Remember the time when I mentioned my first and last boyfriend?
His name was Matt something. I dated him when I was only 12, and he was a year older than me. He had this dark hair and bright blue eyes. Quite remarkable features, if you ask me.
Yet, I would've never been able to tell it's him standing in front of me in all his glory.
On our second date, Cody broke his nose, and I never got to see him again. I guess he was afraid of me for some reason. I wonder what that could be.
It's just amazing what 5 years can do to a person. Damn you, puberty!
It hit him like a train.
He's not well-built, but he's definitely toned—not too muscled but lean enough for the eye. His hair somehow got darker, and it fell on his face, almost covering his eyes, which got even bluer(Is that even a word?). He got taller and broader. And his smile was just as bright as ever.
"Oh, man! You don't recognize me, do you?" He narrowed his eyes, " After all we've been through?"
"How can I forget?" Realization dawned upon me, "We had a history."
"What kind of history?" Ryan interrupted our reunion.
"A romantic one, of course," Matt joked, and I tried not to chuckle.
Ryan scowled, "aren't you Matt Siobhan(SEE o ban) ?"
"It's pronounced as SHIV-awn," Matt corrects Ryan.
"Then why would you spell—"
"It's Irish!"
"You're Irish?" I interfere, looking at Matt in surprise.
"My bloodline is Irish."
"I still don't get what's between you and Matt," Ryan says, looking at me in confusion.
"Matt is my ex-boyfriend," before I let Ryan say anything, I add, "when I was 12."
Ryan starts to relax then looks between us. "Well, it's good to know," then he points a finger at Matt, "stay away from my girl."
I smile and shake my head at his threat.
"Believe me, as much as I tried, I don't swing that way. Also, your girl?" Matt asks.
"Ex-boyfriend, this is my current boyfriend, Ryan Hastings." Then I recall what he just said, "wait a minute. What do you mean by 'I don't swing that way'?"
"Matt's gay," Ryan declares in strange excitement.
"Great! Two more people to cross off my list of people who don't know about my sexuality," Matt exclaims.
"How can you be gay?" I ask.
"It just happened, you know? Like suddenly, I realized I'm not into girls anymore."
"Was that after you stopped seeing me? I bet Cody forced you to do that."
He laughs, "No one forced me into anything. I realized that before I left you, and I sorta felt embarrassed about it."
"Oh, that's why you never showed your face to me again. At least, now I know you weren't scared of me or Cody."
"If it makes you feel weird or anything—"
"No, it's fine. It was just the girly phase of my life when I just wanted to have a boyfriend for the sake of it."
"Me too," we pause for short moments. "Alright, I'll see you around?"
"Well, you'll have to tell me about your new hot meat," I wink.
"See you later, ex," he chuckled before walking to his group.
After I wave to Matt, I hear Ryan sigh with relief.
"Man, I'm glad he turned out to be gay," he exclaimed.
"And why do you care?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
"He's not any threatening to steal my girl," he answered with a shrug of his shoulder.
He leaned forward, gazing at my lips and starting to make a move. Okay, if I didn't hear my name being called to me over fifty times, Ryan and I would've been suspended for a huge case of PDA on school premises.
Jordan and Kyle were waving at me hysterically as if they're stranded on an island, while they're only sitting two tables away. Cody looked like he couldn't give a flying fudge about me or them, while Dylan and Will were nowhere to bee seen.
I apologize to Ryan and tell him that I'd promised them first to stay with them at lunch. I also promise that I'd make it up later.
I place my food on the table and sit among my friends(I'm not even sure I can call them that now). They all greet me, but Cody acts cold about it and doesn't even look at me. I blow him off and ask about Will and D.
"I left Will at the lockers because I couldn't miss lasagne day," Jordan says.
"It didn't look good to me," I remark.
"J is the only student who gets it," Kyle says.
"Yeah, 'cos it's delicious, man, what do you know?" Jordan turns to me, "Dylan is in the gym."
"Does he always spend lunch there?" I ask, taking a bite of my club sandwich.
"Nope, only because we got a game next week. It's not that big or important, but it serenity ly needs practice."
As I mentioned before, Dylan is the basketball team captain. Jordan and Tyler are also in the team.
"So, why aren't you there with him?" I ask them both.
"It's lasagne day, duh," J answers.
"And you?" I ask Ty.
"Right now, Dylan is spreading negative energy, and I'm not up for it," he answers like it's the most obvious excuse in the world. Well, I bet he just made that up now.
Will sat down next to me and says hi to everyone. This just opens up the topic called What The Fuck is Nicole Doing in School, While She Should Be Resting At Home For Everyone to Envy Her?. It was a short one when everyone just accepted my reason—I just felt like it.
Next couple classes were tolerable. They passed slowly, but not too painfully. In creative writing class, I met my Literature teacher again, who still gave me strange looks. I saw Ryan at the end of the day, and he offered to drive me home, but I declined. I told him that I already have a ride and that there was no need for him to drive in the opposite direction of his neighborhood.
I've never been to Ryan's place, but I do know he lives in the rich side of the city. After all, I learned his family was quite loaded for their own needs.
"You're just passing out on the chances of us spending time together," Ryan pouts.
"Don't worry. One day, we'll be together and nothing will ever stand between us," I say dramatically, which makes him chuckle a little before he cups my face and kisses me.
"Now, stop whining, you baby," I lightly slap his cheek. "You're stuck with me in this hell-hole."
"Look at that! One day in, and you're already considering it's hell," he frowns and looks up at the school building. "I wonder what could be wrong with this place."
"At least, we all agree on this."
I leave him and walk to Cody's car, where everyone is gathered at, except for Dylan. They were all standing and watching the show, which is really just me and Ryan talking.
"What's up?"
"What's up?" Tyler repeated. "What's up is that you just made out with Ryan Hastings."
Apparently, we weren't only talking.
"So, when were you planning to tell us?"
"There we go again," I roll my eyes. "Ryan, wait up," I start to turn around before Tyler stops me.
"Listen, we don't mind you dating some douche," he started.
"And who asked for your permission?"
"The point is—"
"Ryan is not the best douche," Jordan interrupts.
"And who asked for your opinion?"
"I told you, guys, that there's no way to get through that rock-head of hers," Cody says.
"Excuse me?" I look at him daringly.
"You heard me," he looks back straight into my eyes. "You never listen to any of us. You're too stubborn and hard-minded."
"Who's hard-minded, Cody?" I talk back, "You're the one who never gave Ryan a chance to get to know him."
"I don't need to; I know exactly who he is."
"Then who is he?"878Please respect copyright.PENANAQTy7UpviC5
"He's the rich-ass player, who used every girl in this school and threw them away like dirty tissues."
"You're wrong."
"He's not, Nicole," Tyler said.
"No, you're all just saying that because you don't trust him, and you're not giving him a chance."
"No need to give him a chance when we know who he really is," Ty tried to reason again.
"Oh yeah? And we all know who Amber is, but you never saw us complaining, Ty."
He goes suddenly silent, and he gives the look that says, "don't go there." He looked like he's quietly asking me to stop right there and not say anything more. Now, I understand that he's not ready to tell the guys and face the reality of it all—he's totally fucked up.
"You know what?" Cody leans against his car and folds his arms together, "You can go ahead and screw Ryan. Screw every guy in this school for all I care."
I look at him one last time before storming off, ignoring my name being called to me.
I step into Ryan's car, and I sit in the passenger seat without any word. Ryan had just started the engine when he looks at me in confusion.
"I don't wanna go home, yet."