I received a text from Dylan, telling me they're outside. I stepped out of my room at the same time Cody did, only for him to raise his eyes from his phone to look at me weirdly. I saw him frown as he looked me up and down.
I raised an eyebrow, "what?"
"Are you ready?" He asked me with a hint of doubt.
"Well, you know it's a party right?" He asks and I nod, still not getting it. "Amber's parties get lots of people, mostly popular."
"You're telling me this because...?"
"Listen, Nicole, no offense, but that's not how you dress for a party."
Say what now? He didn't just criticize the way I dress, right?
I like my style of clothes–casual and comfortable–and if he doesn't think I look nice then I don't give a flying fudge.
"Well, too bad, I'm not gonna change," I said, shaking my hand as I point to my outfit–black jeans and a black tank top, covered with a red plaid shirt and matched with my red converse. Perhaps the way I look wasn't suitable for a party, but I dig it. I leave Cody behind, and I hear him sigh as he closes his bedroom door. Before we leave the house, I grab my NYC cap from the kitchen counter and lay it on my head properly in front of the mirror. I bring my long, straight, dark hair to the side and smile at the way I looked.
I follow Cody to Dylan's car that's been parked for almost 10 minutes. I open the passenger seat, motion Jordan to the back, and take his place next to Dylan. No arguments were made since we all know that I sit in front all the time, especially in a small car like Dylan's. I'm not yet ready to suffocate on Axe and man sweat.
"Hey, guys!" I greet everyone from the rear view mirror, and I hear simultaneous greetings from them.
"You look nice," Dylan comments as he starts the car. Dylan is one of the most popular guys in the school. He's nice looking gentleman, who's the star of the basketball team. Being the captain, he helped win the tournament twice for the past two years, and the school is waiting for the third and last championship this year. Dylan's brown hair shined, and his hazel eyes twinkled whenever I talked to him. I always think that whoever is going to date him will be one lucky girl. At least I know I'm lucky to be his friend.
"Thank you!" I look at the back and strain my eyes on the one and only Cody, "at least someone likes it."
"Oh, man, what have you done this time?" Asks Kyle, knowingly, looking at me with a small boyish smile. Kyle is my Asian friend. He had pitch black hair and narrow dark eyes. I wouldn't say he's the closest, but he's definitely very close to me.
"He told me that my outfit wasn't appropriate for a party," I raced him to answer.
"That is not a smart move," Kyle shook his head, answering his phone.
"Who cares if it's not appropriate? I think you look pretty Nicole," Jordan compliments, winking at me from the backseat and Tyler nods silently beside him. Jordan is the jokester of the group. He's the most sneaky little boy I've ever met. After all, what joined us together was one troubling joke two years ago.
Sitting in math class, I couldn't help but yawn loudly and unattractively. The teacher looks at me with a frown, "Miss Shadow, if you're bored from my class, you might as well leave." Some students at the back giggled at my red face as I was struggling to find appropriate words.
"Don't worry, Mr. Carter, I'm pretty sure she's enjoying your lesson," 15-year-old Jordan spoke up defensively. Mr. Carter looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Yeah, I'm having fun!" I stretch my lips with a fake grin and pretended joy.
"Are you mocking me miss Shadow?" He asks, his voice getting louder and scarier. I shake my head quickly. After he turns around to the board, I look at Jordan as he mouthed 'Are you mocking me miss Shadow?', moving his head to form a double chin. I place my hand on my mouth to prevent laughing, but a snort came out unintentionally. While Jordan laughs along, I feel Mr. Carter's eyes on both of us.
"Awww, thank you, guys, you're all so kind," I say, purposely smirking at Cody.
"Gosh! It wasn't that big of a deal! I'm sorry, Nicole; you look amazing," Cody then looks around everyone, "happy?" I shrug then turn up the radio. I love when everyone joins me against Cody, though it feels pretty evil of me.
We've reached the destination in front of a huge mansion that is Amber's. Her family is pretty rich, and she is one spoiled brat. I look at the rear view mirror to fix my red lipstick. I step outside the car and wear my cross bag on then walk towards the open gate. There is a security guard standing outside, and we wait as Tyler greets the buff guy. Oh, Amber is Tyler's girlfriend...what a bless!
"Ok, thanks, Henry," Tyler calls behind him, walking through the gate.
"Alright, Mr. Tyler, have fun with your friends," Henry says, and as we passed by him, he nods at the guys and looks down at me with his teeth on his lips. The first minute of the party and I'm already cringing with disgust. How great!