would try to make it affordable and maybe get the city involved to help. It could help many in her community, especially parents who work multiple jobs, and help children get an education early on.
She and her parents made their orders. While waiting, her parents spoke to one another, asking her about her studies, work, etc. Then, her mother asked her the one question she dreaded: dating.
"Well, I am seeing someone, but we're taking it slow."
"So it isn't Marco? What a pity; I thought he would be the one you would be going out with. Though, he is quite a troubled soul," said her mother. "Anyway, tell me about this man."
"He is very kind, responsible, and hard-working."
The older woman rolled her eyes. "That's it? If you're not describing him enough, he is not as important to you as you think."
"It's not like that, Mom. I don't want to give your or myself too much hope. As I said, we're taking it slow. You know how cautious I am."
The young woman stilled as she recognized the voice. She slowly turned to see Isaiah standing by the table. Her parents also looked at him. "Is-Isaiah!? What are you doing here!?" She couldn't believe that Isaiah followed them even when she told him not to. "The nerve of him!"
Isaiah smiled. "I was hungry and wanted a quick bite to eat. I saw you here by some miracle and couldn't miss the opportunity. I also missed you." He then looked at the older couple. "I apologize if I disturbed your dinner. I'm Isaiah; I'm currently dating Alyara." He motioned out his hand to Alyara's parents."
Alyara's mother shook his hand. "Ah, you're the guy my daughter is taking it slow with. I'm Ayita, and this is my husband, Mojag. I must say my daughter has good taste! I can't believe that you're both taking it slow!"
Alyara felt her face turn warm.
Isaiah motioned his hand to Mojag, who looked at him but said nothing. However, he slowly got a hold and shook Isaiah's hand. Mojag stilled a bit, but let him go. "Wow, so you're both her parents. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to meet you all so soon. I must say that you raised quite the daughter; she can have quite the temper."
She glared at Isaiah, who smiled in return.
"Well, she inherited that from her Father; I guess things can be hereditary no matter what one does. Would you like to eat with us?"
"I would love to, but your daughter told me you haven't seen each other. I don't want to disturb your get-together. Although, I would like to invite you all to my home to eat lunch. Would you all be okay with that?"
"Isaiah, it's too soon. My parents-"
"We would love to! I don't know why my daughter hesitates, but we want to get to know you better."
Isaiah smiled. "Perfect. Love, I will call you tomorrow and will pick you all up! Have fun!" With that, the Alpha left feeling triumphant.
Alyara couldn't believe what had just occurred. "What is he thinking!? It's too soon!" she thought.
"Well, he's one good-looking man! Alyara, I'm surprised you haven't married him yet!"
"We're taking it slow!"
"Slow enough that he invited us to eat lunch with him. What do you think, Mojag?"
Mojag was sitting thoughtfully. "I sense something in that man."
This made Alyara still. "Wh-What do you mean, Dad?"
"There is more in that man. I can sense more than one spirit in him."
"Dad, not this again." Then, their food arrived. "Come on and eat! Besides, tell me more about what you both have been doing!"
Alyara and her mother spoke to one another, but Mojag ate his food silently. He felt something powerful when he shook Isaiah's hand: two spirits. One wasn't human. He knew his daughter and wife didn't believe him, but he knew what he felt, especially since he came from a long line of shamans.
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