As soon as I got into the parking lot to get my bike I saw them.Three bright stars moving slowly in the sky towards Detroit.I recognized them right away from the first time back in 1987.They didn't respond when I started waving at them,they seemed to be on a mission....Two more came out of nowhere behind them.These two did react to me, stopping and going towards each other like they were deliberating whether or not to give me the time of day.Just then an airliner out of Metro flew over us and they both went dim,like those lightbulbs you can slowly dim with the turn of a dial.Some people say they interfere with the navigation system on a plane,so whether or not they went dark in order to hide or because they didn't want to interfere with the jet, I don't know,but recently in New Jersey they fly with planes around and they don't seem to care.It's like they've learned how to control their own electromagnetic pulses since the Mayan End of the World Night.I've researched it and it simply means that 2013 would "begin a great seeing,"not the end of the world... I could still see black blobs of squiggly things against the night sky.I've compared what I saw to photographs of a molecular cloud and they look the same.Sort of like a cloud against the night....They separated and came towards me,maybe at about thirty feet in the air.They seemed to float right through the trees and telephone wires.One formless blob floated right over me and paused over someone's house.It looked like a cloud at first but when I was underneath it I could see a big flat surface,all black,and yet squirming.And then it just took the shape of a godamn flying saucer in the blink of an eye.One second it's a formless black cloud and the next it's a perfect pie tin with a dome on top.Let me assure you I was freaking out! It was enveloped in moving tv static.The flying saucer itself looked solid,but that static cloud around it looked like a trillion bees buzzing around it.That's when I realized that these things must be atomic.They're like the Polar Lights in the Artic Circle, except a lot smaller and sentient.You probably won't see them in daytime because the sun blots them out,but the radar picked them up in 2017 over the Whitehouse and everyone freaked out for a few hours....Then the other one came bouncing out of nowhere.A red orange Orb about the size of an armchair, hovering inches above a street lamp.I mean it was jumping in the air like a fucking basket ball! I only saw it for a few seconds before it went behind a tree and seemed to land.It was bright and glowing like the full moon.It looked like a ball of pudding.Maybe a liquid of some kind.But it was a definite substance.Now,do these things become organic matter and then revert back into atomic particles when they feel like it? That's what it looked like.When I dragged my bike through the snow where I thought I had seen it land,there was nothing there.They were all in the distance about two hundred feet away flying towards the fireworks in Detroit....